SAR Report 3


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                              Report No.:AGC00338130401FH01
                                               Page 90 of 117

Appendix D. Probe Calibration Data

                       contosax r—riEL5 rrose catimRation report                               n acnssinnsarva

                              Name                        Function                   Date             Signature
Prepared by :             Térome LUC                 Product Manager             12712012             ?;3-
Checked by :              Téxome LUC                  Product Manager            12712012             ;‘%‘

Approved by           Kim RUTKOWSKT                   Quality Manager            12712012                   Aaoth

                                                           Customer Name
                                  Distribution              or cLoBaL
                                    ietridution :           compriance

   Jsue                Date                                              Medifications
    A                121200                Tnwalrelease

                                                    Page: 2n0
                Tedocenent shll nsb reprodscnt eope ifi or ts zort wthout e veinen apprevel [ SATIIO
                Treigormen a coniatedhi o abedondt movesefrshichr                  Brimd antisrorss
                beresased n ubols orpert udnse arprovalofsitintd

     (G. N             contosaz E—FiztD rrose catization rezont                        me acnsiennsarua

                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

1       Device Under Test         ..   .        ons                   .                       a
2       Product Description.......     .         mss                  .                       a
     2.1— General Information                                                                         a
3.      Measurement Method....         .             mss              .                       a
     3.1. Lineasity                                                                                   a
     32— Sensitivity                                                                                  5
     3.3 Lower Detection Limit                                                                        5
     34— Isotropy                                                                                     5
     35— BoundaryEffect                                                                               5
4.      Measurement Uncertainty        .         mss                  .                        s
5.      Calibration Measurement Results         ons                   .                        6
     5.1      Sensitivityin air                                                                       6
     5.2 Lineasity                                                                                    7
     53—      Sensitivityin liquid                                                                    7
     54— Isotropy                                                                                     8
6.      List of Equipment         .    .        ons                   .                       10

                                                     Page: 200
                 Midamesiotln        reprodint eos in fill on t par uhoie io cppreiof LTRYO
                 Te iformanonconcind heun a t be wied onb o reprrpnco il n
                 berelacaiviolor privatonr iceppreval utitio

    (G »               conosar £—FtEtDrrose carration reront                                   me sensisin smcs
1             DEVICE UNDER TEST

                                             Device Under Test
     Deviee Tpe                                          CoMOsAR DosIMETRIC E FTELD PROBE
     Mamafacturer                                        Satimo
     Model                                               sses
     Serial Number                                       Sn 2272 EpiSo
     Product Condition (new/ used)                       new
     Frequency Range of Probe                            03 onz3GHz
     Resistance of Three Dipoles at Connector            Dipole 1: R1—0.228 MO
                                                         Dipole 2: R2=0.227 M
                                                         Dipole 3: R3—0.234 MC
A. yearlycalibration intervalis recommended.

Satime‘s COMOSAR E field Probes are buil in accordance to the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C
and CELTEC 62209 standards.

                        Figure 1 — Satima COMOS4R Dosimemric EfieldDipolo
     Probe Tenams                                        350 mm
     Length of Individual Dipoles                        4.5 mm
     Maximum external diameter                           8 mm
     Probe Tip External Diameter                         5 mm
     Distance between dipoles probe extremity_|          2.7 mm

The IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C, CENELEC ENSO361 and CEMTEC 62209 standards provide
recommended practices for the probe calibrations, including the performance charncteristics of
interest and methods bywhich to assess their affect. All calibrations measurements performed meet
the fore mentioned standards
         31   LINEARY
The evaluation of the linearitywas done in free space using the wavegnide, performing a power
sweep to cover the SAR range 0.01Wike to 100%/ke

                                                    Pose: 430
                Ti docenanshllno o reprniond exoui Al o inpor uhothe ainen agpronalofSHTRMO
                Te foation consned heel is i be ud ut ir tpurpecefor vhich t is ciimized and s ross
                Bereisased n whole eyoruthiouuzen cppre l ofStTito

    ([    \            conosir Eriztp rrose carrerationreront                      neacuisnsarua

         32.    sENSTIVITY
The sensitivity factors of the three dipoles were determinedusing a two step calibration method (air
and tissue simulating liquid) using wavertiides as outlined in the standards
The lower detection limit was assessed using the same measurement set up as used for the lineaity
measurement. The required lower detection limit is 10 mWike
         34    IsoTROPY
The axial isotropywas evaluatedbyexposing the probe to a reférence wave from a standard dipole
with the dipole mounted under the flat phantom in the test confieuration suggested. for system
validations and checks. The probe was rotated along its main axis from0 — 360 degrees in 15 degree
steps.. The hemispherical isotropyis determined by inserting the probe in a thin plastic box filled
with tissue—equivalent liquid, with the plastic box illuminated with the fields from a halfwave dipole.
The dipole is rotated about its axis (0°—180) in 15° increments. At each step the probe is rotated
about its axis (0°—360%)
         35    BOUNDARY EFFECT
The boundaryeffect is definedas the deviation between the SAR measured data and the expected
exponential decay in the liquid whenthe probe is oriented normal to the interface. To evaluate this
effect, the liguid filled flat phantomis exposed to fields from either a reference dipole or waveguide
With the probe normal to the phantom surface, the peak spatial average SAR is measured and
compared to the analytical value at the surface
The guidelines outlined in the TEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C, CENELEC ENSO361 and CEDIEC
62209 standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertainty associated with an E—field
probe calibration using the waveauide technique. All uncertainties listed: below represent an
expanded uncertainty expressed at approximatelythe 95% confidence level using a coverage factor
ofk=2. traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to Measurement Uncertainty:
 Uncertainty analysi of the probe calibration in waveguide
            Emmor sovrces             Uncernainty
                                       Cncertsinns                      .
                                                                      Divisor  ape; Stmdma
    Incident or rvardpouer               3006            Reunsu           #1_o       nz
    Refomedpone                          oo              Resongom         §    Oc    nz
    Tigued conmernay                      5008|          Reunmae          $    O     zse
    Tiguid permana                       1006            Reuamme          & ooo      I zon
    Fiett homogeneity                    s00t            Restangute       A | _:     rmam
    Fictd probe pooticnme                 soo            Resongom         & q _
    Eid probe Imaario                    5oo             Recungom         & ooo
                                                     Pase: s10
                Te docanerssal t berprodind, nc fl oipar. thour se neveprrroctorsirmio
                Th Infomaton conina heun reb ardond fr meparceor hoi e inimadandisronis
                Bereiel n uisteor previto en appreal ofsiimce

  L                  conosar EriEtD rroscatmmration report                           nee cssa in sanun

  Combined standard uncertainty                                                               seame
      Expanded uncercainty
     5 5 confidence tevel                                                                     i1sa2ee


                                         Calibration Parameters
   Tiquid Temperatore                               °C
   Tab Temperature                                  a°C
   Tab Hummdiey                                     45%


                               Normz dipols Nommydipole Normz dipols
                               1 (uW/(¥im‘) 2 guVi(Wi®)| 3 (uViCVia)‘)
                                   san            468                 sas

                               DCP dipole 1 DCP dipale 2 DCP dipole 3
                                  (oan‘        (mv)         (ay
                                   102          so           05

Calibration curves ei=fV) (i=1,2,3) allow to obtain H—field value using the formula

                                Calibration curves
           =                                                                       Dipcie1
           s an—
           & an—
               14          :                 ‘          t         1          :
               odo obs are nis oze o2s os0 ols oso ols                      05
                                  Natage M

                                                Page: 610
               Thdonamonchlt o t reprodund excae iuttpore wtiu she atoe epprovl efSATMO
               Th formatn comuizndhe int be uze onb o eporoseo which incubwizedonda rarto
               beveasednhuteor por vitouvrize spprealof 1i

S(L.                contosar £—riErrose carrenation report                           n acesisna


                    o        100           200      ado      ano       sto        sio s§3
                                                  EField (V/m)
          Linearity:1+/1.97% (+0.090B)


  Tiona         Feume;         Pemman            Epica Sm          C
                 airte =
                    zoo            s                ose
                   a5o             4250             0s
                    s              arse             os1
                    son            4240             pea
                   175             25 75            156
                   1950            sase             155
                   1950            1085
                  2550             403


                                                 Page: 710
              Ti docerenestalntbe epradicd, neegehit o s por      onh uriee egprevcof TRA
              Th omm ton connined areh 5 s b usel ont fr tpuzotebrwiich i nindandinove
              berebonier dot opermation wixe eproaioftimie

                    contosir £FiEt» prope caumranonneront                      n acnus insarva

       54   IsoTROPY
21.900 MBz
— Axcal isotrapy
— Hemispherical sotropy:

H1.1800 MEHz
— Arcal motropy                    a.05 aB
— Hemispherical sotropy:           012 aB

                                             Page: 810
              Th docomenechalsberepraticed cceiAlo e pos uin turine epprovetofS4RLO
              Thifomten connindhet is 1 S undonlor Semrparehtich isnnd sn
              bereensd in sholvor parvitine viten crpreval ofSATIIO

 ((1. h            contosar —rizt» rrosecatimaation rerort                        nescrusinsirca

H12450 MBz
~ Axal sotropy                     0.07 aB
—Hemispherical isotropy            0.14 4B

                                                  Page: 210
             Thi donanenchllnoe eprnducnt xotAler i pore ushou h uine cxpronelofSITMO
             The nformaner conniradbren s be medont dieparpaceoruit nie Eninad ant uce
             beveiasel i sholeor pornthou vrivenagprosal eSezI6O

  (                      comosax E—riztp rrose carmrazion reroat                              nee acnsieo rosarva

        6    LIST OF EQUIPMENT

                                            Equipment Summary Sheet
     Equipment             Manufacturer /              snn                   Current            Next Calibration:
    Description                  Model          Identificati0® NO—|. Coppration Date                    Date
    Fat Phantom                  Satimo           sn—2009.sauy;         |{aidated: No eal
                                                                       equred                   latdated.
                                                                                               equired.        No cal
|cOMOSAR Test Sench]            version 3                Na             mldated. Noeal
                                                                       equred                   faidated.
                                                                                               equired.        No eal
   Netmork Analyzer        Rhode $5¢hwaiz            sh100132                 var010                  ozrzo13
   Relerence Probe               Satime           Ep o4 sn aos         —Charactenzed pror to |Gharactenzed pror to
                                                                       test. No eal required. Jtest, No cal required.
      Muttimeter             Keithiey 2030            118556                  12010                   zons
   Signal Generator         Agient Ea4zeo           mvssarose1                122010                  122013
                                                                       Charactenzed pror to Gharactenzed pror to
       Ampifier               Asthercomm               babad           test. No eal required. |test. No: cal required.
     Power Mete:              me eastan             ussazeiase               12010                zons
    Power Sensor             Hp Ecp.ezsa            usarieraso               112010                mvzons
                                                                       Characienzed pror to |Charactenzed prior to
  Directional Coupler        Narda 421620               or3ss          test. No eal required. |test. No cal required.
      Waveguide             Mega Industies       osev7—158.13.712 equred
                                                                    |/alidated. No eal          lalidated. No cal
Wavequide Transition        Mega Industies..|    asev7—158—13.701. equred
                                                                    |falidated: No eal          lalidated. No cal
Waveuide Termination] Mega industies             asev—158—13:701 equred
                                                                  Waldated. No cal              alidated. No cal
|remperature / Humidi®|. Control Company
        Sensor                                         t1—561.9               a2012                    arora

                                                     Page: 1010
                   TBdvcsonchall ntberepradicnd excen s fll onpov.ithut theurime approval ofSATRMO
                   Te ioi containdharan is o be us 000 /0 themrposefr itc itnniid ord is
                   beveisand on chale operesitioe vee wmovalersiahio

                               Report No.:AGC00338130401FH01
                                               Page 100 of 117

Appendix E. Dipole Calibration Data

               sar rerexever prrote catteration rEzort                     neacumsi sarva

                   Name                      Function              Date        Signature
Preparedby :     Tésome LUC               Product Manager        1292011        Q/‘;S
Checked by       Jéxome LUC               Product Manager        129201         ;,T%s

Approved ty    Kim RUTKOWSKI              Quality Manager        1292011         Authnod

                                                 Customer Name
                          rstribution :           or GLoBAL
                                                    co. 1t

   Issue         Dare                                    Modifications
     A         mormon            Initalrelense

     .     \           sar reerexce preors carmmation rezort                        neaossnsana

                                      TABLE OF CONT

1.     Introduction...          mome
       Device Under Test        sls
       Product Description      ...
  3.1.— General Information
4. Measurement Method.....
     41—    Retum Loss Requirements
  42— Mechanical Requirements                                                                 s
      Measurement Uncertainty.........          s              s           sz
  51. Retum Loss                                                                              s
  5.2 Dimension Measurement                                                                   5
  5.3 Validation Measurement                                                                  5
6. Calibration Measurement Results              mss            mss         se
  61. Retum Loss                                                                              6
   62— Mechanical Dimensions                                                                  6
7. Validation measurement ..                    se             se          s
   7.1— Measurement Condition                                                                 7
   72— Head Liquid Measwement                                                                 f
   7.3 Measurement Resuh                                                                      s
8      Listof Equipment         mmmme

                                                Page 29
                Biedame:             roice! ace sfller npor utiou te ies ppronlefSRIO
                Te informotoncnnived       Bdtt rhepepoeoi                minatonticnorm

    ((t.              saraeeenevce prore carmeaionzerort                           nexcossusimca

1            INTRODUCTION

This document contains a summary of the requirements set forth by the TEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin
C and CEITEC 62209 standards for reference dipoles used for SAR measurement system validations
and the measurements that were performed to verify that the product complies with the fore
mentioned standards

2            DEVICE UNDER TEST

                                        Device Under Test
           Device Tpe                       COMOSAR sss MHe REFERENCE DPOTE
           Manufacturer                     Satimo
           Model                            stDoo0
           Serial Number                    sN 4611 DiP 600185
           Product Condition Gew ) used) new
A yearly calibration interval is recommended.

Satimo‘s COMOSAR Validation Dipoles are built in accordance to the TEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin
C and CENTEC 62200 standards.. The product is designed for use with the COMOSAR test bench.

                           Figure 1 — Satimo COMOSAR Palidation Dipolo

                                              Page: 49
                Tt dnanessiatnoberrecicnd evanifilloispore viton e wine exprmalofSITRIO
                Treinfoncaio conninlhaviis hndisfotherapecowac nistninndndserns
                berdmaiuiateryeruiionwim ayrelaind

    f(L L            swmmremoemeoncommonsens                                    nesconsusima
The IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C and CEITEC 62209 standards provide requirements for
reference dipoles used for system validation measurements.. The following measurements were
performed to verify that the product complies with the fore mentionedstandards
The dipole used for SAR systemvalidation measurements and checks must have a retunloss of —20
dB or beter.. The retum loss measurement shall be performed againsta liquid filled flat phantom,
with the phantom constucted as outlined in the fore mentioned standards
The IEEE Std. 1528 and CEVTEC 62209 standards specify the mechanical components and
dimensions of the validation dipoles, with the dimensions frequencyand phantomshell thickness
dependent. The COMOSAR test bench employs a 2 mm phantom shell thickness therefore the
dipoles sold for use with the COMOSAR test bench comply with the requirements set forth for a 2
mm phantom shell thickness

All uncertaintieslisted below represent an expanded uncertaintyexpressed at approzimately the 95%
confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2, traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to
Measurement Uncertainty:
       s1    RETURNLOSs
The following uncertainties apply to the returm loss measurement
                   Frequency band                     Expanded Uncertainty on Return Loss
                    400—6000MEz                                      o1 as

The following uncertainties apply to the dimension measurements
                    Length (mm)                       Expanded Uncertainty on Length
                        3—300                                    0.05 mm

The guidelines outlined in the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C. CENELEC EN50361 and CEIEC
62209 stndards were followed. to generste the measurement. uncertainty: for. validation
                     Scan Volume                        Expanded Uncertainty
                          Te                                  1619%
                         105                                  1586%
                                              Faze 59
              Thidacmasclal w e repodica cce l oiporthotwrineexprmal fSITIOO
              Theivarmaton cnine en zt be ced ndstheeapocforsc nicstnine d enor o
              berdaacd i uhule oparvboawrinm qprealefstrnie

(t.           sanneremence prore carmanonzsrot            nexosusnsima
      6 catmmration iirastrenentRestirs
      61. returtoss


    Frungio               Return Loss (dB)            Requrement aB)
         w                     2652                         Eu
    62. MEchantcat pmenstous
roumsorn           en                                          iz
              ons     nomess       revans    nomunt     mt          memest
             moens                mrows                 omm
             mans                 erax
             weons                ons
              wons                 aa

                                  Pore 69
          Tehoomneneterarsiet concneipm setewomncStnts
          PBenirmri maneonsC iealanbi Snrendantadines

                    surrerrrnvce orrote caummanonzeront                    nesrsosnsimca

The IEEE S 1528, OE 65 Bullrin C and CEMIEC €209 standards stie that the sytem
validation mensurementsmust be performed using a refrence dipole meeting the fre mentioned
1etirm loss and mechanicaldimension requirements. The valiation meastrement mastbeprformed
againsa lquid filed fat phantom, witthe phantom constrited as outined in th fre mentioned
stondards Per thestandards, the dipoleshall be poitined belowthe botom of the phantom, with
the dipole length centered and parlll to th longest dimension of the fat phantom, wth the top
surface o7 thdipele at thedescribed distance from the botom surfie of tphanton
       71.     Masurbyeyt
Sete                                    ommew
Tawcn                                   sw 200 umt
Fute                                    se rrons
Ti                                      Ms tines mir o3 upns                  oor
DiimecEen Sgol counand ut               ifome
heeicinmoisice                          drbnmdnten
oo Scin feotmen                         dcctnen 6iviearciom
frspency                                womme
Inapean                                 To n
Ligud Teopmance                         mve
To Tempeince                            mve
Toon                                    in
       72. eap clout veasurzvent
                Tess      ntrrepermnteny is1       eonmeamytsin
                      m          ies                     sns
                                  on                     wens
                                 cem                     cwren
                                 wsox                    wows
                                 winx                    brek
                                 miew                    brax
                                 wony                    Leak

                                 sons                    hss
                                 mane                    Lows
                                 c                       rorms
                                 Bs                      omm
                                 mss                     Tows
                                 Hous                    rams

               Rihnrecroreelionn enb tevnetaeninndencteiiars

 fit.              san remennnce prowe caumanonzsrort                  nesooosisima
       73              vevt Resurt
The IEEE S1928 and CENTEC 62209 standards stotethatthe system validtion meastrements
should produce the SAR valoes shown below (for phantom thickness of 2 mn), within the
uncesiity for the system valiation All SAR values are normalized to 1 W fomeard power, In
Iracke, the measured SAR is iven with tused mput power
                  Te            resemmnans             wesnmnam
                               es      maud           mant mawn

             Te omm terement

Report No.:AGC00338130401FH01
                Page 108 of 117


     SAR Reference Dipole Calibration Report

                                  Ref: ACR.3137.LL.SATU.A

                     rrequency: 100 mnz
                 seruat «61 pre rosun.te7

                       Calibrated at SA TIMO TS
               2105 Barrett Park D. — Kennesaw, GA 30144



   "This documentpresentsthe method andendtsiom an sceredted SAR rfivece diole calbnation
   pertomed inA 1MUSA uang te COMOSAX tesbenth. All extbrstion remile e trcele
   to natonal m rologyinstione

                      sir rererence prrove commnonneont                         neacroomnsirma

                           Name                   Runction             Date
Propared by :          Ttrime LUC              Product Manager      12972011
Cheched by :            Térme LUC              Product Manager      12972011
Approved by         Kim RUTROWSKT|             Quality Manager      |12909011         a    &

                                                    Customer Name

                              Distribation :         orcromat
                                                      co Lm

   Icoue              Date                                   Modifications
     aA              Tesron           Tialrelemse

                                               Page: 22
                To dsaimnt snb verntinnt ceinflor impon vitee t urme onclefSERIO
                Th nfrmntonnvennehidmlir ts meroeo tchviatranalit w
                Aerbond nvic o pavvitas wine apreal esititO

     ((o                   sur rerexence nrrore carmeationzeront                      meeacrooonsarva

                                          TABLE GF CONTENTS

 1. Introduction                                    —                                        a
2. Device UnderTest                                 .                                        a
3. ProductDescription                               >                                        a
   311. General Information                                                                         a
4. Measirement Method                               —                                        5
   41 Retum Loss Requirements                                                                       5
   42— Mechanical Requirements                                                                      s
 5. Measirement Uncertinty                          .                                        $
   51. Retim Loss                                                                                   s
   52— Dimension Measurement                                                                        5
   53. Validation Measurement                                                                       s
6.         Calibration Meamirem ent Reailts                                                  6
   61. Retim Loss                                                                                   s
   62— Mechanical Dimensions                                                                        s
7. Validition measurement                           .                                        s
   71— Measurement Condition                                                                        s
   72. Head Liquid Measurement                                                                      s
   73— Measurement Result                                                                           s
 8. List ofEquipment                                .                                        s

                                                    Pase: 20
                     1e donintslinberaratiet ceuy infll o bpor vitins ta winmopronlofSIBIO
                     Th itemaonenanadhsnl t by uedebfi t navo uhohis iainaradi orte
                     devehosltivhle cperivithon wites aprera qsitidO

                      san reverence nieoue caummation rerort                neacroonn serva

1          mropuction

This document contains a summary of the requirements set forth by the TEEE 1528, OE 65 Bulletin
C and CEVIEC 62209 standards for reference dipoles used for SAR measurement system validations
and the measurements that were performed to very that the product complies with the fore
mentioned standards


                                         Device Under Test
        Device Tope                         Comosax 1900 MM: XEFERENCE DrFors
        Manufacturer                        Saumo
        Mode!                               smp 1900
        Seri Nomber                         svasn1pm 16s0057
        Product Condition (new J used)      new
A yearly calibeation interval is recommended

Satimo‘s COMOSAR Validation Dipoles are built in accordance to the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin
C and CEUTEC 62209 standards,. The product is designed for use with the COMOSAR test bench

                         Figure 1 —Satimo COMOSAR Validation Dipole

                                               Pags: 49
              To drannsitieb vavatient cory mtll oion vitoa t vrnmcoproolo7SERYO
              Te rtrnanon rnanethven w e iedmde e meveo unchn i intranetnit tss
              deribnat vicle oprvviting winerapreca cserido

                     sserremcnmrons commeanonnerort                             nescrooonsema
The TEEE 1508, OET 65 Bullstin C and CEVIEC 62209 stamdaeds provide requirements for
reference dipoles used for system validation measurements, The following. measurements were
performed to verify that the product complies with the Fore mentioned standards
"The dipele used for SAR system validation measurements and checks must have a return lose of —20
dB or beiter. The return loss measurement shall be performed against a liquid filled fat phantom,
with the phantom constucted as outlined in the fore mmentioned standards
The TEEE Std, 1528 and CEIIEC 62209 standards specify the mechanical components and
dimensions of the validation dipoles, with the dmensions frequency and phantom shell thickness
dependent The COMOSAR test bench employs a 2 mm phantom shell thickness therefore the
dipeles eeld for use with the COMOSAR test bench comply with the requirem ente eet forth for a 2
ram phantom shell thickness

All unvertdinties fisted below represent in expanided uncerluinly exprevsed ut approximately the 95%
confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2, traceable to the Intemationally Accepted Guides to
Measurement Uncertainty
       s1 RETURILOSS
The fallowing uncertainties apply to the return oss measurement
                   Frequency band                   Expanded Uncertainty on Return Loss
                    400—6000MMEiz                                    0.1 ds

       52. prvEwstounastmnvent
The following uncertainties apply to the dimension meacurements
                    Tength Gam)                       Expanded Uncertainty on Length
                       3—%0                                      005 mm

The guidelines outlined in the TEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C, CENELEC ENSO361 and CEMEC
62209 standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertainty. for. validation
                     Scan Volume                      Expanded Tncertainty
                          Ts                                Tess
                         102                                1580%
                                              Fage: 59
              TRdonmentlin e varotinet onl o io vitint urme oprolefSATBAG
              Th tmonhvan uin indmleirsh iepevtiviatmanaladla se
              dereboil n uids opatvites wineapraal oseriio

 (t              sir rererence neoue cameanionreport                       meacromonsamia

      s1 RETuRNLOSS

                                 C            s

      Frequency (MHz)                RetuLoss @B)                     Requirement @B)
            1900                         3525                               20
      62. MBohaicat DiMeWSiONS
 Feaneritie            es                             hnn                         dn
               renares    measied            mquice         measind      mquied        mensued
     xo       smous                         moun                         snax
     o        isoun                         meran                        sxan
     To       weoux                         moun                         snax
     as       imoax                         sean                         sean
     zo       moun                          un                           sean
    wise      siax                          srax                         sean
    e         ssux                          woux                         seux
    To        moun                          sram                         sean
    use       meax                          asan                         sean
    io        Roun                          sram                         sean
    To        moun          mss             msan             mss         sn             mss
    wse       ssax                          msan                         sean
    zo        asan                          preu                         sean
    o         aoun                          wraw                         Foun
    zxo       msan                          Reas                         sean
    se        msan                          Raus                         sean
    zo        msan                          meun                         Foun
    xo        asax                          Boun                         sean
    o          Foux                         waus                         sean
    Te         un                           waus                         Sn

                                        Page: 09
            P dhoinstlin t vavntinet on loion viea t urme opecciofSHTBAG
            Th ntmaton onl henl w e uede e meraeh tcht isinandd onl ners
            deviboil utds opervitos wineayrd serido

Report No.:AGC00338130401FH01
                Page 115 of 117

Report No.:AGC00338130401FH01
                Page 116 of 117

                      sur rererevcr preove caumnationreport                        meacronon samva


    Equipment          Manufacturer /          ineas               Current          Next Calibration
   Description              Model         [itentifie 2800 MO.| Copprarion Date              Date
   Fiat Phantom             Satmo                        ahdaten. Nocar
                                           sn20ms.cam71 YRluey                      Waidated—
                                                                                   oreg            No cal
EONORR TedtSoral           vaens                m        miaaed Nown                Fardad         mo c
                                                        eaured                     equired
  Network Analyze«     Rhote&Betwaor          siioois              c2zo10                 ceron
      Calpers               Carera          cauperar             122010               reoos
  Aclrence Fove             Sams          EFGTz2 n 1 on 1 |Ghanctenaed prerto|Cnaractenzed pror to
                                                          fest, No cal requie. test. No cal required
     inotimeter          kerney 2000          11005              112010               meois
  Sanal Generator       AglereEtI380        Mrasorose1           122010               reoos
                                                          Ghamactenaed prerto|Cnaractnzed pror to
     Amplifer             Astrercomm            sn or        test. No eal requied. tast. No cal required
    Pawer Meter           ne cceion          usseastace             112010                moos
   Power Sensor          we ecmezsa          ussrieieo              11200                 reors
 WrectonaiCopm           Nadsiztoco             pyom         Ghamactenaed prerto|Cnaractnzed pror to
                                                             fest, No cal requied. rest. No cal required
  HMEWWEAT    anc      Convel Company          mssrs                22010                 spor2

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Document Created: 2013-05-08 15:17:37
Document Modified: 2013-05-08 15:17:37

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