RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                                EMC Test Data
     Client: Vivint, Inc.                                                                                 Job Number:     PR079234
                                                                                                        T-Log Number:     TL079234-RA
     Model: CE04
                                                                                                      Project Manager:    Deepa Shetty
  Contact: Greg Hansen                                                                             Project Coordinator:   David Bare
 Standard: FCC 15.255                                                                                           Class:    N/A

                                                Maximum Permissible Exposure

Test Specific Details
                            The objective of this test session is to perform final qualification testing of the EUT with respect to the
                            specification listed above.
         Test Engineer: David Bare

General Test Configuration
Calculation uses the free space transmission formula:
                            S = (PG)/(4 πd2)
Where: S is power density (W/m2), P is output power (W), G is antenna gain relative to isotropic, d is separation distance from the
transmitting antenna (m).

Summary of Results

                 Device complies with Power Density requirements at 20cm
                                  If not, required separation distance (in cm):      27.3

Modifications Made During Testing
No modifications were made to the EUT during testing

Deviations From The Standard
No deviations were made from the requirements of the standard.

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                                                                                                         EMC Test Data
     Client: Vivint, Inc.                                                                          Job Number:     PR079234
                                                                                                 T-Log Number:     TL079234-RA
    Model: CE04
                                                                                               Project Manager:    Deepa Shetty
  Contact: Greg Hansen                                                                      Project Coordinator:   David Bare
 Standard: FCC 15.255                                                                                    Class:    N/A

MPE Calculation for 60 GHz Wi-Fi radio (Worst case of FCC and ISEDC limits)
Use:      General                 Listed EUT powers are average
Antenna: Integral 23 dBi

                         EUT           Cable Loss    Ant         Power                     Power Density (S)             MPE Limit
   Freq.                Power            Loss        Gain        at Ant        EIRP           at 30 cm                   at 30 cm
   MHz           dBm            mW*       dB         dBi          dBm           mW            mW/cm^2                    mW/cm^2
  58,320          7.4           5.5        0          23           7.4        1096.48           0.097                     1.000
  60,480         16.4           43.7       0          23          16.4        8709.64           0.770                     1.000
  62,640         16.7           46.8       0          23          16.7        9332.54           0.825                     1.000

For the cases where S > the MPE Limit

  Freq.             S @ 30 cm                MPE Limit             Distance where          Ratio of PD to limit
   MHz              mW/cm^2                  mW/cm^2               S <= MPE Limit
  58320               0.097                   1.000                     9.3cm                    9.7%
  60480               0.770                   1.000                    26.3cm                    77.0%
  62640               0.825                   1.000                    27.3cm                    82.5%

MPE Calculation for 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi radio (Worst case of FCC and ISEDC limits)
Use:      General
Antenna: Integral

                         EUT           Cable Loss    Ant         Power                     Power Density (S)             MPE Limit
   Freq.                Power            Loss        Gain        at Ant        EIRP           at 30 cm                   at 30 cm
   MHz           dBm            mW*       dB         dBi          dBm          mW             mW/cm^2                    mW/cm^2
   2,412         18.0           63.1       0         3.2          18.0        131.83            0.012                     0.537
   2,437         19.0           79.4       0         3.2          19.0        165.96            0.015                     0.540
   2,462         18.0           63.1       0         3.2          18.0        131.83            0.012                     0.544

For the cases where S > the MPE Limit

                Power Density (S)            MPE Limit             Distance where          Ratio of PD to limit
   Freq.           at 30 cm                  at 30 cm              S <= MPE Limit
   MHz             mW/cm^2                   mW/cm^2
   2412              0.012                    0.537                       4.4cm                   2.2%
   2437              0.015                    0.540                       4.9cm                   2.7%
   2462              0.012                    0.544                       4.4cm                   2.1%

Worst case RF exposure is the sum of the ratios for the two radios, 82.5% + 2.7% = 85.2% of the limit.

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                                                                                                         EMC Test Data
     Client: Vivint, Inc.                                                                          Job Number:     PR079234
                                                                                                 T-Log Number:     TL079234-RA
    Model: CE04
                                                                                               Project Manager:    Deepa Shetty
  Contact: Greg Hansen                                                                      Project Coordinator:   David Bare
 Standard: FCC 15.255                                                                                    Class:    N/A

MPE Calculation for 60 GHz Wi-Fi radio (Worst case of FCC and ISEDC limits)
Use:      Controlled              Listed EUT powers are average
Antenna: Integral 23 dBi

                         EUT           Cable Loss    Ant         Power                     Power Density (S)             MPE Limit
   Freq.                Power            Loss        Gain        at Ant        EIRP           at 15 cm                   at 15 cm
   MHz           dBm            mW*       dB         dBi          dBm           mW            mW/cm^2                    mW/cm^2
  58,320          7.4           5.5        0          23           7.4        1096.48           0.388                     5.000
  60,480         16.4           43.7       0          23          16.4        8709.64           3.080                     5.000
  62,640         16.7           46.8       0          23          16.7        9332.54           3.301                     5.000

For the cases where S > the MPE Limit

  Freq.             S @ 15 cm                MPE Limit             Distance where          Ratio of PD to limit
   MHz              mW/cm^2                  mW/cm^2               S <= MPE Limit
  58320               0.388                   5.000                     4.2cm                    7.8%
  60480               3.080                   5.000                    11.8cm                    61.6%
  62640               3.301                   5.000                    12.2cm                    66.0%

MPE Calculation for 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi radio (Worst case of FCC and ISEDC limits)
Use:      Controlled
Antenna: Integral

                         EUT           Cable Loss    Ant         Power                     Power Density (S)             MPE Limit
   Freq.                Power            Loss        Gain        at Ant        EIRP           at 15 cm                   at 15 cm
   MHz           dBm            mW*       dB         dBi          dBm          mW             mW/cm^2                    mW/cm^2
   2,412         18.0           63.1       0         3.2          18.0        131.83            0.047                     3.170
   2,437         19.0           79.4       0         3.2          19.0        165.96            0.059                     3.187
   2,462         18.0           63.1       0         3.2          18.0        131.83            0.047                     3.203

For the cases where S > the MPE Limit

                Power Density (S)            MPE Limit             Distance where          Ratio of PD to limit
   Freq.           at 15 cm                  at 15 cm              S <= MPE Limit
   MHz             mW/cm^2                   mW/cm^2
   2412              0.047                    3.170                       1.8cm                   1.5%
   2437              0.059                    3.187                       2.0cm                   1.8%
   2462              0.047                    3.203                       1.8cm                   1.5%

Worst case RF exposure is the sum of the ratios for the two radios, 66% + 1.8% = 67.8% of the limit.

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Document Created: 2018-08-28 13:57:28
Document Modified: 2018-08-28 13:57:28

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