Setup 2


Test Setup Photos

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                                                                  Testing and certification of electronic and
                                                                  electric appliances, systems, installations and
                                                                  telecommunication systems

                                 PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TESTSETUP OF A
                                  DIGITAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEM (DTS),
                                OPERATING IN THE RANGE 2400-2483.5 MHz,
                                       BRAND Tacx, MODEL T2900.

                                            September 23, 2016

TÜV Rheinland Nederland B.V.
Eiberkamp 10
9351VT Leek
The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 594 505005
Telefax:    +31 594 504804

Project number: 16041502.p03b                                                                          Page 1 of 8

                                                       Description of EUT:   Digital Transmission System (DTS) (BLE)
                                                            Manufacturer:    Tacx b.v.
                                                              Brand mark:    Tacx
                                                                    Model:   T2900
                                                                   FCC ID:   2AAMI-T2900
                                                                       IC:   11353A-T2900

Description of test item

Test item                        :   Digital Transmission System (DTS)
Manufacturer                     :   Tacx b.v.
Brand                            :   Tacx
Model(s)                         :   T2900
Serial number(s)                 :   861600008 (conducted tests) and 861600019 (radiated tests)
Revision                         :   --
FCC ID                           :   2AAMI-T2900
IC                                   11353A-T2900
Receipt date                     :   September 08, 2016

Applicant information

Applicant's representative       :   Martin Smits
Company                          :   Tacx b.v.
Address                          :   Rijksstraatweg 52
Postal code                      :   2241BW,
City                             :   Wassenaar
Country                          :   Netherlands
Telephone number                 :   +31705119259
Telefax number                   :   +31705116411
e-mail address             

Report written by                :   R. van der Meer

Report date                      :   September 23, 2016

 Project number: 16012203.p03b                                                                               Page 2 of 8

                                                                                          Description of EUT:           Digital Transmission System (DTS) (BLE)
                                                                                               Manufacturer:            Tacx b.v.
                                                                                                 Brand mark:            Tacx
                                                                                                       Model:           T2900
                                                                                                      FCC ID:           2AAMI-T2900
                                                                                                          IC:           11353A-T2900

Table of contents

PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TESTSETUP. ............................................................................................................................... 4
    1.1    RADIATED EMISSIONS..................................................................................................................................................... 4
      1.1.1    Radiated emissions setup below 1 GHz. ......................................................................................................... 4
      1.1.2    Radiated emissions setup above 1 GHz, up to 18 GHz. ............................................................................... 5
      1.1.3    Radiated emissions setup above 1 GHz, 18 G up to 25 GHz ....................................................................... 5
      1.1.4    Radiated emissions setup detail, front and rear side. .................................................................................... 6
    1.2    ANTENNA PORT CONDUCTED TESTS ............................................................................................................................ 7
      1.2.1    Conducted tests testsetup overview ................................................................................................................. 7
2      AC POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TEST SETUP..................................................................................... 8

    Project number: 16012203.p03b                                                                                                                                     Page 3 of 8

                                                Description of EUT:   Digital Transmission System (DTS) (BLE)
                                                     Manufacturer:    Tacx b.v.
                                                       Brand mark:    Tacx
                                                             Model:   T2900
                                                            FCC ID:   2AAMI-T2900
                                                                IC:   11353A-T2900

Photographs of the testsetup.
1.1 Radiated emissions.
1.1.1   Radiated emissions setup below 1 GHz.

 Project number: 16012203.p03b                                                                        Page 4 of 8

                                                    Description of EUT:   Digital Transmission System (DTS) (BLE)
                                                         Manufacturer:    Tacx b.v.
                                                           Brand mark:    Tacx
                                                                 Model:   T2900
                                                                FCC ID:   2AAMI-T2900
                                                                    IC:   11353A-T2900

1.1.2   Radiated emissions setup above 1 GHz, up to 18 GHz.

1.1.3   Radiated emissions setup above 1 GHz, 18 G up to 25 GHz

 Project number: 16012203.p03b                                                                            Page 5 of 8

                                                       Description of EUT:   Digital Transmission System (DTS) (BLE)
                                                            Manufacturer:    Tacx b.v.
                                                              Brand mark:    Tacx
                                                                    Model:   T2900
                                                                   FCC ID:   2AAMI-T2900
                                                                       IC:   11353A-T2900

1.1.4   Radiated emissions setup detail, front and rear side.

 Project number: 16012203.p03b                                                                               Page 6 of 8

                                             Description of EUT:   Digital Transmission System (DTS) (BLE)
                                                  Manufacturer:    Tacx b.v.
                                                    Brand mark:    Tacx
                                                          Model:   T2900
                                                         FCC ID:   2AAMI-T2900
                                                             IC:   11353A-T2900

1.2 Antenna Port Conducted Tests
1.2.1   Conducted tests testsetup overview

 Project number: 16012203.p03b                                                                     Page 7 of 8

                                Description of EUT:   Digital Transmission System (DTS) (BLE)
                                     Manufacturer:    Tacx b.v.
                                       Brand mark:    Tacx
                                             Model:   T2900
                                            FCC ID:   2AAMI-T2900
                                                IC:   11353A-T2900

2 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions Test Setup

Project number: 16012203.p03b                                                         Page 8 of 8

Document Created: 2016-09-23 13:01:19
Document Modified: 2016-09-23 13:01:19

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