Test Report revised


Test Report

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         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                  Report No.: DEFI1606148

               FCC RADIO TEST REPORT

                             Qiaohua Industrial Zone, Luo Tian Forestry Center,
        Address            : SongGang Town, Bao An District, Shenzhen,
                             Guangdong, China 518105
        Equipment          : Wireless Doorbell Transmitter
                             QH-X, QH-A, QH-B, QH-C, QH-D, QH-E, QH-F,
                             QH-G, QH-H, QH-I, QH-J, QH-K, QH-L, QH-M, QH-N,
        Model No.          : QH-O, QH-P, QH-Q, QH-R,QH-S,QH-T,QH-U,QH-V,
                             QH-W, QH-Y, QK-P1, QK-P2, QK-P3, QK-P4, QK-P5,
                             QK-P6, QK-R1, QK-M1, QK-M2, QK-A1
        Trade Mark         :

        FCC ID             : 2AAV8QH-X

    ‚    The test result refers exclusively to the test presented test model / sample.,
    ‚    Without written approval of Cerpass Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. the test report shall not be
         reproduced except in full.
    ‚    The EUT is also considered as a kind of computer peripheral, because the connection to
         computer is necessary for typical use. It has been verified to comply with the requirements
         of FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15. The test report has been issued separately.
    ‚    The test report must not be used by the clients to claim product certification approval by NVLAP
         or any agency of the Government.

CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                  Issued date     : Jul. 25, 2016
                                                                          Page No.        : 1 of 24
                                                                          FCC ID          : 2AAV8QH-X

       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                           Report No.: DEFI1606148

                                        Issued by:

                            Cerpass Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

           No.66,Tangzhuang Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu 215006, China



        The sample was received on Jul.12, 2016 and the testing was carried out on
        Jul.22, 2016at Cerpass Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. The test result refers
        exclusively to the test presented test model / sample. Without written approval
        of Cerpass Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., the test report shall not be
        reproduced except in full.

        Approved by:

        Miro Chueh
        EMC/ RF B.U. Manager

CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Issued date   : Jul. 25, 2016
                                                                 Page No.      : 2 of 24
                                                                 FCC ID        : 2AAV8QH-X

         CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                                                      Report No.: DEFI1606148


 1.   Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results.................................................................................5
      1.1   Applicable Standards .................................................................................................................5
 2.   Test Configuration of Equipment under Test ...................................................................................6
      2.1   Feature of Equipment under Test...............................................................................................6
      2.2   Test Mode and Test Software.....................................................................................................6
      2.3   Description of Test System.........................................................................................................6
      2.4   General Information of Test........................................................................................................7
 3.   Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests ...............................................................................8
 4.   Antenna Requirements.......................................................................................................................9
      4.1   Standard Applicable ...................................................................................................................9
      4.2   Antenna Construction and Directional Gain...............................................................................9
 5.   Test of Radiated Emission ...............................................................................................................10
      5.1   Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................10
      5.2   Test Procedures ....................................................................................................................... 11
      5.3   Typical Test Setup ....................................................................................................................13
      5.4   Test Result and Data................................................................................................................14
      5.5   Test Photographs .....................................................................................................................20
 6.   20dB Occupied Bandwidth Measurement ......................................................................................21
      6.1   Test Procedure .........................................................................................................................21
      6.2   Test Setup Layout ....................................................................................................................21
      6.3   Limits of Band Edges Measurement ........................................................................................21
      6.4   Measurement Equipment .........................................................................................................21
      6.5   Test Result and Data................................................................................................................21
 7.   Transmission Time Control..............................................................................................................23
      7.1   Test Procedure .........................................................................................................................23
      7.2   Test Setup Layout ....................................................................................................................23
      7.3   Test Limit ..................................................................................................................................23
      7.4   Measurement Equipment .........................................................................................................23
      7.5   Test Result and Data................................................................................................................24

CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                                                   Issued date        : Jul. 25, 2016
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                                                                                                           FCC ID             : 2AAV8QH-X

       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                           Report No.: DEFI1606148

                                        History of this test report

       „ ORIGINAL
         Additional attachment as following record:

        Attachment No.     Issue Date       Description

CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                         Issued date   : Jul. 25, 2016
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                                                                 FCC ID        : 2AAV8QH-X

       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                      Report No.: DEFI1606148

 1. Summary of Test Procedure and Test Results
   1.1 Applicable Standards
       ANSI C63.10-2013

       FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C §15.231

         FCC Rule      . Description of Test                                      Result

           15.203      . Antenna Requirement                                         Pass

           15.207      . AC Power Line Conducted Emission                            N/A

                       . Spurious Emission(Radiated)                                 Pass

           15.231      . 20dB Occupied Bandwidth Measurement                         Pass

       Note: (1)”N/A” denotes test is not applicable in this test report.
              (2) EUT is used new battery

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                                                                            Page No.        : 5 of 24
                                                                            FCC ID          : 2AAV8QH-X

       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                Report No.: DEFI1606148

2. Test Configuration of Equipment under Test
 2.1 Feature of Equipment under Test

      Modulation Type                ASK
      Frequency Range                433.92MHz
      Channel Number                 1
      Antenna Type/ gain             PCB Antenna with 0.5dBi
      Power Source                   3V DC

 2.2 Test Mode and Test Software
      a. During testing, the interface cables and equipment positions were varied according to
         technical standards.
      b. The complete test system included EUT for the test.
      c. XYZ 3 axes of the EUT have been tested, only the worst axis was reported.
      d. New battery was used for all the testing on this report.

 2.3 Description of Test System
    The EUT was tested alone. No support devices are needed for testing.

CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Issued date   : Jul. 25, 2016
                                                                      Page No.      : 6 of 24
                                                                      FCC ID        : 2AAV8QH-X

       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Report No.: DEFI1606148

   2.4 General Information of Test
                                        Cerpass Technology Corporation Test Laboratory
                                        Address: No.10, Ln. 2, Lianfu St., Luzhu Dist., Taoyuan City
                     Test Site          33848, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
                                        Address: No.68-1, Shihbachongsi, Shihding Township,
                                        New Taipei City 223, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                                        Tel: +886-2-2663-8582
                     FCC                TW1079, TW1061,390316, 228391, 641184
                     IC                 4934B-1, 4934E-1, 4934E-2
                                        T-2205 for Telecommunication Test
                                        C-4463 for Conducted emission test
                                        R-3428, R-4128 for Radiated emission test
                                        G-812, G-813 for radiated disturbance above 1GHz
                                        Cerpass Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
                                        Address: No.66,Tangzhuang Road, Suzhou Industrial Park,
                     Test Site          Jiangsu 215006, China
                                        Tel: +86-512-6917-5888
                                        Fax: +86-512-6917-5666
                     FCC                331395
                     IC                 7290A-1, 7290A-2
                                        T-1945 for Telecommunication Test
                                        C-2919 for Conducted emission test
                                        R-2670 for Radiated emission test
                                        G-227 for radiated disturbance above 1GHz
        Frequency Range Investigated:   Conducted: from 150kHz to 30 MHz
                                        Radiation: from 30 MHz to 25000MHz
                                        The test distance of radiated emission from antenna to EUT
        Test Distance :
                                        is 3 M.

CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                            Issued date   : Jul. 25, 2016
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                                                                    FCC ID        : 2AAV8QH-X

       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                Report No.: DEFI1606148

 3. Test Equipment and Ancillaries Used for Tests
     Instrument/Ancillary   Manufacturer     Model No.       Serial No.                         Valid Date.
      EMI Test Receiver        R&S             ESCI           100853        2016-02-22          2017-02-21
         Preamplifier           HP             8447F        3113A05915      2016-02-22          2017-02-21
         Preamplifier          FIELD                         1579008        2015-09-30          2016-09-29
      Ultra    Broadband
                            SCHAFFNER        CBL6112D         22241         2016-02-24          2017-02-23
      Broad-Band Horn
                               Sunol          DRH-118        A072913        2015-09-30          2016-09-29
     Spectrum Analyzer        Agilent         E4407B        MY45118947 2016-06-06               2017-06-05
    Temperature/ Humidity
                               mingle         ETH529            N/A         2016-02-19          2017-02-18

CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Issued date   : Jul. 25, 2016
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                                                                      FCC ID        : 2AAV8QH-X

       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                               Report No.: DEFI1606148

 4. Antenna Requirements

   4.1 Standard Applicable
       For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be
       designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be
       used with the device.

       And according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.247(b), if transmitting antennas of directional gain
       greater than 6dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional
       gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

   4.2 Antenna Construction and Directional Gain
        No.    Antenna Type                    Antenna Gain
               PCB Antenna                     0.5dBi

CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                             Issued date   : Jul. 25, 2016
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                                                                     FCC ID        : 2AAV8QH-X

       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                   Report No.: DEFI1606148

 5. Test of Radiated Emission

 5.1 Test Limit
      According to 15.231(e) the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated
      under these frequencies bands shall not exceed the following:
                              Field Strength of Fundamental           Field Strength of Spurious
        Frequency (MHz)
                                           μV/ m                                 μV/ m
          40.66 ~ 40.70                     2250                                  225
             70 ~130                        1250                                  125
            130 ~ 174                   1250 ~ 3750                            125 ~ 375
            174 ~ 260                       3750                                  375
            260 ~ 470                   3750~ 12500                           375~ 1250
           Above 470                       12500                                 1250

      1. Where F is the frequency in MHz, the formula for calculating the maximum permitted
         fundamental field strengths are as follows: for the band 130-174 MHz, uV/m at 3 meters =
         56.81818(F) - 6136.3636; for the band 260-470 MHz, uV/m at 3 meters = 41.6667(F) -
         7083.3333. The maximum permitted unwanted emission level is 20 dB below the maximum
         permitted fundamental level.
      2. The above field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3meters. The tighter limits apply at
         the band edges.

      Emissions radiated outside of the specified bands, shall be according to the general
      radiated limits in 15.209 as following:
        Frequency (MHz)            Distance         Limit (μV/ m)
           0.09 ~ 0.490              300m           2400/F(kHz)
          0.490 ~ 1.705               30m          24000/ F(kHz)
            1.705 ~ 30               30m                  30
              30 ~ 88                 3m                 100
             88 ~ 216                 3m                 150
            216 ~ 960                 3m                 200
            Above 960                 3m                 500

      As shown in 15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000MHz, the field strength limits are based on
      average detector, however, the peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum
      permitted average limits, specified above by more than 20dB under any condition of modulation.

CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                 Issued date   : Jul. 25, 2016
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                                                                         FCC ID        : 2AAV8QH-X

       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                 Report No.: DEFI1606148

   5.2 Test Procedures
       a. The EUT was placed on a rotatable table top 0.8 meter above ground.
       b. The EUT was set 3 meters from the interference receiving antenna which was mounted on
            the top of a variable height antenna tower.
       c.   The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
       d. The antenna is a broadband antenna and its height is varied between one meter and four
            meters above ground to find the maximum value of the field strength both horizontal
            polarization and vertical polarization of the antenna are set to make the measurement.
       e. For each suspected emission the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then tune the
            antenna tower (from 1 M to 4 M) and turn table (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the
            maximum reading.
       f.   Set the test-receiver system to Peak or CISPR quasi-peak Detect Function and specified
            bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
       g. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 3 dB lower than the limit specified, then
            testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the emissions
            which do not have 3 dB margin will be repeated one by one using the quasi-peak method
            and reported.
       h. For testing above 1GHz, the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 20dB lower than
            average limit (that means the emission level in peak mode also complies with the limit in
            average mode), then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported,
            otherwise, the emissions will be measured in average mode again and reported.
       i.   “Cone of radiation” has been considered to be 3dB beamwidth of the measurement

       1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120kHz
            for Peak detection (PK) and Quasi-peak detection (QP) at frequency below 1GHz.
       2. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz for
            Peak detection at frequency above 1GHz.
       3. The Average value = Peak value + 20log(Duty cycle)
       4. Duty Factor = 20log(total duty / period of pulse train)
      NATA& PLOT:
                                                                          Number of
                             Data Transmissions
       Packet time                               25.20 msec
       Long pulse Duration                        1.05 msec                     19
       Short pulse Duration                       0.33 msec                     35
       Total Transmissions Duration      1.05*19+0.33*35=31.5 msec
       On Time within 100 msec                    31.5 msec
       Dutycycle Correction factor        20log(31.5/100)=-10.03dB

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                 Report No.: DEFI1606148

      Test Date: Jul. 22, 2016         Temperature: 26°C
      Atmospheric pressure: 1008 hPa   Humidity: 50%

       Number of pulses

       Pulse Duration

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                        Report No.: DEFI1606148

   5.3 Typical Test Setup
       Below 1GHz test setup


                                                                 Equipment under Test

                                         *   3m


                                                  Ground Plane

       Above 1GHz Test Setup

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                             Report No.: DEFI1606148

 5.4 Test Result and Data
 5.4.1 Test Result of Fundamental Emission
        Power        : DC 3V                               Pol/Phase     : VERTICAL
       Test Mode    :   Transmit                           Temperature   : 26 °C
       Test Date    :   Jul. 22, 2016                      Humidity      : 50 %
                                                           Atmospheric   :
       Memo         :                                                      1009 hpa

        Frequency       Factor      Reading       Level         Limit         Margin       Det.
          (MHz)         (dB/m)      (dBuV)      (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)         (dB)

         433.9300        -4.44          70.56    66.12          100.80        -34.68      peak

      Note: Level = Reading + Factor
            Margin = Level – Limit
            AV=Peak value+ Duty cycle factor= 66.12+ (-10.03) = 56.09 dBuV/m < Limit 80.80dBuV/m

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                             Report No.: DEFI1606148

       Power        :   DC 3V                              Pol/Phase     : HORIZONTAL
       Test Mode    :   Transmit                           Temperature   : 26 °C
       Test Date    :   Jul. 22, 2016                      Humidity      : 50 %
                                                           Atmospheric   :
       Memo         :                                                      1009 hpa

        Frequency       Factor      Reading       Level         Limit         Margin       Det.
          (MHz)         (dB/m)      (dBuV)      (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)         (dB)

        433.9340         -4.44          83.85    79.41          100.80        -21.39      peak

      Note: Level = Reading + Factor
            Margin = Level – Limit
            AV=Peak value+ Duty cycle factor= 79.41+ (-10.03) = 69.38 dBuV/m < Limit 80.80dBuV/m

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                                                                   FCC ID        : 2AAV8QH-X

          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                               Report No.: DEFI1606148

 5.4.2 Test Result of Unwanted Spurious emission(Below 1GHz)

          Power        :    DC 3V                              Pol/Phase      : VERTICAL
          Test Mode    :    Transmit                          Temperature     : 26 °C
          Test Date    :    Jul. 22, 2016                     Humidity        : 50 %
                                                              Atmospheric     :
          Memo         :                                                        1009 hpa

    No.    Frequency       Factor   Reading      Level      Limit    Margin   Det.    Height   Azimuth
             (MHz)         (dB/m)   (dBuV)     (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)             (cm)     (deg)
     1       30.0000       -3.01       29.29    26.28      40.00     -13.72   QP       100         0
     2      117.3000       -8.18       26.69    18.51      43.50     -24.99   QP       100         0
     3      330.7000       -4.08       24.90    20.82      46.00     -25.18   QP       100         0
     4      604.2400       -1.21       25.30    24.09      46.00     -21.91   QP       100         0
     5      763.3200        1.69       25.80    27.49      46.00     -18.51   QP       100         0
     6      868.0800        2.27       23.87    26.14      80.80     -54.66   QP       100         0

         Note: Level = Reading + Factor
               Margin = Level – Limit

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          CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                               Report No.: DEFI1606148

          Power        :    DC 3V                             Pol/Phase       : HORIZONTAL
          Test Mode    :    Transmit                          Temperature     : 26 °C
          Test Date    :    Jul. 22, 2016                     Humidity        : 50 %
                                                              Atmospheric     :
          Memo         :                                                        1009 hpa

    No.    Frequency       Factor   Reading      Level      Limit    Margin   Det.    Height   Azimuth
             (MHz)         (dB/m)   (dBuV)     (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)    (dB)             (cm)     (deg)
     1       30.0000       -3.01       29.01    26.00      40.00     -14.00   QP       100         360
     2       91.1100       -11.17      30.52    19.35      43.50     -24.15   QP       100         360
     3      132.8200       -9.28       30.50    21.22      43.50     -22.28   QP       100         360
     4      329.7300       -4.13       24.94    20.81      46.00     -25.19   QP       100         360
     5      375.3200       -4.95       25.20    20.25      46.00     -25.75   QP       100         360
     6      868.0800        2.27       29.71    31.98      80.80     -48.82   QP       100         360

         Note: Level = Reading + Factor
              Margin = Level – Limit

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                           Report No.: DEFI1606148

 5.4.3 Test Result of Unwanted Spurious emission (Above 1GHz)

       Power        :   DC 3V                           Pol/Phase       : VERTICAL
       Test Mode    :   Transmit                        Temperature     : 26 °C
       Test Date    :   Jul. 22, 2016                   Humidity        : 50 %
                                                        Atmospheric     :
       Memo         :                                                     1009 hpa

       No.     Frequency     Factor     Reading     Level      Limit           Margin        Det.
                 (MHz)       (dB/m)     (dBuV)    (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m)           (dB)
        1      2603.520       -1.89      40.08     38.19        74.00          -35.81     peak

      Note: Level = Reading + Factor
            Margin = Level – Limit

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                     Report No.: DEFI1606148

       Power       :   DC 3V                       Pol/Phase      : HORIZONTAL
       Test Mode   :   Transmit                    Temperature    : 26 °C
       Test Date   :   Jul. 22, 2016               Humidity       : 50 %
                                                   Atmospheric    :
       Memo        :                                                1009 hpa

       1       2603.520      -1.89     40.41   38.52      74.00          -35.48     peak

      Note: Level = Reading + Factor
            Margin = Level – Limit

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                          Report No.: DEFI1606148

   5.5 Test Photographs
                                  Below 1GHz


       Rear View

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                  Report No.: DEFI1606148

 6. 20dB Occupied Bandwidth Measurement

   6.1 Test Procedure
         a. The EUT placed on the turning table.
         b. The signal was coupled to the spectrum analyzer through an antenna.
         c. Set the resolution bandwidth to 100kHz and video bandwidth to 100kHz then select Peak
            function to scan the channel frequency.
         d. The 20dB bandwidth was measured and recorded.

   6.2 Test Setup Layout

   6.3 Limits of Band Edges Measurement
       The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency for device
       operating above 70 MHz and above 900 MHz.

                Frequency (MHz)                 Limit of 20dB Bandwidth (MHz)
                       433.92                               1.08

   6.4 Measurement Equipment

        Instrument/Ancillary    Manufacturer Model No.     Serial No.    Calibration Date Valid Date
        Spectrum Analyzer          Agilent      N9020A US46220290          2016/06/06        2017/06/05

   6.5 Test Result and Data
       Test Date: Jul. 22, 2016                         Temperature: 26°C
       Atmospheric pressure: 1008 hPa                   Humidity: 50%

        Frequency (MHz)         20 dB bandwidth (MHz)      PASS / FAIL
              433.92                    0.411                 PASS

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.             Report No.: DEFI1606148

       Frequency: 433.92MHz, CH1

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                                       Report No.: DEFI1606148

 7. Transmission Time Control
   7.1 Test Procedure
       1. Set up the EUT in the state of Transmitter.
       2. Set up the Spectrum, judge whether to accord with the regulation demand or not.

   7.2 Test Setup Layout

                                                                                 Equipment under Test

                                              *   Test distance

                                                                                      Turn Table

                                                                  Ground Plane

   7.3 Test Limit
       Please refer section15.231
       According to §15.231(a)(1), A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will
       automatically deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.
       According to §15.231(a)(2), A transmitter sctivated automatically shall cease transmission within
       5 seconds after activation.
       According to §15.231(e), In addition, devices operated under the provisions of this paragraph
       shall be provided with a means for automatically limiting operation so that the duration of each
       transmission shall not be greater than one second and the silent period between transmissions
       shall be at least 30 times the duration of the transmission but in no case less than 10 seconds.

   7.4 Measurement Equipment
        Instrument/Ancillary Manufacturer Model No.          Serial No.    Calibration Date        Valid Date
        Spectrum Analyzer        Agilent      N9020A US46220290              2016/06/06            2017/06/05

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       CERPASS TECHNOLOGY CORP.                                              Report No.: DEFI1606148

   7.5 Test Result and Data

       Test Date: Jul. 22, 2016                     Temperature: 26°C
       Atmospheric pressure: 1008 hPa               Humidity: 50%

        Frequency (MHz)      Operation time(Sec.)              Limit                      PASS / FAIL
             433.92                 2.23                      <5 sec                           PASS

       Frequency: 433.92MHz

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                                                                    FCC ID        : 2AAV8QH-X

Document Created: 2016-08-17 17:37:07
Document Modified: 2016-08-17 17:37:07

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