CR2-2.4G-FCC ID(wifi2.4)-test Report-3


Test Report

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                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                          page      5-15

                   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT40
                   Test CH3: 2422MHz

                          Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                            page      5-16

  Test CH6: 2437MHz   Test CH9: 2452MHz

                            Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                      page      5-17

                      Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                                           AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                                                page      6-1

         6.1.Test Equipment
    Item        Equipment        Manufacturer     Model No.      Serial No.           Last Cal. Cal. Interval
    1.          Spectrum           Agilent         E4446A       US44300459            Apr.24,16   1 Year
    2.            Amp               HP              8449B       3008A02495            Apr.24,16   1 Year
    3.        Horn Antenna           ETC         MCTD 1209 DRH15F03007 Apr.11,16                           1 Year
    4.          HF Cable         Hubersuhner     Sucoflex104      274094/4            Apr.24,16            1 Year

              All the lower and upper band-edges emissions appearing within 2310MHz to 2390MHz and
              2483.5MHz to 2500MHz restricted frequency bands shall not exceed the limits shown in 15.209,
              all the other emissions outside operation frequency band 2400MHz to 2483.5MHz shall be at
              least 20dB below the fundamental emissions, or comply with 15.209 limits.

           6.3.Test Produce
              1. The EUT is placed on a turntable, which is 1.5m above the ground plane and worked at
                 highest radiated power.

              2. The turntable was rotated for 360 degrees to determine the position of maximum emission

              3. EUT is set 3m away from the receiving antenna, which is varied from 1m to 4m to find out the
                 highest emission.

              4. Set the spectrum analyzer in the following setting in order to capture the lower and upper
                 band-edges of the emission:

              (a) PEAK: RBW=1MHz; VBW=3MHz; Sweep=AUTO
              (b) AVERAGE: RBW=1MHz; VBW=10Hz; Sweep=AUTO

           6.4.Test Results
              Pass (The testing data was attached in the next pages.)

                                                                Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                                ov        \                                7

 .. LeveldBwvim                                                                         pate: 2016—12.30                                                                                          bate: 2016—12.30

 110                                                                                                        110

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       zn               ziss.             zase.                zare.            200.                  zis         mo            2o                2ase.              zore.               z402.                2izs
                                               Frequensy thtts)                                                                                        Frequncy (utis
       Site no.          In Chanter                     ata nee n                                                 Site no.     : 9n Chanbe                     Data no.      :2
       BE Phan           B BE remies soor C P | feamiow.                                                          Bs Pha.         m 3016 aempiece soor w poll                feamion,
       Lini             ree ragt iso resk              Pre        i 101. 2s                                       Lami            Ece rage iso ar              Pre           tor. 2irs
       Kne. / ma.        28. 10/6t,06         Engineet i m                                                        Ei. / me.       23. 1+0/sa.0%       Engineer ,i m
       Eut              CaptionCall Wixeless Route                                                                Eus             CaptionCall Wireless Router
       Eoter ratine     5e W iem aliter fopur i6 loovoo                                                           Poter, ratine 5P0 Beon abarter fapw o feoveore
       Test Yode    :    T5EER02. 11b 2412ltte T« Hode                                                            Test Mode    .: T¥€B900. 11b 2412b Tn tode
                           mor                                                                                                       mecre
                       Ants Cabte                 aup    Enjasion                                                                Ants Cable               M0     Enission
       N.      Preq   Factor: Loss Readine: factor Lev                mise: Morgin:    Renark                     Mo.     req. Factor Less Reading: factor Level             Linite: Morgin:     Renark
               i       ts o TV                    C 6t 6tb                                                               ane) (Cb/a) (®) (oan             (®) Carn           CC
        10   gelde 69000       qo.01 9600         207      1600 30.00         Pesk                       10 ggemer 200208920            9090 9890         3LB1      $1.00 18.90         Averace
       2.    B re     Bele €c30         $e.90 3630         BR0      1600 1641          Posk                       20 foonde PeR €0900            ghG) 9030         GhOD      $£00 2L3            Averaie
       50    Ronde    bede ol           Sout d d           Siite    1200 18240         Posk                       5. beonge bele           €3n   ShTB 9630         ShgT      $£00     013.       Averaie
       a—    Bumlos   Belde algs        Belle 3nl90        DL 28    14200 ~20.08       Pesk                       a Bainlad Recie $.36           81280 9090        8102      5400. ~3N.02        Average

             Renatks: 1« Enizsson Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading                                         Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                         ~mp Factor                                                                                                ~Amp Factor
                      2. The ensszion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                   2. The ensazion levels that. are 200B below the official
                         linit are not reported.                                                                                   linit are not reported.

 .. LeveldBwvim                                                                         pate: 2016—12.30    m                                                                                     bate: 2016—12.30

 110                                                                                                        110

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       zn               ziss.             zase.                zare.            200.                  zis         mo            2o                2ase.              zore.               z402.                2izs
                                               Frequensy thtts)                                                                                        Frequncy (utis
       Site no.     : In Charber                   Data no. c3                                                    Site no.    : In Chasber                   Data no. :4
       Dis. / kat.    on 2016 MCTOI20® 300 gt. pol. Montzolt                                                      Bas, / kut.    0n 2016,_NCTRI200 9007 Ant. pol. fORIPONTAL
       Lini           ree ragt io ay               Pre        101. 2ira                                           Lami           Eoo rase isc rear           Pre        101. Airs
       Kne. / ma.     28. 10/6t,06         Engineer i lsm                                                         Ei. / me.      23. 1+0/sa.0%       Engineer : lam
       Eut            CaptionCall Wixeless Router 2                                                               Eus            CaptionCall Wireless Router 2
       Pover: rating DC 87 Fxon Adapter Taput 40 120/6is                                                          Pover,rating Do 9Y Pron Adapter Input 40 1200/60e
       Test Hote      TERE000. 11b 24i2ittz T tode                                                                Test Mode   .: T¥€B900. 11b 2412b Tn tode
                      whiscre                                                                                                    whiscre
                     Ants Cabte                      Eniasion                                                                   Ants Cable               M0    Enission
       N. Freq. Facton: Logs Reading dactor Level             Linite, Morgin           Renark                     Mo.    req. Factor Less Reading: factor Level         Linite: Morgin:          Renark
              ome) (/m) (a) Cw                 (Gb) Cbot/®) Cut/) (B)                                                    ane) (Cb/a) (®) (oan            (®) Carn CC
        10 goemler 2e dg 6920        9000 90.00.       900    3100 131.                Averace                    10 2300.00 qed 690           h49 9690          295    1400 904B                Pesk
       2. Rroooo Be 1R €2300         260 3630          30 TL  300. 2120                Averace                    20 banen bald w96             shie dede         ShET  720000 199               bak
       50 Ronoo Be1G £.30.           BL0T 3630         B18    5.00 20018               Averace                    5. baon.00 becla w0           Sige 9630        SLIT   7200 1699                boak
       a Barnl 20. Becie Bl95        92030 90090       92.42  80200 ~30.d2             Averace                    a barelss belte ©.36          on ar 3600       B00    14.00. ~20.40            Posk

             Renatks: 1« Enizsson Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading                                         Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                         ~mp Factor                                                                                                ~Amp Factor
                      2. The ensszion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                   2. The ensazion levels that. are 200B below the official
                         linit are not reported.                                                                                   1init are not reported.

                                                                                                    bate: 2016—12.30                                                                                                 bate: 2016—12.30
 12 Level uim
 110                                                                                                                   110
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       zio             Ziez:                    zim                 zie                  ziss                   Zt0          ziso              2i0e.              B              zi0e.                   2i00.                   210
                                                   Frequency (itl)                                                                                                 Frequncy (utis
       Site no.      In Chunter                   ata ne. 5                                                                  Site no.     : 9n Chanbe                     Data no.           :6
       Dis. / kut.   on    201. CrD1200 avor     Ant pol.     verrica,                                                       Bs P hi.       m 2016 acmerecs soor w pol.                      feamion,
       Lisle         Be riee io veas             P          I ton.mife                                                       Lami           Ece rage iso ar               Pre                tor. 2irs
       Em. / Tns.    25. 1c/6a, 98      Enz)neer : Eym                                                                       Ei. / me.      23. 1+0/sa.0%        Engineer ,i m
       €f            Capticncalt ¥ixetecs fowre                                                                                ur           CantionCall Wirelezs Router
       Pover: rating DC 8F Fron Adapter Tnput AC lZDV/GEIHz                                                                  Poter, retine 5P0 Beon afaiter fapw o feoveore
       Tess wods   1 igeeeonTs »dboltie 1e oce                                                                               Test Mode    : T¥€E900. 11b 24o2lttz Tn tode
                        %                                                                                                                      mecre
                    Ants Cabte              ane Ensssion                                                                                   Ants Cable                M0     Enission
       mo.   Preq. Racibe Loss Reading: fastor Tev              nite, Morgin: Renark                                         Mo.     req. Factor Less Reading: factor Level                  Linite: Morgin:     Renark
              ons      (@/a)        (in)   Cw          (@)    (dfiuv/m)    (dEuV/m)      (d)                                         ane) (Cb/a) (®) (oan             (®) Carn                CC
       I arns mm na                         one cnB           onl          (0 tLB               fes                          10 use te: 2090 640           90.92 96.90..      90.78          3100 ~I0. 18        Averace
       : hesw mor ce                        abin los           abe        f€n min               mw                           20 Resnst PeBT          ml4e  30080 9000         IBlLL          $K00 18.99          Averae
       5 ho Rie coo                         will jo%          hn          TePite                mw                           5. besscte belts        midD  dneT 90090         3200           $K00.. 100|         Averae
       4 Bsonoo BiSo wlea                   dblse Ghige       dhioo       ho 3010               Poik                         a Boo0.00 2el50 slak          29.49 96.98        20.70.         54,00 20021         Average

             Renarkes 1. Entsrzon Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Lose + Reading                                                      Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                         Zlap Facter                                                                                                            ~Amp Factor
                      2. The‘entocion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                                2. The ensazion levels that. are 200B below the official
                         datate m reported.                                                                                                     1init are not reported.

 4,,LevelGowim                                                                                      bare: 2016.12.30   1e                                                                                            bate: 2016—12.30

 110                                                                                                                   110
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       zio             Bz                       zim                 zie                  ziss                   Zt0          se                Zie:               zim                  zim               zim                     i
                                                   Frequency (itl)                                                                                                       Frequincy (itte

       Site no.        .o: In Chasbe                   Date no. :T                                                            Site no  .o: In Chanter                 Data no. :8
       Dis. / knt          In    ZDlG MCTD]ZEIB 3007   Ant. pel. moatzolts,                                                   Das. / k.    Jn    2016 NCTD1200 2007   Ant. pol. marzolta,
       Lisle               Be riee io a                P          01. hies                                                    time         Re rig 1st to              fre        To ars
       Em. / Ts            25. 1c/6a, 98       Engineer : lma                                                                 Ew / Tc.     23. 1n/e, on       Engineer : m
       €f                  CapticnCalt Wixetecs foures 2                                                                      Et           Cptioealt Wiretess Rower 2
       Pover: rating       DC 87 Fron Adapter Teput AC 1200/60z                                                               Pover, ratine 0C 87 From Adapter Trput 4C 120W/e0te
       Tess wods           igeeeonTs »dboltie 1e oce                                                                          Test Mode    : T¥€E900. 11b 24o2lttz Tn tode

                     Ants Cabte           wip Enission                                                                                         Ants      Cable                   Enizsion
       mo.    Preq. Racibe Loss Reading: fastor Devel Linite, Morgin Renask                                                   Mo.      req.   Factor     Less Reading:    factor Level    Linite: Morgin:        Renark
              ons      (@/a)        (in)   Cw          (@)—   utm         uinCB                                                       ane)    (Cb/a)     (®) (oan          (®) Carn CC
       1 sn chM 400                         SLM       9630    SLM              BL00    B        Arae                          10    peee.0o   cecan       a40  dacse      3698    96.00.  1400 ~22.04            Pesk
       : Relt SS i                          son       dn3     Wls             S600     1810     Aerme                         2     dense     ror        se    anst       dnle     dn8t   T200 209               Poak
       5 hale ie 560                        d6m       G6%      GNH            56000    16e      Aeime                         3     bemse     mds        ma    anss       dnle     4L19   7200 Pnd               Poak
       4 Bsondo BiSo WlM                    old       Ghke    InSl             S£.00   2636     Auerate                       a     Boonlo6   2el50      slae  «oles      anc98   421.    14,00 20.79            Posk

             Renarkes 1. Entsrzon Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Lose + Reading                                                      Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                         Zlap Facter                                                                                                             ~Amp Factor
                      2. The‘entocion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                                  . The enassion levels that are 2000 below the official
                                linit are not reported.                                                                                          1init are not reported.

                                                                                                   bare: 2016—11—30                                                                                            bare:2016—11.30
 12 Level uim
 110                                                                                                                  110

 sn                                                                                                                   so                                                                                                :

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       zn                 ziss.             zase.                zare.                  20.                     zis         mo                2o               2ase.              zore.               z402.                 2izs
                                                 Frequensy thtts)                                                                                                   Frequncy (utis
       Site no.             In Chanter                   ata no. :       33                                                 Site no.     : 9n Chanbe                    Data no.          30
       BE Phan              B BE remizes: soor D P |                     e                                                  Bs P hi.       m 2016 acrerecs soor w pol.                    vermion,
       Lini                ree ragt iso resk            Pre        i     101. 2s                                            Lami           Ece rage iso ar              Pre               tor. 2irs
       Kne. / ma.           28. 10/6t,06       Engineet i m                                                                 Ei. / me.      23. 1+0/sa.0%       Engineer ,i m
       Eut                 CaptionCall Wixeless Route                                                                       sor            CantionCall Wirelezs Router
       Eoter ratine        5e W im aliter fopur i6 loovoo                                                                   Poter, ratine 5P0 Ben abarter fapw o feoweore
       Test Yode    +       T5ERR02 ie 2412itte Tx Hode                                                                     Test Mode    : T¥€B900. 11¢ 24120z T tode
                              mere                                                                                                            mecre
                          Ants Cabte               Mp     Enizsion                                                                        Ants Cable                      Enizsion
       N.       Freq.    Facton: Logs Reading dactor Level               Linite, Morgin        Renark                       Mo.     req. Factor Less Reading: factor Level                Linite: Morgin:     Renark
                ome)      (/m) (a) Cw              (Gb) Cbot/®)          Cut/) (B)                                                 ane) (Cb/a) (®) (oan            (®) Carn               CC
        10      geldel £90      M 3600             290          T600 Ti               Pesk                         10 2300.00. 28202890          qA.61 38.30..     4LBT          8600     893.       Averace
       20    Rase        Bude      acM   ThdS 9630          TBX          TA00 Cld              Posk                         20 Beonlon Pella ©.9000       SGET 9030         SG78          $K00. 07            Averae
       50    Reon.on     Becle ocoe      7000 363019000                  1200 <1.00            Poak                         5. beraloe beltr 89e          oelat 9090        B6.T2         800. ~3072          Average
       a      Biosces.   Bel is alot i0alar 30030 10247                  14200 ~20.47          Pesk
                                                                                                                                  Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
              Renatks: 1« Enizsson Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading                                                               ~Amp Factor
                          ~mp Factor                                                                                                       2. The ensazion levels that. are 200B below the official
                       2. The ensszion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                                1init are not reported.
                          linit are not reported.

 .. LeveldBwvim                                                                                    pate: 20t6—t1—30                                                                                            bare:2016—11.30
 110                                                                                                                  110
 sn                                                                                                         4         so
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 30                                                                                                                   a

  10                                                                                                                   10
       zn                 ziss.             zase.                zare.                  200.                    zis         m                 am.              iss                 se                 zie                   Zizs
                                                 Frequensy thtts)                                                                                                    Frequincy (itte

       Site no.     : In Charber                         Data no. c 35                                                      Site no         .o: In Chanter                   Data no. : 36
       Dis. / kat.    on 2016 MCTOI20® 300               get. pol. fontzolt                                                 Das. / k.           Jn   2016 NCTD1200   2007    Ant. pol.  marzolta,
       Lini           ree ragt io ay                     Pre        101. 2ira                                               time                Re rig 1st to                fre        To ars
       Kne. / ma.     28. 10/6t,06         Engineer        i lsm                                                            Ei. / ms.         20. nc/ne, o%       Engineer : lam
       Eut            CaptionCall Wixeless Router        2                                                                  sor               CaptionCall Wireless Router 2
       Pover: rating DC 87 Fxon Adapter Taput 40         120/60s                                                            Pover, ratine     0C 87 From Adapter Trput 4C 120W/e0te
       Test Hote      TERE000. L1e. 2412lts T tode                                                                          Test Mode     :   fitea0?.11¢ 2didltle t Mode

                          Ants     Cabte          Mp    Enizsion                                                                             Ants    Cable          M0    Enission
       N.      Preq      Facton:   Loss Reading: factor Level            Morgin Renark                                      Mo.      req.   Factor   Less Reading: factor Level    Linite: Morgin:            Renark
                i         ts       o TV           C 6t 6tb                                                                          ane)    (Cb/a)   (®) (oan       (®) Carn CC
        10   200000      e de      890.  173. 9890       4110    3600 12.21.. Averace                                       10    g300.00   oecde    690.  oaldg 9690      9292    1400 20.08                 Pesk
       2.    BoO0        B IG      £3000 B1 3630         SLOL    3600240 Averace                                            20    beonre    bele     m3n   t dnde           fh9e   12000    5.62              Poak
       5.    Barsc 10.   Bolir     $l30  Boldd 96038     B9.80   54.00. ~3L.80 Averace                                      5.    beres     beiir     mlge onki     ande   On.96   1400 ~25.00                Peak

              Renatks: 1« Enizsson Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading                                                   Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                          ~mp Factor                                                                                                          ~Amp Factor
                          The ensssion levels that are 2048 belor the official                                                             2. The ensazion levels that. are 200B below the official
                          linit are not reported.                                                                                             1init are not reported.

 y,,Leveowam                                                                                            barerzore.10                                                                                              bare:2016—41.30
 io                                                                                                                    i10
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                                                                                                  recomlise nenc
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      is              Tiex:                       zn                    Ties:
                                                         Frequency titts)
                                                                                             Tisx                B           mss            Tiz                   zin    Frequincy (itte
                                                                                                                                                                                         Ti               Tw                 l
      Site no,     3n Chasber                   ha nee c en                                                                  Site mo. .o: on Chanbed                      es ney 50
      Dis. / kut.
                  iet 2on         201.
                                                         avor     Ant pa]       moatzolts,
                                                                                                                             Das. / k.
                                                                                                                                          ie rB i D
                                                                                                                                            Jn    ZDlE nctoi200
                                                                                                                                                                                  Ant pu]     marzolta,

      Em. / Tns.
                  docd! mesres Piro
                       25. 1c/6a, 98                    Enz)neer : Eym
                                                                                                                             Ew / Tc.
                                                                                                                                          EtCEA vrerecs Rower
                                                                                                                                            23. 1n/e, on                Engincer : Eym

      feepime t toolinho
      Pover: rating

                     es               oo
                       DC 8F Fron Adapter Tnput AC lZDV/GEIHz
                                                                                                                             femaatine t tooltrerMarter
                                                                                                                                            DC 9¥ From Adupter Tnput C lZDV/GEIHz

                 lt      caste
      too frea Reilbe CC neadine thiior  wip Eniasion
                                                 TesH tanite, Morgin: Resark                                                             lats    Cante
                                                                                                                             roo frea Pille GEF mestine thier     w9 Enission
                                                                                                                                                                           THll tinite, Morgin: Resark
             one      (@@/a)       ()          (@un)        (@)     (@ut/n)     (dEuV/m)   (@)                                     due)     /)     (@)         (@un)        (@)     (dut/n)   (dEuV/m)   (@)
      Dassas    &4       no     an      ue      mne       mo o           fas                                                 iDatd
                                                                                                                                 Here mm         aa      m       onl       GhOF D           ORME Aungs
      uns Bd of
      indfi               ds
                                B B     on
                                        B df
                                                 ®3 PB    E0
                                                          B B1
                                                                  BJ mt  mt
                                                                         m                                                   ;sn ds    B P       df tR   #8 BR   BB S      8 BR       &8 BE  28 ts   ts
           Ememnenarmpemenermrmeenemmmpnnrenrpmmnrmme                                                                             Tess 1. Een          Tw    Inamm    Factor t  Cable hoss t Reaaing
                 2. Tnshaner
                     Te shielole tevels that are 2080 betoy the official                                                                 2. Tnstelr
                                                                                                                                             The chicliln tevels that. are 2000 betor the official

 y,,Leveowam                                                                                            barerzore.10   m                                                                                          bare:2016—41.30
 io                                                                                                                    i10
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 a                                                                                                                      a
      is              Tiex:                       zn                    Ties:
                                                         Frequency (iits)
                                                                                             Tisx                B           mss            Tiz                   zin    Frequincy (itte
                                                                                                                                                                                         Ti               Tw                 l
      Site no, 0: 3n Chasber                   ata e n                                                                       Site mo. .o: In Chanber                   ata ne, 5e
      Dis. / knt
                  ieh i2 D
                       ow         201.
                                                         avor     Ant pa]       verrica,
                                                                                                                             Das. / k.
                                                                                                                                          ie rit Tok
                                                                                                                                            3     2ote       nCtoizo®
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                                                                                                                                                                                  Ant pu]     vernicu,

      Em. / Ts
                  ee e 25. 1c/6a, 98                    Engincer : Eym
                                                                                                                             Ew / Tc.
                                                                                                                                          EtCEA virerecs Rower
                                                                                                                                            23. 1n/e, on                Engincer : Eym

      feepime toolinho oo
      Pover: rating    DC 8F Fron Adapter Tnput 4C lZDV/GEIHz
                                                                                                                             femaatine t tooltrerMarter mest8t
                                                                                                                             Pover.rating   DC 9¥ From Adupter Tnput C lZDV/GEIHz

                 lt CC
      too frea Reilbe   caste neadine thiior
                                         wip Eniasion
                                                 TesH tanite, Morgin: Resark                                                             lats Cante
                                                                                                                             roo frea Pille     GEF mestine thier w9 Enission
                                                                                                                                                                         THll tinite, Morgin: Resark
             one      (@@/a)       ()          (@un)        (@)     (@ut)       uin          D)                                    due)     /)     (@)         (@un)        (@)     uin in
      Ddsb      &8      ha      ma       on      MB £80CH0  HW onR muk:                                                      lte       a5       na      muk      jue              mo ore fa
      idns a&s  BR fo   t tS    N f      on #L   8 #8 o8 ts              ts                                                  Dds
                                                                                                                             id d f             t owOH  #0 BB #4 tCtm             0 o8 i
           Ememnenarmpemenermrmeenemmmpnnrenrpmmnrmme                                                                             Tess 1. Een Tw Inamm Factor t Cable hoss t Reaaing
                 2. linit
                    Te shielole  tevels that are 2080 betoy the official
                          are not reported.
                                                                                                                                         2. linit
                                                                                                                                             Ti ereiile  tevels that are 2080 betoy the orficial
                                                                                                                                                  are not reported.

                                                                                           bare: 2016—11—30                                                                                          bare:2016—11.30
 12 Level uim
 110                                                                                                          110
 so                                                                                                           so                                                                                              >

 70                                                                         in                  en            zo
 Pn rptprantacmnnc                                                                                            so                                                                                             on

 a0                                                                                                           a

  10                                                                                                           10

       zm               mm                mss                Zis.            zie                       Zizs         mo             2o                2ase.              zore.               z402.                     2izs
                                              Frequeney tutts                                                                                             Frequncy (utis
       Site no.          In Chunter                    ata no. n 5o                                                 Site no.    : 9n Chanbe                      Data no.       60
       BE Phan           B CE remine soor ME pod. fRemiew,                                                          Bs P hi.       n 2016 acmerecs soot w pol.                  feamion,
       Lisle             Be riee io veas              P           I ton.mife                                        Lami           Ece rage iso ar               Pre            tor. 2irs
       Eim/ ma.          201078008          Engineer "1 tm                                                          Ei. / me.      23. 1+0/sa.0%         Engineer : lam
       €f                CapticnCalt Wixetecs foures 2                                                              sor            CantionCall Wirelezs Router 2
       Pover: rating     BC W Exon Adapter Toput ie 120/oote                                                        Pover,rating Do 9Y Pron Adapter Input AC 120%/60e
       Test wods       1 igeeeosTaiied Siraiiie t td                                                                Test Mode   .: T¥€B300. 11nit20 2418teTx lode
                            Te                                                                                                        mecre
                        Ants Cabte              wip Enission                                                                      Ants Cable                 M0    Enission
       to.Freq         Facion Loss\ Reading: factor Level\— Linite, Morgin: Renark                                  Mo.    req. Factor Less Reading: factor Level               Linite: Morgin:     Renark
           mJ           _b ® on o_ Gua cun t                                                                               ane) (Cb/a) (®) (oan              (®) Carn           CC
       I amlm          mir on ond ceB o 0 1 fes                                                                     10 2300.00. 28g2 890.         49. 14— 3690       49.20..    8100     $.00       Averace
       : honw          mue ou Jnor sw Jhae f600 chas m                                                              20 Beonltn Pella £.9000       SE2T 9030          §£.90.     §K00. 030           Averaie
       5 Bunor         Miis $%e aodl onje aoh® filbo ts bom                                                         5. berscsa beltr Bs           oncBo 9090         90.00..—   84.00 ~92.00        Averace

              Renarkes 1. Entsrzon Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Lose + Reading                                          Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                          Clap Factor                                                                                                ~Amp Factor
                       2. The‘entocion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                    2. The ensazion levels that. are 200B below the official
                          datate m reported.                                                                                         1init are not reported.

 4,,LevelGowim                                                                             pare:z01e—11—30    12

 110                                                                                                          110

 so                                                                                               ;           so

                                                                                                                                                                                              ree pmtlisc rea
 70                                                                                                           zo                                                                                          k
                                                                                          reopnfir 1se Ayl
 so                                                                                                  o        so
 ao                                                                                                           a

  10                                                                                                           10

       zm               mm                mss                Zis.                   zie                Zizs         mo             2o                2ase.              zore.               z402.                     2izs
                                              Frequeney tutts                                                                                             Frequncy (utis
       Site no.        : In Chasber                   Dat no. c     61                                              Site no.     : In Chasber                    Data no. :     62
       Bia: Phan         ns HOI remine soor wl pol.                 orrrormi                                        Bas. / kat.    Jn 2016, CTBI200 9007 Ant. pol               ORIIONTHL
       Lisle             Be riee io i                 P             01. hies                                        Lami           Eoo rase isc rear             Pre            101. Airs
       Eim/ ma.          201078008          Engineer "1 tm                                                          Ei. / me.      23. 1+0/sa.0%       Engineer : lam
       €f                CapticnCalt Wixetecs foures 2                                                              sor            CaptionCall Wireless Router 2
       Pover: rating     BC W Exon Adapter Toput ie 120/oote                                                        Pover, ratine 0C 87 From Adepter Tnput AC 120t/e0te
       Test wods         igeeeosTaiied Siraiiie t td                                                                Test Hoge    i r6€E000. 1Ind2d 2412l6z Tx Mode
                         s                                                                                                         whiscre
                        Ants Cabte              wip Enission                                                                      Ants Cable               M0      Enission
       to.     Freq    Facion Loss\ Reading: factor Level\—         Linite, Morgin: Renark                          Mo.     req. Factor Less Reading: factor Level              Linite: Morgin:     Renark
               ome)    (/m) (a)        Cw        (Gb)   Cbot/®)     Cut/) (B)                                              ane) (Cb/a) (®) (oan             (®) Carn            CC
        10   gaelco    gede a9o        a2or     dnge      hor       200 ilge              Averace                   10 230000 oecde £.90         5hdB 3630           5h21       1600 16.79.         Pesk
       2.    Bo0.0n    BE 14 ©300      B141     3630     BL.80      5002080               Averace                   20 denre rili m36            mss dnde            hM         72000026            Poak
       5.    Barscar   Bolie 8236      80200    96.30    2L         5400. ~30.21..        Averace                   5. bernisa belir       Blge  onleo     anlde     OLTS       1400 ~2scf5         Peak

              Renarks: . Enizzion Level= Antema Factor + Cable Loss + Readine                                            Renarks: 1« Eniazion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                          ~mp Factor                                                                                                 ~Amp Factor
                       2. The ensszion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                    2. The ensazion levels that. are 200B below the official
                          linit are not reported.                                                                                    1init are not reported.

 y,,Leveowam                                                                                              barerzore.10                                                                                                bare:2016—41.30
 io                                                                                                                      i10
 so                                                                                                                      s                                     .
                                                                                                    recomlise nenc
 70                                               t                                                            en        m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    recoale ise av
 so                                                                                                   a                  s                                                               :                                    m
 m                                                                                                                       m
 a                                                                                                                        a
      is              Tiex:                      zn                   Ties:
                                                       Frequency titts)
                                                                                               Tisx                B           mss            Tiz                    zin    Frequincy (itte
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ti               Tw                 l
      Site no,    3n Chasber                   ha nee o ts                                                                     Site mo. .o: on Chanbed                     ata ne, 16
      Dis. / kut.
                 iet 2 on      201.   CrD1200
                                             y         mt
                                                        avor     Ant pa]          moatzolts,
                                                                                                                               Das. / k.
                                                                                                                                            ie rB i D
                                                                                                                                               Jn       ZDlE nctoi200
                                                                                                                                                                          it so0r
                                                                                                                                                                                      Ant pu]     marzolta,

      Em. / Tns.
                 dorcd! mesres Bitn
                       25. 1c/6a, 98                  Engincer :Lynn
                                                                                                                               Ew / Tc.
                                                                                                                                            EtCEA vrerecs Rower
                                                                                                                                               23. 1n/e, on                Engincer :Lynn

      it 1        eThNee
      Pover: rating

                     :                   o wos
                       DC 8F Fron Adapter Toput 4C lZDV/GEIHz
                                                                                                                               o 1 mes
                                                                                                                                                             ce e ade
                                                                                                                                               DC 9V From Adupter Tnput AC lZDV/GEIHz

      too frea Reilbe CC neadine thiior Eniasion
                lt      caste
                      (@@/a)    ()
                                        wip     TesH
                                                           tanite, Morgin: Resark
                                                          (@)      (dfiuV/m)   (dEuV/m)       (@)                                     (W-Iz)
                                                                                                                               roo frea Pille GEF mestine thier
                                                                                                                                                                    w9 Enission
                                                                                                                                                                             THll tinite, Morgin: Resark
                                                                                                                                                                               (@)      (dut/n)   (dEuV/m)   (@)
         aas &8 ca      c srlomm       n        ao
                                                2          mo      ma ha                                                       iDdsds
                                                                                                                                   hae as bao dR           B on              d BR        R0 NJ Aug
      ided     d c      ff to  o       B t4     #1 BCm   £o
                                                         B sf      BJ mt   m                                                   ;n B d t#3 B                        BB #8     #8 &8 tf          2B fas  ts
          Ememnenarmpemenermrmeenemmmpnnrenrpmmnrmme                                                                                Tess 1. Een          Tw    Inamm    Factor t  Cable hoss t Reaaing
                2. Tnshaner
                    Te shielole tevels that are 2080 betoy the official                                                                    2. Tnstelr
                                                                                                                                               The chicliln tevels that. are 2000 betor the official

 y,,Leveowam                                                                                              barerzore.10   m                                                                                            bare:2016—41.30
 io                                                                                                                      i10                        ;
 so                                   1                                                                                  so

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   reeomalise veme
 o                                                                                                                       m                                                  y                                                  is
                                                                                                      reepafir ise n‘
 so                                                                                                              on      s
 m                                                                                                                       m
 a                                                                                                                        a
      is              Tiex:                      zn                   Ties:
                                                       Frequency titts)
                                                                                               Tisx                B           mss            Ti                     zin    Frequincy (itte
                                                                                                                                                                                             Ti               Tw                 l
      Site no, 0: 3n Chasber                  ata e d                                                                          Site mo. .o: In Chanber                ata ne, 7e
      Dis. / knt
                  ieh i2 D
                       ow      201.
                                                        avor     Ant pa]          verrica,
                                                                                                                               Das. / k.
                                                                                                                                            ie rit Tok
                                                                                                                                               3        2ote
                                                                                                                                                               nCtoizo®      sour
                                                                                                                                                                                   K  Ant pu]     vernicu,

      Em. / Ts
                  ee   25. 1c/6a, 98                  Engineer    : lma
                                                                                                                               Ew / Tc.
                                                                                                                                            EtCEA vrerecs Rewer 2
                                                                                                                                               23. 1n/e, on                Engineer    : m

      it eThNee o wos
      Pover: rating    DC 87 Fxon Adapter Toput AC 1200/ ooz

                                                                                                                               o 1 mes ce e ade
                                                                                                                               Bover rating    Do 9Y Fron Adapter Input AC 120%/608z


                 lt CC
      too frea Reilbe   caste neadine thiior
                                          wip Eniasion
                                                TesH tanite, Morgin: Resark                                                                lats Cante
                                                                                                                               roo frea Pille                    w9 Enission
                                                                                                                                                  GEF mestine thier     THll tinite, Morgin: Resark
             one      (@@/a)    ()            (@un)       (@)      (@ut)      uin              D)                                    due)     /)         (@)       (@un)       (@)      uin in
          lala B        ha      o        onm    mA M            OLM muas                                                       i1dsn
                                                                                                                                   hak aa         aa      mma   un     une         mo
                                                                                                                                                                                   mW n           fas
      idns d    BR fo   ff mf   8 oo     on ff  8 #8Cfoog#8 68 frr                                                             i denu o
                                                                                                                               ind      od
                                                                                                                                        tR 1P
                                                                                                                                                  ff #2   tR oR onl #1  t# K0      t9 28
                                                                                                                                                                                           PP i   m
                 2. Tnshaner
                    Te shielole tevels that are 2080 betoy the official
                    linit are not reported.
                                                                                                                                    Tess 1. ~Amp
                                                                                                                                               Een     Tw
                                                                                                                                                             Inamm Factor t  Cable hoss t Reaaing
                                                                                                                                               . The enassion levels that are 2000 below the official
                                                                                                                                                 1init are not reported.

 4,,LevelGowim                                                                             bare:z016—11—30                                                                                            pare:2016—1130
 110                                                                                                          110

 so                                                                                                           so
 70                                                                      2                             c      To
                                                                                                                                                                                                     recpae db av
 so                                                                                                           so                                                         ,                                      Ves

 a0                                                                                                           =

  10                                                                                                           10
       zm              m                  Zos                  on                   zim                Zizo         w              mm                Be.                     men               zim               Zizo
                                                Frequency titts)                                                                                           Frequincy (itte

       Site no.          In Chunter                  Dat no. c 85                                                   Site no.   : In Chambed                  Date no. 86
       Dis. / kut.       Jn    2016 MCTDI200 3007    Ant. pol.  moatzolts,                                          Das. / k.    Jn    ZDlE NCTD1200 2007    Ant pol. marzolta,
       Lisle             Be riee io veas             P         Boess                                                tinke        Rle rag ise at              Pie      ot, fes
       Em. / Tns.        25. 1c/6a, 98      Engineer : lma                                                          Ew / Tc.     23. 1n/e, on       Engineer : m
       €f                CapticnCalt Wixetecs foures 2                                                              af           Cantioncall Wiretezs Rower 2
       Pover: rating     DC 87 Fxon Adapter Toput AC 1200/ ooz                                                      Foverratin   06 8¥ From Adspter Tnput AC 120W/ete
       Test wods       1 igeeeosTniidd Sss tx tds                                                                   fest nds 1 agsbageThiird Sloaliie te Tode
                            :                                                                                                       wiiiche

                    Ants Cabte           wip Enission                                                                              Aat. Cante           we Emission
       to.    Preq Factor Loss Reading: factor Level Linite, Morgin: Renark                                         Mo.     Ereac Factor Less Reading: factor Level Lindts, Morgin: Renark
               ons     (@/a)    (in)    Cw         (@)—    utm       uinCB                                                  oue)   C(®)            un         @©)      Gu/n        Gan         t
        10   gore 0o ede        a90     602      9000       5600         1600 18.02.      Pesk                      10    2300.00. 28g2    890.    4207     9690       400.        8100    £.97      Averace
       2.    Ronoe Plde         o       nb       DeIP       gi e         1200 10002       Posk                      20    Reonctn bella     €.90   S0.00    9090       §0.00..     §£00._3.07        Averae
       5.    Beaacen Beli        sloe   secto    dnc on     $9.85        14200 P05        Peak                      5.    besscon Bel20    .97     Teldd     90.90.—   78080       8€.00 ~20,80      Average

             Renatks: 1« Enizsson Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading                                            Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                         ~mp Factor                                                                                                   ~Amp Factor
                      2. The ensszion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                      2. The ensazion levels that. are 200B below the official
                         linit are not reported.                                                                                      linit are not reported.

 .. LeveldBwvim                                                                            pate: 20t6—t1—30   m                                                                                       bare:2016—11.30

 110                                                                                                          110

 sn                                                                                                           so
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ree bmlisc benie
 2o                                                                                                           zo                                                                                              gan

                                                                     2                    récpae tse ay
 so                                                                                                  as       so

 30                                                                                                           a

  10                                                                                                           10

       zn              zm                 za6e.                zo.                  zu.                ziso         mo             2ose.             2300,              zio.                   zi2               2i50
                                               Frequency titts)                                                                                           Frequncy (utis
       Site no.     : In Charbe                   Data no.               B7                                         Site no.     : In Chasber                    Data no.          88
       Bia: Phan      in is rerpreos soor dn po.                         Vermiont                                   Bas. / ku.      an 2016, NCTRI200 9007 Ant. pol.               Yegtican
       Lini           ree ragt iso a              Pre                    01. 29                                     Lami            Eoo rase isc rear            Pre               tor. 2irs
       Kne. / ma.     28. 10/6t,06        Engineer i lsm                                                            Ei. / me.       23. 1+0/sa.0%        Engineer : lam
       Eut            CaptionCall Wixeless Router 2                                                                 Eus             CaptionCall Wireless Router 2
       Pover: rating DC 97 Fxon Adapter: Toput 4C 12060                                                             Rover,eating    Do 9Y from Adapter: Tnput AC 120¥/e0te
       Test Hote      TEEE000. LInI40 24207z Tx Yode                                                                Test Mode    .: T¥€B300. 1IniT40 24208z Tx Tode
                      whiscre                                                                                                       whiscre
                     Ants Cabte               Mp    Enizsion                                                                       Ants Cable                M0    Enission
       N. Freq. Facton: Logs Reading dactor Level                    Linite, Morgin       Renark                    Mo.     req. Factor Less Reading: factor Level                 Linite: Morgin:   Renark
              ome) (/m) (a) Cw                (Gb) Cbot/®)           Cut/) (B)                                             ane) (Cb/a) (®) (oan              (®) Carn              CC
        10 200000 rede 890.         q641 9090         4647           3600     $.83..      Averace                   10 gagn.on meude 690.          ouSt 3690         B6            1400     ©.37.    Pesk
       2. 2000 B.1% £.3..            906. 3630        BK45           5.00 —0.45           Averace                   20 beonge bele          m2n     omen dnde        oh9e          12000400          Poak
       5. Beoalse Bold9 slor         #0.06 96.38      BL. 14—        5400. ~2T.14         Averace                   5. beeacte becto w.or          onl B0 anlde      90006         74.00 ~25.00      Peak

             Renatks: 1« Enizsson Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading                                            Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                         ~mp Factor                                                                                                    ~Amp Factor
                      2. The ensszion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                        . The enassion levels that are 2000 below the official
                         linit are not reported.                                                                                       linit are not reported.

 y,,Leveowam                                                                                    barerzore.10                                                                                                    bare:2016—41.30
 io                                                                                                                i10
 so                                                                                                                s                                        ;
                                                                                          recomlise nenc
 ml                                                                                                  en            m
                                                                               M                      :
                                                                                                                                                                                                               recoale ise av
 5o                                                                                                                so                                                                        2                            —e

 m                                                                                                                 m
  a                                                                                                                 a
       us                Te                     Tss Frequency titts)
                                                                    zin                 Tinx                B            us               Taz                   zi: Frequincy (itte
                                                                                                                                                                                    zi:                Ti                  l
       Site no,     3n Chasber              ata e o dot                                                                  Site mo. .o: on Chanbed                 ata ne, jog
       Dis. / kut.
                    iet 2 on      201.
                                                  c TKavor   Ant pol.       verrica,
                                                                                                                         Das. / k.
                                                                                                                                       ie rB i D
                                                                                                                                           Jn      ZDlE nctoi200
                                                                                                                                                                it       es
                                                                                                                                                                      so0r   Ant pol.     vernicu,

       Em. / Tns.
                    dorcd! mesres Bitn
                          25. 1c/6a, 98

       Eoger ratine 52W ieadipter fopor ie loovoo
                                                   Engincer : Eym
                                                                                                                         Ew / Tc.
                                                                                                                                       EtCEA vrerecs Rower
                                                                                                                                           23. 1n/e, on            Engincer : Eym

                                                                                                                         Poter, ratine 5P0 Beon ahspter fapw ho feoweore
       Test Hode        .+ T5ERR02 1InI4D 2492fi Tx oge                                                                   Test Mode       .: T¥€B300. 1iniT40 2482l8teTx Tode
                              mere                                                                                                             mecre
                          Ants Cabte           Mp    Enizsion                                                                              Ants Cable                M0    Enission
       N.      Freq.    Facton: Logs Reading dactor Level                   Linite, Morgin     Renark                    Mo.      req.   Factor Less Reading: factor Level                Linite: Morgin:      Renark
                ome)     (/m) (a) Cw            (Gb) Cbot/®)                Cut/) (B)                                            ane)     (Cb/a) (®) (oan             (®) Carn            CC
        10   giendo.    260 £240. 100.02. 3690 101. 18.                     1400 <2T. 18.      Pesk                      10    uonles    20290 890         00.08 96.98..     9.92.        $1.00 ~20.02.        Averace
       2.    Beexse     Buor wlie       e2d0   dnde    eAlol                TK00 INIP          Pok                       20    besnse    Polr        mlae  dbldt 90090       48200        $£00..   £.02..      Averare
       5.    Beonc on   Be. Sn slak     solne anc on   allde                14200 12200        Pesk                      5.    Beoncon   BelSo Blad        462909090         AK.75        8€.00..— 8.25        Average

              Renatks: 1« Enizsson Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading                                                Renarks: 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                          ~mp Factor                                                                                                       ~Amp Factor
                       2. The ensszion levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                          2. The ensazion levels that. are 200B below the official
                          linit are not reported.                                                                                          linit are not reported.

 4. Leveldowvim                                                                                 pate: z0te—t1—s0   m                                                                                            bare:2016—41.30
 110                                                                                                               110
 so                                                                                                                so
                                                                                                                                                                                                         rec pmtlisc penc
 70                                                                                                                7                                                            &                                     in
                                                                                               recpant ise ay                                                                                2                     :

 so           /                                                 &                                        «us       so
 a0                                                                                                                a

  10                                                                                                                10
       zus               zie                    zise.               zire.               zis                 210          ary              zum                   ziss            zire.                  ziss.               i
                                                     Frequeney titts                                                                                                Frequncy uis
       Site no.      .o: In Chasber                  Data no.               103                                          Site no         : In Chanter                    Data no.         104
       Dis. / knt        Jn    2016._ETD1200 3007    Ant. pel.              WDRTIOTI                                     Das. / k.          Jn    2016 NCTI200 9007      Ant pol.         MDRHIONTAL
       Lisl              ie ragt io in               Fre                    to1. 2izs                                    tisie              ie rage isc rea              Fre              ol Airs
       Em. / Tns         25. 1c/te, 98      Engineer : lma                                                               Ew / T.            23. 1n0/6e, on      Engineer : m
       aif               Captioncall Wixetess foures 2                                                                                      Cantioncall Wireless Rower 2
       Pover: rating     DC 87 Fxon Adapter Toput AC 1200/ ooz                                                           Bover rating       Do 9Y Fron Adipter: Input AC 120%/608z
       Tese tode         regeso. L nrdD odoafite Tx toge                                                                 Test node       1. riees0e. i indBtvaliie Te Tode
                          wikcne                                                                                                           wiiiche

                         Ants      Caste          wip Eniasion                                                                            Ants Cabte                   WP Enission
       N.      Freq:    Eacton     Logs Reading: factor Level Linite, Morgin                   Renark                    Mo.     req.    Factor Less Reading:         factor Level Linite: Morgin: Renark
                one      Cvm       (i) Gun:_      ab) Chal®) @ulk D                                                              o       G/a @_un                      (a) Gane Gai) C
        1    2mne       22E        £3000 TL3 9600 TS B0 <22.00                                 Arerace                   1     meuer     2eaad         ones           ces    OhBP 1200 2200 Pesk
       20    menso      BNPT       £420 76 3638 07 300 83                                      meraie                    20    besnse    en war        mlse           dnde   Sh60 1200 M3 boak
       5.    Beon. on   2e.50      s1ae aicet 36.38 90.97.— 5400. 1403                         Aerage                    5.    beonon    fe.go wad Sedb               Snss Selfe 4.00 1hikl Poak
              Renatkss 1. Enisezon Level= Antena Factor + Cable Loss + Reading                                                 Rexarkss 1. Enizsion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Loss + Reatine
                          ~ro Factor                                                                                                       Slrp Factor
                       2. The‘emicsuon levels that are 2009 beloy the official                                                          2. Tha‘emdacion levels that. are 2000 belov the official
                               linit are not reported.                                                                                          linit are not reported.


                                                           AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                                                page      7-1

    7. 6dB Bandwidth Test
     7.1.Test Equipment
    Item       Equipment       Manufacturer      Model No.       Serial No.            Last Cal. Cal. Interval
    1.         Spectrum          Agilent         N9030A         MY51380221             Oct.15,16    1Year
    2.     Attenuator (20dB)      Agilent        8491B     MY39262165                  Apr.23,16            1 Year
    3.         RF Cable                      SFL402105FLEX   NO.1                      Oct.15,16            1 Year
                               Microwave Inc
           For direct sequence systems, the minimum 6dB bandwidth shall be at least 500kHz
     7.3.Test Procedure
           The transmitter output was connected to a spectrum analyzer, The bandwidth of the fundamental
           frequency was measured by spectrum analyzer with 100kHz RBW and 300kHz VBW. The 6dB
           bandwidth is defined as the total spectrum the power of which is higher than peak power minus 6dB.
     7.4.Test Results
         EUT: CaptionCall Wireless Router 2
         M/N: CR2
         Test date: 2017-01-02           Pressure: 102.3±1.0    kpa           Humidity: 51.5±3.0%
         Tested by: Lynn                 Test site: RF site                   Temperature:22.1±0.6 ℃

                                                   6dB bandwidth
                                                     (MHz)                                     Limit
           Test Mode           CH
                                               ANT A            ANT B
                               CH1              10.06            10.04                        ≧500
              11b              CH6              10.03            10.03                        ≧500
                               CH11             10.02            10.03                        ≧500
                               CH1              16.36            16.36                        ≧500
              11g              CH6              16.36            16.36                        ≧500
                               CH11             16.35            16.36                        ≧500
                               CH1              17.58            17.58                        ≧500
                               CH6              17.60            17.58                        ≧500
                               CH11             17.60            17.59                        ≧500
                               CH3              35.71            35.41                        ≧500
                               CH6              35.72            35.40                        ≧500
                               CH9              35.40            35.40                        ≧500

                                                                Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                              AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                  page      7-2

 Test Mode: IEEE 802.11b   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11g
 Test CH1: 2412MHz         Test CH1: 2412MHz

 Test CH6: 2437MHz         Test CH6: 2437MHz

 Test CH11: 2462MHz        Test CH11: 2462MHz

                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                       page      7-3

 Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT20   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT40
 Test CH1: 2412MHz              Test CH3: 2422MHz

 Test CH6: 2437MHz              Test CH6: 2437MHz

 Test CH11: 2462MHz             Test CH9: 2452MHz

                                       Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                              AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                  page      7-4

 Test Mode: IEEE 802.11b   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11g
 Test CH1: 2412MHz         Test CH1: 2412MHz

 Test CH6: 2437MHz         Test CH6: 2437MHz

 Test CH11: 2462MHz        Test CH11: 2462MHz

                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                       page      7-5

 Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT20   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT40
 Test CH1: 2412MHz              Test CH3: 2422MHz

 Test CH6: 2437MHz              Test CH6: 2437MHz

 Test CH11: 2462MHz             Test CH9: 2452MHz

                                       Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                                            AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                                                page      8-1

         8.1.Test Equipment
    Item     Equipment       Manufacturer       Model No.         Serial No.            Last Cal.         Cal. Interval
    1.       Spectrum          Agilent          N9030A           MY51380221             Oct.15,16            1Year
    2.      Power meter         Anritsu         ML2487A          6K00002472            Apr.23,16                1Year
    3.      Power sensor        Anritsu         MA2491A            0033005             Apr.23,16                1Year
    4.                          Agilent           8491B          MY39262165            Apr.23,16             1 Year
    5.       RF Cable                     SFL402105FLEX              NO.1               Oct.15,16            1 Year
                            Microwave Inc

         8.2.Limit (FCC Part 15C 15.247 b(3))
            For systems using digital modulation in the 2400—2483.5MHz, The Peak output Power shall not
            exceed 1W(30dBm), As an alternative to a peak power measurement, compliance with the
            one Watt limit can be based on a measurement of the maximum conducted output power. Maximum
            Conducted Output Power is defined as the total transmit power delivered to all antennas and
            antenna elements averaged across all symbols in the signaling alphabet when the transmitter is
            operating at its maximum power control level.
         8.3.Test Procedure
            1, Connected the EUT’s antenna port to measure device by 26dB attenuator.

            2, For IEEE 802.11b/g and IEEE802.11n HT20 modes, use a power meter which bandwidth is
               20MHz, above the bandwidth of signals, to measure out output power in each mode.

            3, For IEEE802.11n HT40 mode, since the signal bandwidth is nearly 40MHz, which is above
               20MHz bandwidth of power sensor of ML2491A. use the test method descried in KDB558074
               clause 9.2.2.
               1) Set the RBW=1MHz and VBW =3MHz
               2) Set the span at least 1.5 times the OBW
               3) Detector = RMS
               4) Sweep time = auto couple
               5) allow trace to fully stabilize
               6) use the spectrum amalyser’s integrated band power measurement function with band limits set
                  equal to the EBW band edges.

           Note: The cable loss and attenuator loss were offset into measure device as an amplitude offset.

                                                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                                             AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                                               page      8-2

     8.4.Test Results
         EUT: CaptionCall Wireless Router 2
         M/N: CR2
         Test date: 2016-11-24          Pressure: 102.3±1.0     kpa       Humidity: 51.5±3.0%
         Tested by: Lynn                Test site: RF site                Temperature:22.1±0.6 ℃
           Test                                        output Power(dBm)                               Limit
           Mode                                   ANT A          ANT B            Total               (dBm)
                                 CH1               15.46         16.73             N/A                30
            11b                  CH6               15.14         16.88             N/A                30
                                 CH11              15.04         16.74             N/A                30
                                 CH1               16.77         16.52             N/A                30
            11g                  CH6               16.67         16.76             N/A                30
                                 CH11              16.65         16.60             N/A                30
                                 CH1               16.54         16.34            19.45             29.361
                                 CH6               16.52         16.57            19.56             29.361
                                 CH11              16.44         16.41            19.44             29.361
                                 CH3               16.85         16.66            19.77             29.361
                                 CH6               16.78         16.69            19.75             29.361
                                 CH9               16.69         16.60            19.66             29.361
         Conclusion: PASS

                                                                 Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                      page      8-3

  ANTA:                          ANTB:
  Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT40   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT40
  Test CH3: 2422MHz              Test CH3: 2422MHz

  Test CH6: 2437MHz              Test CH6: 2437MHz

  Test CH9: 2452MHz              Test CH9: 2452MHz

                                        Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                                            AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                                                page       9-1

         9.1.Test Equipment
    Item      Equipment          Manufacturer       Model No.      Serial No.           Last Cal.         Cal. Interval
    1.        Spectrum             Agilent          N9030A        MY51380221            Oct.15,16            1Year
    2.     Attenuator (20dB)       Agilent        8491B     MY39262165 Apr.23,16                             1 Year
    3.         RF Cable                       SFL402105FLEX   NO.1     Oct.15,16                             1 Year
                                Microwave Inc
             For digitally modulated systems, the power spectral density conducted from the intentional radiator
             to the antenna shall not be greater than 8dBm in any 3kHz band during any time interval of
             continuous transmission.
         9.3.Test Procedure
             1. Connected the EUT’s antenna port to spectrum analyzer device by 20dB attenuator.

             2. Set span to 1.5 times the DTS Bandwidth.

             3. Set the RBW=3KHz, VBW=10KHz.

             4. Detector=peak, Sweep time=Auto, Trace mode=max Hold

             5. All the trace to fully stabilize.

             6. Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level with in the RBW.

             Note: The cable loss and attenuator loss were offset into measure device as an amplitude

                                                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                                            AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                                              page      9-2

        9.4.Test Results
         EUT: CaptionCall Wireless Router 2
         M/N: CR2
         Test date: 2016-12-21         Pressure: 102.3±1.0     kpa        Humidity: 51.5±3.0%
         Tested by: Lynn               Test site: RF site         Temperature:22.1±0.6 ℃
           Test                                   Power Density(dBm/3KHz)
                                                 ANT A         ANT B             Total         (dBm/3KHz)
                              CH1                 0.543         1.086             N/A              8
            11b               CH6                 0.272         2.022             N/A              8
                              CH11                0.166         1.812             N/A              8
                              CH1                 -9.539        -9.647            N/A              8
            11g               CH6                 -9.678        -9.632            N/A              8
                              CH11                -9.570        -9.564            N/A              8
                              CH1                 -9.144        -9.357           -6.24             8
                              CH6                 -9.679        -9.072           -6.35             8
                              CH11                -9.728        -9.064           -6.37             8
                              CH3                -10.466       -11.474           -7.93             8
                              CH6                -10.479       -11.309           -7.86             8
                              CH9                -10.460       -11.402            -7.9             8
         Conclusion: PASS

                                                                Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                             AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                page      9-3

 Test Mode: IEEE 802.11b   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11g
 Test CH1: 2412MHz         Test CH1: 2412MHz

  Test CH6: 2437MHz        Test CH6: 2437MHz

  Test CH11: 2462MHz       Test CH11: 2462MHz

                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                      page      9-4

  Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT20   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT40
  Test CH1: 2412MHz              Test CH3: 2422MHz

  Test CH6: 2437MHz              Test CH6: 2437MHz

  Test CH11: 2462MHz             Test CH9: 2452MHz

                                        Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                             AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                page      9-5

 Test Mode: IEEE 802.11b   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11g
 Test CH1: 2412MHz         Test CH1: 2412MHz

  Test CH6: 2437MHz        Test CH6: 2437MHz

  Test CH11: 2462MHz       Test CH11: 2462MHz

                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                      page      9-6

  Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT20   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT40
  Test CH1: 2412MHz              Test CH3: 2422MHz

  Test CH6: 2437MHz              Test CH6: 2437MHz

  Test CH11: 2462MHz             Test CH9: 2452MHz

                                        Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                                                           AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                                                                 page      10-1

          10.1.Limit for General Population/ Uncontrolled Exposures
                             Frequency               Power density (mW/cm2)                 Averaging time(minutes)
                      300MHz----1.5GHz                           F/1500                                     30
                       1.5GHz---100GHz                               1.0                                    30

                             Frequency               Power density (mW/cm2)                 Averaging time(minutes)
                                2412                                  1                                     30
                                2437                                  1                                     30
                                2462                                  1                                     30
                 Note: F= Frequency in MHz

          10.2.Estimation Result
   EUT: CaptionCall Wireless Router 2
   M/N: CR2
   Test date: 2017-01-03                            Pressure: 102.3±1.0 kpa                        Humidity: 51.5±3.0%
   Tested by: Lynn                                  Test site: RF site                             Temperature:22.1±0.6 ℃

                            Peak Output     Peak Output          Antenna             Antenna
   Test    Frequency          Power           Power               Gain                 Gain                          MPE
   Mode    (MHz)              (dBm)            (mW)               (dBi)              (Linear)

                            Ant a   Ant b   Ant a    Ant b    Ant a       Ant b   Ant a    Ant b      Ant a        Ant b          Total
             2412           15.46   16.73   35.16    47.10       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0111      0.0296           N/A
   11b       2437           15.14   16.88   32.66    48.75       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0103      0.0307           N/A
             2462           15.04   16.74   31.92    47.21       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0101      0.0297           N/A
             2412           16.77   16.52   47.53    44.87       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0150      0.0282           N/A
   11g       2437           16.67   16.76   46.45    47.42       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0147      0.0299           N/A
             2462           16.65   16.60   46.24    45.71       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0146      0.0288           N/A
             2412           16.54   16.34   45.08    43.05       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0142      0.0271          0.0413
             2437           16.52   16.57   44.87    45.39       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0142      0.0286          0.0428
             2462           16.44   16.41   44.06    43.75       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0139      0.0275          0.0414
             2422           16.85   16.66   48.42    46.34       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0153      0.0292          0.0445
             2437           16.78   16.69   47.64    46.67       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0150      0.0294          0.0444
             2452           16.69   16.60   46.67    45.71       2         5      1.58      3.16      0.0147      0.0288          0.0435

          MPE=                 (R=20 cm)

                                                                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                                             AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                                                 page       11-2

         11.1. Standard Applicable
                   For intentional device, according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.203, an intentional radiator shall
                   be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall
                   be used with the device. And according to FCC 47 CFR Section 15.247 (b), if transmitting
                   antennas of directional gain greater than 6dBi are used, the power shall be reduced by the
                   amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

         11.2. Antenna Connected Construction
                   The antennas used for this product are Dipole antenna and PCBA antenna that no antenna
                   other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device, the maximum
                   peak gain of the transmit antenna is 5dBi.

                                                                   Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                 AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                    page      12-1

        [ NONE]

                                    Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034

Document Created: 2017-04-21 10:48:26
Document Modified: 2017-04-21 10:48:26

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