Test Report


Test Report

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   Nemko-CCL, Inc.
   1940 West Alexander Street
    Salt Lake City, UT 84119

          Test Report


          Test Of: DW02

        Test Specifications:

     FCC Part 15, Subpart C

     FCC ID: 2AAAS-DW02

Test Report Serial No: 271373-2.1

            Vivint, Inc.
          4931 N 300 W
         Provo, UT 84604

  Date of Test: August 26, 2014

Report Issue Date: October 9, 2014

   Accredited Testing Laboratory By:

      NVLAP Lab Code 100272‐0

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                                  TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                            REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                             Page 2 of 30


        This report has been prepared by Nemko-CCL, Inc. to document compliance of the
device described below with the certification requirements of FCC Part 15, Subpart C. This
report may be reproduced in full. Partial reproduction of this report may only be made with the
written consent of the laboratory. The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.

-      Applicant:             Vivint, Inc.

-      Manufacturer:          Flextronics

-      Manufacturer:          Houri Linear Electronics Manufactory

-      Brand Name:            Vivint

-      Model Number:          DW02

-      FCC ID:                2AAAS-DW02

       On this 9th day of October 2014, I, individually and for Nemko-CCL, Inc., certify that the
statements made in this engineering report are true, complete, and correct to the best of my
knowledge, and are made in good faith.

       Although NVLAP has accredited the Nemko-CCL, Inc. EMC testing facilities, this report
must not be used to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or
any agency of the federal government.

Nemko-CCL, Inc.

Tested by: Norman P. Hansen
Test Technician

Reviewed by: Thomas C. Jackson
Certification Manager

                                                                     TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                                                TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                                          REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                                           Page 3 of 30

                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS


SECTION 1.0 CLIENT INFORMATION .................................................................................4

SECTION 2.0 EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT)..................................................................5

SECTION 3.0 TEST SPECIFICATION, METHODS & PROCEDURES .............................6

SECTION 4.0 OPERATION OF EUT DURING TESTING..................................................10

SECTION 5.0 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...................................................................11


APPENDIX 1 TEST PROCEDURES AND TEST EQUIPMENT .........................................19

APPENDIX 2 PHOTOGRAPHS ................................................................................................22

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                                                        REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                         Page 4 of 30


1.1 Applicant:

Company Name:       Vivint, Inc.
                    4931 N 300 W
                    Provo, UT 84604

Contact Name:       Greg Hansen
Title:              Regulatory Compliance Manager

1.2 Manufacturer:

Company Name:       Flextronics
                    89 Yong Fu Road
                    Tong Fu Yu Industrial Park
                    Fu Yong Town, Bao An District
                    Shenzhen 518103 P.R. China

Contact Name:       Feng Zhou
Title:              QA Engineer

1.3 Manufacturer:

Company Name:       Hourui Linear Electronics Manufactory
                    Hourui Second Industrial Zone
                    Hourui Village
                    Xixang, Bao An District, Shenzhen
                    P.R. China

Contact Name:       Henry Luk
Title:              Senior Electronic Engineering Supervisor

1.4 Party Responsible for Declaration of Conformity:

Company Name:       Vivint, Inc.
                    4931 N 300 W
                    Provo, UT 84604

Contact Name:       Greg Hansen
Title:              Regulatory Compliance Manager

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                                                             REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                              Page 5 of 30


2.1 Identification of EUT:

Brand Name:                           Vivint
Model Number:                         DW02
Serial Number:                        None
Dimensions:                           7 cm x 2.5 cm x 1.0 cm
Country of Manufacture:               China

2.2 Description of EUT:

         The DW02 is a window or door monitoring switch with a 345 MHz transmitter. The
DW02 monitors the opening or closing of doors and windows using a magnetically activated
switch and is for use in security systems. The transmitter sends pulse trains to the system
controller noting the DW02 has sensed the opening or closing of a door or window. The antenna
is a trace on the PCB. The DW02 is powered by a CR2032, 3 V battery.

        This report covers the transmitter circuitry of the device subject to FCC Part 15, Subpart
C. The circuitry of the device, subject to FCC Part 15, Subpart B is covered in Nemko-CCL,
Inc. report 271373-1.

2.3 EUT and Support Equipment:

 Brand Name                FCC ID Number            Description        Name of Interface Ports /
 Model Number               or Compliance                                 Interface Cables
 Serial Number
 BN: Vivint                2AAAS-DW02           Door/Window           See Section 2.4
 MN: DW02 (Note 1)                              Contact Sense
                                                with 345 MHz
 SN: None                                       transmitter
Note: (1) EUT

2.4 Interface Ports on EUT:

       There are no interface ports on the EUT.

2.5 Modification Incorporated/Special Accessories on EUT:

        There were no modifications or special accessories required to comply with the

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                                                             REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
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3.1 Test Specification:

Title:                FCC PART 15, Subpart C (47 CFR 15)
                      Section 15.203, Section 15.207, and Section 15.231

                      Periodic operation in the band 40.66-40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz

Purpose of Test:      The tests were performed to demonstrate initial compliance.

3.2 Methods & Procedures:

3.2.1 §15.203

        An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently
attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be
considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this Section. The manufacturer may
design the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard
antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited. This requirement does not apply to carrier
current devices or to devices operated under the provisions of Sections 15.211, 15.213, 15.217,
15.219, or 15.221. Further, this requirement does not apply to intentional radiators that must be
professionally installed, such as perimeter protection systems and some field disturbance sensors,
or to other intentional radiators which, in accordance with Section 15.31(d), must be measured at
the installation site. However, the installer shall be responsible for ensuring that the proper
antenna is employed so that the limits in this Part are not exceeded.

3.2.2 §15.207 Conducted Limits

        (a) Except for Class A digital devices, for equipment that is designed to be connected to
the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the
AC power line on any frequency or frequencies within the band 150 kHZ to 30 MHz shall not
exceed the limits in the following table, as measured using a 50 H/50 ohms line impedance
stabilization network (LISN). Compliance with the provisions of this paragraph shall be based
on the measurement of the radio frequency voltage between each power line and ground at the
power terminal. The lower limit applies at the band edges.

         Frequency of Emission (MHz)                         Conducted Limit (dBµV)
                                                        Quasi-peak              Average
                   0.15 – 0.5*                           66 to 56 *
                                                                                56 to 46*
                     0.5 – 5                                56                     46
                      5 - 30                                60                     50
  Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

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                                                               REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                                Page 7 of 30

3.2.3 §15.231

        (a) The provisions of this section are restricted to periodic operation within the band
40.66-40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz. Except as Shown in paragraph (e) of this section, the
intentional radiator is restricted to the transmission of a control signal such as those used with
alarm systems, door openers, remote switches, etc. Radio control of toys is not permitted.
Continuous transmissions, such as voice or video, and data transmissions are not permitted. The
prohibition against data transmissions does not preclude the use of recognition codes. Those
codes are used to identify the sensor that is activated or to identify the particular component as
being part of the system. The following conditions shall be met to comply with the provisions for
this periodic operation:

                (1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically
deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of being released.

               (2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5
seconds after activation.

                (3) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted.
However, polling or supervision transmission to determine system integrity of transmitters used
in security or safety applications are allowed if the periodic rate of transmission does not exceed
one transmission of not more than one second duration per hour for each transmitter.

               (4) Intentional radiators which are employed for radio control purposes during
emergencies involving fire, security, and safety of life, when activated to signal an alarm, may
operate during the pendency of the alarm condition.

        (b) In addition to the provisions of §15.205, the field strength of emission from
intentional radiators operated under this section shall not exceed the following:

                                         Field strength of          Field strength of spurious
    Fundamental frequency
                                           fundamental                       emissions
                                        (microvolts/meter)             (microvolts/meter)
       40.66 - 40.70                      2,250                           225
       70 –130                            1,250                           125
       130 – 174                          1,250 to 3,750 **               125 to 375 **
       174 – 260                          3,750                           375
       260 – 470                          3,750 to 12,500 **              375 to 1,250 **
       Above 470                          12,500                          1,250
       ** Linear interpolations

         [Where F is the frequency in MHZ, the formula for calculating the maximum permitted
field strengths are as follows: for the band 130 – 174 MHz, µV/m at 3 meters = 56.81818(F) –
6136.3636; for the band 260 – 470 MHz, µV/m at 3 meters = 41.6667(F) – 7083.3333. The
maximum permitted unwanted emission level is 20 dB below the maximum permitted
fundamental level.]

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                                                              REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                               Page 8 of 30

                (1) The above field strength limits are specified at a distance of 3 meters. The
tighter limits apply at the band edges.

                (2) Intentional radiators operating under the provisions of this section shall
demonstrate compliance with the limits on the field strength of emissions, as shown in the above
table, based on the average value of the measured emissions. As an alternative, compliance with
the limits in the above table may be based on the use of measurement instrumentation with a
CISPR quasi-peak detector. The specific method of measurement employed shall be specified in
the application for equipment authorization. If average emission measurements are employed,
the provision in §15.35 for averaging pulsed emission and for limiting peak emissions apply.
Further, compliance with the provisions of §15.205 shall be demonstrated using the measurement
instrumentation specified in that section.

                (3) The limits on the field strength of the spurious emission in the above table are
based on the fundamental frequency of the intentional radiator. Spurious emission shall be
attenuated to the average (or, alternatively, CISPR quasi-peak) limits shown in this table or to the
general limits shown in §15.209, whichever limit permits a higher field strength.

        (c) The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25% of the center frequency
for devices operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900
MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency. Bandwidth is
determined at the points 20 dB down from the modulated carrier.

        (d) For devices operation within the frequency band 40.66-40.70 MHz, the bandwidth of
the emission shall be confined within the band edges and the frequency tolerance of the carrier
shall be 0.01%. This frequency tolerance shall be maintained for a temperature variation of -20
degrees to +50 degrees C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation on the primary supply
voltage from 85% to 115% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20 degrees C. For
battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.

       (e) Intentional radiators may operate at a periodic rate exceeding that specified in
paragraph (a) of this section and may be employed for any type of operation, including operation
prohibited in paragraph (a) of this section, provided that intentional radiator complies with the
provisions of paragraphs (b) through (d) of this section except the field strength table in
paragraph (b) of this section is replaced by the following:

                                         Field strength of           Field strength of spurious
    Fundamental frequency
                                           fundamental                        emissions
                                        (microvolts/meter)              (microvolts/meter)
       40.66 - 40.70                      1,000                            100
       70 –130                            500                              50
       130 – 174                          500 to 1,500 **                  50 to 150 **
       174 – 260                          1,500                            150
       260 – 470                          1,500 to 5,000 **                150 to 500 **
       Above 470                          5,000                            500
       ** Linear interpolations

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                                                            REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
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         [Where F is the frequency in MHZ, the formula for calculating the maximum permitted
field strengths are as follows: for the band 130 – 174 MHz, µV/m at 3 meters = 22.72727(F) –
2454.545; for the band 260 – 470 MHz, µV/m at 3 meters = 16.6667(F) – 2833.3333. The
maximum permitted unwanted emission level is 20 dB below the maximum permitted
fundamental level.]

        In addition, devices operated under the provisions of this paragraph shall be provided
with a means for automatically limiting operation so that the duration of each transmission shall
not be greater than one second and the silent periods between transmissions shall be at least 30
times the duration of the transmission but in no case less than 10 seconds.

3.3 Test Procedure

       The conducted disturbance at mains ports and radiated disturbance testing was performed
according to the procedures in ANSI C63.4: 2003 and 47 CFR Part 15. Testing was performed at
Nemko-CCL, Inc. Wanship open area test site #2, located at 29145 Old Lincoln Highway,
Wanship, UT. This site has been registered with the FCC, and was renewed February 15, 2012
(90504). This registration is valid for three years.

     Nemko-CCL, Inc. is accredited by National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
(NVLAP); NVLAP Lab Code: 100272-0, which is effective until September 30, 2015.

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                                                              REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
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4.1 Operating Environment:

Power Supply:                  3 VDC from CR2032 battery

4.2 Operating Modes:

       The EUT was tested on 3 orthogonal axes while constantly transmitting. The worst-case
emissions were with the EUT placed flat on the table.

4.3 EUT Exercise Software:

       Internal firmware was used to exercise the EUT.

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                                                           REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                           Page 11 of 30


5.1 FCC Part 15, Subpart C

5.1.1 Summary of Tests:

    Part 15, Subpart C
                                       Test Performed                   Range               Result
 15.203                     Antenna Requirement                           N/A             Complied
 15.207                     Emissions at the AC Mains                  0.15 - 30
 15.231 (a)                 Periodic Operation                            345             Complied
 15.231 (b)                 Radiated Emissions                       0.009 - 3450         Complied
 15.231 (c)                 Bandwidth                                     345             Complied
 15.231 (d)                 Frequency Stability                      40.66 – 40.70
 15.231 (e)                 Radiated Emissions                       0.009 - 3450

5.2 Result

       In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the requirements of the specification.

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                                                                      REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                                      Page 12 of 30


6.1 General Comments:

         This section contains the test results only. Details of the test methods used and a list of
the test equipment used during the measurements can be found in Appendix 1 of this report.

6.2 Test Results:

6.2.1 §15.203

       The antenna is an etched portion of the PCB and cannot be replaced by the user.


       The EUT complied with the requirements of this section.

6.2.2 §15.231 (a)

   1. The EUT is not manually activated.

   2. The EUT is automatically activated when the door or window being monitored is opened
      or closed. The plot below shows the 2 sets of 6 pulse trains sent occurring over 2.63
      seconds when movement of the window or door is sensed. The transmission must cease
      within 5 seconds.
            dBuV      Trace A
              91.6                                                                         1     1.160000 s
                                                                                                 31.5000 dBuV
              81.6                                                                         2-1    2.630000 s
                                                                                                 -0.7000 dB



                                1            2-1





                      Start: 0 s                                  Stop: 10.000000 s
                      Res BW: 1 MHz            Vid BW: 3 MHz         Sweep: 10.00 s
                      08/26/2014 10:33:24 AM CF: 345.000000 MHz           HP8566B
            Trace A     10 sec

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                                                                       REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
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   3. The DW02 is used in security systems and transmits once in approximately 70 minutes
      for the security system integrity checks. The emission that occurs to maintain security
      system integrity is shown below. As shown, the transmitter system integrity emission
      consists of 6 pulse trains in 705 ms. Each pulse train is 25.4 ms in duration which would
      mean the total on time in 70 minutes is 152.4 ms, well below the requirement of 2
      seconds per hour.
 dBuV       Trace A
    107                                                                                    1    Trace A
                                                                                                1.680000 s
     97                                                                                         29.2000 dBuV
                                                                                          2-1    Trace A
     87                                                                                          705.000000 ms
                                                                                                -0.4000 dB




     37                           1         2-1



            Start: 0 s                                           Stop: 5.000000 s
            Res BW: 1 MHz            Vid BW: 3 MHz                  Sweep: 5.00 s
            08/26/2014 10:44:41 AM CF: 344.994000 MHz                    HP8566B
 Trace A      system integrity pulses - once in approximately 70 minutes

   4. The EUT is installed by a professional installer and the setup information is contained in
      the 12 pulses, each 25.4 ms in duration, of a normal transmission in 2.63 seconds. This
      will also occur when the battery is replaced. The requirement is that these transmissions
      occur within in a 10 second period.


        In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the requirements of this section.

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                                                                   REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                                   Page 14 of 30

6.2.3 §15.231 (b) Radiated Emissions

        The DW02 operates at 345 MHz, therefore; the field strength of the fundamental must be
less 7,291.7 µV/m (77.3 dBµV/m) at 3 meters. The maximum permitted field strength of any
unwanted emission must be 20 dB below the maximum allowable fundamental field strength
(57.3 dBµV/m).

         Emissions in the restricted bands of §15.205 must meet the limits specified in §15.209.

Measurement Data Fundamental and Harmonic Emissions:

      The frequency range from the lowest frequency to the tenth harmonic of the highest
fundamental frequency was investigated to measure any radiated emissions.

Pulsed Emission Averaging Factor

       The DW02 transmitter is a pulsed emission device using Manchester encoding; therefore,
the method of §15.35 for averaging a pulsed emission may be used. A plot of the pulse train, and
the average factor calculations are shown below:

  dBuV      Trace A
    91.6                                                                                 1     0s
                                                                                               72.2000 dBuV
    81.6   1                                                                             2-1    141.000000 ms
                                                                                               -43.4000 dB







            Start: 0 s                                   Stop: 200.000000 ms
            Res BW: 1 MHz            Vid BW: 3 MHz          Sweep: 200.00 ms
            08/26/2014 10:31:33 AM CF: 345.000000 MHz               HP8566B
  Trace A      200 ms

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                                                                     REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
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  dBuV      Trace A
    91.6                                                                               1     0s
                                                                                             72.9000 dBuV
    81.6   1                                                                           2-1    25.380000 ms
                                                                                             -44.8000 dB







            Start: 0 s                                  Stop: 30.000000 ms
            Res BW: 1 MHz            Vid BW: 3 MHz         Sweep: 30.00 ms
            08/26/2014 10:35:31 AM CF: 345.000000 MHz             HP8566B
  Trace A      30ms

Average factor calculation

       From the plots, the pulsed emission is on 25.4 ms out of a 100 ms period. The Average
Factor will be calculated using 100 ms as specified in FCC §15.35(c). The pulsed emissions use
Manchester encoding that gives a 50% duty cycle in all cases.

         The Average Factor is calculated by the equation:

         Average Factor = 20 log (on time/pulse train time)

Pulse train time = 100 ms

On time = 25.4 ms x 0.5 = 12.7 ms

         Average Factor = 20 log (12.7 / 100)
                        = -17.9 dB

        §15.35(b) specifies a 20 dB maximum between the peak and average measurements;
therefore, a -17.9 dB averaging factor is allowed and will be used.

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                                                       REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                       Page 16 of 30 Radiated Interference Measurements – (Vertical Polarity)

 Frequency     Detector     Receiver   Average    Correction         Field       Limit       Delta
   (MHz)                    Reading     Factor      Factor          Strength   (dBV/m)      (dB)
                            (dBV)       (dB)      (dB/m)          (dBV/m)
   345.0         Peak         69.5      -17.9        19.4             71.0       77.3         -6.3
   690.0         Peak         14.9      -17.9        27.6            24.6        57.3        -32.7
  1035.0*        Peak         15.4      -17.9        26.9            24.4        54.0        -29.6
  1380.0*        Peak         13.1      -17.9        28.2            23.4        54.0        -30.6
  1725.0         Peak         38.8      -17.9        29.5            50.4        57.3         -6.9
  2070.0         Peak         30.6      -17.9        30.9            43.6        57.3        -13.7
  2415.0         Peak         27.8      -17.9        31.8            41.7        57.3        -15.6
  2760.0*        Peak         25.3      -17.9        33.1            40.5        54.0        -13.5
  3105.0         Peak         21.4      -17.9        34.3            37.8        57.3        -19.5
   3450.0        Peak          22.3     -17.9        35.3            39.7        57.3        -17.6
* Emissions within restricted bands Radiated Interference Measurements - (Horizontal Polarity)

 Frequency     Detector     Receiver   Average    Correction         Field       Limit       Delta
   (MHz)                    Reading     Factor      Factor          Strength   (dBV/m)      (dB)
                            (dBV)       (dB)      (dB/m)          (dBV/m)
   345.0         Peak         71.8      -17.9        19.4             73.3       77.3         -4.0
   690.0         Peak         18.8      -17.9        27.6            28.5        57.3        -28.8
  1035.0*        Peak         15.6      -17.9        26.9            24.6        54.0        -29.4
  1380.0*        Peak         14.9      -17.9        28.2            25.2        54.0        -28.8
  1725.0         Peak         40.2      -17.9        29.5            51.8        57.3         -5.5
  2070.0         Peak         34.1      -17.9        30.9            47.1        57.3        -10.2
  2415.0         Peak         21.0      -17.9        31.8            34.9        57.3        -22.4
  2760.0*        Peak         30.4      -17.9        33.1            45.6        54.0         -8.4
  3105.0         Peak         23.6      -17.9        34.3            40.0        57.3        -17.3
   3450.0        Peak          28.1     -17.9        35.3            45.5        57.3        -11.8
* Emissions within restricted bands

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Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                                  TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                            REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                            Page 17 of 30 Sample Field Strength Calculation:

       The field strength is calculated by adding the Correction Factor (Antenna Factor + Cable
Factor) and the Average Factor to the measured level of the receiver. The receiver amplitude
reading is compensated for any amplifier gain.

       The basic equation with a sample calculation is shown below:

       FS = RA + CF + AV Where

       FS = Field Strength
       RA = Receiver Amplitude Reading
       CF = Correction Factor (Antenna Factor + Cable Factor)
       AV = Averaging Factor

        Assume a receiver reading of 44.2 dBV is obtained from the receiver, with an average
factor of –8.6 dB and a correction factor of 17.5 dB. The field strength is calculated by adding
the correction factor and the average factor, giving a field strength of 53.1 dBV/m, FS = 44.2 +
17.5 + (-8.6) = 53.1 dBV/m


       In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the requirements of this section.

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                                                                     REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                                     Page 18 of 30

6.2.4 §15.231 (c) Bandwidth

       The bandwidth of the emission must not be wider than 0.25% of the center frequency.
The center frequency is 345 MHz; therefore, the bandwidth must not be wider than 862.5 kHz.
The DW02 bandwidth was 59.0 kHz. See spectrum analyzer plot below.

                                                   Bandwidth Plot
  dBuV     Trace A
    91.6                                                                                    1     345.004000 MHz
                                                                                                  67.0000 dBuV
    81.6                                                                                    2-1   -26.000000 kHz
                                              1                                                   -20.1000 dB
                                                                                            3-2   59.000000 kHz
    61.6                                                                                          0.2000 dB
                                        2-1       3-2






           Start: 344.500000 MHz                          Stop: 345.500000 MHz
           Res BW: 10 kHz           Vid BW: 30 kHz              Sweep: 30.00 ms
           08/26/2014 10:39:05 AM CF: 345.000000 MHz                  HP8566B


         In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the requirements of this section.

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Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                                  TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                            REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                            Page 19 of 30


A1.2 Radiated Disturbance:

       The radiated disturbance from the EUT was measured using a spectrum analyzer with a
quasi-peak adapter for peak and quasi-peak readings.

       A preamplifier with a fixed gain of 26 dB was used to increase the sensitivity of the
measuring instrumentation. The quasi-peak adapter uses a bandwidth of 120 kHz, with the
spectrum analyzer's resolution bandwidth set at 1 MHz, for readings in the 30 to 1000 MHz
frequency ranges. A 31 dB preamp was used for measurements above 1000 MHz with the
spectrum analyzer RBW set to 1 MHz and VBW at 3 MHz.

        A loop antenna was used to measure emissions below 30 MHz. Emission readings more
than 20 dB below the limit at any frequency may not be listed in the reported data. For
frequencies between 9 kHz and 30 MHz, or the lowest frequency generated or used in the device
greater than 9 kHz, and less than 30 MHz, the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth was set to
9 kHz and the video bandwidth was set to 30 kHz. For average measurements, the spectrum
analyzer average detector was used.

        For frequencies above 30 MHz, an amplifier and preamplifier were used to increase the
sensitivity of the measuring instrumentation. The quasi-peak adapter uses a bandwidth of 120
kHz, with the spectrum analyzer's resolution bandwidth set at 1 MHz, for readings in the 30 to
1000 MHz frequency ranges. For peak emissions above 1000 MHz the spectrum analyzer’s
resolution bandwidth was set to 1 MHz and the video bandwidth was set to 3 MHz. For average
measurements above 1000 MHz the spectrum analyzer’s resolution bandwidth was set to 1 MHz
and the average detector of the analyzer was used.

        A biconilog antenna was used to measure the frequency range of 30 to 1000 MHz, at a
distance of 3 meters from the EUT. The readings obtained by these antennas are correlated to
the levels obtained with a tuned dipole antenna by adding antenna factors. A double-ridged guide
antenna was used to measure the emissions at frequencies above 1000 MHz at a distance of 3
meters from the EUT.

        The configuration of the EUT was varied to find the maximum radiated emission. The
EUT was connected to the peripherals listed in Section 2.3 via the interconnecting cables listed
in Section 2.4. A technician manually manipulated these interconnecting cables to obtain worst-
case radiated disturbance. The EUT was rotated 360 degrees, and the antenna height was varied
from 1 to 4 meters to find the maximum radiated emission. Where there were multiple interface
ports all of the same type, cables are either placed on all of the ports or cables added to these
ports until the emissions do not increase by more than 2 dB.

       Desktop EUT are measured on a non-conducting table 0.8 meters above the ground
plane. The table is placed on a turntable, which is level with the ground plane. For equipment
normally placed on floors, the equipment shall be placed directly on the turntable.

                                                                     TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

    Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                                            TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                                          REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                                          Page 20 of 30

            For radiated emission testing at 30 MHz or above that is performed at distances closer
    than the specified distance, an inverse proportionality factor of 20 dB per decade is used to
    normalize the measured data for determining compliance.

   Type of Equipment           Manufacturer         Model Number            Barcode         Date of Last     Due Date of
                                                                            Number          Calibration      Calibration
Wanship Open Area Test            Nemko                   N/A                 830           12/10/2013       12/10/2014
       Site #2
     Test Software                Nemko                Radiated           Revision 1.3          N/A              N/A
       Spectrum              Rohde & Schwarz            ESU40                1229           04/08/2014       04/08/2015
   Spectrum Analyzer         Hewlett Packard             8566B                644           02/25/2014       02/25/2015

  Quasi-Peak Detector        Hewlett Packard            85650A                572           03/10/2014       03/10/2015

     Loop Antenna                 EMCO                   6502                 176           03/04/2013       03/04/2015
   Biconilog Antenna              EMCO                   3142                 713           10/10/2012       10/10/2014

  Double Ridged Guide             EMCO                   3115                 735           03/07/2013       03/07/2015
    High Frequency                 Miteq           AFS4-00102650-            1299           05/08/2014       05/08/2015
       Amplifier                                      35-10P-4
20’ High Frequency Cable        Microcoax          UFB197C-1-3120-           1297           05/08/2014       05/08/2015
   3 Meter Radiated             Microcoax         UFB205A-0-4700-            1295           05/08/2014       05/08/2015
Emissions Cable Wanship                               000000
        Site #2
  Pre/Power-Amplifier        Hewlett Packard             8447F                762           08/26/2013       08/26/2014
    6 dB Attenuator          Hewlett Packard            8491A                1103           12/23/2013       12/23/2014

             An independent calibration laboratory or Nemko-CCL, Inc. personnel calibrates all the equipment listed
    above at intervals defined in ANSI C63.4:2003 Section 4.4 following outlined calibration procedures. All
    measurement instrumentation is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Supporting
    documentation relative to tractability is on file and is available for examination upon request.

                                                                                    TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                                                TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                                          REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                                          Page 21 of 30

                              Radiated Emissions Test Setup


                       Open Area Test Site



                                                              Pre/Power      Spectrum
                                             6dB Attenuator
                                                                Amp          Analyzer

                                                                                    TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                             TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                       REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                       Page 22 of 30


 Photograph 1 – Front View Radiated Disturbance Worst Case Configuration – Flat Placement

                                                               TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                            TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                      REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                      Page 23 of 30

    Photograph 2 – Front View Radiated Disturbance Configuration – On Edge Placement

                                                              TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                             TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                       REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                       Page 24 of 30

    Photograph 3 – Front View Radiated Disturbance Configuration – Vertical Placement

                                                               TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                          TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                    REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                    Page 25 of 30

                  Photograph 4 – Bottom/Left Side View of the EUT

                                                           TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                         TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                   REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                   Page 26 of 30

                  Photograph 5 – Top/Right Side View of the EUT

                                                          TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                   TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                             REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                             Page 27 of 30

                  Photograph 6 – Back View of the EUT

                                                        TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                           TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                     REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                     Page 28 of 30

                  Photograph 7 – View of the EUT with Housing Opened

                                                             TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                          TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                    REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                    Page 29 of 30

                  Photograph 8 – View of the Trace Side of the PCB

                                                            TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Nemko-CCL, Inc.                                            TEST REPORT: 271373-2.1
                                                      REPORT ISSUE DATE: 10/09/2014
                                                                      Page 30 of 30

                  Photograph 9 – View of the Component Side of the PCB

                                                              TRF-15.231SUBC Issue 4 Oct. 2014

Document Created: 2019-06-18 10:29:06
Document Modified: 2019-06-18 10:29:06

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