Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                          Testing and certification of electronic and
                                                                          electric appliances, systems, installations and
                                                                          telecommunication systems

                               TEST REPORT CONCERNING THE COMPLIANCE OF A
                                Low Power Communication Device Transmitter (DXX)
                              OPERATING IN THE FREQUENCYRANGE 2402 – 2480 MHz,
                                           BRAND Tacx, MODEL T2240
                                    WITH 47 CFR PART 15 (10-1-14 Edition) and
                                      RSS-Gen (Issue 4, November 2014) and
                                        RSS-210 (Issue 8, December 2010)

                                                 April 28, 2016

                                                                                     FCC listed : 90828
                                                                               Industry Canada : 2932G-2
                                                                  R&TTE and, EMC Notified Body : 1856

TÜV Rheinland Nederland B.V.
P.O. Box 37
9350 AA Leek (NL)
Eiberkamp 10
9351 VT Leek (NL)

Telephone: +31 594 505005
Telefax:   +31 594 504804

E-mail: products@nl.tuv.com
Web: www.tuv.com/nl

Project number: 16012203.fcc02                                                                                Page 1 of 30

                                                        Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                         Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                               Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                                Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                     Model:      T2240
                                                                   FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                         IC:     11353A-T2240

                                   MEASUREMENT/TECHNICAL REPORT

                                                   Brand: Tacx
                                                   Model: T2240

                                               FCC ID: 2AAMI-T2240
                                                IC: 11353A-T2240

    This report concerns:      Original grant,certification / Limited Single Modular Approval       Class 2 change

    Equipment type:            Low Power Communication Device Transmitter (DXX)

    Report prepared by:                Name                       : Richard van der Meer
                                       Company name               : TÜV Rheinland Nederland B.V.
                                       Address                    : Eiberkamp 10
                                       Postal code/city           : 9351VT Leek
                                       Mailing address            : P.O. Box 37
                                       Postal code/city           : 9350AA Leek
                                       Country                    : The Netherlands
                                       Telephone number           : + 31 594 505 005
                                       Telefax number             : + 31 594 504 804
                                       E-mail                     : products@nl.tuv.com

The data taken for this test and report herein was done in accordance with 47 CFR Part 15 ( 10-1-14 Edition),
RSS-Gen (Issue 4, November 2014) and RSS-210 (Issue 8, December 2010) and the measurement procedures of
ANSI C63.10-2013. TÜV Rheinland Nederland B.V. at Leek, The Netherlands, certifies that the data is accurate
and contains a true representation of the emission profile of the Equipment Under Test (EUT) on the date of the
test as noted in the test report. I have reviewed the test report and find it to be an accurate description of the test(s)
performed and the EUT so tested.

Date:   April 28, 2016                     Signature:

                                                   Pieter de Beer
                                                   Technical Manager
                                                   TÜV Rheinland Nederland B.V.

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                                                             Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                              Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                                    Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                                     Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                          Model:      T2240
                                                                        FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                              IC:     11353A-T2240

Description of test item

EUT                                      :      Low Power Communication Device Transmitter (DXX)
Manufacturer                             :      Tacx b.v.
Brand                                    :      Tacx
Model(s)                                 :      T2240
Serial Number                            :      951500057 (conducted tests) and
                                                951500042 (radiated tests)
Voltage input rating                     :      40 Vac
Voltage output rating                    :      --
Current input rating                     :      --
Antenna                                  :      Internal, integrated on the PCB
Antenna Gain                             :      + 2.0 dBi
Operating frequency                      :      2402 MHz-2480 MHz.
Modulation                               :      GFSK
Remarks                                  :      n.a.

Applicant information

Applicant's representative           :         Martin Smits
Company                              :         Tacx b.v.
Address                              :         Rijksstraatweg 52
Postal code                          :         2241BW,
City                                 :         Wassenaar
Country                              :         Netherlands
Telephone number                     :         +31705119259
Telefax number                       :         +31705116411

Test(s) performed

Location                             :         Leek
Test(s) started                      :         April 04, 2016
Test(s) completed                    :         April 18, 2016
Purpose of test(s)                   :         Equipment Authorization (Original grant/certification)

Test specification(s)                :         47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.249 (10-1-14 Edition) and
                                               RSS-GEN (ISSUE 4, NOVEMBER 2014) AND
                                               RSS-210 (ISSUE 8, DECEMBER 2010).

Test engineer(s)                     :         R. van der Meer

Report written by                    :         R. van der Meer

Report date                          :         April 28, 2016

This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written permission of TÜV Rheinland Nederland B.V.
The test results relate only to the item(s) tested.

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                                                                                Test specification(s):          47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                                                 Description of EUT:            Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                                                          Manufacturer:         Tacx b.v.
                                                                                           Brand mark:          Tacx
                                                                                                Model:          T2240
                                                                                              FCC ID:           2AAMI-T2240
                                                                                                    IC:         11353A-T2240

Table of contents

1     General information. .............................................................................................................................................. 5
    1.1    Product description. ........................................................................................................................................ 5
      1.1.1      Introduction. ............................................................................................................................................ 5
    1.2    Related submittal(s) and/or Grant(s). ............................................................................................................. 5
      1.2.1      General. .................................................................................................................................................. 5
    1.3    Tested system details. .................................................................................................................................... 5
      1.3.1      Description of input and output ports. ..................................................................................................... 6
    1.4    Test results summary ..................................................................................................................................... 7
    1.5    Test methodology. .......................................................................................................................................... 8
    1.6    Test facility. .................................................................................................................................................... 8
    1.7    Test conditions. .............................................................................................................................................. 8
2     System test configuration. ..................................................................................................................................... 9
    2.1    Justification. .................................................................................................................................................... 9
    2.2    EUT mode of operation. ................................................................................................................................. 9
    2.3    Special accessories. ..................................................................................................................................... 10
    2.4    Equipment modifications. ............................................................................................................................. 10
    2.5    Product Labeling .......................................................................................................................................... 10
    2.6    Block diagram of the EUT. ........................................................................................................................... 10
    2.7    Schematics of the EUT................................................................................................................................. 10
    2.8    Part list of the EUT. ...................................................................................................................................... 10
3     Radiated emission data. ...................................................................................................................................... 11
    3.1    Radiated field strength measurements (30 MHz – 1 GHz, E-field) .............................................................. 12
      3.1.1      Radiated field strength measurements (30 MHz- 1 GHz, E-field) ........................................................ 12
    3.2    Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field) ....................................................................... 13
      3.2.1      Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field), EUT’s TX Frequency 2402 MHz ........... 13
      3.2.2      Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field), EUT’s TX Frequency 2440 MHz ........... 13
      3.2.3      Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field), EUT’s TX Frequency 2480 MHz ........... 14
      3.2.4      Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field), EUT normal operation .......................... 14
4     AC Powerline Conducted Emission Data. ........................................................................................................... 16
    4.1    AC Power Line Conducted Emission data of the EUT ................................................................................. 16
      4.1.1      AC Power Line Conducted Emissions .................................................................................................. 17
      4.1.2      Plots of the AC Power Line Conducted Emissions ............................................................................... 18
5     Emissions at the band edges .............................................................................................................................. 20
6     Bandwidth of the emission .................................................................................................................................. 23
7     List of utilized test equipment. ............................................................................................................................. 29

    Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                                                                             Page 4 of 30

                                                             Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                              Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                                     Manufacturer:    Tacx b.v.
                                                                      Brand mark:     Tacx
                                                                           Model:     T2240
                                                                         FCC ID:      2AAMI-T2240
                                                                               IC:    11353A-T2240

1        General information.
1.1      Product description.
The brand Tacx, Model T2240, hereafter referred to as EUT, is a Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
(DXX), BlueTooth Low Energy used in an Interactive Smart Trainer with Electric Motor Brake for bicycles to
transmit performance data to PC, Tablet or smartphone. The EUT is factory configured for the 2402-2480 MHz
band. The EUT also contains a Digital Transmission System (DTS) operating in the frequencyband 2403-2480
MHz, based on ANT technology, although the two transmitters never transmit at the same time. The DTS
transmitter is covered in a separate report.

1.1.1   Introduction.
The content of this report and measurement results have not been changed other than the way of presenting the data.

1.2      Related submittal(s) and/or Grant(s).

1.2.1     General.

This test report supports the original grant/certification in equipment authorization files under:
FCC ID: 2AAMI-T2240 and IC: 11353A-T2240.

1.3      Tested system details.

Details and an overview of the system and all of its components, as it has been tested, may be found below.

EUT                                   :         Low Power Communication Device Transmitter (DXX)
Manufacturer                          :         Tacx b.v.
Brand                                 :         Tacx
Model(s)                              :         T2240
Serial Number                         :         951500057 (conducted tests) and 951500042 (radiated tests)
Voltage input rating                  :         40 Vac
Voltage output rating                 :         --
Current input rating                  :         --
Antenna                               :         Internal, integrated on the PCB
Antenna Gain                          :         + 2.0 dBi
Operating frequency                   :         2402 MHz-2480 MHz.
Modulation                            :         GFSK
Spreading technique                   :         Digital modulation
Remarks                               :         n.a.

Auxiliary equipment 1 (AUX1)          :        Notebook computer
Brand                                 :        Hewlett-Packard
Model                                 :        Compaq 6710b
Serial number                         :        CNU8150MD3
Remark                                :        used for programming the EUT, property applicant

Auxiliary equipment 2 (AUX2)          :        Programming interface
Brand                                 :        Segger
Model                                 :        J-Link Base version 9.3
Serial number                         :        59307055
Remarks                               :        used for programming the EUT, property applicant

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                                                         Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                          Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                                Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                                 Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                      Model:      T2240
                                                                    FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                          IC:     11353A-T2240

1.3.1       Description of input and output ports.

No input and output connections ports on the EUT during testing, but for programming the following connections were used.

 Number               Terminal                  From                 To                            Remarks
        1       Mains                   Mains               (AUX1)                 --
        2       Usb                     AUX1                AUX2                   --
        3       datacom                 AUX2                EUT                    --
        4       Power                   AUX3                EUT                    --

  Mains          1

                                           Figure 1. Basic set-up for programming


                        1                                       2




                                      Photo 1: basic setup for frequency programming

The testsoftware (as installed on AUX1) is used to program the operating frequency of the EUT. AUX2 were used
only to program the operating frequency and once set the auxiliary items were removed from the test-setup and the
EUT operates on it’s own.

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                                                         Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                          Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                                Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                                 Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                      Model:      T2240
                                                                    FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                          IC:     11353A-T2240

1.4     Test results summary

The EUT was tested in accordance with the specifications given in the table below.

                      Test Standard

       47 CFR Part 15          RSS-Gen /RSS-210                                                            Pass / Fail
                                                              Description                   Page
      (10-1-14 Edition)

                                                           AC Power Line
          15.207(a)                RSS-Gen(8.8)                                            16 - 19        Not Applicable
                                                         Conducted Emissions

                             RSS-Gen(8.9, 8.10) and
      15.205 and 15.209                                   Radiated Emissions               11 - 15            Pass
                                RSS-210 (A2.5)

          15.249(d)          RSS-210 (section A2.9)      Band Edge Emissions               20 - 22            Pass

          15.215(c)                RSS-Gen(6.6)           Occupied Bandwidth               23 - 28            Pass

                                                  Table : testspecifications

Testmethods: ANSI C63.10-2013 and RSS-Gen Issue 4, November 2014

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                                                           Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                            Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                                  Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                                   Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                        Model:      T2240
                                                                      FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                            IC:     11353A-T2240

1.5    Test methodology.

The test methodology used is based on the requirements of 47 CFR Part 15 (10-1-14 Edition), sections 15.31,
15.205,15.207, 15.209 and 15.249, RSS-GEN (ISSUE 4, NOVEMBER 2014) RSS-210 (ISSUE 8, DECEMBER

The test methods, which have been used, are based on ANSI C63.10-2013.

The receivers are switching automatically to the right bandwidth in accordance with CISPR 16. This is implemented
in the receiver. The antenna factors are programmed in the test receiver. The receiver automatically calculates the
appropriate correction factor for the utilized antenna and also the appropriate antenna factor for the cable loss. The
total correction is automatically added to the measured value.

1.6    Test facility.

The Federal Communications Commission and Industry Canada has reviewed the technical characteristics of the
test facilities at TÜV Rheinland Nederland B.V. , located in Leek, 9351VT Eiberkamp 10, The Netherlands, and has
found these test facilities to be in compliance with the requirements of 47 CFR Part 15, section 2.948.

The description of the test facilities has been filed at the Office of the Federal Communications Commission under
registration number 90828. The facility has been added to the list of laboratories performing these test services for
the public on a fee basis.

The description of the test facilities has been filed to Industry Canada under registration number 2932G-2. The
facility has been added to the list of laboratories performing these test services for the public on a fee basis.

1.7    Test conditions.

Normal test conditions:

Temperature (*)            : +15°C to +35°C
Relative humidity(*)       : 20 % to 75 %
Supply voltage             : 40 Vac through a 230Vac Power Supply Adapter (AUX1)

When it was impracticable to carry out the tests under these conditions, a note to this effect stating the ambient temperature and
relative humidity during the tests are stated separately.

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                                                     Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                      Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                            Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                             Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                  Model:      T2240
                                                                FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                      IC:     11353A-T2240

2     System test configuration.
2.1   Justification.

As load, a system with a driving control and motor was applied to drive the wheel. The performance could be
monitored on a smartphone.
The justification and manipulation of cables and equipment in order to simulate a worst-case behavior of the test
setup has been carried out as prescribed in ANSI C63.10-2013.

2.2   EUT mode of operation.

The EUT has been tested in continues transmit mode with a modulated carrier. The intentional radiator tests have
been performed with a complete functioning EUT.

A continuous transmit mode could be initiated by using test software as supplied by the applicant. The test software
was used to define various different operational modes of the EUT for the purpose of compliance testing. The
version of the test software, as supplied by the applicant and used during all tests is:

Test software    : nRFTools 51422 v1.0.0

Batch files programmed by the applicant are used to make the required settings.
This software was running on a laptop computer (AUX1).

                             Photograph of the software (and settings) as used on AUX1

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                                                     Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                      Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                            Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                             Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                  Model:      T2240
                                                                FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                      IC:     11353A-T2240

2.3   Special accessories.

No special accessories are used and/or needed to achieve compliance.

2.4   Equipment modifications.

No modifications have been made to the equipment in order to achieve compliance.

2.5   Product Labeling

The product labeling information is available in the technical documentation package.

2.6   Block diagram of the EUT.

The block diagram is available in the technical documentation package.

2.7   Schematics of the EUT.

The schematics are available in the technical documentation package.

2.8   Part list of the EUT.

The part list is available in the technical documentation package.

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                                                      Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                       Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                             Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                              Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                   Model:      T2240
                                                                 FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                       IC:     11353A-T2240

3     Radiated emission data.

Date of testing:                                    2016-04-05

Frequency range:                                    30MHz - 25GHz

FCC 15.205, FCC 15.209, FCC 15.249 and IC RSS-Gen(8.9, 8.10) and RSS-210(A2.5)
Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in FCC 15.205(a), must comply with the radiated
emission limits specified in FCC 15.209(a).
Radiated emissions which fall outside the operation frequency band and outside restricted bands shall either meet
the limit specified in FCC 15.209(a)/ RSS-Gen (8.8) or be attenuated at least 20dB below the power level in the
100kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power (the less severe limit

Test procedure:
ANSI C63.10-2013.

The EUT is considered as floor-standing equipment not typically installed with its base in direct electrical contact
with, or connected to, a metal floor or grid. The EUT was placed on the floor with insulation material in-between of
4mm thickness to prevent electric contact.
Before final measurements of radiated emissions were performed, the EUT was scanned to determine its emission
spectrum profile. The physical arrangement of the test system, the associated cabling were varied in order to
ensure that maximum emission amplitudes were attained.
The spectrum was examined from 30MHz to the 10th harmonic of the highest fundamental transmitter frequency
(25GHz). Final radiated emission measurements were made at 3m distance.
At each frequency where a spurious emission was found, the EUT was rotated 360° and the antenna was raised
and lowered from 1 to 4m in order to determine the emission’s maximum level. Measurements were taken using
both horizontal and vertical antenna polarizations.
The highest emission amplitudes relative to the appropriate limit were recorded in this report. Field strength values
of radiated emissions at frequencies not listed in the tables are more than 20 dB below the applicable limit. The
levels are expressed in dBm which are derived from dBm = E(dBμV/m) – 95.2dB. Where Peak (Pk) values where
at least 6 dB under the Average (Av) limits, Av value was not tested. Were Average values were tested, Average
values were measured using a 10Hz Video Bandwidth.

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                                                      Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                       Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                             Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                              Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                   Model:      T2240
                                                                 FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                       IC:     11353A-T2240

3.1 Radiated field strength measurements (30 MHz – 1 GHz, E-field)

3.1.1    Radiated field strength measurements (30 MHz- 1 GHz, E-field)

          Frequency                 Antenna           Level QP                 Limit QP               Result
             [MHz]                 Orientation        [dBμV/m]                 [dBμV/m]              Pass/Fail
           111.48*R                  Vertical           24.8                     43.5                  Pass
            208.48                   Vertical           24.0                     43.5                  Pass
           258.92*R                  Vertical           28.1                     46.0                  Pass
            522.76                   Vertical           35.5                     46.0                  Pass
         858.38 (noise)              Vertical           41.7                     46.0                  Pass
         947.62 (noise)              Vertical           43.2                     46.0                  Pass

                  Table 1 Radiated emissions of the EUT in the frequency range 30 MHz – 1 GHz.

The results of the radiated emission tests, carried out in accordance with 47 CFR Part 15 section 15.209, 15.249
and RSS-210 Section A2.9 and RSS-Gen section 8.9 with the EUT operating in continues transmit mode are
depicted in Table 1.


    1. Field strength values of radiated emissions at frequencies not listed in the table above are more than 20 dB
       below the applicable limit. The 6 highest values are noted
    2. Measurement uncertainty is 5.0dB
    3. The reported field strength values are the worst case values at the indicated frequency. The EUT was
       varied in 2 positions (horizontal and vertical) because of it’s physical limitations, the antenna was varied in
       horizontal and vertical orientations and also in height (between 1m and 4m).
    4. Preliminary measurements indicated that the radiated emissions from EUT were not affected by the EUT’s
       operating mode or frequency.
    5. A Quasi-peak detector was used with a resolution bandwidth of 120 kHz.

Used test equipment and ancillaries:

 A00314        A00447        A00450        A00257      A00235          A00258        A00444        A00466

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                                                  Test specification(s):     47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                   Description of EUT:       Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                          Manufacturer:      Tacx b.v.
                                                           Brand mark:       Tacx
                                                                Model:       T2240
                                                              FCC ID:        2AAMI-T2240
                                                                    IC:      11353A-T2240

3.2 Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field)

3.2.1     Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field), EUT’s TX Frequency 2402 MHz

    Frequency           Antenna                 Resolution             Level                Limit
                                     Detector                                                               Result
      [MHz]            Orientation              Bandwidth             [dBm]                [dBm]
      2402                                                                                 -1.2 Av
                       Horizontal     Peak         1000                    -4.7                              Pass
  (fundamental)                                                                           +18.9 Pk
                 R                                                                       -41.2 (Av)
        1258.3*          Vertical     Peak         1000                -36.2                                 Pass
                                                                                         -21.2 (Pk)
                 R                                                                       -41.2 (Av)
        1440.8*          Vertical     Peak         1000               <-55.0                                 Pass
                                                                                         -21.2 (Pk)
               H*R                                                                        41.2 (Av)
        4806*            Vertical     Peak         1000                -47.5                                 Pass
                                                                                         -21.2 (Pk)
                HR                                                                       -41.2 (Av)
        7210*            Vertical     Peak         1000               <-50.0                                 Pass
                                                                                         -21.2 (Pk)
                R                                                                        -41.2 (Av)
        7408*            Vertical     Peak         1000               <-50.0                                 Pass
                                                                                         -21.2 (Pk)
                                                   Table 2

3.2.2     Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field), EUT’s TX Frequency 2440 MHz

    Frequency           Antenna                 Resolution             Level                Limit
                                     Detector                                                               Result
      [MHz]            Orientation              Bandwidth             [dBm]                [dBm]
      2440                                                                                 -1.2 Av
                       Horizontal     Peak         1000                    -5.1                              Pass
  (fundamental)                                                                           +18.9 Pk
                R                                                                         -41.2 Av
        1086*          Horizontal     Peak         1000                -51.0                                 Pass
                                                                                          -21.2 Pk
                 R                                                                        -41.2 Av
        1441.8*          Vertical     Peak         1000                -50.0                                 Pass
                                                                                          -21.2 Pk
                R                                                                         -41.2 Av
        1554*            Vertical     Peak         1000                -53.3                                 Pass
                                                                                          -21.2 Pk
        4884             Vertical     Peak         1000                -47.9              -21.2 Pk           Pass
                HR                                                                        -41.2 Av
        7326*            Vertical     Peak         1000               <-55.0                                 Pass
                                                                                          -21.2 Pk
                                                   Table 3

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                                                  Test specification(s):     47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                   Description of EUT:       Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                          Manufacturer:      Tacx b.v.
                                                           Brand mark:       Tacx
                                                                Model:       T2240
                                                              FCC ID:        2AAMI-T2240
                                                                    IC:      11353A-T2240

3.2.3    Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field), EUT’s TX Frequency 2480 MHz

    Frequency           Antenna                 Resolution             Level                Limit
                                     Detector                                                               Result
      [MHz]            Orientation              Bandwidth             [dBm]                [dBm]
      2480                                                                                 -1.2 Av
                       Horizontal     Peak         1000                    -5.8                              Pass
  (fundamental)                                                                           +18.9 Pk
               *R        Vertical                                                        -41.2 (Av)
        1234                          Peak         1000                -37.4                                 Pass
                                                                                         -21.2 (Pk)
            *H*R                                                                         -41.2 (Av)
        4924             Vertical     Peak         1000                -48.0                                 Pass
                                                                                         -21.2 (Pk)
            *H*R                                                                         -41.2 (Av)
        7452             Vertical     Peak         1000                -55.0                                 Pass
                                                                                         -21.2 (Pk)
                 *H                                                                      -41.2 (Av)
        9920.2           Vertical     Peak         1000                -50.0                                 Pass
                                                                                         -21.2 (Pk)
                                                   Table 4

3.2.4    Radiated field strength measurements (1 - 25 GHz, E-field), EUT normal operation

    Frequency           Antenna                 Resolution             Level                Limit
                                     Detector                                                               Result
      [MHz]            Orientation              Bandwidth             [dBm]                [dBm]
                                                                                          -41.2 Av
         1431          Horizontal     Peak         1000                -47.7                                 Pass
                                                                                          -21.2 Pk
        4810           Horizontal     Peak         1000                -46.0                -21.2            Pass
        4810           Horizontal    Average       1000                <-50                 -41.2            Pass
        4884           Horizontal     Peak         1000                -46.2                -21.2            Pass
        4884           Horizontal    Average       1000                <-50                 -41.2            Pass
               H*R                                                                        -41.2 Av
        4921*            Vertical     Peak         1000                -45.7                                 Pass
                                                                                          -21.2 Pk
        4921*            Vertical    Average       1000                <-50                 -41.2            Pass
               H*R                                                                        -41.2 Av
        4960*            Vertical     Peak         1000                -45.9                                 Pass
                                                                                          -21.2 Pk
        4960*            Vertical    Average       1000                <-50                 -41.2            Pass
                H                                                                         -41.2 Av
        7212*            Vertical     Peak         1000                -49.1                                 Pass
                                                                                          -21.2 Pk
               H*R                                                                        -41.2 Av
        7360*            Vertical     Peak         1000                -54.0                                 Pass
                                                                                          -21.2 Pk

                                                   Table 5

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                                                    Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                     Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                           Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                            Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                 Model:      T2240
                                                               FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                     IC:     11353A-T2240

The results of the radiated emission tests, carried out in accordance with 47 CFR Part 15 section 15.209 and
15.249 and RSS-210 section A2.9 and RSS-Gen section 8.9 with the EUT operating in continues transmit mode
are depicted in Tables 2 through 5.


    1. Field strength values of radiated emissions at frequencies not listed in the table above are more than 20 dB
       below the applicable limit.
    2. Measurement uncertainty is 5.0dB
    3. The reported field strength values are the worst case values at the indicated frequency. The EUT was
       varied in 2 positions, the antenna was varied in horizontal and vertical orientations and also in height
       (between 1m and 4m).
    4. The EUT was tested on the lowest frequency (2402 MHz), a middle frequency (2440 MHz) and the highest
       frequency (2480 MHz) in the 2402 – 2480 MHz band wherein it operates and the normal operation with
       both transmitters (ANT and BLE) active, although they never transmit simultaneously.
    5. Peak values were within Average limits, therefor not retested with Average detector,
        H                                  R                                                    H*R
    6. * indicates a harmonic frequency, * indicates a frequency in the restricted band and * indicates a
       harmonic frequency in a restricted band.

Used test equipment and ancillaries:

 A00450        A00235        A00337     A00258       A00444          A00009        A00012        A00255        A00247
 A00151        A00131        A00065

 Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                             Page 15 of 30

                                                            Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                             Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                                   Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                                    Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                         Model:      T2240
                                                                       FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                             IC:     11353A-T2240

4       AC Powerline Conducted Emission Data.
4.1 AC Power Line Conducted Emission data of the EUT


Date of testing:                                           2016-04-18

Requirements: for equipment that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the
radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies
within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using
a 50 μH/50 ohms line impedance stabilization network (LISN). Compliance with the provisions of this
paragraph shall be based on the measurement of the radio frequency voltage between each power line
and ground at the power terminal. The lower limit applies at the band edges.

    Frequency of Emission                         Conducted Limit (dBμV)                 Conducted Limit (dBμV)
            (MHz)                                      Quasi-Peak                              Average
          0.15 – 0.5                                    66 to 56*                              56 to 46*
            0.5 – 5                                        56                                     46
            5 - 30                                         46                                     50
*Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

Test procedure:
ANSI C63.10-2013.

Each phase and neutral of the AC power line were measured with respect to ground. Measurements
were performed using a 50 µH / 50 Ω LISN. The frequency range from 150kHz to 30MHz was searched.
The six highest EUT emissions relative to the limit were noted. The EUT is considered a floor-standing
device. The EUT is placed on a non-conductive plate of 5mm thick above the ground plane, so to isolate
it from the ground plane because the EUT normally does not make electrical contact with a ground
plane. The EUT was positioned at least 80cm from the LISN. The power cable was routed over the non-
conductive plate to the LISN.

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                                                       Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                        Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                              Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                               Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                    Model:      T2240
                                                                  FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                        IC:     11353A-T2240

4.1.1     AC Power Line Conducted Emissions

        Frequency     Measurement results         Measurement results                     Limits             Verdict
          (MHz)              (dBµV)                      (dBµV)                           (dBµV)           (Pass/Fail)
                               L1                       L2/Neutral
                        QP           AV            QP            AV                QP            AV
        0.15000         50.0       25.0            54.0         24.3               66.0         56.0          Pass
        0.16172         52.6        24.7           52.4         23.8               65.5         55.5          Pass
        0.16953         51.6        23.0           50.9         23.0               65.0         55.0          Pass
        0.19297         48.4        22.9           48.8         22.5               64.0         54.0          Pass
        0.22031         44.9        19.7           44.8         19.6               62.8         52.8          Pass
        0.22813         43.9        20.5           43.9         20.4               62.4         52.4          Pass
        0.25156         41.0        19.7           41.5         19.5               61.8         51.8          Pass
        0.26719         39.2        15.9           39.2         15.9               61.1         51.1          Pass
        0.27500         38.0        15.5           37.1         15.0               60.8         50.8          Pass
        0.29844         35.3        15.5           35.2         15.4               60.2         50.2          Pass

                                   Table 6 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions results

The results of the conducted emission tests, carried out in accordance with 47 CFR Part 15 section 15.207(a) and
RS-Gen section 8.8, at the 120 Volts/ 60 Hz AC mains connection terminals of the AUX1 that connects to the EUT,
are depicted in the table above.


    1. The resolution bandwidth used was 9 kHz.
    2. From pre-test the worst case configuration proved to be the normal operation mode wherein both DTS
       transmitter and Bluetooth were operational but not transmitting simultaneously. Worst case values noted.
    3. Measurement uncertainty is +/- 3.5 dB.
    4. Plots are provided on the next pages.

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                                                       Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                        Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                              Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                               Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                    Model:      T2240
                                                                  FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                        IC:     11353A-T2240

4.1.2   Plots of the AC Power Line Conducted Emissions

                                   Plot of the AC Power Line Conducted Emissions on L1

 Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                                Page 18 of 30

                                                      Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                       Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                             Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                              Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                   Model:      T2240
                                                                 FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                       IC:     11353A-T2240

                                  Plot of the AC Power Line Conducted Emissions on L2

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                                                        Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                         Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                               Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                                Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                     Model:      T2240
                                                                   FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                         IC:     11353A-T2240

5     Emissions at the band edges


Date of testing:                                       2016-04-14

The tables below show compliance with the 47 CFR Part 15 section 15.249(d) and RSS-210 section A2.9, this
section requires the emissions outside the 2400 and 2483.5 MHz frequency band to be attenuated by at least
50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in section 15.209 and RSS-Gen
section 7.2.5, whichever is the lower attenuation.
Table 7 below shows the levels at the band edges in respect to the general radiated emission limits.

       EUT           Band Edge            Antenna          Level Pk              Limit         Result          Plot
    Frequency        Frequency           Orientation        [dBm]               Pk /Av        Pass/Fail       number
      [MHz]            [MHz]                                                    [dBm]
       2402           2393.89             Horizontal          -47.4          -21.2 / -41.2        Pass           1a
       2480           2514.39             Horizontal          -45.7          -21.2 / -41.2        Pass           1b
                                   Table 7 level of the band edge emissions, Peak values


    1. Measurement uncertainty is 5.0dB
    2. The reported field strength values are the worst case values at the indicated frequency. The antenna was
       varied in horizontal and vertical orientations and also in height (between 1m and 4m).
    3. The EUT was tested in on the lowest frequency (2402 MHz) and the highest frequency (2480 MHz) in the
       2402 – 2480 MHz band wherein it operates.
    4. Peak (Pk) values were already within Average (Av) limits, Av therefor not tested.
    5. See plots on pages 21-22.

Used test equipment and ancillaries:

 A00450       A00235         A00337         A00258      A00444           A00009          A00012       A00255       A00247

 Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                                 Page 20 of 30

                                                    Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                     Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                           Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                            Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                 Model:      T2240
                                                               FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                     IC:     11353A-T2240

     Date:14.APR.2016 11:21:52

                        Plot 1a Band Edge (Low), Peak value, Spectral Diagram, 2402 MHz
                                  F1 shows the band edge frequency of 2400 MHz.

Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                              Page 21 of 30

                                                    Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                     Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                           Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                            Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                 Model:      T2240
                                                               FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                     IC:     11353A-T2240

     Date:14.APR.2016 10:57:37

                       Plot 2a Band Edge (High), Peak value, Spectral Diagram, 2480 MHz.

                                  F1 shows the band edge frequency of 2483.5 MHz

Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                              Page 22 of 30

                                                   Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                    Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                          Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                           Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                Model:      T2240
                                                              FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                    IC:     11353A-T2240

6     Bandwidth of the emission

Date of testing:                                  2016-04-14

This was tested with a spectrum analyzer connected by a RF cable to the EUT antenna connector. Power level
therefor differs from the radiated power levels.

The plots below show compliance with the 47 CFR Part 15 section 15.215(c), this section requires the 20 dB
emission bandwidth is within the frequencyband designated in section 15.249.

      Date:14.APR.2016 11:36:46

    Plot lowest channel - 2402 MHz, Occupied bandwidth is 1115.80 kHz as measured on a spectrum analyzer.

 Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                            Page 23 of 30

                                                Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                 Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                       Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                        Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                             Model:      T2240
                                                           FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                 IC:     11353A-T2240

     Date:14.APR.2016 11:37:37

     Plot lowest channel - 2402 MHz, 99% bandwidth is 1050.65 kHz as measured on a spectrum analyzer.

Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                          Page 24 of 30

                                               Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                      Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                       Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                            Model:      T2240
                                                          FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                IC:     11353A-T2240

     Date:14.APR.2016 11:35:29

  Plot middle channel - 2440 MHz, Occupied bandwidth is 1137.50 kHz as measured on a spectrum analyzer.

Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                         Page 25 of 30

                                               Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                      Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                       Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                            Model:      T2240
                                                          FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                IC:     11353A-T2240

     Date:14.APR.2016 11:34:16

     Plot middle channel - 2440 MHz, 99% bandwidth is 1063.68 kHz as measured on a spectrum analyzer

Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                         Page 26 of 30

                                               Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                      Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                       Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                            Model:      T2240
                                                          FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                IC:     11353A-T2240

     Date:14.APR.2016 11:31:50

  Plot highest channel - 2480 MHz, Occupied bandwidth is 1115.8 kHz as measured on a spectrum analyzer.

Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                         Page 27 of 30

                                                Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                 Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                       Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                        Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                             Model:      T2240
                                                           FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                 IC:     11353A-T2240

     Date:14.APR.2016 11:33:05

     Plot highest channel - 2480 MHz, 99% bandwidth is 1041.96 kHz as measured on a spectrum analyzer

Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                          Page 28 of 30

                                                  Test specification(s):    47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                   Description of EUT:      Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                         Manufacturer:      Tacx b.v.
                                                          Brand mark:       Tacx
                                                               Model:       T2240
                                                             FCC ID:        2AAMI-T2240
                                                                   IC:      11353A-T2240

7       List of utilized test equipment.

                                                                                          Calibration     Calibration
    Kind of Equipment             Manufacturer    Model Name                                 date          due date
                                                                                          (mm/yyyy)       (mm/yyyy)
For Antenna Port Conducted Emissions
                                     Extech           SD500                 A00446        04-13/2016       04-13/2017

     Spectrum Analyzer        Rohde & Schwarz          FSV                  A01744          07/2015          07/2016
          RF Cable                    H+S            Secuflex               A00347        04-15/2015       04-15/2016
For Radiated Emissions
    Measurement Receiver      Rohde & Schwarz          ESCI                 A00314          03/2016          03/2017
       RF Cable S-AR                Gigalink        APG0500                 A00447          01/2016          01/2017
         Controller                  Maturo                                 A00450            N/A              N/A
         Controller                  EMCS            DOC202                 A00257            N/A              N/A
                                                 FCC listed: 90828
         Test facility              Comtest                                 A00235          04/2014          04/2017
                                                   IC: 2932G-2
     Spectrum Analyzer        Rohde & Schwarz          FSV                  A00337          05/2015          05/2016
        Antenna mast                 EMCS           AP-4702C                A00258            N/A              N/A
                                     Extech           SD500                 A00444        04-13/2016       04-13/2017

     Guidehorn 1-18 GHz              EMCO              3115                 A00009        04-14/2015       04-14/2016
    Guidehorn 18-40 GHz              EMCO         RA42-K-F-4B-C             A00012        04-14/2015       04-14/2016
    Biconilog Testantenna            Teseq          CBL 6111D               A00466          06/2015          06/2016
2.4 GHz bandreject filter             BSC            XN-1783                A00065            N/A              N/A
Bandpass filter 4-10 GHz             Reactel     7AS-7G-6G-511              A00131            N/A              N/A
    Bandpass filter                              9HS-10G/26.5G-
                                     Reactel                                A00151            N/A              N/A
     10-26 GHz                                        S11
     Preamplifier                                AMF-5D-005180-
                                     Miteq                                  A00247            N/A              N/A
    0.5 - 18 GHz                                     28-13p
      Filterbox                      EMCS           RFS06S                  A00255          02/2016          02/2017

Project number : 16012203.fcc02                                                                             Page 29 of 30

                                                      Test specification(s):   47 CFR Part 15-15.249 and RSS
                                                       Description of EUT:     Low Power Communication Device Transmitter
                                                             Manufacturer:     Tacx b.v.
                                                              Brand mark:      Tacx
                                                                   Model:      T2240
                                                                 FCC ID:       2AAMI-T2240
                                                                       IC:     11353A-T2240

                                                                                       Calibration       Calibration
   Kind of Equipment             Manufacturer    Model Name                               date            due date
                                                                                       (mm/yyyy)         (mm/yyyy)
 For AC Powerline
 Conducted Emissions
 Pulse limiter              R&S                  ESH3-Z2               A00051            01/2016           01/2017
 Variac                     RFT                  LSS020                A00171               NA                NA
 LISN                       EMCO                 3625/2                A00022            01/2016           01/2018
 Measurement Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz      ESCS30                A00726            09/2015           09/2016
 Shielded room for
                            --                   --                    A00437               NA                NA
 Conducted emissions
                            Extech               SD500                A00444/           04-14/2016        04-14/2017

Conformance of the used measurement and test equipment with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 has been confirmed
before testing.
NA= Not Applicable

                                                << End of report >>

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Document Created: 2016-04-29 15:34:17
Document Modified: 2016-04-29 15:34:17

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