User Manual

FCC ID: 2AAOI75417

Users Manual

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Functions and AV operation

Auto:Touch (SCAN)button on operation                 ( TRACK0010/1000 ):Total currently
     screen to auto scan frequency. When                                playing songs .
     channel signal is found, the search will        ( 00'34" ):Time elapsed in song list.
     auto stop. Press this button to search          (     ):Single song rotation (controlled
     for next frequency.                                       by RPT button).
                                                     (     ):Random playback (without this
3. iPod Control
                                                               mark, playback is in order).
When iPod in the setup page is “ON”, iPod is
connected.Click on the iPod icon in main             ( 1'45~5'45 ):Songs playback timeline.
menu to access to the following page:                (      ):Press it to play previous song or
                                                     (      ):Press it to play next song or track.
                                                     (      ):When playing, press it to pause,
                                                               re-press it to resume normal
                                                     ( Display bar): 3 bars are for displaying
                                                                              song name, singer and
                                                                              album name.


                                                               Functions and AV operation

( RPT ): Press it to switch to rotating            ( Video ):Press it to access to video page.
           playback mode.
( Shuffle ): Press it to switch to random
               play back mode.
( Search ): Click it to access to playback
 "Song navigation ":Press(Prev)
             (Next)button to turn the page.
As following picture:
“          ”:Return to iPod folder page.
                                                   (     ): Press it to play previous song or
“     Back ”: Return to page setup.
                                                   (     ):Fast backward control.
                                                   (     ):When the Disc is inserted, press it
                                                            to start playback; when in playback
                                                            mode, press it to pause. When it’s
                                                            paused or stopped, press it to
                                                            resume normal playback.


Functions and AV operation

(     ):Fast forward control.                       ( TRACK1 ):Currently playing track No.
(     ):Press it to play next track or song.        ( 00'34" ):Display elapsed playing time.
( SETUP ):The same as DVD operation.
                                                    ( Display bar ):3 bars are for displaying
                                                    song name, singer and album name.
4.MP3 Player Control
                                                    ( 1'45)( 6'45 ):Song playing timeline.
Click(Mp3 ) button to access toMP3
                                                    (       ):Press it to play previous song or
player control screen, as following
picture:                                                       track .
                                                    (       ):Press it to play next song or
                                                    (      ):In playback mode,press it to
                                                               pause,Press it again to resume
                                                               normal playback.
                                                    ( RPT ):Press it to switch to rotating
                                                               playback mode.
                                                    ( Shuffle ):Press it to switch to random
( USB or SD ):In(Playlist) select one                             playback mode.
playback device. The icon on it will                ( Playlist ):Press it to access to next screen
correspondingly change to blue, indicating                       displaying all tracks and songs in
playing the music or image in the device.                        the Disc.


                                                                Functions and AV operation

( Prev )(Next ):Choose song, use the middle
                slidingbar to navigate, as
                following picture:

                                                    ( Browse ):Click it to see the map, as

5.Navigation system
Click on (Navigation) icon in main screen to
access to Navigation
control screen:
(Run Navigation):Click on the map
                    software in the pathway,
                    as follows:


Functions and AV operation

( OK ):Click on it to select relevant pathway.            positioning, please stay at the same
( Cancel):Click on it to cancel pathway.                 location, where is preferable open
                                                         space,without shield above.
                                                      First positioning may need over 3 minutes,
Keys operation:                                       subject to current environment and satellite
Press (NAVI) key on the panel to access to            signal.
above navigation software selection screen.
                                                      DO NOT operate the navigation system
                                                      while driving, so as to ensure safe driving.
                                                      To avoid accident, please operate this
Navigation notes
                                                      system after safely pulling over the vehicle.
GlobalPositionSystem (GPS) is developed
                                                      Wireless communication product (e.g.
and operated by US Ministry of Defense,
                                                      mobile phone, speed alarm etc.) may
who is entirely in charge of the accuracy and
                                                      interfere with the receiving of satellite
maintenance of the project. Any alteration
                                                      signal, leading to inconsistent signal
made by this unit may affect the accuracy
and performance of GPS devices.
                                                      If any insulation film or explosion-proof
Please use this GPS navigation system
                                                      membrane is installed in your vehicle,
prudently. This system provides with
                                                      satellite signal may be interfered with.
navigation reference. DO NOT use this
system for accurate measurement of
direction, distance, location and terrain.
When firstly taking GPS satellite


                                                                   Functions and AV operation

    Caution:                                             route provided by this navigator may not
The traffic units in all areas will adjust
l                                                        be matching actual practice. Please drive
 property of road (one-way street, left turn             as per actual traffic control or regulation.
 forbidden etc.) according to local traffic            The navigation routes provided by this
 condition. Please be sure to obey the                 device are for driving reference only. For
 local traffic instructions. If the road               example, in driver’s familiar area, it may be
 condition differs with what the map                   more effective when choosing routes on his
 shows, please make your own judgment                  own, rather than following planned routes.
 if this road should be taken.

Map                                                    Receive satellite signal
lAs with rapid urban construction and town             Normally, as long as receiving the signal
 and country highway traffic development,              fromover 3 satellites,the navigation system
 traffic regulation information of city streets        can accurately locate your position, but
 keeps changing constantly. After launching            sometimes the signal received may be
 for some time, the product may provide                affected by weather or skyscrapers.
 traffic information not exactly matching
 actual practice. Driver should be aware of
 actual traffic condition, so as to avoid going
 against traffic rules.
lAs with the change of traffic regulation or
 temporary road control, the instructive


Functions and AV operation

6.Bluetooth telephone control                             Bluetooth is on, click(Pair).
Click on the Bluetooth functional key in main             Otherwise, it’s off and not for matching
menu, as follows:                                         mobile.
                                                     (      ):Receive or dial call key, when in
                                                              process, the button turns green.
                                                     (       ):Hang up. In talking, the button is in
                                                                red Press. this button to hand up,
                                                                meanwhile it turns grey.
                                                     (      Del ):Delete error number.
                                                     (   Records ):Click on this button to see the
                                                                     following picture:

( Pair ):Click to match Bluetooth mobile
( Handheld ):Change to receive by mobile
( Hands Free ):At hand free mode.
( Bluetooth ON ):Gray indicator turns
            yellow meanwhile “ ”turn
            blue indicating


                                                               Functions and AV operation

(   Back ) :Return to upper menu.                  ( CarRecords ):Jump to vehicle record
( Received calls) and ( Dialed calls):                            page.
       Preserve the most recent 20 received        ( Missed Calls ):Missed call list.
      or dialed calls.                             ( Received Calls ):Received call list.
(   )&(     ) :See call records.                   ( Dialed Calls ):Dialed call list.
( Clear all ):Clear all received and dialed        (SIM Contacts):As it states.
              call record.
                                                   ( Phone Contacts ):As it states .
( Bt Records):Click to see the following
                                                   7.Bluetooth music control
                                                   Play the music in mobile phone via Bluetooth


Functions and AV operation

(      ):Press it to play previous song.
(      ):When mobile phone is connected,
           press it to start playback.
(      ):In playback mode, press it topause.
(      ):Press it to stop playing.
(      ):Press it to play next song.
(      Back):Return to upper setup page.

                                                    Auto Switch to GPS ( ON )、( OFF ):
                                                       When it’s ( ON ), and 10 seconds after
                                                       operation in other page. it will auto switch
                                                       to navigation page When it’s (OFF),this
8.Setup function control                               function is turned off.
Œ Press (Settings) button on main menu,             GPS Voice ( ON )、( OFF ):
    to access to the first page of                     When it’s ( ON ),turn on GPS voice.
    (Settings)page:                                    When it’s ( OFF ),turn off GPS voice.
                                                    Rearview Camera ( ON )、( OFF ):
                                                       When it’s ( ON ),camera will capture the


                                                               Functions and AV operation

 car reversing live video onto the monitor.        Brake Override ( ON )、( OFF ):
When it’s off, no such live video will be             When it’s ON, DVD or video picture from
provided. It remains the original operation
screen.                                               auxiliary input can’t be shown until taking
      Caution:                                        stopping brake. But audio is not affected
l This function is valid for the cars with            by this setting. When it’s OFF, you may
  CAN BUS control only.                               access to DVD or video picture from
Auto Dimmer(ON):                                      auxiliary input at any time.
   Day/night mode button in menu                   Information:Click to display the relevant
   disappears. Turning vehicle light on/off            info about MCU,iPod,Barcode,Bluetooth,
   may control the day mode and night                  MPEG andUUID, as following picture:
   mode of screen. When turning on the
   head lamp, the screen will be in night
   mode.When turning off the head lamp,
   it’s in day/night mode.
Auto Dimmer(OFF):
    When day/night mode button appears in
   main menu, press it to adjust the day
   mode and night mode of the screen.


Functions and AV operation

Tire pressure:Display vehicle & set up
              relevant in-car info.
Style:Click on(Style) icon, as follows:

                                                      ( System Style ):Click button(Set) to open
                                                          style setup page, with a variety of style
                                                          available, as follows:
(Colour Set): Personalize page color, as
following picture:
"-””+”:Add or reduce RGB color value.
  Including: "Blue", "Orange", "Green",
 For quick switching system color,user may
          use R, G, B tocustomize color style,
          press and hold the definition to
          save it.

                                                              Functions and AV operation

“Default”:Click on the default style.             ( TV):WhenTV setup is (ON), turn on TV
“Apply”:Click to apply the selected style.                 function; when TV setup is (OFF),
“Cancel”:Click to cancel the selected                      convert to XM Radio (for use out of
              style.                                       China only).
“Next”:Jump to the next style setup page.         24 Hour Clock( ON )、( OFF ):
“ Back ”:Return to the setup page of                  When it’s ( ON ),the time is in 24-hour
                 upper level.                         system; When it’s ( OFF ),the time is in
( Language):Use ( )&( ) to switch                     12-hour system.
                language.                         ( Turn On Volume ): Use ( )& ( )to adjust
  Press (Next) button to 2nd (Settings)                                 volume output.
   page,As following picture:                     ( Button Back Lighting ):
                                                      Use( ) &( )keys to setup the
                                                      brightness of panel indicators, in
                                                      consistent with other keys.
                                                  (Turner Region ): Use( )&( ) keys to
                                                      select the radio channel of your desired
                                                  Time Set:Click (Time Set) button to setup,
                                                              as following picture:


Functions and AV operation

“    ”and“   ”:Set up relevant time:                     and accurately use finger or touch pen
              parameters of the system.                  to hit the center of cross cursor in order.
                                                         After successfully verifying, cross cursor
“    Back ”:Press it to return to setuppage.
                                                         disappears, 30 seconds count-down starts
                                                         at the center of screen. In such time hit on
                                                          the screen to confirm the verify data,
                                                         Otherwise the verification is invalid, as

Screen verifying:When touch screen
     becomes insensitive or with drifting
     sign, it’s needed to verify the touch
     screen area, in following steps:
     Start up the system, “notes” page
     appears, when seeing “agree” button,           Ž
                                                    (Next): Return to upper setup page, press
     press and hold the screen for 3                  (Next) button to access to page 3 of
     seconds. A white page appears, follow            (Settings) page, as following picture:
     the text prompt on the screen, slightly


                                                                     Functions and AV operation

                                                        "Mode":Click to highlight it, and click the
( Timezone):Use ( ) & ( ) buttons to                              corresponding key in steering wheel,
         select your desired time zone.                           and click apply to successfully set up
( Steering Wheel to Select):When steering                         your desired shortcut key. Other key
         wheel study is(ON),you may then                          functions are the same as those of
         use( ) & ( ) to select steering wheel .                 “mode” operation.
( Steering Wheel Custom):When it’s                      (System Reset ):Click on system reset key to
         (OFF), turn off steering wheel study,                  restart the mainframe CPU and GPS
         steering wheel becomes default.                        system.
         When it’s (ON), click to access to             ( System Update ):Product software update.
         (study) operation page, as follows:
                                                        “     Back ”:Press it to return to setup page.


Optional function

Optional function                                        (    ): Press it to stop playing Disc.
Back LCD                                                 (     ):Press it play next track or song.
Click on (Back LCD) to access to setup                   (   B ack):Re turn to main menu setup.
page,as following picture:
                                                         Watch TV program
                                                         Click on the (TV) button on the main menu to
                                                         see following picture:

( DVD Mode):Press it to select playing Disc.
(      ):Press it to play previous song or track.
(      ):When Disc is in, press it to start
         playback;When the Disc is                       ( Scan ) :Click to auto search TV channel.
         playing,press it to pause.When it’s             ( Setup ) :T he same as (DVD) setup(see
         paused and stopped, press it resume
         normal playback.                                           P-13 for reference).


                                                                             Optional function

( Menu ) :Program setup menu.
( Program ):Press it to watch the preset TV
( Prev ):Choose previous channel.
( Next ):Choose next channel.
( Stop/Back ):Cancel/return to an operation.

                                                    ( Pair ) :Match tire pressure and temperature
            : In (TV)page, use this button
              to move the cursor from all
                                                    Press (TPMS Set) button to access to setup
              directions, press (OK) button         page:
              to select it.
              (Hint:     / may adjust

TPMS setup
In main menu, press (Tpms) button to access
to the management page as follows:


Optional function

Click(   )&(   ) to set up related parameters.        matching information.
Press(Next) button, to enter the following

(  )&( )button can set up tire pressure
         alarm type.(OFF、RING、TEXT
( Back) :Press to return to previous
          operation page.
(Clear) :Click(clear)button to see the
         following page, And press(Yes)
         key to clear related tire pressure


                                                                                     Playable Disc type

Playable Disc type                                            Part of functions can’t be used in DVD/CD
Disc label side, package box and package
                                                              DVD-R/RW disc is for playing the files in
bag have the following marks.
                                                               Vid-eo format.
Playable Disc                                                 Files in VR format can’t be played in DVD-
type and mark        Size/sides        Longest playing         RW Disc.
DVD                DVD                 (MPEG2format)          For playing the Disc burnt by PC, but
                                                              sometimes it can’t be played subject to
                   12cm/singe side        133min              application setting or environment. Title or
                   1 side2 sides          240min              other text information may not be displayed
                   12cm/double sides      266min              in this machine.
                    1 side2 sides
                                          484min              DVD-R/RW Disc burnt in video format and
CD                                                            music CD or PC-burnt CD-R/CD-RW may
     COMPACT                                                  not be able to play in this machine, due to
                   CD                                         scratch, stain or internal lens dirt or dew.
     COMPACT       12cm/single side        74min              Sometimes, due to direct sunlight or high
                                                              temperature or abnormal condition in
      TEXT                                                    vehicle,CD-R/RW Disc may not start to play.
              Is a reistered remark of DVD Format/            Unable to play any CD-R/RW Disc burnt in
              Logo licensing Corporation                      DDCD (Double Density CD) format, and
                                                              unverified CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW Disc. Only
     Caution:                                                 the Discs with above labels can be played in


Use of the monitor

Use the monitor correctly                      working of safety device.
                                               2. About LCD screen
1. Notes of use
                                               The LCD monitor sometimes may be with a
DO NOT expose the monitor under direct
l                                               black dot or a flashing dot (bright dot). This
sunlight or high temperature area,              is a unique phenomena of LCD monitor,
otherwise, LCD failure may happen.              rather than failure.
When not using this machine, please avoid l
l                                               When using it in cold area, afte connecting
exposing the monitor to direct sunlight.        to power, the screen may be dim initially.
Use the monitor within the following
l                                               After a while, the brightness will resume
temperature range:                              normal.
Temp. range of use:-10 ℃~+50 ℃                  If with direct sunlight on LCD monitor, the
Temp. range of preservation : -20 ℃~+80 ℃ screen may be unclear due to light
For easy watching in vehicle, LCD monitor
sticks out. Please DO NOT press with LCD 3. About maintenance
monitor surface with strength, as it could      When cleansing the dirt on screen, please
lead to failure. When slightly touching the     turn off power and use soft cloth to wipe it.
monitor, except verifying the coordinator,
please make sure using finger to softly         When wiping monitor, please avoid
touch it, otherwise, it maybe damaged or        scratching by fingernail.
sticking with dirt.                             DO NOT use wet cloth, volatile oil or
lIn vehicle installed with the likes of safeair
bag, please note DO NOT hinder the

                                                                                         How to use Disc

How to use Disc                                    2,About maintenance
                                                   If the Disc is covered with dirt, please use
1,Notes of handling Disc                            clean soft cloth to wipe the Disc from inside
DO NOT use any Disc with crack or stain, or
l                                                   out.

DO NOT use abnormal (non-perfect
                                                   DO NOT adhere volatile or diluentsdiluent
 rounded) Disc, so as not to cause failure.
                                                    onto the Disc. Besides, DO NOT use the
                                                    cleaner for analogue recorder or antistatic

DO NOT touch the info side (with gloss) of
l                                                                             Cleaner
                                                                   Diluents              Volatile
the Disc when handling it. DO NOT hurt the                                                 Oil
DO NOT stick paper or label on the Disc.
l                                                  3,Notes of preservation
                                                   DO NOT expose the Disc under direct
                                                    sunshine or where is at high temp.
                                                   Keep the Disc in box, so as to avoid


Trouble shooting

                                                   function will be triggered, and some functions
                                                   will be stopped.

                                                   Trouble shooting

                                                         When with trouble
                                                         Please refer to the following table
4. About Disc Playback Pnvironment                       before sending to maintenance
While driving, Disc data can’t be correctly
 read due to vibration.
In low temp environment, please play
 the Disc upon turning on heater. Due to                  Unable to fix it after checking
 lens or Disc player could be with                        Reset the machine as factory
 moisture condensation (condensation                      default
 effect), normal playback may not be able
 to start. At this time, wait for about a
 hour, until the dew is evaporated, and
                                                         Still unable to fix it
 then use soft cloth to wipe out the dew                 Please consult with the customer
 remained on the Disc.                                   services department of the
When temperature rises, protection
l                                                        manufacturer


                                                                                           Trouble shooting

Common problems
                 Trouble                               Reason                               Solution
                                         All leads and connectors
                                                                               Reconfirm stable connection.
                                         are not correctly connected.
          Unable to power on.                                             Check reason of blown fuse, and replace
          Not working.                   Blown fuse.                      it with the fuse of the same specification.
                                         For noise reason, built-in
                                                                          Press reset button.
                                         computer error.
No response to touch key on screen,      Touch key shifting over actual   Conduct Touch
or being insensitive.                                                     screen coordinate
                                         reaction location.

                                         Disc with dirt.                  Clean the dirt on Disc.

           Unable to play.               Unacceptable Disc type.          Confirm Disc.

                                         With wrong Disc side up.         Insert Disc with label side up.

Turn on the ACC of vehicle(start
                                         Confirm the Disc is inserted.    Normal working.
engine), with engine sound.
                                         Unique LCD phenomena,
Black dot or bright dot on LCD screen.   rather than failure.


Trouble shooting

                                       Improper Brightness adjustment.      Adjust brightness.
          Dark LCD picture.
                                                                         Low surrounding temp leads to dark monitor.
                                       Too cold in the vehicle.          Use heater to warm up the interior vehicle.

                                       Volume is 0.                      Increase volume.
            No sound.
                                       Connection error.                 Confirm correct connection.

                                       Not connect to parking
                                       brake line.                       Connect to parking brake and
                                                                         execute it.
        No image display.              No parking brake.

                                       Turn off monitor.                 Press POWERkey or touch the
 No navigation system image display.   Not being switched to navigation. Switch the image into navigation
                                       Improper volume adjustment in
No sound from front or rear speaker.    front or rear speaker.
                                                                         Correct adjustment and setup.
                                       Improper volume adjustment
No sound from left or right speaker.
                                        in left or right speaker.


                                                                                            Trouble shooting
DVD Video
                Trouble                                Reason                               Solution
                                         The Disc inserted can only be
             Unable to play.             played from Disc menu.           Play from Disc menu.
                                                                          When brake cable is detected ON, no image can
                                         Vehicle is driving.              be played while driving, but with music only.
            No image display.
                                         Access to navigation picture. Press(AV) button to switch picture.

                                                                          Standstill picture and slow playback
            No sound.                    Standstill picture, in slow motion. are without sound accompanied.

                                         The DVD is recorded with 1       Unable to switch over the Disc recorded
  Unable to switch audio and             language soundtrack only.        with 1 language soundtrack only.
  subtitle language.
                                         Limited switching from Disc
                                         menu only.                       Switch over Disc menu.

Unable to execute initial setup audio    The DVD isn’t recorded with      Such DVD is unable to switch to the
and subtitle language.                   initial setup language.          selected language.
                                                                         As the system is with function of
                                        The Disc is recorded with        preventing from analogue copying,
When playing Disc, picture chaos copy-forbidden signal.                when playing Disc recorded with
or dim.                          (It may be recorded subject to Discs).copy-forbidden signal, some monitors
                                                                         may appear horizontal stripes,This is not


Trouble shooting

                                        Unable to read data when             Wipe out the dirt and play again.
Pictures tagnant, unable to operate.    playing Disc.

                 Trouble                              Reason                                      Solution
                                                                             Change to another Disc, if improve, it
                                        Scratching or bending the Disc.
                                                                             proves that it’s Disc problem.
With mass noise while playing CD;
suddenly comes to a stop while playing. Disc is very dirty.                  Wipe off the dirt.

                                         The Disc is sticking with mist
                                         or water drop.                      Wipe out the mist or water drop.

                                         Non-MP3 file is attached with       Please replace the Disc(Don’t attach
Mass noise or no sound while
playing MP3 file.                        [.mp3] extension name.              [.mp3] extension name to non-MP3 file).

                                        M P3 files sometimes aren’t played   Some files with names like **01, **02…
M P3 files are played in a different
                                        as per the burning sequence.         can be played as per set sequence.
sequence to burning.


                                                                                                   Terms Definition

                                                                Extension format:
Terms Definition                                                    Jolier:Max.64 characters in file name
1. CD/MP3 Disc                                                      Romeo: Max.128 characters in file name
   CD-DA                                                           Multi-segment writing
Abbreviation for “Compact Disk Digital Audio”, means            Multi-segment burning is a data written way to supply
uncompressed common CD.                                         additional data. When burning CD-ROM, CD-R and
                                                                CD-RW, the process from beginning to ending one
   MP3(MPEG Audio Layer3)                                       burning makes a segment. Multi-segment burning is
                                                                to burn more than two segments of data on one Disc.
“MPEG Audio Layer3” means MP3,sound compression
format specified by Moving Picture Expert Group(MPEG)              Id3 Tag
of ISO(international standard organization).MP3 could
 compress the sound to 1/10 of original data content            An approach to embed the relevant info of a song into
                                                                MP3 file. The info for embedding comprises of song
                                                                name, artist name, album name, device type, produ-
   ISO9660 Format                                               ction year and comment etc. The content can be edit-
According to international standard of CD-ROM file and          ed by software with ID3 Tag editing function. Usually
 folder logical format. ISO9660 format is limited by            it is limited by character number. When playing songs,
following level:                                                the info can be seen.
Level 1:File name is 8.3 type (comprising of capital
 English letters and number, and “-”,with name less                Byte rate
 than 8 characters,extension name less than 3                   It is the data provided in 1 second, with unit of bps (bits
characters),all folders have no more than 8 levels.             per second). The larger number means more playable
Level 2:File name is with up to 31 characters                    information for music, so the larger number means the
(Including separating character,"-“ and extension name),        better music quality.
All file folders are with no more than 8 levels.


Terms Definition

  VBR(Variable Bit Rate)                                   DVD titled content is divided into several
                                                           segments with identifiers, for chapter inquiry.
“Variable Bit Rate” is short for VBR, commo-
nly known CBR(Constant bit rate). When
compressing audio,bit rate is variable as per              Typically, TV camera shoots program at certain
compression condition.                                     angles, with only 1 angle in playback. Some DVDs
                                                           comprise of all shooting angles for viewers to choose
Like using floppy disk and hard disk, write the              Multi-soundtrack
desired file into the likes of CD-R.
                                                           DVD may comprise of multiple soundtracks,
  m3u                                                      for you to choose language.
Extension file name of playable file(.m3u),                  Multi-subtitle(Subheading)
attaching to the playback file list made by WINAMP.
                                                           DVD may comprise of subtitles up to 32 languages.
2. DVD Video                                               Viewer may self-define his own language.。
                                                             Area Code
DVD has mass content—1 Disc can hold several               DVD player and DVD Disc are with different playing
movies. For example, there are 3 movies in                 area codes for every sales area. If the Disc doesn’t
it---mov1,mov2, mov3. All file names can be                comprise of the code in the player, playback can’t be
 inquired.                                                 started. The area code of this machine is (6).




Specification                                       Amplifier and audio parts
                                                    Rated power output:22W X 4(10%T.H.D).
(As the product keeps improving, if with             Max. power output:45W X 4.
change of specification, please forgive that
                                                     Load impedance:4Ω.
we won’t have separated notice)
                                                    DVDplayer parts
                                                    Support Disc:DVD-ROM、DVD-VIDEO、
Max current consumption:10.0A.
                                                     DVD-R(video mode) /RW (video mode)、
                                                     CD-ROM 、CD-DA 、CD-R/RW .
 Grounding:Negative pole grounding.
                                                     Area No.:6 .
 External image input level:1V p-p(75Ω
                                                     Signal format(Sampling rate)
 External audio max input level1.5V/22KΩ.            (DVDvalue):48/96 K hz
 Image output level:1V p-p(75Ω load)                 (CDvalue):44.1 K hz
 (white100%output /when playing DVD).                Signal format(quantization B it)
                                                     (DVDvalue):16/20/24B it line
                                                     (CDvalue):16B it line
Approach:L1、C/A code GPS
l                                                    Frequency response:20Hz~20KHz(±3 dB )
 SPSstandard. positioning service.
                                                     Audio SNR:≥65dB.
 Receiving way:12 channels.
 Receiving frequency:1 575.42MHz.



Channel separation:≥50dB.                       Monitor part
Audio distortion plus noise:≤0.03% .            Screen size:6.5inch、6.95inch、8.0inch.
Video output level:1.0± 0.3Vpp.                  Display area:144X78.4、158X83.6、
Line synchronous amplitude:0.3 ± 0.1Vpp.         177.64X100.35.
FM tuner parts                                   Pixel resolution:800x480.
Frequency band:87.5MHz~108MHz).
l                                                Approach: TFT active matrix, transparent.
 Practical sensitivity:≤12dBμV.                  Edge illumination:Cold cathode L tube.
 Locking sensitivity:35dBμV.                     Color system:NTSC/PALcompatible.
 SNR: Over 50dB(IHF-A network).                  Temperature range for working:
 THD:0.3%.                                       -10 ℃~ +50 ℃ .
 Frequency response:≥2KHz.                       Temperature range for preserving:
 Stereo crosstalk:≥27dB.                         -20 ℃~ +80 ℃ .
AM tuner parts                                   Touch screen:Resistance induction
                                                 analog(film + glass).
lReceived frequency band:
                                                GPS antenna
 531k Hz ~1602k Hz (9k Hz ).
                                                lAntenna: Microwave transmission with flat
 530k Hz ~1604k Hz (10k Hz ).
                                                 plane antenna/Right circular. polarization
 Practical sensitivity:≤28dBμV.
                                                 wave antenna cable length:3.0m.
 Locking sensitivity:≤45 dBμV.



Dimension and size
Installation size of navigation system
 178(W) x 100(H) x165 (D)mm.
 39(W) x 15.5(H) x48.5 (D)mm.
Total weight:about 2.5kg.


Quick installation guide. Before installation, please read through all instructions.
It’s advised to entrust professional automobile Hi-Fi dealer to install this machine
                                                                    A                   B

                                                                                                                                                                 10A fuse
                                                                                                     Original antenna port

              GPS antenna
                                         Radio antenna

                                                             C          D       E          F
                                                                A                      B                                     C         D     E               F

    GPS antenna                 Radio automatic

        OBD                                                                         Reserved                                                          TV         Tire pressure


                                                                                                                                                    Reverse trigger

                                                         Digital audio output   Bass output    Lin control

                                                                                                                                             Car reversing
                                                                                                                                             video input

                                                  Rear LCD

                   Vehicle amplifier

FCC Caution.                                             radio frequency energy and, if not installed
                                                         and used in accordance with the instructions,
§ 15.19 Labelling requirements.                          may cause harmful interference to radio
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC             c o m m u n i c a t i o n s . H o w e v e r, t h e r e i s n o
Rules. Operation is subject to the following             guarantee that interference will not occur in a
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause            particular installation. If this equipment does
harmful interference, and (2) this device must           cause harmful interference to radio or
accept any interference received, including              television reception, which can be determined
interference that may cause undesired                    by turning the equipment off and on, the user
operation.                                               is encouraged to try to correct the
§ 15.21 Changes or modification warning                  interference by one or more of the following
                                                         measures:-Reorient or relocate the receiving
Any Changes or modifications not expressly               antenna.
approved by the party responsible for                    -Increase the separation between
compliance could void the user's authority to            theequipment and receiver.
operate the equipment.                                   -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
§ 1 5 . 1 0 5 I n f o r m a t i o n t o t h e u s e r.   circuit different from that to which the receiver
Note: This equipment has been tested and                 is connected.
found to comply with the limits for a Class B            -Consult the dealer or an experienced
digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC           radio/TV technician for help.
                                                         * RF warning for Portable device:
Rules. These limits are designed to provide              The device has been evaluated to meet
reasonable protection against harmful                    general RF exposure requirement. The
interference in a residential installation. This         device can be used in portable exposure
equipment generates uses and can radiate                 condition without restriction.

Manufacturer:Flyaudio Corporation
Address:No.16 Mingzhu Road,
Economical & Technology
Development Zone, Guangzhou
Customer services hotline: 400-700-8180
※ If there would be any change of address or telephone
   number, please forgive that we won’t have separated
Printed in China

Document Created: 2013-08-02 15:00:23
Document Modified: 2013-08-02 15:00:23

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