Test Report


Test Report

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                                        FCC PART 15.249
         Shenzhen Compoka Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
4/5 F, Building B, Yi Shida Industrial Park, Xintang Village, Guanlan Town, Shenzhen City,China

                            FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N

                                           November 15, 2013

         This Report Concerns:                      Equipment Type:
         Original Report                            Bluetooth Headphone

         Test Engineer:
                                  Lisa Chen
         Report No.:              BSL13101930Y-1ER-3
         Receive EUT              Oct. 15, 2013 /
         Date/Test Date:          November 08-15, 2013
         Reviewed By:
                                  Sky Zhang
                                  BSL Testing Co.,LTD.
                                  NO. 24, ZH Park, Nantou, Shenzhen, 518000 China
         Prepared By:             Tel: 86- 755-26508703
                                  Fax: 86- 755-26508703

        Note: The test report is specially limited to the above company and this particular sample only.
        It may not be duplicated without prior written consent of BSL Testing Co.,LTD.
        This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification,approval,or
        endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any agency of the US Government.

                                                                                                                        FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N

                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.     GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................3
       1.1.   Report information............................................................................................................3
       1.2.   Measurement Uncertainty.................................................................................................3
2.     PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................4
       2.1.   EUT Description ...............................................................................................................4
       2.2.   Block Diagram of EUT Configuration..............................................................................5
       2.3.   Support Equipment List ....................................................................................................5
       2.4.   Test Conditions .................................................................................................................5
3.     TEST RESULTS SUMMARY ...................................................................................................6
       Modifications ................................................................................................................................6
4.     TEST EQUIPMENT USED .......................................................................................................7
5.     ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ...................................................................................................8
       5.1.   Standard Applicable..........................................................................................................8
       5.2.   Antenna Connected Construction .....................................................................................8
       5.3.   Result ................................................................................................................................8
6.     CONDUCTED POWER LINE TEST .......................................................................................9
       6.1.   Test Equipment .................................................................................................................9
       6.2.   Test Procedure ..................................................................................................................9
       6.3.   Test Setup..........................................................................................................................9
       6.4.   Conducted Power line Emission Limits............................................................................9
       6.5.   Conducted Power Line Test Result.................................................................................10
7.     RADIATED EMISSION TEST ...............................................................................................12
       7.1.   Test Equipment ...............................................................................................................12
       7.2.   Test Procedure ................................................................................................................12
       7.3.   Radiated Test Setup ........................................................................................................12
       7.4.   Radiated Emission Limit.................................................................................................14
       7.5.   Radiated Emission Test Result .......................................................................................15
8.     BAND EDGE .............................................................................................................................20
       8.1.   Test Equipment ...............................................................................................................20
       8.2.   Test Procedure ................................................................................................................20
       8.3.   Band Edge FCC 15.249(d) Limit....................................................................................20
       8.4.   Band Edge Test Result....................................................................................................21
9.     20-DB BANDWIDTH ...............................................................................................................29
       9.1.   Test Equipment ...............................................................................................................29
       9.2.   Test Procedure ................................................................................................................29
       9.3.   Limit................................................................................................................................29
       9.4.   Test Result /Plots ............................................................................................................29

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                                                                                     FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N


   1.1. Report information

     1.1.1.This report is not a certificate of quality; it only applies to the sample of the specific
          product/equipment given at the time of its testing. The results are not used to indicate or imply
          that they are application to the similar items. In addition, such results must not be used to
          indicate or imply that BSL approves recommends or endorses the manufacture, supplier or use
          of such product/equipment, or that BSL in any way guarantees the later performance of the

     1.1.2.The sample/s mentioned in this report is/are supplied by Applicant, BSL therefore
          assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information on the brand name, model number,
          origin of manufacture or any information supplied.

     1.1.3.Additional copies of the report are available to the Applicant at an additional fee. No third
          part can obtain a copy of this report through BSL, unless the applicant has authorized BSL in
          writing to do so.

          Test Facility -
          The test site used to collect the radiated data is located on the address of
          BSL Testing Co.,LTD.
          (FCC Registered Test Site Number: 191509) on
          NO. 24, ZH Park, Nantou, Shenzhen, 518000 China
          The Test Site is constructed and calibrated to meet the FCC requirements.
   1.2. Measurement Uncertainty
          The reported uncertainty of measurement y        U,where expended uncertainty U is based on a
          standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor of k=2,providing a level of confidence of
          approximately 95 %.
                 No.            Item                                Uncertainty
                 1              Conducted Emission Test             +/-1.25dB
                 2              RF Power, Conducted                 +/-0.20dB
                 3              Spurious emissions, conducted       +/-0.33dB
                 4              All emissions, radiated (<1G)       +/-3.47dB
                 5              All emissions, radiated (>1G)       +/-3.82dB
                 6              Temperature                         +/-0.5   dB
                 7              Humidity                            +/-2%

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   2.1. EUT Description
         Description          : Bluetooth Headphone

         Applicant            : Shenzhen Compoka Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
                                4/5 F, Building B, Yi Shida Industrial Park, Xintang Village,
                                Guanlan Town, Shenzhen City,China
         Manufacturer         : Shenzhen Compoka Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
                                4/5 F, Building B, Yi Shida Industrial Park, Xintang Village,
                                Guanlan Town, Shenzhen City,China
         Model Number         : KBJ-261N

         Modulation type      : GFSK

         Antenna gain         : 0dBi

         Frequency            : 2402-2480MHz

         Number of Channels   : 79 Channels

         Power Supply         : DC 3.7V By battery (the new battery is used during the
         Antenna type         : PCB

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                                                                                    FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N

   2.2. Block Diagram of EUT Configuration
          Radiated emissions test

                          EUT              Battery

          Conducted emissions Test

       AC Mains

                     Figure 1 EUT Setup

   2.3. Support Equipment List
                 Name              Model No               S/N        Manufacturer
           Adapter              HP-5V 2A             --         --                  Y

   2.4. Test Conditions
    Items                         Required (IEC 68-1)           Actual
    Temperature ( )               15-35                         20-25
    Humidity (%RH)                25-75                         50-63
    Barometric      pressure      860-1060                      950-1000

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                                                                                 FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N

                               FCC 15 Subpart C, Paragraph 15.249
           FCC Rules             Description of Test           Result
           Section 15.207        Conducted Emission               Compliant
           Section 15.249(a)     The fundamental field strength   Compliant
                                 and the harmonics
           Section 15.209        Radiated Emission                Compliant
           Section 15.249(d)
           Section 15.249(d)     Band Edge                        Compliant
           Section 15.203        Antenna Requirement              Compliant
           Section 15.249        20dB Bandwidth                   Compliant

          Remark: “N/A” means “Not applicable”.

          Statement: All testing was performed using the test procedures found in ANSI C63.4-2003.

          FCC Part 15: 2012


          No modification was made.

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  EQUIPMENT/FACIL        MANUFACTURE                     SERIAL    DATE OF
                                            MODEL                                 INTERV
       ITIES                  R                            NO.      CAL.
   3m Semi-Anechoic      Chengyu Electron    9 (L)*6     BSL086   Aug. 22 2013     1 Year
        Chamber                             (W)* 6 (H)
   EMI Test Receiver     Rohde & Schwarz      ESCI3      BSL001   Sep. 28 2013     1 Year
   BiConiLog Antenna     Rohde & Schwarz      HL562      BSL009   Sep. 28 2013     1 Year
     Double -ridged      Rohde & Schwarz      9120D      BSL008   Aug. 26 2013     1 Year
     waveguide horn
      Horn Antenna       ETS-LINDGREN         3160       BSL072   Dec. 28 2012     1 Year
          Cable          Rohde & Schwarz      N/A        BSL045   Aug. 26 2013     1 Year
          Cable          Rohde & Schwarz      N/A        BSL046   Aug. 26 2013     1 Year
          Cable          Rohde & Schwarz      N/A        BSL047   Aug. 26 2013     1 Year
  Amplifier(100kHz-40G        R&S            SMR40       BSL007   Sep. 28 2013     1 Year
       Band filter          Amindeon          82346      BSL049   Aug. 26 2013     1 Year

   Active Loop Antenna       EMTES            EM15       BSL011   Sep. 28 2013     1 Year
     Coaxial Switch       YUANFANG           TA218B      BSL004   Aug. 26 2013     1 Year
    Spectrum analyzer    Rohde & Schwarz      FSP40      BSL049   Sep. 28 2013     1 Year

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                                                                                    FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N


   5.1. Standard Applicable
     For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, an intentional
     radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by
     the responsible party shall be used with the device.
   5.2. Antenna Connected Construction
     According to § 15.203, An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other
     than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently
     attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be
     considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this section. The manufacturer may design
     the unit so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack
     or electrical connector is prohibited.

     The antenna used in this product is PCB antenna. The antenna is permanently attached. Refer to the
     product photo.

   5.3. Result

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    6.1. Test Equipment
      Please refer to section 4 this report.
    6.2. Test Procedure
      The EUT and simulators are connected to the main power through a line impedance stabilization
      network (L.I.S.N.).This provides a 50ohm/50uh coupling inpedance for the measuring
      equipment.The peripheral devices are also connected to the main power through a LISN that
      provides a 50ohm/50uh coupling inpedance with 50ohm termination.
      Both sides of A.C. Line are check for maximum conducted interference.In order to find the
      maximum emission,the relative positions of equipment and all of the interface cables must be
      changed according to ASIN C63.4:2003 on conducted measurement .Conducted emissions were
      invested over the frequency range from 0.15MHz to 30MHz using a receiver bandwidth of 9kHz.
    6.3. Test Setup

 For the actual test configuration,Please refer to the related items-Photos of testing

    6.4. Conducted Power line Emission Limits

          FCC Part 15 Paragraph 15.207 (dBuV)

          Frequency Range                       Class A                           Class B
          (MHZ)                                 QP/AV                             QP/AV
          0.15-0.5                              79/66                             65-56/56-46
          0.5-5.0                               73/60                             56-46
          5.0-3.0                               73/60                             60-50

 Note: In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.

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                                                                           FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N

   6.5. Conducted Power Line Test Result
          The worst test mode: Bluetooth TX 2402MHz
      L line
     Frequency       Meter Reading   Factor    Emission Level   Limits   Margin
                                                                                    Detector Type
      (MHz)             (dBµV)       (dB)            (dBµV)     (dBµV)    (dB)

       0.15              18.78       10.25           29.03      56.00    -26.94         AVG

       0.24              20.75       10.23           30.98      52.22    -21.24         AVG

       0.48              26.59       10.29           36.88      46.32    -9.44          AVG

       2.11              22.85       10.42           33.27      46.00    -12.73         AVG

       4.20              19.93       10.40           30.33      46.00    -15.67         AVG

       13.55             13.45       10.36           23.81      50.00    -26.19         AVG

       0.15              36.71       10.25           46.96      66.00    -19.04          QP

       0.48              41.03       10.29           51.32      56.32    -5.00           QP

       0.94              34.18       10.33           44.51      56.00    -11.49         QP

       2.11              33.89       10.42           44.31      56.00    -11.69         QP

       4.16              30.20       10.34           40.54      56.00    -15.46         QP

       12.65             23.57       10.30           33.87      60.00    -26.13          QP
1. All readings are Quasi-Peak and Average values.
2. Factor = Insertion Loss + Cable Loss.

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     N line
      Frequency      Meter Reading   Factor    Emission Level   Limits   Margin
                                                                                    Detector Type
        (MHz)           (dBµV)       (dB)         (dBµV)        (dBµV)    (dB)

        0.15             16.23       10.25         26.48        56.00    -29.52         AVG

        0.39             15.74       10.26         26.00        48.17    -22.17         AVG

        0.48             20.44       10.29         30.73        46.41    -15.68         AVG

        2.16             18.65       10.35         29.00        46.00    -17.00         AVG

        4.22             15.54       10.27         25.81        46.00    -20.19         AVG

        13.55            9.16        10.36         19.52        50.00    -30.48         AVG

        0.15             40.17       10.38         50.55        66.00    -15.45          QP

        0.48             34.54       10.25         44.79        56.27    -11.48         QP

        2.16             31.68       10.35         42.03        56.00    -13.97         QP

        4.16             28.45       10.29         38.74        56.00    -17.26         QP

        7.69             20.55       10.31         30.86        60.00    -29.14          QP

        12.65            23.09       10.30         33.39        60.00    -26.61          QP
 1. All readings are Quasi-Peak and Average values.
 2. Factor = Insertion Loss + Cable Loss.

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    7.1. Test Equipment
     Please refer to section 4 this report.
    7.2. Test Procedure
     The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turntable, which is 0.8 meter high above ground. The
     turntable can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. EUT is
     set 3.0 meters away from the receiving antenna, which is mounted on an antenna tower. The
     antenna can be moved up and down between 1.0 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum
     emission level.
     Calibrated Loop antenna is used as receiving antenna for frequencies below 30MHz, Calibrated
     Bilog antenna is used as receiving antenna for frequencies between 30 MHz and 1 GHz, Calibrated
     Horn antenna is used as receiving antenna for frequencies above 1000MHz. Both horizontal and
     vertical polarizations of the antenna are set on measurement. In order to find the maximum
     emission levels, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI C63.4: 2003 on
     radiated emission measurement.
     The bandwidth of test receiver is set at 9kHz in below 30MHz. and set at 120kHz in 30-1000MHz,
     and 1MHz in above 1000MHz.
     The frequency range from 9kHz to 25GHz is checked.
     The final measurement in band 9-90kHz, 110-490kHz and above 1000MHz is performed with Peak
     detector and Average detector. Except those frequency bands mention above, the final
     measurement for frequencies below 1000MHz is performed with Quasi Peak detector.
     Through three orthogonal axes to determine which attitude and equipment arrangement produces
     the highest emission relative to the limit. And X direction is worst mode
    7.3. Radiated Test Setup
 (A) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency Below 30MHz

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 (B) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency Below 1000MHz

 (C) Radiated Emission Test Set-Up, Frequency above 1000MHz

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                                                                                                                         FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N

    7.4. Radiated Emission Limit
 All emission from a digital device,including any network of conductors and apparatus connected
 thereto,shall not exceed the level of field strength specified below :

 A. Fundamental and Harmonics Radiated Emissions 15.249(a) Limit

                               Field as trength of Fundamental(3m)                             Field as trength of Harmonics(3m)
  (MHZ)                        mV/m              dBuV/m                                        uV/m              dBuV/m
  902-928                      50                94(AV)                   114(Peak)            500               54(AV)              74(Peak)

  2400-2483.5                  50                94(AV)                   114(Peak)            500               54(AV)              74(Peak)
 Note: (1) RF Voltage (dBuV)=20 log Voltage(uV)
 (2) Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna and the closed point of any part of the device or system.
 (3) The emission limit in this paragraph os based on measurement instrumentation employing an average detector.Measurement using
 instrumentation with a peak detector function,corresponding to 20dB above the maximum permitted average limit.

 B. Spurious Radiated Emissions.
  Frequency              Field Strength of                Field Strength of                                                The final
     (MHz)               Quasi-peak Value                 Quasi-peak Value                                           measurement in band
                                                                                              distance (m)
                          (microvolts/m)                     (dBµV/m)                                                      9-90kHz,
                                                                                                                       110-490kHz and
 0.009 - 0.490               2400/F(kHz)                              /                              300
                                                                                                                      above 1000MHz is
 0.490 - 1.705               24000/F(kHz)                             /                              30                 performed with
                                                                                                                       Average detector.
    1.705-30                        30                              29.5                             30                  Except those
                                                                                                                       frequency bands
     30 - 88                        100                              40                              3
                                                                                                                      mention above, the
    88 - 216                        150                             43.5                             3                final measurement
                                                                                                                        for frequencies
   216 - 960                        200                              46                              3                below 1000MHz is
                                                                                                                        performed with
   Above 960                        500                              54                              3               Quasi Peak detector.
 Note: (1) RF Voltage (dBuV)=20 log Voltage(uV)
 (2) In the Above Table,the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
 (3) Distaqnce refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna
 and the closed point of any part of the device or system.

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    7.5. Radiated Emission Test Result

 A. Fundamental Radiated Emissions Data

 CH Low

            Freq.          Read           Antenna     Cable       Preamp          Emission    HORIZ/     Limits       Margin
           (MHz)           Level           Factor                 Factor         (dBuV/m)      VERT    (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                          (dBuV)          (dB/m)                   (dB)            AV/PK                 AV/PK
           2402        65.05/82.00        27.47       5.42        30.17       67.77/84.72    VERT      94/114     -26.23/-29.28
           2402        68.25/92.91        27.47       5.42        30.17       70.97/95.63    HORIZ     94/114     -23.03/-18.37

 CH Middle

            Freq.          Read         Antenna      Cable        Preamp         Emission    HORIZ/      Limits       Margin
           (MHz)           Level         Factor                   Factor        (dBuV/m)      VERT     (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                          (dBuV)        (dB/m)                     (dB)           AV/PK                  AV/PK
           2441        64.6/84.61       27.40        5.40        30.15        67.25/87.26    VERT      94/114     -26.75/-26.74
           2441        66.7/89.91       27.40        5.40        30.15        69.35/92.56    HORIZ     94/114     -24.65/-21.44

 CH High

            Freq.          Read           Antenna     Cable       Preamp          Emission    HORIZ/     Limits       Margin
           (MHz)           Level           Factor                 Factor         (dBuV/m)      VERT    (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                          (dBuV)          (dB/m)                   (dB)            AV/PK                 AV/PK
           2480        64.79/87.75        27.50       5.46        29.98       67.77/90.73    VERT      94/114     -26.23/-23.27
           2480        67.06/90.34        27.50       5.46        29.98       70.04/93.32    HORIZ     94/114     -23.96/-20.68

 Final Emission =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor

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                                                                                               FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N

 B. General Radiated Emissions Data

    For below 9kHz-30MHz Spurious

           Freq.           Emission(dBuV/m)                    Limits(dBuV/m)         Margin
           (MHz)           AV/PK                               AV/PK                  (dB)

           -               -                                   -                      -
           -               -                                   -                      -
 Emissions attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value are not reported.

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 For 30M-1000MHz Spurious
          Corrected Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Amplifier Gain

                             Antenn   Cable   Preamp      Emission
    Frequency                   a     Loss    Factor        Level      Limit    Margin    Detector
     (MHz)                   Factor   (dB)     (dB)      (dBµV/m)      (dBµV)    (dB)
                                                30.32      36.47
      30.11                   30.24   10.32                             40.00                QP
                     26.23                                                       -3.53
      38.35                   31.39   10.36     31.78      30.99        40.00                QP
                     21.02                                                       -9.01
      60.70                   32.32   10.33     31.37      24.10        40.00                QP
                     12.82                                                       -15.90
      180.65                  32.42   10.29     32.35      16.29        43.50                QP
                     5.93                                                        -27.21
      711.67                  33.53   10.17     33.72      33.15        46.00                QP
                     23.17                                                       -12.85
      955.44                  33.48   10.56     32.72      36.50        46.00                QP
                     25.18                                                       -9.50

Final Emission =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor

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                                     Antenn         Cable        Preamp          Emission
    Frequency                           a           Loss         Factor            Level    Limit    Margin    Detector
     (MHz)                           Factor         (dB)          (dB)          (dBµV/m)    (dBµV)    (dB)
                                                                  30.32             36.57
       30.11                           30.24         10.32                                  40.00                 QP
                        26.33                                                                         -3.43
       38.35                           31.39         10.36        31.78             31.59   40.00                 QP
                        21.62                                                                         -8.41
       60.70                           32.32         10.33        31.37             24.87   40.00                 QP
                        13.59                                                                         -15.13
      167.82                           34.30        11.02         31.05             17.52   43.50                 QP
                        3.25                                                                          -25.98
      827.49                           32.63        11.03         31.28             36.62   46.00                 QP
                        24.24                                                                         -9.38
      958.79                           32.49        10.43         32.70             36.98   46.00                 QP
                        26.76                                                                         -9.02

 Final Emission =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor

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                                                                                                                  FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N

 For 1000MHz-25000MHz Spurious

 CH Low
           Freq.              Emission(dBuV/m)                   HORIZ/              Limits(dBuV/m)                 Margin
           (MHz)              AV/PK                              VERT                AV/PK                          (dB)

           4812.0             41.85/55.38                                            54.0/74.0                      -12.15/-18.62
           7218.0             39.42/52.39                        VERT                54.0/74.0                      -14.58/-21.61
           9624.0             42.67/50.20                                            54.0/74.0                      -11.33/-23.8
           4812.0             42.39/57.62                                            54.0/74.0                      -11.61/-16.38
           7218.0             40.43/54.87                        HORIZ               54.0/74.0                      -13.57/-19.13
           9624.0             43.55/49.08                                            54.0/74.0                      -10.45/-24.92

 CH Middle
           Freq.              Emission(dBuV/m)                   HORIZ/              Limits(dBuV/m)                 Margin
           (MHz)              AV/PK                              VERT                AV/PK                          (dB)

           4894.0             40.93/54.43                                            54.0/74.0                      -13.07/-19.57
           7341.0             38.26/52.92                        VERT                54.0/74.0                      -15.74/-21.08
           9788.0             38.47/51.44                                            54.0/74.0                      -15.53/-22.56
           4894.0             44.35/56.21                                            54.0/74.0                      -9.65/-17.79
           7341.0             40.38/52.98                        HORIZ               54.0/74.0                      -13.62/-21.02
           9788.0             44.89/52.30                                            54.0/74.0                      -9.11/-21.7

 CH High
           Freq.              Emission(dBuV/m)                   HORIZ/              Limits(dBuV/m)                 Margin
           (MHz)              AV/PK                              VERT                AV/PK                          (dB)

           4952.0             39.65/53.46                                            54.0/74.0                      -14.35/-20.54
           7428.0             38.92/50.17                        VERT                54.0/74.0                      -15.08/-23.83
           9904.0             38.67/50.25                                            54.0/74.0                      -15.33/-23.75
           4952.0             40.95/54.55                                            54.0/74.0                      -13.05/-19.45
           7428.0             39.20/51.26                        HORIZ               54.0/74.0                      -14.8/-22.74
           9904.0             40.17/51.35                                            54.0/74.0                      -13.83/-22.65

 1. The average measurement was not performed when the peak measured data under the limit of average detection.
 2. Emissions attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value are not reported.

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                                                                                                                         FCC ID: 2AA7XKBJ-261N


    8.1. Test Equipment
 Please refer to Section 4 this report.

    8.2. Test Procedure
 The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table which is 0.8 meter above ground. The turn table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the
 position of the maximum emission level. The EUT was positioned such that the distance from antenna to the EUT was 3 meters. The antenna can
 move up and down between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the antenna
 are set on measurement. In order to find the maximum emission, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI C63.4: 2003
 on radiated measurement. The bandwidth setting below 1GHz and above 1GHz on the field strength meter is 120 kHz and 1MHz respectively.

    8.3. Band Edge FCC 15.249(d) Limit
 Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the
 fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in Section 15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

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    8.4. Band Edge Test Result
 Vertical   Low channel PK

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 Vertical   Low channel AV

 1. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Pre-amplifier.

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 Horizontal   Low channel PK

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 Horizontal   Low channel AV

 1. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Pre-amplifier.

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 Vertical   High channel   PK

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 Vertical    High channel     AV

 1. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Pre-amplifier.

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 Horizontal   High channel   PK

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 Horizontal   High channel     AV

 1. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Pre-amplifier.

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    9.1. Test Equipment
 Please refer to Section 4 this report.

    9.2. Test Procedure
  1. Remove the antenna from the EUT and then connect a low loss RF cable from the antenna port to the spectrum analyzer.
 2. Set center frequency of spectrum analyzer = operating frequency.
 3. The spectrum analyzer as RBW=30 KHz, VBW=100 KHz, Sweep=auto
 4. Mark the peak frequency and –20dB (upper and lower) frequency.

    9.3. Limit
 Please refer section15.249

    9.4. Test Result /Plots

                                                                         Channel                              20dB
                                          Limit                         Frequency                          Bandwidth
                                                                          (MHz)                              (MHz)
                                            /                               2402                               0.950
                                            /                               2441                               0.970
                                            /                               2480                               0.910

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Document Created: 2013-11-15 16:25:24
Document Modified: 2013-11-15 16:25:24

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