

Users Manual

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                 USB ANT+ antenna        T2028
                 for Tacx wireless VR-
                 and ergotrainers

                                                 EN | NL | DE | FR
                                                 ES | IT | CH | JP
                                  Quick Start    NO | DK | SV | FI
                                                 PL | CZ | GR | PT

T2028 ANT| 16 talen.indd 1                                           20-09-13 15:45

                                                                                         快速启动 当 Tacx Trainer 软件在安装中出现提示时,将 T2028 USB ANT+ 天线
               T2028                                                                     插入您笔记本/PC 上空闲的 USB 端口 | 使用方法 Tacxトレーナーのソフトウェアイ
                                                                                         ンストールで指示されたら、T2028 USB ANT+スティックアンテナをお使いのノートパソコ
                                                                                         ン/PCの空いているUSBポートに接続します | Hurtigstart Koble antennen T2028
                                                                                         USB ANT+ inn i en ledig USB-port på din bærbare PC / bord-PC når dette
                                                                                         indikeres av Tacx Trainer-programvareinstallasjonen | Quick Start Tilslut
                                                                                         T2028 USB ANT+ Antenne til en ledig USB port i din notebook/PC, når Tacx
                                                                                         Trainer Software installationen angiver det | Snabbstart Anslut T2028 USB
                                                                                         ANT+-antennen i en ledig USB-port på din notebook/PC när Tacx Trainer-
                                                                                         mjukvaruinstallationen säger så
        Quick Start Connect the T2028 USB ANT+ Antenna into a free USB                   Pikakäynnistys Yhdistä T2028 USB ANT+ Antenni laitteen kannettavan/pöytä-
        port of your notebook/PC when indicated by the Tacx Trainer                      tietokoneesi vapaaseen USB-porttiin Tacx Trainer Software –asennusohjelman
        Software installation                                                            ohjeistamana | Skrócony przewodnik użytkownika Podłącz antenę USB ANT+
                                                                                         T2028 do wolnego portu USB laptopa lub komputera stacjonarnego, gdy
        Quick Start Sluit de T2028 Tacx USB ANT+ Antenne niet eerder aan op een          wyświetli się komunikat z odpowiednią informacją podczas instalacji
        vrije USB poort van je PC of laptop dan de Tacx Trainer software hierom          programu treningowego firmy Tacx | Rychlý start Připojte T2028 USB ANT a
        vraagt | Schnellstart Schließen Sie die T2028 USB ANT+ Antenne an einen          anténu k volnému USB portu notebooku nebo PC dle instrukcí při instalaci
        freien USB-Steckplatz an Ihrem Notebook oder PC an, wenn Sie bei der             softwaru Tacx Trainer | Γρήγορη έναρξη Συνδέστε την Κεραία USB ANT+
        Installation der Tacx Trainer-Software dazu aufgefordert werden | Démarrage      T2028 σε μια ελεύθερη θύρα USB του φορητού ή επιτραπέζιου υπολογιστή
        rapide Branchez l’antenne T2028 USB ANT+ dans un port USB libre de votre         σας όταν σας ζητηθεί από το πρόγραμμα εγκατάστασης του Λογισμικού Tacx
        ordinateur portable/PC lorsque vous y êtes invité à l’installation du logiciel   Trainer | Início rápido Ligue a Antena USB ANT+ T2028 numa porta USB livre
        Tacx Trainer | Inicio rápido Conecte la antena T2028 USB ANT + a un puerto       do seu portátil/PC quando lhe for solicitado na instalação pelo software Tacx
        USB libre de su ordenador portátil/PC cuando así lo indique la Instalación del   Trainer.
        software del Tacx Trainer | Avvio rapido Collegare l’antenna USB ANT+ T2028
        a una porta USB libera del notebook/PC quando viene indicato dalla procedura
        di installazione del software Tacx Trainer                                                          2                                    3

 T2028 ANT| 16 talen.indd 2-3                                                                                                                                   20-09-13 15:45

      Safety precautions                                                               Specifications

      This device is not designed for industrial or commercial applications.           Wireless protocol:   ANT+, Supports up to 8 channels simultaneously
      Do not expose the product to water or moisture.
                                                                                       Frequency:           2,4Ghz
      Maintenance                                                                      RF Output Power      0dBm (typical)

      Clean only with a dry cloth. Do not use cleaning solvents or abrasives.          USB Interface        2.0

                                                                                       Power supply         USB 5V
                                                                                       Cable Length         1,5m
      No guarantee or liability can be accepted for any changes and modifications of
      the product or damage caused due to incorrect use of this product.


      Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice.

      All logos brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks
      of their respective holders and are hereby recognized as such.

      This manual was produced with care. However, no rights can be derived. Tacx
      cannot accept liability for any errors in this manual or their consequences.

      Keep this manual and packaging for future reference.
                                                                                                            4                                 5

T2028 ANT| 16 talen.indd 4-5                                                                                                                                 20-09-13 15:45

      FCC and IC Declarations                                                                      communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
                                                                                                   a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
      Compliance statement (part 15.19)                                                            television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
      This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and to RSS210 of Industry Canada.         user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
      Operation is subject to the following two conditions:                                        measures:
      (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and                                         • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
      (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may          • Increase the separation between the computer and antenna.
           cause undesired operation.                                                                 • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help

      Warning (part 15.21)                                                                                                CE Declaration of Conformity
      Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compli-
                                                                                                                          For the following equipment:
      ance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
                                                                                                                          Product name: Tacx T2028 ANT+ USB Antenna
      This in particular is applicable for the antenna which has been delivered with the
                                                                                                   Is herewith confirmed to comply with the requirements set out in the Council
      RF Exposure (OET Bulletin 65)                                                                (European parliament) Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the
      To comply with FCC RF exposure requirements for mobile transmitting devices, this            Member States relating to Electromagnetic Compatibility of Radio and
      transmitter should only be used or installed at locations where there is at least 20cm       Telecom device (1999/5/EC). For the evaluation regarding this Directive, the
      separation distance between the antenna and all persons.                                     following standards were applied: EN 55022
                                                                                                                                     EN 61000-4-2
      Information to the User (Part 15.105 (b))                                                                                      EN 61000-4-3
      Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B                                         EN 61000-4-4
      digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide                                     EN 61000-4-6
      reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
      equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
      and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
                                                                                                                          6                                          7

T2028 ANT| 16 talen.indd 6-7                                                                                                                                                           20-09-13 15:45

                      T2028 | 2013-9

T2028 ANT| 16 talen.indd 8                                   20-09-13 15:45

Document Created: 2013-09-20 15:45:04
Document Modified: 2013-09-20 15:45:04

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