User manual


Users Manual

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For series            Internet Tablet with touchscreen
              EN      Quick Start Guide............................. Page 2
T7026        Please read carefully before use

          ÂÂ Table of Contents
          Thank You.................................................... 3                       Connecting to the Internet.............. 19
          Package Contents.........................................................3            Requirements...............................................................19

          Features..........................................................................4   Connect to a Wi-Fi Network...................................... 20

          Getting to Know the internet tablet.                                                  Browsing the Web.................................. 22
          About the Touchscreen................................................8                Optional Connections......................... 26
              Protective Film.........................................................8         Connecting to a Computer.......................................26
              Touchscreen Actions..............................................8                Connecting Headphones..........................................27
          About the Orientation Sensor......................................9                   Using the USB Full-Size Adapter..................................28
          Charging the Tablet....................................................10                 Connecting a Keyboard......................................28
          Inserting a Memory Card...........................................10                      Connecting a Storage Device............................28
          Resetting the Tablet..................................................... 11
                                                                                                Setting the System Options............... 29
          Getting Started...................................... 12
          Turning the Tablet On and Off ..................................12                    Specifications.......................................... 30
              Turning the Screen On and Off (Standby) ........13
              Unlocking the Screen...........................................13
          Home Screen at a Glance.........................................14
          About Applications.....................................................15
              Preinstalled Applications......................................15
              Installing Applications..........................................17
          About Widgets.............................................................18
          About Notifications......................................................18

          Page 2                                                                                                                                     Table Of Contents

ÂÂ Thank You
Congratulations on your purchase of the Internet Tablet.
This guide is provided to help you get started quickly with

your tablet; please read it carefully and save it for future

         To view PDF documents, download and install
         the free Adobe Acrobat reader from the Adobe
         website at
                                                               Package Contents
                                                               Please make sure that the items shown below are
                                                               included in the package. Should an item be missing,
                                                               please contact the local retailer from whom purchased
                                                               this product.
                                                                Internet Tablet

                                                                USB cable

                                                                USB host/keyboard

                                                                Professional stereo

Page 3                                                                                                      Thank You

          Features                                                 Automatic orientation detection
                                                                     Read any way you want; the display adjusts
           Browse the Web.                                         automatically!
             Visit your favorite websites

           Check your e-mail
             Keep in touch with friends and family

           Watch YouTube™ videos
             Browse the world’s most popular video-sharing com-

           Discover thousands of apps for Android™
             Games, applications and more with the installed

           Connect to the Internet wirelessly
             High-speed Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n networking

           Enjoy your media library anywhere
             Portable powerhouse plays popular music, video and
             photo formats

           microSD memory card reader
             Increase your storage capacity (up to 32 GB sup-

           Built-in camera
             Convenient front-facing camera

          Page 4                                                                                             Thank You

ÂÂ Getting to Know the Internet Tablet
Unit at a Glance

     Name                  Description
1   Camera         Front-facing camera


Page 5                                       Getting To Know The Internet Tablet

               Name                     Description
          2    MIC            Record digital voice files.
          3    Power key      Press to turn the unit on, or to
                              turn the screen on and off. Press   2

                              and hold to access the Power
                              Off menu.                           3
          4    Headphone      Audio output connection for         4
               jack           headphones.
          5    USB 2.0 His-   Connect to a computer to
               peed port      transfer data (e.g., music, vid-    6
                              eos, photos, files).
                              Use the included USB full-size
                              (Type A) adapter to connect
                              a storage device to the tablet
                              (e.g., a USB flash memory drive).
          6    HDMI jack      Connect to a TV or other dis-

          Page 6                                                      Getting To Know The Internet Tablet

         Name             Description
7    microSD card Load external microSD memo-
     slot         ry cards here.
8    Speaker      Speaker output is automati-        7

                  cally muted when using head-
                  phone jack.
9    Camera       Back-facing camera.



Page 7                                                   Getting To Know The Internet Tablet

          About the Touchscreen                                        buttons, menu items, the on-screen keyboard and other
                                                                       items displayed on the screen.
          Your tablet comes equipped with an easy-to-use touch-
          screen which allows access to the tablet’s functions.        You can perform the following actions on the touchscreen
          Use your finger tip to touch the area of the screen where    using your fingertip.

          a control icon is displayed. If you touch and hold the
          screen, it will register as a continuous button press.       Touch:           To activate an on-screen item (e.g.,
                                                                                        application icons, buttons, menu
                   To avoid damaging the screen, do not touch it                        items, and the letter/symbols of the
                   with excessive force or with any object other                        on-screen keyboard), simply touch
                   than your finger. For best response, make sure                       them with your fingertip.
                   your hands are clean before using the touch-        Touch and        Some on-screen items have an
                   screen controls.                                    Hold:            alternate action if you touch and hold
                                                                                        it (e.g., opening an alternate menu or
                                                                                        to activate the drag function). To touch
          Protective Film                                                               and hold an item, touch the item and
          A thin film has been applied to the touchscreen to protect                    do not lift your fingertip until the action
          it during shipping. The protective film should be removed                     occurs.
          before use. To remove it, simply take a corner of the film   Drag:            Drag an on-screen item to change its
          and peel it away from the screen.                                             position (e.g., an application icon on
                                                                                        the home screen).
                                                                                        To drag an item, touch and hold it for
          Touchscreen Actions                                                           a moment, then without lifting your
          You can control the functions of the tablet by using                          fingertip, move your fingertip on the
          the touchscreen in combination with the three touch                           screen until the item reaches its target
          keys located on the bezel. To control the tablet with the                     destination.
          touchscreen, use your fingertip to manipulate icons,

          Page 8                                                                           Getting To Know The Internet Tablet

Swipe:        Swipe up/down on the screen to scroll       About the Orientation Sensor
              through a list. On some screens,            The tablet contains a sensor that will automatically
              you may be able to swipe left/right to      change the orientation of most screens as you rotate the
              change the view.                            tablet. The sensor works best when the tablet is rotated

              To swipe, touch the screen and then         perpendicular to the ground (i.e., when the tablet is held
              quickly move your fingertip across the      upright and not fat on its back).
              screen without lifting your fingertip.
              Do not pause on the screen with your
              fingertip at the initial point of contact
              or you may accidentally drag an item
Double-tap:   Quickly tap the screen twice on a
              webpage or other application screen
              to zoom (the application must support
              the double-tap/zoom function). Within
              the browser, double-tapping a web-
              page section will cause the browser to
              zoom and fit that section to the width
              of the screen.

                                                          The orientation sensor can be turned on and off in the
                                                          Display settings menu.

Page 9                                                                         Getting To Know The Internet Tablet

          Charging the Tablet                                            Inserting a Memory Card
          The current battery status will be always displayed in the     The tablet accepts microSD memory cards. Insert a
          lower right of the screen in the system information bar.       memory card into the microSD card slot to:
          The battery icon      will change in accordance with the
          battery status.

                                                                          Increase the memory capacity of your tablet
          When connect a USB cable to charge,the status area on
          the bottom bar will display the charging icon. Note the         Play media files stored on the memory card (e.g.,
          lightning symbol inside the battery icon.                         music, video, or photo files).

          To charge the battery:                                         To insert a memory card:
          1.   Connect a USB cable to charge on the tablet.              1.   Align the memory card with the card slot. The metal
          2. Disconnect the USB cable when the tablet is fully                contacts of the memory card should face down away
             charged.                                                         from the LCD screen.

                                                                         2. Slide the card into the spring-loaded slot. Push the
                    The battery used in this device may present a           card in until it clicks into place.
                    fire or chemical burn if mistreated. Do not
                    disassemble, incinerate, or heat the device. Do
                                                                                   Do not attempt to insert objects other than a
                    not leave the device in a place subject to direct
                                                                                   microSD memory card into the card slot. A
                    sunlight or in a car with its windows closed. Do
                                                                                   compatible memory card should fit easily into
                    not connect the device to a power source other
                                                                                   the card slot; if you encounter resistance, check
                    than that which is indicated here or on the label
                                                                                   the alignment of the card. Do not attempt to
                    as this may result in the risk of fire or electric
                                                                                   force the card in.
                                                                                   Avoid touching the gold contacts of the memory

          Page 10                                                                              Getting To Know The Internet Tablet

To release and remove a memory card:                 2. Push the card further into the slot until you hear a
                                                        click. The card will spring out of the slot.
1. UNMOUNT the memory card.
                                                     3. Grasp the card by its edge to remove it.
   a. From the home screen, tap the Launcher Tab,

      and then touch Settings to show the settings             To avoid damage and data corruption, do not
      menu.                                                    remove a memory card while data is being
                                                               written to or read from the card. For example,
   b. Touch Storage to show the storage settings.
                                                               do not remove a card while playing a music file
   c. Touch Unmount SD card to prepare the memory              stored on the card.
      card for safe removal.

                                                     Resetting the Tablet
                                                     Reset the tablet if it should freeze and not respond or
                                                     otherwise malfunction.

                                                     1.   Disconnect your tablet if it is connected to a

                                                     2. Press and hold the POWER key for about 10
                                                        seconds to turn off the tablet, and then press and
                                                        hold the POWER key to turn on the tablet.

Page 11                                                                    Getting To Know The Internet Tablet

          ÂÂ Getting Started
          Turning the Tablet on and off                              2. Touch OK to turn off the tablet.

          To turn the tablet on:

           Press and hold the Power key until the LCD screen
             turns on. Wait until the Home screen appears; the
             tablet is now ready for use.

          To turn the tablet off:

          1.   Press and hold the Power key until the confirmation
               message appears.

          Page 12                                                                                          Getting Started

Turning the Screen On and Off (Standby)                          Unlocking the Screen
When the tablet is on, you can turn off the screen to            When the screen turns off, you will have to unlock the
conserve battery power. Simply press the Power key               screen when you turn it back on.
once to turn the screen off. Press the Power key again to
                                                                 To unlock the screen, touch and drag the lock icon to the

turn the screen back on.
                                                                 edge of the circle that appears.
          To conserve battery power, the screen can be
          set to turn off automatically when the tablet is not
          in use (between 15 seconds and 30 minutes).
          This Sleep option can be found in the Display

Page 13                                                                                                    Getting Started

          If a password has been set, enter the password to finish
          unlocking the screen. The Screen Unlock password can
                                                                     Home Screen at a Glance
          be set in the Security settings menu.                      The home screen is the starting point for all of the
                                                                     features of your tablet.

                    WARNING: Please write down your password
                    lock pattern/PIN/Password. Misplacing or
                    forgetting this method will lock the user out.         Name                       Description
                    Recovering the unit will reset the device         1   Google           Touch to search with Google
                    back to factory defaults. ALL YOUR DATA &             Search           browser.
                    PROGRAMS WILL BE LOST.
                                                                      2   Home             Touch to back to the central Home
                                                                          icon             Screen.

                                                                      3   Back icon        Touch to back to the previous

          Page 14                                                                                               Getting Started

     Name                    Description                  About Applications
4   Recent Apps    Touch to display the list of           To open an application, touch the application icon on the
                   thumbnail images of apps you           home screen or in the Launcher.
                   have worked recently. Touch an

                   App to open it.                        Launcher screen:

5   Launcher       Open the Launcher to view the
    Tab            list of all Applications and Widgets
                   installed on the tablet. Touch
                   the Launcher tab to open the
6   Widgets        Widgets are small applications
                   that you can use directly from
                   the home screen. For more in-
                   formation, refer to the “Widgets”
                   section on page 17.
7   Icons          Touch an icon to open an
                   application or folder.
8   Notification   Shows notification icons such
    bar            as time, battery level, and the
                   network signal strength; touch the
                   bar to open the full Notifications
                   panel. Touch a Notification icon to
                   display more detail.
                                                          Preinstalled Applications
                                                          Some applications have been installed on your tablet for
                                                          your convenience. These applications include:

Page 15                                                                                             Getting Started

                    Browse the web.                           View and manage files stored on the

                    Display the calendar or record events     Play music.
                    and appointments to manage your

                    Perform simple mathematical               Access the Settings menu to adjust
                    operations.                               the tablet’s options.

                    Take pictures or videos with the front-   Launch the mobile YouTube™
                    facing camera.                            browser page to watch internet

                    View the current time, or set an          View photos and videos, plus edit
                    alarm.                                    photos.

                    Check your e-mail.

          Page 16                                                                    Getting Started

Installing Applications                                        Removing Widgets
You can also download an install additional applications       Touch and hold the Widget until Remove icon appears
from the play store, the web browser or other sources.         at the top side of the screen, then drag the Widget to the
                                                               Remove icon to remove it.
The tablet must be set to allow installation of applications

from non-Market sources. The Unknown sources option
can be set in the Application settings menu.

About Widgets
Widgets are self-contained applications that you can
place on the Home screens to access your favorite

Adding Widgets to a Home Screen
1.   Navigate to the Home screen which you want to
     place the Widget on.

2. Touch the Launcher Tab.

3. Touch WIDGETS to show all widgets and then hold
   on a widget icon to add it to the Home screen.

Page 17                                                                                                   Getting Started

          About Notifications                                         Touch a notification in the list; the Notifications panel will
                                                                      close and the application associated with the notification
          The icons that appear in the Notification bar at the        will launch.
          bottom right corner of the screen alerts you when new
          messages arrive or alarms or other application events       To close the Notifications panel:

                                                                       Touch any other area of screen except the
          View and respond to the notifications by opening the full      Notifications panel , or;
          Notifications panel.
                                                                       Touch the Back icon.
           Touch the Notification bar to open the Notifications

          To respond to a notification:

          Page 18                                                                                                   Getting Started

ÂÂ Connecting to the Internet
This tablet can utilize Wi-Fi data networks to connect to the Internet.

     —— Wireless Wi-Fi technology can provide Internet access at distances of over 300 feet; however, this distance can be
           affected by your surrounding environment and Wi-Fi router.
Requirements                                                    Please refer to your wireless router’s documentation for
                                                                help, or ask your network administrator for details.
In order to connect to the Internet, you will need either of
the following:
                                                                          You may encounter open Wi-Fi networks, or “hot
     A wireless router or access point with a broad-                      spots.” These networks are usually configured
     band Internet connection                                             so that you can simply connect to them without
The wireless router must support Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n connec-                needing to know its settings; the tablet will obtain
tions. If the router supports 802.11n, make sure that it has              all the information it needs from the router auto-
been configured to acc qept 802.11b/g/n connections as                    matically.

          A minimum connection speed of 64 Kbps is rec-
          ommended. Faster speeds will enable a better
          Internet experience.

You will need to know the name of your network (SSID),
as well as the password or other credentials if your
network is secured. These settings can usually be found
on the administration webpage of your wireless router.

Page 19                                                                                         Connecting To The Internet

          Connect to a Wi-Fi network
          The Notification bar displays icons that indicate your
          tablet’s Wi-Fi status.

                       Connected to a Wi-Fi network (waves
                       indicate connection strength).

                       There are no Wi-Fi networks in range, or
           [no icon]
                       the Wi-Fi radio is off.

          1. Turn on the Wi-Fi radio if it is not already on. To
             turn on Wi-Fi:

              a. Go to the Home screen:
                   Touch the Home icon.                             When Wi-Fi is on, the tablet will look for and display a list
                                                                    of available Wi-Fi networks.
              b. Open the Launcher screen:
                   Touch the Launcher Tab, then touch Settings.              If a network that you have connected to previously
                                                                             is found, the tablet will connect to it.
              c.   Open the Wireless & networks menu:
                                                                             If you don’t see your network in the list, you can
                   Touch WIRELESS & NETWORKS.                                force the tablet to re-scan. To scan for networks,
                                                                             tap the SCAN icon that located on the top right
              d. Open the Wi-Fi settings menu:                               corner of the screen.
                   Touch WiFi.

              e. Make sure that the Wi-Fi option box is setted to   2. Select an available Wi-Fi network to connect to:
                 ON: Touch and slide the block right to enable
                 the Wi-Fi connection.                              In the same Wi-Fi settings menu above, touch a network
                                                                    in the list.
          Page 20                                                                                  Connecting To The Internet

If the network is open, the tablet will prompt you to
                                                             To learn about how to add a Wi-Fi network
confirm connection to the network. Touch Connect to
                                                             when it is not in range or when the router is
                                                             set to obscure the network name (SSID); or to
If the network is secured (as indicated by a Lock icon),     configure advanced Wi-Fi options, please refer

the tablet will prompt you to enter a password or other      to the manual.
credentials. Touch the Wireless password box to show
the on-screen keyboard and then use it to enter the
password. Touch Connect to confirm.

When you have successfully connected to a Wi-Fi
network, the Notifications bar at the bottom of the screen
will show a Wi-Fi signal indicator.

Page 21                                                                          Connecting To The Internet

          ÂÂ Browsing the Web
          The Browser application lets you visit webpages and find information on the web. Keep up with the news, your
          friends, or enjoy video from YouTube™, the world’s most popular video-sharing community.

          To use Browser, the tablet must be connected to the
                                                                             Name                    Description
          Internet. Read the section “Connecting to the Internet” to
          learn how to connect to the Internet.                        1   Address bar      Displays the address (URL) of
                                                                                            the current page. Touch the
          To open Browser, touch the Browser icon on the Home                               bar to enter a new address
          screen or in the Launcher.                                                        or to search the web.
                                                                       2   Goto Book-       Touch to view bookmarks, to
                                                                           marks icon       view your most visited sites, or
                                                                                            to view your browser history.
                                                                       3   Search icon      Touch to search with Google
                                                                       4   Add Bookmark     Touch to add bookmarks.
                                                                       5   New    Window Creates new browser window.

          Page 22                                                                                         Browsing The Web

Some common Browser actions are described below.    To bookmark a webpage.
                                                      Bookmark your favorite webpages in order to visit
 To go to a webpage.                                them quickly without entering a URL.

1.   Touch the Address                              1.   Go to the web-

     bar at the top of the                               page that you
     Browser screen. The                                 want to bookmark
     keyboard will open
     automatically. (If the
     Address bar is not
     visible, drag the page
     down to return to the
                                                    2. Touch the Add
     top of the Browser
                                                       Bookmark icon.
2. Use the keyboard
   to enter the address                             3. If desired, you can
   (URL) of the webpage                                modify the name
   (e.g.,                                  of the bookmark
   com).                                               or its location
3. Touch Enter key to                                  (URL address).
   open the webpage.                                   Otherwise, touch
                                                       OK to finish
                                                       adding the book-

Page 23                                                                                 Browsing The Web

           To go to a bookmarked webpage.    3. Touch “Delete
          1.   Touch the Goto
               Bookmark icon.
                                               4. Touch “OK” to confirm.

          2. Touch a bookmark
             tile to open it.                  Browser menu
                                               While viewing a webpage, touch the icon show
                                               as right to open the Browser Menu, the icon is
                                               locate on the top right corner of the screen, the
                                               options are:

                                                Refresh: Refresh the current webpage.
           To delete a bookmarked webpage.    Forward: Go to the next webpage.
          1.   Touch the Goto                   New tab: Open the webpage in a new window, under
               Bookmark icon.                     a new tab.

                                                New incognito tab: Open the webpage in a new win-
          2. Touch and hold a                     dow, under a new tab, and the pages you view in the
             bookmark tile to                     new window will not appear in your browser history
             open the option                      or search history. See the on-screen explanation of
             menu.                                going incognito.

                                                Share page: Use Email to send the webpage URL.

                                                Find on page: Search for content on the current

          Page 24                                                                     Browsing The Web

 Request desktop site:

 Save for offline reading: Save this page onto the in-
   ternal memory, then you can read it when the internet
   connection is disable.

 Page info: View information about the current page,
   including the URL.

 Settings: Customize the Browser.

Page 25                                                    Browsing The Web

          ÂÂ Optional Connections
          Connecting to a Computer                                    Touch the Notification bar to open the notifications
          Connect the tablet to a computer to transfer files.

          1. Connect your tablet to the computer.

          With the included USB cable:
           Plug the small end of the cable into the USB 2.0 Hi-
              speed connector of the tablet.

           Plug the large end of the cable into an available USB
             2.0 Hi-speed port on the computer.

          When your tablet is connected, a USB icon will
          appear in the Notification bar.

                                                                              The Tablet’s “mass storage mode” is compatible
                                                                              with many operating systems including:
                                                                              Microsoft® Windows® XP, Vista, 7 or higher and
                                                                              Mac OS or Linux.

          Page 26                                                                                        Optional Connections

2. Mount the storage drive.                                  Connecting Headphones
 Touch USB connected to mount the tablet’s built-in        Connect a pair of headphones (or earphones) to the
   storage, then touch “Turn on USB storage” and “OK”        tablet to enjoy media in private.
   when prompted to confirm. When mounted, you can

   copy files to/from your computer to it.                   Lower the volume level of the tablet before connecting
                                                             headphones, and then slowly raise the volume to a
Your tablet will be recognized by the computer as a          comfortable listening level.
Removable Storage drive. Drag and drop files between
your tablet and the computer. To learn more about copy-       The headphones must have a 3.5 mm (1/8 in) plug.
ing files, please refer to the documentation included with
                                                              When headphones are connected, speaker output
your computer or operating system.
                                                                will be disabled automatically.

                                                                      Hearing experts advise against the constant
                                                                      use of personal stereos played at high volume.
                                                                      Constant exposure to high volumes can lead to
                                                                      hearing loss. If you should experience ringing in
                                                                      the ears or hearing loss, discontinue use and
                                                                      seek medical advice.

Page 27                                                                                          Optional Connections

          Using the USB Full-Size Adapter
          The USB full-size adapter can be used to connect and                You may also use this connection to add a
          use USB devices with the tablet. The adapter converts               mouse to the tablet.
          the Micro USB port on the tablet into a USB On-the-Go

          (OTG) connector.                                                    The adapter supports one connection at a time.
                                                                              To use a keyboard and mouse simultaneously,
                                                                              you will need to add an external USB hub.

                                                                     Connecting a Storage Device
                                                                     Use the included USB full-size (Type A) adapter to
                                                                     connect a storage device to the tablet (e.g., a USB flash
                                                                     memory drive).

                                                                              This connection supports a maximum storage
                                                                              size of 32 GB. For additional storage capacity,
                                                                              a microSD card can be added to the tablet.

          Connecting a Keyboard
          For times when you want to type for an extended period
          of time, you may want to connect a full-size keyboard to
          the tablet.

          Use the included USB full-size (Type A) adapter to
          connect a keyboard to the tablet.

          Page 28                                                                                        Optional Connections

ÂÂ Setting the System Options
Open the system settings menu to adjust how the tablet looks and functions.

          Many applications will have their own settings; refer to the documentation provided by the application developer
          to learn more.

To open the Settings menu:

1.   From the Home screen, touch the Launcher Tab.

2. Touch Settings to open the Settings menu.

The settings are grouped by category. Touch a category to open and adjust its
settings on the right side.

          Please refer to the manual for a description of the items in the
          Settings menu.

Page 29                                                                                      Setting The System Options

          ÂÂ Specifications
                                                             * Music was tested with a 128 kbps MP3 file; video was tested with a
          Processor         INFOTMIC iMAPx15 CortexA5          1920 x 1080 MPEG-4/AVC file; browsing was tested with the screen
                            dual-core, 1GHz                    brightness set to default. Actual playback results may vary.

          RAM               512MB(1GB Optional)
          Storage           4GB flash built-in(8GB/16GB
                            microSD card slot (max. 32GB
          Display           7.0” TFT LCD
                            800 x 480(1024 x 600 optional)
                            capacitive touchscreen
          Networking        Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
          Audio Output      3.5 mm headphone
          PC Interface      USB 2.0 Hi-speed
          Additional Fea-   Front/Back-facing camera
          tures             Built-in microphone
                            Mono speaker
          Operating Sys-    Android™ 4.0
          Playback Time     Up to 17 hours music, 3 hours
          (hours) *         video, 3 hours web browsing

          Page 30                                                                                               Specifications

                               FCC STATEMENT

1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment
does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try
to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
    Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Document Created: 2013-08-05 15:00:10
Document Modified: 2013-08-05 15:00:10

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC