RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                      1F., Block A of Tongsheng Technology Building, Huahui Road, Dalang Street, Longhua District,
                                      Shenzhen, China
                                      Telephone:       +86—755—26648640
   i = g \E }“                        Fax:             +86—755—26648637                   Report Template Version: VO4
   —#—            U       1           Website:         www.cga—cert.com                   Report Template Revision Date: 2018—07—06

                  RF Exposure Evaluation Report

Report No. :                          CQASZ20190900877E—03
Applicant:                            Molu Technology Industrial Co., LTD

Address of Applicant:                 10F.—1, No. 24, Jilin Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan

Equipment Under Test (EUT):
Product:                              streaming music player
All Model No.:                        TB30, TB31, TB32
Test Model No.:                       TB30
Brand Name:                           NEXUM
FCC ID:                               2AAEF—TB30

Standards:                            47 CFR Part 1.1307
                                      47 CFR Part 1.1310
                                      KDB447498D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v0O6

Date of Receipt:                      2019—09—05
Date of Test:                         2019—09—05 to 2019—09—10
Date of Issue:                        2019—09—10
Test Result :                         PASS®
*In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above

Tested By:
                                                     To the
                                                     ( Tom chen )

Reviewed By:                                       §A'[ffk * z We
                                                      Sheek Luo )

Approved By:
                                                 C    ( Jack Ai )

The test report is effective only with both signature and specialized stamp, The result(s) shown in this report refer only to the sample(s)

tested. Without written approval of CQA, this report can‘t be reproduced except in full

                                       Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                          Report No.: CQASZ20190900877E-03

1   Version
                            Revision History Of Report

          Report No.         Version           Description            Issue Date
     CQASZ20190900877E-03    Rev.01            Initial report         2019-09-10

                              Page:2 of 9

                                                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190900877E-03

2         Contents
1       VERSION .....................................................................................................................................................................2

2       CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................3

3       GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................4
    3.1     CLIENT INFORMATION................................................................................................................................................4
    3.2     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT ................................................................................................................................4
    3.3     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF BT ..................................................................................................................................4
    3.4     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WIFI ...............................................................................................................................5
4       RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION ................................................................................................................................6
    4.1 RF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT ..............................................................................................................6
       4.1.1 Limits ..............................................................................................................................................................6
       4.1.2 Test Procedure ..............................................................................................................................................6
    4.2 1.1.3 EUT RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION ....................................................................................................................7

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                                                Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                       Report No.: CQASZ20190900877E-03

3     General Information
3.1 Client Information
     Applicant:                 Molu Technology Industrial Co., LTD
     Address of Applicant:      10F.-1, No. 24, Jilin Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan
     Manufacturer:              Shenzhen GGMM Industrial Company Limited
     Address of Manufacturer:   Building No5,Yongxin Street,Shiyan,Baoan District,Shenzhen

3.2 General Description of EUT
     Product Name:              streaming music player
     All Model No.:             TB30, TB31, TB32
     Test Model No.:            TB30
     Trade Mark:                NEXUM
    Hardware Version:           V1.2
    Software Version:           V6
      Sample Type:                   Mobile       Portable      Fix Location
     Power Supply:              Adapter
                                Model: A18A-050100U-UB2
                                Input: 100~240V 50/60Hz Max0.2A
                                Output: 5V 1A

3.3 General Description of BT
    Operation Frequency:        2402MHz~2480MHz
    Bluetooth Version:          V5.0
    Modulation Technique:       Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum(FHSS)
    Modulation Type:            GFSK, π/4DQPSK, 8DPSK
    Number of Channel:          79
    Hopping Channel Type:       Adaptive Frequency Hopping systems
    Test Software of EUT:       Blue test3 (manufacturer declare )
     Antenna Type:              internal antenna with ipex connector
     Antenna Gain:              3.8dBi

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                                                  Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                          Report No.: CQASZ20190900877E-03

3.4 General Description of WIFI
Operation Frequency:               IEEE 802.11b/g/n(HT20): 2412MHz to 2462MHz
                                   IEEE 802.11n(HT40): 2422MHz to 2452MHz
Channel Numbers:                   IEEE 802.11b/g, IEEE 802.11n HT20: 11 Channels
                                   IEEE 802.11n HT40: 7 Channels
Channel Separation:                5MHz
Type of Modulation:                IEEE for 802.11b: DSSS(CCK,DQPSK,DBPSK)
                                   IEEE for 802.11g : OFDM(64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK, BPSK)
                                   IEEE for 802.11n(HT20 and HT40) : OFDM (64QAM, 16QAM, QPSK,BPSK)
Transfer Rate:                     IEEE for 802.11b:
                                   IEEE for 802.11g :
                                   IEEE for 802.11n(HT20) :
                                   IEEE for 802.11n(HT40) :
Test Software of EUT:              MT7628 QA (manufacturer declare )
Antenna Type:                      internal antenna with ipex connector
Antenna Gain:                      3.8dBi
Model No.: TB30, TB31, TB32
Only the model TB30 was tested, since the electrical circuit design, layout, components used and internal wiring
were identical for the above models, with difference being color of appearance and model name.

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                                                    Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                          Report No.: CQASZ20190900877E-03

4       RF Exposure Evaluation

4.1     RF Exposure Compliance Requirement
4.1.1 Limits
        According to FCC Part1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
        environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in part1.1307(b)

F= Frequency in MHz
Friis Formula
Friis transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G)/(4* Pi * R 2)
Pd = power density in mW/cm2
Pout = output power to antenna in mW
G = gain of antenna in linear scale
Pi = 3.1416

R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm
Pd id the limit of MPE, 1 mW/cm2 . If we know the maximum gain of the antenna and the total power input to
the antenna, through the calculation, we will know the distance r where the MPE limit is reached.

4.1.2 Test Procedure
        Software provided by client enabled the EUT to transmit and receive data at lowest, middle and
        highest channel individually.

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                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                        Report No.: CQASZ20190900877E-03

4.2 1.1.3 EUT RF Exposure Evaluation

1) For BT
Antenna Gain: 3.8dBi
Antenna Gain: The maximum Gain measured in fully anechoic chamber is 2.4 in linear scale.
Output Power Into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

Measurement Data
                                              GFSK mode
                                                      Tune up tolerance            Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel             Peak Output Power
                                      (dBm)                     (dBm)                (dBm)       (mW)

     Lowest(2402MHz)                  -3.560                       -4±1                -3        0.501

     Middle(2441MHz)                  -1.490                       -2±1                -1        0.794
     Highest(2480MHz)                 -0.630                       -1±1                0         1.000
                                            π/4DQPSK mode
                                                      Tune up tolerance            Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel             Peak Output Power
                                      (dBm)                     (dBm)                (dBm)       (mW)

     Lowest(2402MHz)                  -2.660                       -3±1                -2        0.631

     Middle(2441MHz)                  0.550                        0±1                 1         1.259
     Highest(2480MHz)                 1.560                        1±1                 2         1.585
                                             8DPSK mode
                                                      Tune up tolerance            Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel             Peak Output Power
                                      (dBm)                     (dBm)                            (mW)
     Lowest(2402MHz)                  -2.320                       -3±1                -2        0.631

     Middle(2441MHz)                  0.730                        0±1                 1         1.259
     Highest(2480MHz)                 1.700                        1±1                 2         1.585

            The worst case:
               Maximum tune-up          Antenna           Power            Limit    Result
                   Power                  Gain           Density
                       (mW)              (dBi)         at R = 20 cm
                       1.585              3.8             0.0008            1.0      PASS

Note: 1) Refer to report No. CQASZ20190900877E-01 for EUT test Max Conducted Peak Output Power value.
     2) Pd = (Pout*G)/(4* Pi * R2)=( 1.585*2.4)/(4*3.1416*202)=0.0008

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                                               Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                    Report No.: CQASZ20190900877E-03

2) For WIFI
Antenna Gain: 3.8dBi
Antenna Gain: The maximum Gain measured in fully anechoic chamber is 2.4 in linear scale.
Output Power Into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

Measurement Data
                                        IEEE for 802.11b mode
                                                        Tune up tolerance        Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel           Average Output Power
                                      (dBm)                    (dBm)               (dBm)       (mW)

     Lowest(2412MHz)                  11.45                    10.5±1               11.5      14.125
     Middle(2437MHz)                  11.86                     11±1                 12       15.849
     Highest(2462MHz)                 12.27                    11.5±1               12.5      17.783
                                        IEEE for 802.11g mode
                                                        Tune up tolerance        Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel           Average Output Power
                                      (dBm)                    (dBm)               (dBm)       (mW)

     Lowest(2412MHz)                  10.98                     10±1                 11       12.589
     Middle(2437MHz)                  10.24                    9.5±1                10.5      11.220
     Highest(2462MHz)                 10.48                    9.5±1                10.5      11.220
                                     IEEE for 802.11n(HT20) mode
                                                        Tune up tolerance        Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel           Average Output Power
                                      (dBm)                    (dBm)               (dBm)       (mW)

     Lowest(2412MHz)                  10.08                    9.5±1                10.5      11.220
     Middle(2437MHz)                  10.26                    9.5±1                10.5      11.220
     Highest(2462MHz)                 10.82                     10±1                 11       12.589
                                     IEEE for 802.11n(HT40) mode
                                                        Tune up tolerance        Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel           Average Output Power
                                      (dBm)                    (dBm)               (dBm)       (mW)

     Lowest(2422MHz)                  10.08                    9.5±1                10.5      11.220
     Middle(2437MHz)                  10.69                     10±1                 11       12.589
     Highest(2452MHz)                 10.29                    9.5±1                10.5      11.220

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                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                      Report No.: CQASZ20190900877E-03

            The worst case:
               Maximum tune-up         Antenna            Power          Limit    Result
                   Power                 Gain            Density
                     (mW)                (dBi)         at R = 20 cm
                     17.783               3.8             0.0085          1.0      PASS

Note: 1) Refer to report No. CQASZ20190900877E-02 for EUT test Max Conducted average Output Power
     2) Pd = (Pout*G)/(4* Pi * R2)=(17.783*1.0)/(4*3.1416*202)=0.0085

WIFI, BDR and EDR can not simultaneous transmitting at same time.

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Document Created: 2019-10-01 19:28:03
Document Modified: 2019-10-01 19:28:03

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