User Manual

FCC ID: 2AA7S-2414958

Users Manual

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User manual                                Benutzerhandbuch
Gebruiksaanwijzing                         Mode d'emploi
Manuale utente                             Manual del usuario


1 Safety                                2    9 Charge your USB device             19

2 Your car audio system                 3    10 Adjust sound                      19
   Introduction                         3
   What's in the box                    3
                                             11 Adjust system settings            20
   Overview of the system               4

                                             12 Additional information            20
3 Install the car audio system           7
                                                Reset the system                  20
   Connect wires                         7
                                                Replace the fuse                  20
   Mount into the dashboard              8
   Attach the front panel                9
                                             13 Product information               21
                                                Product Information               21
4 Get started                           10
   Set the time format                  10   14 Troubleshooting                   22
   Set the clock                        11      General                           22
   Select a source                      11      About the Bluetooth device        23
   Select a listening zone              11
   Mute the button beep                 11
                                             15 Notice                            23
                                                Care of the environment           23
5 Listen to radio                       12      Trademark notice                  24
   Switch to radio mode                 12      Copyright                         24
   Select a tuner region                12
   Select a tuner sensitivity           12
   Search for a radio station           12
   Store radio stations in memory       12
   Play with RDS                        13

6 Play from a storage device            15
   Control play                         15
   Switch tracks                        16

7 Use Bluetooth devices                 16
   Connect a device                     16
   Play audio from a Bluetooth device   17
   Make a call                          17

8 Listen to an external player          18

                                                                             EN    1

1 Safety
Read and understand all instructions before you
use this device. If damage is caused by failure to
follow instructions, the warranty does not apply.
     in hazardous radiation of EMC or other
     unsafe operation.
   The device is designed for negative ground
     (earth) 12 V DC operation only.
   To ensure safe driving, adjust the volume to
     a safe and comfortable level.
   Improper fuses can cause damage or
     consult a professional.
   Use only the supplied mounting hardware
     for a safe and secure installation.
   To avoid short circuits, do not expose the
     device to rain or water.
   The device shall not be exposed to
     dripping or splashing.
   Do not place any sources of danger on
       !  "#  
   Never insert objects into the ventilation
     slots or other openings on the device.
   Clean the device with soft, damp cloth.
     Never use substances such as alcohol,
     chemicals or household cleaners on the

2    EN

2 Your car audio                                     What's in the box

  system                                             Check and identify the contents of the package:

                                                      a               b               c
Congratulations on your purchase, and
$ %   &* "  
support that Philips offers, register your product
at                           d               e

                                                     a Main unit (with a sleeve)
With this system, you can:
 enjoy audio from USB storage devices,             b Carrying case (with front panel included)
    micro SD card, and other external players,       c Trim plate
    and Bluetooth device.
 listen to radio stations.                         d Disassembly tool X 2
You can enrich sound output with these sound         e User manual
 Dynamic bass boost (DBB)
 Digital sound control (DSC)
Playable media:
 USB storage device
      Compatibility: USB 2.0, USB 1.1
      Class support: MSC (Mass Storage
      Maximum capacity: 32 GB
 micro SD card
      Maximum capacity: 32 GB
      File system: FAT16, FAT32
      Maximum number of folders: 99
      -         "; <  =>>>
      Maximum level of directory: 8
      Sampling frequencies: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz,
         48 kHz
      Bitrates: 8-320 kbps and variable
      ID3 tag V2.0 or later

                                                                                            EN     3

Overview of the system

          a     b                c                        d                     e

      v ut s           r         q p o n m l k j i hg f

                                                  w         x

a                                                     d LCD screen
     Unlock the front panel.
                                                      e AUDIO IN
b                                                        Connect to the audio output socket
     Press to return to the previous menu.               (usually the headphone socket) of an
     Press and hold to access the system                 external device.
c                                                          Connect to a USB storage device.
     For .mp3 tracks, press to select the
       previous folder.                               g
     In radio mode, press to select a tuner              Press to enable or disable the MAX
       band.                                                 Sound feature.
     Press and hold to activate the selection
       of listening zones.

4   EN

h DBB                                                  In radio mode, press and hold to store
   Press to enable or disable the DBB                  the current radio station at channel

     (dynamic bass boost) sound effect.                  No. 2.
                                                       For .mp3 tracks, press to access the
                                                         folder list.
     Press to start, pause, or resume the
       play of tracks.                            n
     In radio mode, press to select the              In radio mode, press to select the
       preset radio station of No. 6.                    preset radio station of No. 1.
     In radio mode, press and hold to store          In radio mode, press and hold to store
       the current radio station at channel              the current radio station at channel
       No. 6.                                            No. 1.
                                                       For .mp3 tracks, press to access the
                                                         track list.
     In radio mode, press to select the
       preset radio station of No. 5.             o     /DSP
     In radio mode, press and hold to store          Press repeatedly to display available
       the current radio station at channel              information about the current track.
       No. 5.                                          Press repeatedly to display available
                                                         RDS information.
                                                       Press and hold to display the set clock.
     In radio mode, press to select the
       preset radio station of No. 4.             p AS/SOURCE
     In radio mode, press and hold to store        Press repeatedly to select a source.
       the current radio station at channel          In radio mode, press and hold to
       No. 4.                                          activate the automatic search of radio
     For .mp3 tracks, press repeatedly               stations.
       to select a play mode: play all tracks
       randomly ([SHU ALL]), play tracks in
                                                       For .mp3 tracks, press to select the
       the current folder randomly ([SHU
                                                         next folder.
       FLD]), or play all tracks in the storage
                                                       In radio mode, press to select a tuner
       device in sequence ([SHU OFF]).
     In radio mode, press to select the
                                                       Press to turn on the system.
       preset radio station of No. 3.
                                                       Press and hold to turn off the system.
     In radio mode, press and hold to store
                                                       Press to mute the speakers or release
       the current radio station at channel
                                                         them from mute status.
       No. 3.
     For .mp3 tracks, press repeatedly
                                                       Rotate to switch between menu
       to select a repeat mode: repeat the
       current track ([REP ONE]), repeat
                                                       Rotate to adjust the volume level.
       all tracks in the current folder ([RPT
       FLD]), or repeat all tracks in the         s
       storage device ([RPT ALL]).                     Press repeatedly to select a preset
                                                         sound equalizer.
                                                       Press and hold to activate the setup of
     In radio mode, press to select the
                                                         bass, treble, balance, and fader.
       preset radio station of No. 2.

                                                                                         EN       5

t       /
     Tune to a radio station.
     Press to skip to the previous/next
     Press and hold to rewind a track or
       search fast forward.
     Press to hang up an ongoing call.
     Press and hold to reject an incoming
     Press to answer an incoming call.
     When it is not in a call, press to redial
       the last called number, and then press
            to start calling.
     In a call, press and hold to transfer the
       voice between the phone and the car
     Insert a micro SD card.
   Press to reset the system to factory
     default settings.

6   EN

3 Install the car                                                 Connect wires

  audio system                                                               Note
                                                                       Make sure that all loose leads are insulated with
                                                                         electrical tape.
         Caution                                                       Consult a professional to connect wires as instructed
  Use the controls only as stated in this user manual.

Always follow the instructions in this chapter in                 1       Check the car's wiring carefully and
sequence.                                                                 connect them to the ISO male connectors.
These instructions are for a typical installation.
However, if your car has different requirements,
make the adjustment accordingly. If you have
any question regarding installation kits, consult
your local retailer.

  This system is designed for negative ground (earth) 12V
     DC operation only.
  Always install this system in the car dashboard. Other
     locations can be dangerous as the rear of the system
     heats up during use.
    To avoid short-circuit: before you connect, make sure
     that the ignition is off.
    Make sure that you connect the yellow and red power
     supply leads after all other leads are connected.                       ISO male                   Connect to
    Make sure that all loose leads are insulated with                       connectors
     electrical tape.
    Make sure that the leads do not get caught under
                                                                  a          Green strip, black-        Rear left speaker
     screws iron parts that will move (e.g. seat rail).                      edged green strip
    Make sure that all ground (earth) leads are run to a         b          White strip, black-        Front left speaker
     common ground (earth) point.
    Use only the supplied mounting hardware for a safe
                                                                             edged white strip
     and secure installation.                                     c          Gray strip, black-         Front right speaker
    L                                edged gray strip
     need to change the fuse, consult a professional.
    When you connect other devices to this system, make          d          Purple strip, black-       Rear right speaker
     sure that the rating of the car circuit is higher than the              edged purple strip
     total fuse value of all the connected devices.
                                                                  e          Red strip                  Ignition key +12V
    Never connect speaker wires to the metal body or
     chassis of the car.                                                                                DC when ON/
    Never connect speaker wires with stripes to one                                                    ACC
                                                                  f          Blue strip                 Motor/electric
                                                                                                        antenna relay
                                                                                                        control lead
                                                                  g          White-edged blue           @  
                                                                             strip                      control lead
                                                                  h          Black strip                Ground

                                                                                                                       EN       7

          ISO male                   Connect to
          connectors                                        Mount into the dashboard
i         Yellow strip               To the +12V car
                                                               If the car does not have an on-board drive
                                     battery which is
                                                                 or navigation computer, disconnect the
                                     energized at all
                                                                 negative terminal of the car battery.
                                                               If the car battery is not disconnected, to
                                                                 avoid short-circuit, make sure that the bare
2       J   
                                                                 wires do not touch each other.
        illustrated, if applicable.
                                                            1    Make sure that the car dashboard opening
                      e                                          is within these measurements:



                                                            2                                  53mm
                                                                 Remove the mounting sleeve with the
                                                                 supplied disassembly tools.
             d       c b                           a

       Sockets on rear            External sockets or
       panel                      connectors
1      For ISO male               As indicated above
2      REAR L                     Rear left speaker
3      REAR R                     Rear right speaker
4      ANTENNA                    Antenna
5      Purple strip               OE remote control
6      Black strip                Ground                    3    Install the sleeve into the dashboard and
                                                                 ""  $ - 
     The pin arrangement for the ISO connectors depends
      on the type of your vehicle. To avoid damage to the
      unit, connect properly.

8       EN

                                                  6    Reconnect the negative terminal of the car

                                                  Attach the front panel
                  18          53.5 mm
                                                  1    Insert the notch on the front panel to the
                                                       chassis on the main unit.

4   Slide the unit into the dashboard until you
    hear a "click".

                                                  2    Press the left end of the front panel
                                                       inwards until it is securely locked with a

5   Attach the trim plate.
                                                  Detach the front panel

                                                   Before you insert a micro SD card or reset the system,
                                                      detach the front panel.
                                                   Before you detach the front panel, make sure that the
                                                      system is turned off.

                                                  1    Press       to release the front panel.
                                                  2    Pull the front panel outwards to remove it.

                                                                                                  EN         9

          4 Get started

          1   Press     to turn on the system.
              » [PHILIPS] is displayed and then
                  [SELECT OPERATING REGION]
                  (select a radio region) scrolls.
          2    When one of the following options is
              displayed, rotate   to select a radio
              region that matches your location.
               [AREA EUROPE] (Western Europe)
               [AREA ASIA]@ % Z
               [AREA MID--EAST] (Middle East)
               [AREA AUST] (Australia)
               [AREA RUSSIA] (Russia)
               [AREA USA] (United States)
               [AREA LATIN] (Latin America)
               [AREA JAPAN] (Japan)
          3   Press     
              » The system switches to radio mode
               To turn off the system, press and hold
                     until the screen backlight is off.

          Set the time format
          1   Press and hold   to access the system
          2   Press / repeatedly until [CLK 24H] or
              [CLK 12H] is displayed.
          3   Rotate   to select [CLK 24H] or [CLK
               [CLK 24H]: 24-hour time format
               [CLK 12H]: 12-hour time format

10   EN

Set the clock                                        Mute the button beep

1   Press and hold    to access the system menu.     The beep sound of buttons is enabled by
2   Press / repeatedly until [CLK] is
    displayed with time digits blinking.             1   Press and hold   to access the system
3   Rotate       anti-clockwise to set the hour.
4   Rotate       clockwise to set the minute.
                                                     2   Press / repeatedly until [BEEP ON]
                                                         or [BEEP OFF] is displayed.
                                                          [BEEP ON]: Enable the beep sound of
Display the clock                                            buttons.
                                                          [BEEP OFF]: Mute the beep sound of
Press and hold /DISP until [CLK] and the set
clock are displayed.
 To exit the clock display, press any button       3   Rotate      to change the setting.
     or rotate    .

Select a source
Press AS/SOURCE repeatedly to select a source.
 [RADIO]: Listen to FM/AM radio.
 [AUDIO IN]: Listen to the audio input
     through the AUDIO IN socket.
 [USB PLAY]: When a USB storage device
     is connected and recognized, you can
     are stored on it.
 [SD PLAY]: When a micro SD card is
     inserted and recognized, you can select this
     on it.
 [BT AUDIO]: Listen to the audio streamed
     from a connected Bluetooth device.

Select a listening zone
1   Press and hold until one of the following
    options is displayed.
     [ALL]: For all passengers
     [FRONT-L]: For the front-left seat only
     [FRONT-R]: For the front-right seat only
     [FRONT]: For front passengers only
2   Press    /    repeatedly to select a listening

                                                                                              EN   11

5 Listen to radio                                   Search for a radio station

                                                    Search for a radio station
Switch to radio mode
                                                    Press     or     to search for the previous or
1    Press AS/SOURCE repeatedly to switch           next radio station with strong signals.
     the source to [RADIO].
2    Press    /    repeatedly to select a band.     Search for a radio station manually
                                                    1    Press and hold          or      until [M] blinks.

Select a tuner region                               2    Press    or      repeatedly until the target
                                                         frequency is displayed.
You can select a radio region that matches your
1    Press and hold     to access the system        Store radio stations in
     menu.                                          memory
2    Press / repeatedly until one of the
     following options is displayed.
      [AREA EUROPE] (Western Europe)                     Note
      [AREA ASIA]@ % Z
                                                      You can store a maximum of six stations in each band.
      [AREA M--EAST] (Middle East)
      [AREA AUST] (Australia)
      [AREA RUSSIA] (Russia)
      [AREA USA] (United States)                  Store radio stations automatically
      [AREA LATIN] (Latin America)
3    Rotate       to select a region.               1    Press     /     repeatedly to select a band.
                                                    2    Press and hold AS/SOURCE until
                                                         [STORE---] is displayed.
Select a tuner sensitivity                               » After the search is complete, the
To search for radio stations with strong signals             automatically.
only or more radio stations, you can change the           To select a stored radio station, press
tuner sensitivity.                                             ,    ,     ,      , , or    .
1    Press and hold    to access the system menu.
2    Press / repeatedly until [LOCAL ON]            Store radio stations manually
     or [LOCAL OFF] is displayed.
3    Rotate     to select a setting.
                                                    1    Press     /     repeatedly to select a tuner
      [LOCAL ON]: Search for radio
        stations with strong signals only.          2    Tune to the radio station that you want to
      [LOCAL OFF]: Search for radio                    store.
        stations with strong and weak signals.

12   EN

3    Press and hold ,       ,      ,      , ,           Item   Program     Description
     or     to store the radio station at the                  type

     selected channel.
                                                        1      NEWS     News services
      To select a stored radio station, press
                                                        2      AFFAIRS  Politics and current
            ,    ,     ,      , , or    .
                                                        3      INFO     Special information
Play with RDS                                           4      SPORT    Sports
                                                        5      EDUCATE  Education and advanced
The RDS (Radio Data System) function
operates only in areas with FM stations
broadcasting RDS signals. If you tune to an RDS         6      DRAMA    Radio plays and
station, the station name is displayed.                                 literature
                                                        7      CULTURE  Culture, religion and
Enable the RDS function                                 8      SCIENCE  Science
                                                        9      VARIED   Entertainment programs
                                                        10     POP M    Pop music
  The RDS function is enabled by default.              11     ROCK M   Rock music
  Only when the RDS function is enabled, RDS related
    settings can be accessed.
                                                        12     EASY M   Light music
                                                        13     LIGHT M  Light classical music
                                                        14     CLASSICS Classical music
1    Press and hold         to access the system
                                                        15     OTHER M  Special music programs
                                                        16     WEATHER  Weather
2    Press / repeatedly until [RDS ON] or               17     FINANCE  Finance
     [RDS OFF] is displayed.
                                                        18     CHILDREN Children’s programs
3    Rotate  to select [RDS ON].                        19     SOCIAL   Social Affairs
     » The RDS function is enabled.
                                                        20     RELIGION Religion
      To disable the RDS function, rotate             21     PHONE IN Phone In
        to select [RDS OFF].
                                                        22     TRAVEL   Travel
                                                        23     LEISURE  Leisure
Select a program type                                   24     JAZZ     Jazz Music
Before tuning to RDS stations, you can select           25     COUNTRY Country Music
a program type to search for programs of the            26     NATION M National Music
selected category only.                                 27     OLDIES   Oldies Music
1    Press and hold         to access the system        28     FOLK M   Folk Music
     menu.                                              29     DOCUMENT Documentary
2    Press /          repeatedly until [PTY] is         30     TEST     Alarm Test
     displayed.                                         31     ALARM    Alarm
3    Press        to access the list of program
4    Rotate     to select a program type, and
     then press      

                                                                                         EN   13

Use alternate frequencies                               Synchronize the system clock
If the signal of an RDS station is poor, enable the     You can synchronize the system clock with an
AF (Alternate Frequency) function to search for         RDS station that transmits time signals.
another station that broadcasts the same program.       1    Press and hold           to access the system
1     Press and hold       to access the system menu.        menu.
2     Press / repeatedly until [AF ON] or               2    Press / repeatedly until [CT ON] or
      [AF OFF] is displayed.                                 [CT OFF] is displayed.
3     Rotate   to select a setting.                     3    Rotate     to select a setting.
       [AF ON]: Enable the AF function.                     [CT ON]: Synchronize the
       [AF OFF]: Disable the AF function.                     system clock with the RDS station
Set the region for AF tuning                                    automatically.
You can set the region for AF tuning.                         [CT OFF]: The automatic clock
                                                                synchronization with RDS station is
1     Press and hold       to access the system menu.
2     Press / repeatedly until [REG ON] or
      [REG OFF] is displayed.
3     Rotate     to select a setting.
       [REG ON]: Only RDS stations in current           The accuracy of time depends on the RDS station that
                                                            transmits time signals.
         region can be tuned to automatically.
       [REG OFF]: All RDS stations can be
         tuned to automatically.

L $    
"*@* @  Z  
1     Press and hold       to access the system menu.
2     Press / repeatedly until [TA ON] or
      [TA OFF] is displayed.
3     Rotate     to select a setting.
       [TA ON]= 
         announcement is on air, the system
         automatically switches to the tuner
         mode and begins to broadcast the
         announcement is over, the system
         returns to the previous mode.
       [TA OFF]=*    
         not cut in.

     to switch the system to the previous mode.

14    EN

                                                                  [USB PLAY]: For a USB storage device
6 Play from a                                                       that is connected to the USB socket

                                                                    on the front panel
  storage device                                                  [SD PLAY]: For a micro SD card that is
                                                                    inserted into the        slot

*     +   
                                                         3       If the play does not start, press   .
onto a compatible storage device.

                                                         Control play
  Gibson Innovations does not guarantee compatibility
    with all storage devices.                            Button            Function
  ]*^]$* ^  Z            /             Press repeatedly to select a
                                                                           Pause or resume play.
                                                                 /         Press to play the previous or
                                                                           next track.
                                                                 /         Press and hold to rewind a track
                                                                           or search forward fast.
                                                             /DISP         Press repeatedly to display
                                                                           available information about the
                                                                           current track.
                                                                           Press repeatedly to select a
                                                                           repeat mode:
                                                                            [REP ONE]: repeat the cur-
                                                                              rent track,
                                                                            [RPT FLD]: repeat all tracks in
                                                                              the current folder, or
                                                                            [RPT ALL]: repeat all tracks in
                                                                              the storage device.
                                                                           Press repeatedly to select a play
                                                                            [SHU ALL]: play all tracks
                                                                            [SHU FLD]: play tracks in the
                                                                              current folder randomly, or
1    Connect a compatible USB storage device                                [SHU OFF]: play all tracks in
     or micro SD card.                                                        the storage device in se-
      For a micro SD card, detach the front                                 quence.
                slot, and then attach the front
2    Press AS/SOURCE repeatedly to switch
     the source.

                                                                                                     EN    15

Switch tracks                                      7 Use Bluetooth
During play, you can switch tracks or folders        devices

                                                   With this car audio system, you can listen to
Switch tracks directly                             audio from a player or make a call through
1    Press  to access the track list.              Bluetooth.
     » *   ;  
2    Rotate     to toggle through tracks.          Connect a device
3    Press     to play the selected track.

Switch folders for a track
                                                     Gibson Innovations does not guarantee the
1    Press  to access the folder list.                  compatibility with all Bluetooth devices.
                                                     Before pairing a device with this system, read its user
     » The name of current folder scrolls.              manual for Bluetooth compatibility.
2    Rotate     to toggle through folders.           Make sure that Bluetooth function is enabled on your
                                                        device, and your device is set as visible to all other
3    Press    to select the folder.                     Bluetooth devices.
     » *        ;       At one time, you can connect only one Bluetooth
                                                        device to this system.
         under the folder.                             The operational range between this system and a
                                                        Bluetooth device is approximately 3 meters (9 feet).
                                                       Any obstacle between this system and a Bluetooth
                                                        device can reduce the operational range.
                                                       Keep away from any other electronic device that may
                                                        cause interference.

                                                   On your device, follow the steps below.
                                                   1     Search for Bluetooth devices.
                                                   2     In the device list, select CE235BT.
                                                         » If the pairing succeeds, [PAIRED] is
                                                              displayed on the LCD screen of this
                                                         » If the connection succeeds,
                                                           [CONNECTED] scrolls and is
                                                           displayed on the LCD screen of this
                                                         » If the connection fails, [FAILED] is
                                                           displayed on the LCD screen of this
                                                          If a password is required, enter 0000,
                                                            entry. For some devices, you need to
                                                            enable or permit the connection with
                                                            CE235BT after successful pairing.
16   EN

Disconnect a device                                  Play audio from a Bluetooth

1    Press and hold       to access the system       device
2    Press / repeatedly until [DIS--CON]             If the connected Bluetooth device supports
     is displayed.                                   @@  `  "  % @{`%Z
                                                     you can listen to tracks that are stored on the
3    Press    .                                      device through the system. If the device also
     » [WAIT] is displayed with -, --,                   @  K | J% 
         and --- blinking alternately until          @K|J%Z  
         [DISCONNECTED] scrolls.                     system.
                                                     1    Play a track on the connected device.
        Tip                                          2    Press SOURCE repeatedly to switch the
  You can also complete the disconnection on your        source to [BT AUDIO].
    device.                                               » Play starts automatically.
                                                           To pause or resume play, press     .
                                                           To skip to the previous or next track,
Reconnect a device                                           press      /     .

Some Bluetooth devices support the automatic
reconnection with a paired Bluetooth device.
If your device does not support automatic              If the connected device does not support the AVRCP
reconnection, reconnect it with this system                
1    Press and hold       to access the system
2    Press /        repeatedly until [RE-CON] is     Make a call
3    Press    .
     » [WAIT] is displayed with -, --,                      Note
         and --- blinking alternately until
                                                       Keep the Bluetooth connection active between the
         [CONNECTED] scrolls or [FAILED]                 system and your mobile phone.
     » If [CONNECTED] scrolls, this system
       is reconnected to the last connected
       device.                                       Call a number
                                                     On your mobile phone, call a number.
        Tip                                              » [CALLING] is displayed.

  You can also complete the reconnection on your
    device.                                          Redial the last called number
                                                     1    When it is not in a call, press .
                                                          » [REDIAL] is displayed.
                                                     2    Press        to start calling.

                                                                                                         EN   17

Pick up an incoming call                         8 Listen to an
When the system receives an incoming call, the
phone number or [PHONE IN] is displayed.           external player
Press to answer the call.

                                                 You can use the system to amplify the audio
Reject an incoming call                          input from an external player, for example, MP3
Press and hold      until [END] is displayed.    player.

End a call
To end an on-going call, press    .

Transfer a call to mobile phone
By default, the voice comes from the
loudspeakers during a call.
1    Press and hold until [TRANSFER] is          1   Press AS/SOURCE repeatedly to switch
     displayed.                                      the source to [AUDIO IN].
     » The loudspeakers are muted, and the       2   Connect an audio input cable with a 3.5
         voice comes from your mobile phone          mm connector on both ends between
         only.                                        the AUDIO IN socket on the front
                                                        panel, and
2    Take up your mobile phone for the
                                                      the audio output socket (usually the
                                                        headphone socket) on the external
                                                 3   Play audio on the external player.

18   EN

9 Charge your                                              10 Adjust sound

  USB device
                                                           The following operations are applicable to all
                                                           supported media.
You can charge your USB device, for example,
smart phone, with this product.                            Button          Function
                                                                           Rotate to increase or decrease
                                                                           the volume level.
                                                                           Press to mute the speakers or
  The output voltage through the USB socket is 5 V with                   release them from mute status.
   output current 1.0 A.
                                                                           Press to enable or disable the
                                                                           MAX Sound feature.
Connect your USB device to this product with               DBB             Press to enable or disable the
USB cable. Once the USB device is connected                                Dynamic Bass Boost (DBB)
and recognized, it begins to charge automatically.                         effect.
                                                                           Press repeatedly to select a
                                                                           sound equalizer.
                                                                           1 Press and hold to activate
                                                                              the setup of customized
                                                                              sound equalizer.
                                                                           2 Press repeatedly to select
                                                                              an option: [BASS] (bass),
                                                                              [TREBLE] (treble), [BAL]
                                                                              (balance), [FADER] (fader),
                                                                              or [MIDDLE] (middle).
                                                                           3 Rotate      to adjust the

                                                                                                   EN       19

11 Adjust system                                    12 Additional
   settings                                            information
1    Press    to access system settings.
2    Press or repeatedly until one of the
     following settings scrolls.                    Reset the system
      [BEEP], [DIMM], or [DANCE]
3    Rotate      to change the setting.             If the system works abnormally, reset the
                                                    system to factory default settings.
[BEEP]         [BEEP ON]             Enable the
                                     beep sound
                                     of buttons.
              [BEEP OFF]             Disable the
                                     beep sound
                                     of buttons.
[DIMM]         [DIMMER HIGH]         Increase the
                                     level of the
              [DIMMER LOW]           Decrease       1   Detach the front panel.
                                                    2   Press the RESET button with the tip of a
                                                        ball-point pen or toothpick.
                                     level of the
                                                        » All settings are reset to factory default.
[DANCE]        [DANCE ON]            Enable the
                                     on the LCD     Replace the fuse
              [DANCE OFF]            Disable the    If there is no power, check the fuse and replace
                                     spectrum       it if it is damaged.
                                     on the LCD     1   Check the electric connection.
                                     display.       2   Remove the damaged fuse from the rear
                                                    3   Insert a new fuse with the same

20   EN

                                                          13 Product

                                                            Product information is subject to change without prior

 If the fuse gets damaged immediately after it is
   replaced, an internal malfunction may occur. In such
   case, consult your local retailer.
                                                          Product Information

                                                          Power supply               12 V DC (11 V - 16 V),
                                                                                     negative ground
                                                          Fuse                       15 A
                                                          Suitable speaker           4-8
                                                          Maximum power              50 W x 4
                                                          Continuous power           22 W x 4 RMS (4            10%
                                                          output                     T.H.D.)
                                                          Pre-Amp output             2.5 V
                                                          Aux-in level                 500 mV
                                                          Dimensions                 188 x 58 x 110 mm
                                                          (W x H x D)
                                                          Weight - main unit         0.63 kg


                                                          Frequency range          87.5 - 107.9 MHz (100kHz
                                                          - FM                     per step in auto search
                                                                                   and 50kHz per step in
                                                                                   manual search)
                                                          Usable sensitivity       8 μV
                                                          - FM (S/N = 20
                                                          Frequency range          522 - 1620 KHz (9 kHz)
                                                          - AM(MW)                 530 - 1710 kHz (10 kHz)
                                                          Usable sensitivity       30 μV
                                                          - AM(MW) (S/N
                                                          = 20 dB)

                                                                                                           EN     21

                                          14 Troubleshooting
Output      Class 2
Frequency   2.4000 GHz - 2.4835 GHz ISM          Warning
band        Band                            Never remove the casing of this product.
Range       3 meters (free space)
Standard    € {   
                                          To keep the warranty valid, never try to repair
                                          the product yourself.
                                          If you encounter problems when using this
                                          device, check the following points before
                                          requesting service. If the problem remains
                                          unsolved, go to the Philips Web page (www.
                                 When you contact the
                                          Consumer Care, make sure that the product
                                          is nearby and the model number and serial
                                          number are available.

                                          No power or no sound
                                             The power supply from car battery is cut
                                              off, or the car battery runs out of energy.
                                              Power the system with car battery.
                                             Car engine is not on. Turn the car engine
                                             Cable is not correctly connected. Check
                                             The fuse is burnt. Replace the fuse.
                                             Volume is too low. Adjust volume.
                                             If the above solutions cannot help, press
                                              the RESET button.
                                             Make sure that the current track is in a
                                              compatible format.
                                          Noise during broadcast
                                             Signals are too weak. Select other stations
                                              with stronger signals.
                                             Check the connection of the car antenna.
                                             Change the broadcast setting from stereo
                                              to mono.
                                          Preset stations are erased.
                                             Battery cable is not correctly connected.
                                              Connect the battery cable to the terminal
                                              that is always live.

22   EN

Display shows ERR-12.
   Data error. Check the USB storage device     15 Notice

    or micro SD card.

                                                 device that are not expressly approved by
About the Bluetooth device                       Gibson Innovations may void the user’s
                                                 authority to operate the equipment.
Music playback is unavailable on the system
even after successful Bluetooth connection.
   The device cannot be used with the
    system to play music.                        Care of the environment
The audio quality is poor after connection
                                                 Disposal of your old product
with a Bluetooth-enabled device.
   The Bluetooth reception is poor. Move
    the device closer to the system or remove
    any obstacle between the device and the
    system.                                      Your product is designed and manufactured
Cannot connect with the system.                  with high quality materials and components,
   *           which can be recycled and reused.
    required for the system.
   The Bluetooth function of the device is
    not enabled. Refer to the user manual of
    function.                                    This symbol on a product means that the
   The system is not in the pairing mode.       product is covered by European Directive
   The system is already connected with         2012/19/EU. Inform yourself about the local
    another Bluetooth-enabled device.            separate collection system for electrical and
    Disconnect that device or all other          electronic products. Follow local rules and never
    connected devices and then try again.        dispose of the product with normal household
The paired mobile phone connects and             waste. Correct disposal of old products
disconnects constantly.                          helps prevent negative consequences for the
    The Bluetooth reception is poor. Move       environment and human health.
     the mobile phone closer to the system or    Environmental information
     remove any obstacle between the mobile      All unnecessary packaging has been omitted.
     phone and the system.                       We have tried to make the packaging easy to
    Some mobile phones may connect and          separate into three materials: cardboard (box),
     disconnect constantly when you make         polystyrene foam (buffer) and polyethylene
     or end calls. This does not indicate any    (bags, protective foam sheet.)
     malfunction of the system.                  Your system consists of materials which can
    For some mobile phones, the Bluetooth       be recycled and reused if disassembled by
     connection may be deactivated               a specialized company. Please observe the
     automatically as a power-saving feature.    local regulations regarding the disposal of
     This does not indicate any malfunction of   packaging materials, exhausted batteries and old
     the system.                                 equipment.

                                                                                         EN    23

Trademark notice
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are
registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth
SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Gibson
is under license. Other trademarks and trade
names are those of their respective owners.

2015 © Gibson Innovations Limited. All rights
This product has been manufactured by, and
is sold under the responsibility of Gibson
Innovations Ltd., and Gibson Innovations Ltd. is
the warrantor in relation to this products.
Philips and the Philips’ Shield Emblem are
registered trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V.
and are used under license from Koninklijke
Philips N.V.
^    "#$  
notice. Gibson Innovations reserves the right
to change products at any time without being
obliged to adjust earlier supplies accordingly.

24   EN

Operational Description                             FCC STATEMENT
The Marine/Car radio is 2.4 GHz Bluetooth           1. This device complies with Part 15 of the
GHz Bluetooth enter tainment system.                   FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the

                                                                                                          Eng l ish
The TX and RX frequency range is from                  following two conditions:
2402MHz to 2480MHz total of 79 channels,            (1) This device may not cause harmful
each channel spacing is 1 MHz. The necessary
bandwidth more than equal to 1 MHz. The
                                                    (2) This device must accept any interference
FZ105BT is powered by 12V external power
supply. The modulation mode is GFSK/ ð/4-               received, including interference that may
DQPSK/8-DPSK. The three kinds of modulation             cause undesired operation.
mode corresponding rate is 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps           2. any Changes or modifications not expressly
and 3 Mbps.                                             approved by the party responsible for
                                                        compliance could void the user's authority
The MT6622N module is a perfect solution                to operate the equipment.
for enhanced audio applications, such as            NOTE: This equipment has been tested and
stereo audio play. It can be connected with         found to comply with the limits for a Class B
any BLUETOOTH devices in an operating               digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
                                                    Rules. These limits are designed to provide
It is slim and light so the designers signers       reasonable protection against harmful
can have better flexibilities for the product       interference in a residential installation.
                                                    This equipment generates uses and can radiate
The MT6622N module compile with                     radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
BLUETOOTH specification version 2.1 and             used in accordance with the instructions, may
Extended Bit Rate (“EBR” ) technology to            cause harmful interference to radio communications.
deliver audio streams via a wireless connection.    However, there is no guarantee that interference
It supports HSP, HFP, A2DP, AVRCP prof ile.
                                                    will not occur in a particular installation. If this
It integrates RF, Baseband controller, antenna,
                                                    equipment does cause harmful interference to
etc and provide UART interface, programmable
I/O, stereo audio output,                           radio or television reception, which can be
                                                    determined by turning the equipment off and on,
The CE235BT use the inverted-E antenna and          the user is encouraged to try to correct the
the antenna gain is 4dBi. In the PCB version the    interference by one or more of the following
the antenna is printed on the top layer and a       measures:
ground plane is placed near the antenna on the
                                                    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
a ground plane underneath the antenna. In
                                                    Increase the separation between the equipment
enhancement mode will add external antenna.
                                                    and receiver.
FM radio work scope is 87.5 MHZ to 108 MHZ,         Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
when a device receives the broadcast signal will    different from that to which the receiver is connected.
pass the audio signal processor processing,         Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
again through the power amplifier to the speaker,   technician for help.
so you can hear the radio
                                                    FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
AM work scope is 531 khz to 1602 khz, when          This equipment complies with FCC radiation
a device receives the broadcast signal will pass
                                                    exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
the audio signal processor processing, again
                                                    environment. This equipment should be installed
through the power amplifier to the speaker,
                                                    and operated with minimum distance 20cm
                                                    between the radiator & your body

                                                                                            EN       25

2015 © Gibson Innovations Limited. All rights reserved.
This product has been manufactured by, and is sold under
the responsibility of Gibson Innovations Ltd., and Gibson
Innovations Ltd. is the warrantor in relation to this products.
Philips and the Philips’ Shield Emblem are registered
trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V. and are used under
license from Koninklijke Philips N.V.


Document Created: 2018-10-30 15:57:28
Document Modified: 2018-10-30 15:57:28

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC