Confidentality Letter


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                                         Confidentiality Letter


Subject: Confidentiality Request forFCC
                                     CC ID: 2AAIL-MD007

Pursuant toFCC 47 CRF 0.457(d) and 0.459 and IC RSP-100, Section 10, the applicant reque
                                                                                      uests that
a part of the subjectFCC/ICapplication
                                    on be held confidential.

         Type of Confidentiality Reque
                                  equested             Exhibit
        Short Term            Permanennt
                                   anennt              Block Diagrams
        Short Term                                     External Photos
        Short Term            Permanennt
                                   anennt              Internal Photos
        Short Term            Permanennt
                                   anennt              Operation Description/Theory of Operaation
        Short Term            Permanennt
                                   anennt              Part List/Tune-Up Procedure
        Short Term            Permanennt
                                   anennt              Schematics
        Short Term                                     Test Setup Photos
        Short Term            Permanennt
                                   anennt              User s Manual

( DongGuan Mae Tay Electronic Co., Ltd.)     d.)has spent substantial effort in developing this pr odu
                                                                                                   oduct and it
is one of the first of its kind in industry. H
                                             Having the subject information easily available to "competition"
would negate the advantage they havee ac   achieved by developing this product. Not protecting thet details of
the design will result in financial hardshiip.

Permanent Confidentiality:
The applicant requests the exhibits listed
                                        ed aabove as permanently confidential be permanently y withheld
from public review due to materials that cocontain trade secrets and proprietary information no
customarily released to the public.

Short-Term Confidentiality:
The applicant requests the exhibits selectted above as short term confidential be withheld froom public view
for a period of 90days from the date of the
                                          he Grant of Equipment Authorization and prior to marketing.
                                                                                              m           This
is to avoid premature release of sensitivee information prior to marketing or release of the prod
                                                                                               oduct to the
public. Applicant is also aware that they are
                                           a responsible to notify TUV Rheinland in thee ev   vent
information regarding the product or thee pproduct is made available to the public. TUV Rhein  nland will then
release the documents listed above for pu
                                        public disclosure pursuant to FCC Public Notice DA 04-1705.


By:                                                                        Arvin Wen/RD Supeervisor
                         (Signature)                                           (Print name/Titll

Document Created: 2019-06-19 16:59:10
Document Modified: 2019-06-19 16:59:10

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