CR2-2.4G-FCC ID(wifi2.4)-test Report-2


Test Report

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AUDIX                                                                                                                                                         ov        \                                   7          —

  q1 LevetuWmm                                                                      Date: 2016 12.28   qootevet uim                                                                                 Date: 2016—12.30
  110                                                                                                  110

  so                                                                                                   so
                                                                              rce patthisc perw                                                                                               rec pmt isc en
  o                                                                                         sn         o                                                                                                  sn
                                                                                                                   2                                                                            reepat ise ay
  so                                                                                                   so                                                                                                       sn

  so                                                                                                   so

   to                                                                                                   10
        ooo              seon.          sonn:              Teio.           Taae0,              Teote         ooo                seon.            soon.               Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                             Freqency titte                                                                                           Frequency (itte
        Site no.    : In Chanber                    Data no, : T                                             Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.               18
        Bre. / hn     an 2016, ctor200 2007         nc pol. fontroimit                                       Bis. / hnt.   n 2016, CTB1200 3007 Anee pel.                     RogtroRtit
        Link          io rige inc vaak              Pre        fo1. fiea                                     Linke         Ece ragr is rem             Pre                    to1. 2ira
        Enge / Ins.   23. 10/54,00       Enginesr   (i tm                                                    Ex/ Ins.      2. 10/90.0         Engineer ,: m
        ait           Captioncall ¥ireTese Router                                                            sit           CaptioaCall Mixeless Route
        Pover retime Eol feoa aterier Twout ts      eovroure                                                 Pover retme ReBT Pm algtes faond o Feovoure
        Test Yode : TheBs02,1ib 245tie x Noce                                                                Test Hode .: TEEES0P, 11b 2d0NB Ts tode
                                                                                                                          Ants Cabte              M Ensszion
                                                                                                             Mo. Freq: Fastop Loss Reading: fastor Level                      Minite, Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                    ouo) (/m() (Coan               @)_ u)                     ut_ Cc)
                                                                                                             10 «e7e00. 92.65 11280 90.04 38.00 4280                          3400620 Averace
                                                                                                             2 aotaloo Shles iileo anlas ablee S.01                           14200 18.00 Pesk
                                                                                                                       Renatks: 1« Enisston Levels Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                   ~p Factor
                                                                                                                                2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                   linit are not reported.

  .oLevet utm                                                                       bare:2016—12.20    J Levet @Buvim)                                                                              bate: 2016—12.30
  110                                                                                                  110

  so                                                                                                   so
                                                                              rce patthisc perw                                                                                               rec pmt isc en
  o                                                                                         sn         o                                                                                                  sn
                                                                                                                   :                                                                            reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                   so                                                                                                 sn

  so                                                                                                   so

  to                                                                                                    10
        ooo              seon.      sonn:              Teio.      Taae0,                       Teote         ooo                seon.     soon.               Tesoo.           Tszo0.                           T000
                                         Freqency titte                                                                                        Frequency (itte
        Site no.  : In Chanber                  Dats no,     18                                              Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.      20
        Bre. / hn   mn 2016 rctDr200 2007 nc pol. Yermicut                                                   Bis. / hnt.   n 2016,_CTBI200 3007 Ante pels YERTICHL
        Link        io rige inc vaak            Pre          ness                                            Linke         Ece ragr is rem             Pre           tot. 2irs
        Em / ms.         20. 1c/ne, o%       Enginesr ,: lrm                                                 Ew/ ma.             22. 10/5e.00       Engineer ,: m
        sit              CaptionCall Wireloss Router                                                         sit                 CaptioaCall Mixeless Router
        Pover ratine     EWEA HSH hoc R boven                                                                forer retme         KW hm alger To io Feoveure
        Test Yoge    :   réeRR0® 1tb 2d3tiite Tx Hode                                                        Test Hode   :       TF8ES0P. 11b 2G0NB Tx tode
                                                                                                                                Ants Cabte              M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                             N.      Rreq:     Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                      due)     C/m (c) Cw                @) (Gbat/a)          Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                             10    «ete.00.    92.68 11280     118. 98.00       48.01..        30.00..  400. Averace
                                                                                                             2     astaloo     Shies iileo     dnlar dlee       800            14200 18.87. Pesk

                                                                                                                       Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                   —top Factor
                                                                                                                                2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                   linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                       arvmmn acnermerenugy qnrmemmurreny ce amin                             rsspec e scer sa un a sc vel

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                              ov      \                                  7

        Level @Buvan                                                                   pate:z016—12.30          Level @Buvan                                                                          pate: 2016—12.29
  12                                                                                                      i0
  110                                                                                                     110
                                                   1                                                                                                           1
  so                                                                                                      so

                                                                                  ree pmtisc pen                                                                                                rec pmt isc peaw
  To                                                                                         com          o                                                                                                  sn

                                                                                   recpat iso ay                                                                                                     reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                         em           so                                                                                                    san

  solcots                                                                                                 sol zen

   10                                                                                                      10
        oc             Tom:             zeon:             zon                 Te                   Tmno         T000                To00.            z200.              ze00.                3i00.                z000
                                            Frequency (itle                                                                                               Freqency titin
        Site noo     .o: In Chamber                   Data no. :21                                              Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.               22
        Drs. / dnt.      Jn    2016 MCTD1200 9007     Ant. pol.   matzorns.                                     Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pels                    YERTICHL
        tine             Re rig 1st rea               fre         T0 mss                                        Linie         ice ragr is rew             Pre                    tor. 2irs
        Ent. / Inc.      23. 1c/6e, on       Engineer : Eym                                                     E. / Ins.     20. 1eo/sn, o      Engineer ,: m
        Ei               Cptioealt ¥iretess fower                                                               sit           CaptionCail Wixelors Router
        Pover rating     0C 97 From Adapter, Trput 4C lZEIV/GEIHz                                               Pover ratine EW Es aBur foa I boveee
        fext 1oie""  1 TeeBloh:Ts etbalite Te fode                                                              Test Hode   : TFEES0P. 11b 2dtltt Tx tode
                           Mes                                                                                                wiscre
                        Ant. cabte               WP Enssion                                                                  Ants Cabte               M9    Ensczion
        Mo.    Ereq: Hactor Less Reading: fictor Level Linite, Margin: Renark                                   N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                         Linite: Morgin: Renark
               ou)     (a/)    )      un        (@)—   Gouiae      Caya)      )                                        due) C/m (c) Cw                @) (Gbat/a)                Chul/a) o)
         1. Baoec00 eacen      ncad   oonld ons        99000       T.0 c2R00           Pow                      1 ase.00. oecaa a.40.        nsl onloe        BT.TT               14.00. ~25.77.. Posk

              Renatkes 1. Bndczzon Levele Antomns Fastor + Cable Lose + Readine                                            Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                          Ts Faowr                                                                                                     —top Factor
                       2. The exiosion levels that are 2080 betow the official                                                      2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                          eCP tmpred                                                                                                   linit are not reported.

  4,. Level @Bwvim                                                                     paterz016—12.20    12 Levet @Buvim                                                                             pate: 2016—12.28

  110                                                                                                     110

  so                                                                                                      so

                                                                                  ree pmtisc pen                                                                                                rec pmt isc peaw
  To                                                                                         com          o                                                                                                  sn

                                                                                                                       :                                                                             reepat ise ay
  so                                                                                                      so                                                                                                      sn

  so                                                                                                      so

   10                                                                                                      10

        s              senn:            seon:             Tesse,              Tezon:              Tamne         ooo                 seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.               Tszo0.               T000
                                            Frequency (itle                                                                                               Freqency titie
        Site noo    .o: In Chamber               Data no.          :23                                          Site ro—    : In Chasber                    Data no.             24
        Drs. / dnt.     Jn   2016 MCTD1200 9007  Ant. pol.         verricu.                                     Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.                    YERTICHL
        tine            Re rig 1st rea           fre               TSE                                          Linie         ice ragr is rew               Pre                  tor. 2irs
        Em / ms.        Ety ®,            mgneer (1 bom                                                         E. / Ins.     20. 1eo/sn, o        Engineer ,: m
        sit           CaptionCall Wireloss Router                                                               sit           CaptionCail Wixelors Router
        Pover ratine EWEA HSH hoc R boven                                                                       Pover ratine EW Es aBur foa I boveee
        Test Yoge   : réeeR0®. 1tb 2482lite Tx Hode                                                             Test Yoge   i réees02. 1tb 2dG2ltte Tx Hode
                                                                                                                             Ants Cabte                M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                                N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                         Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                       due) C/m (c) Cw                  @) (Gbat/a)              Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                                10 «00000 99.55 11283        4185 95.70.        80.90             $0.00..  347. Averace
                                                                                                                2 qoealco Shiss iilso        anlos 9o.T0        S8.00..           14200 18.07. Pesk

                                                                                                                           Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                       —top Factor
                                                                                                                                    2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                       linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                           anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                         Arepon ns rvr en an nc en

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                                    ov       \                                     7

  q1 LevetuWmm                                                                              Date: 201612.28    ooRevet uim                                                                                      Date: 2016—12.30

  110                                                                                                          110

  so                                                                                                           so
                                                                                      rce patthisc perw                                                                                                  rce patt isc perw
  70                                                                                                sn         o                                                                                                       sn
                                                                                                                            2                                                                                  reopatu isay
  so                                                                                                           so                                                                                                        sn

  so                                                                                                           30

   to                                                                                                           10
        ooo              seon.             sonn:              Teio.                Taae0,              Teote         ooo                 seon.             soon:               Teioo.                 Tsae0,                Teovo
                                                Freqency titte                                                                                                  Frequency (itte
        Site no.    : In Chanber                          Data no, : 25                                              Site mo.    : In Chanber                  Dats no,                 28
        Bre. / hn     an 2016 arctor200 2007              nc pol. fontzormi                                          Bis. / hn     n 2016, CTB1200 3007 Anee pel.                       fogtrortit
        Link          io rige inc vaak                    Pre        fo1. fiea                                       Link          io rige is veak             Pre                      fol. fizs
        Enge / Ins.   23. 10/54,00       Enginesr         (i tm                                                      Ex/ Ins.      2. 10/90.0         Emgineer (i m
        ait           Captioncall ¥ireTese Router                                                                    sit           CaptioaCall Mixeless Route
        Pover retime Eol feoa ategter Twout ts            eovroure                                                   Pover retme ReBT Pm algtes faond o Feovoure
        Test Yode : theBs02,1ib 2d6zlRte x Noce                                                                      Test Yode : th8Ee00, 11b odbaliie ts Hoas
                      whieere                                                                                                      whecre
                                                                                                                                  Ant. Cabte              w9 Ensssion
                                                                                                                     Mo. Freq: Fastop Loss Reading: fastor Level                        Minite,     Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                            ouo) (/m() (Coan               @)_ u)                       ut_           Cc)
                                                                                                                     10 «ore00 gnse 1180 dn.eT 96000 4600                               5.00         1.00 Averace
                                                                                                                     2. aseiloo Shss ies anlds 36070 BM                                 14200       18.20 Posk
                                                                                                                            Renarkes 1. Eniscion Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                        ~p Factor
                                                                                                                                     2. The enassion Tevels that are 2000 belo the official
                                                                                                                                        Hinst are not reported.

  ... Level @Buvim                                                                          bare:2016—11—30    y Level @Buvim)                                                                                  bate: 2016—11.30
  110                                                                                                          110
  so                                                                                                           so
                                                                                      rce patthisc perw                                                                                                  rce patt isc perw
  70                                                                                                sn         o                                                                                                       sn
                                                                                           reopatu 15e ay                                                                                                      reopatu isay
  so                                                                                                 on        so                                                                                                        sn

  so                                                                                                           30

   to                                                                                                           10
        T000             Toon.             Ep                 zeon.                sio0,                Tooo         T000                Too.              Ep                 zooo                     sie0,                Tovo
                                                Freqency titte                                                                                                 Frequency (itte
        Site no.        : In Chanber                   Data no,       27                                             Site mo.           : In Chanber                   Dats no,         28
        Bre. / hn         an 2016 arctor200 2007 nc pol.              fontzormit                                     Bis. / hnt.          n 2016,_CTBI200 3007 Ante pels                YERTICHL
        Link              io rige inc vaak             Pre            fo1. fiea                                      Link                 io rige is veak              Pre              iol. nirs
        Enge / Ins.       23. 10/54,00        Enginesr (i tm                                                         Ex/ Ins.             2. 10/90.0         Emgineer (i m
        ait               Captioncall ¥ireTese Router                                                                sit                  CaptioaCall Mixeless Router
        Pover retime      Reol ieme adegter Twout ts eovroure                                                        Pover retme          Cl Pm ahies faond o Feovoure
        Test Yode       : TheBs02, ie 2412lRte x Noce                                                                Test Yode          : 1586000 {1g 2di2lits Hoas
                              :                                                                                                           whecre
                         Ant. Cobte               w9 Ensssion                                                                            Ant. Cabte              w9 Ensssion
        Mo.     Freq:   Fastor Loss Reading: factor Level             Linits, Morgin: Renark                         Mo.        Freq:   Fastop Loss Reading: fastor Level               Minite, Morgin: Renark
                on)      _( ) (au)                 __ Culh            Cw c                                                     due) C/m (c)             Cw        @)       (Gbat/a) Chul/a) o)
         10    aai2.00. pecie    a.os    aties    anldo      14.00 ~23.37        Peak                       1     2ai2.00. oecie         102.Be   96.30     100.00    14.00. ~28.00             Peak

               Rematks: 1« Eniazion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading                                                Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                           ~izp Factor                                                                                                      —top Factor
                        2. The enission levels that are 2080 below the official                                                           . The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                           1iait are not reported.                                                                                          linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                                anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                              Arepon ns rvr en an nc en

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                               ov       \                                   7          —

                                                                                          bare:2016—11—30          Level @Buvan                                                                          pate: 2016—11—30
  i0 Level @Buvam                                                                                            i0
  110                                                                                                        110

  so                                                                                                         so

                                                                                    ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                                rec pmt isc peaw
  70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                                  sn

                                                                                                                         2                                                                           reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                         so                                                                                                sn

  so                                                                                                         so

   10                                                                                                         10
        ooo           seon.             soon.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo                seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                             Freqency titte                                                                                                 Freqency titie
        Site ro—    : In Chasber                      Data no.      :28                                            Site ro—    : In Chasber                   Data no.             :30
        Bis / k +     an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007          Ant. pol.     VERTICHL                                       Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.                   YERTICHL
        Linit         Eoo rage isc reak               Pre           to1. 2iza                                      Linie         ice ragr is rew              Pre                  tor. 2irs
        Em / me.      2. 10/94,9%        Enginesr     ,: lrm                                                       Ew/ ma.       22. 10/5e.00        Engineer ,: m
        sit           CantionCall ¥ireless Router                                                                  sit           CaptioaCall Mixeless Route
        forer ratime C B on miggier hput io           feovroore                                                    fover retme KW hm alter To io Feoveure
        Test Yode   : TEERRO®. ie 24128z Te lote                                                                   Test Hode   : TF8ESOP. 11e 241218 Ts ode
                        mcre                                                                                                     wiscre
                                                                                                                                Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                                   N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                        Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                          due) C/m (c) Cw                 @) (Gbat/a)              Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                                   10 «80000 9Bc T5 1 TT        3418 96.60.       4200              30.00.. 10.97.— Averace
                                                                                                                   2 aseiloo aaite dilr         ascas ailes       SG12.             14200 18.80. Posk

                                                                                                                             Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                         —top Factor
                                                                                                                                      2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                         linit are not reported.

  .. oLevel (@Bu¥im                                                                       paterz0i6—t1—30    J Levet @Buvim)                                                                             pate: 2016—t1—30

  110                                                                                                        110

  so                                                                                                         so

                                                                                    ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                                rec pmt isc peaw
  70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                                  sn

                                                                                                                                                                                                     reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                         so                                                                                                sn

  so                                                                                                         so

   10                                                                                                         10

        ooo           seon.             soon.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo                seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                             Freqency titte                                                                                                 Freqency titie
        Site ro—    : In Chasber                      Data no.      31                                             Site ro—    : In Chasber                    Data no.            :32
        Bis. / hnsc   an 2016,_2CTDI200 3007          dn pol.       fortzolne.                                     Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTB200 3007 Anee pel.                    RDRTTORTHL
        Linit         Eoo rage isc reak               Pre           101. 2iza                                      Linie         ice ragr is rew               Pre                 to1. 2ira
        Em / me.      2. 10/94,9%          Enginesr   ,: lrm                                                       E. / Ins.     20. 1eo/sn, o        Engineer ,: m
        sit           CantionCall ¥ireless Router                                                                  sit           CaptionCail Wixelors Router
        Pover ratine EWEA HSH hoc R                   bovew                                                        Pover ratine EW Es aBur foa I boveee
        Test Yoge   : réeeeos. Ine 2dtdlite tx Yods                                                                Test Yode   : T6gBits. 11g 2didlite Ts Mode
                                                                                                                                Ants Cabte                M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                                   N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                        Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                          due) C/m (c) C_                  @) (dbut/a)             (ébul/a) o)
                                                                                                                   10 «80000 on T5 ILTT         9LR 96.60          40.12.           3000 12.80 Averace
                                                                                                                   2 aseilo aaite im            a2l80 anles        103.             14200 2217 Pesk

                                                                                                                             Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                         —top Factor
                                                                                                                                      2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                         linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                             arvmmn acnermerenugy qnrmemmurreny ce amin                            rsspec e scer sa un a sc vel

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                              ov        \                                  7          —

        Level @Buvan                                                                      parecz016—11—30    qootevet uim                                                                               tate: 2016—t1—30
  110                                                                                                        110
  so                                                                                                         so
                                                                                    ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                              rec pmt isc en
  70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                               sn
                                                      \                                  reepaer 1so ay                                                                                                reepatt ise ay

  ~                                               | W                                                        "                                                 |W
  so                                                                                                         so

   10                                                                                                         10
        T000            To00.            z200.              Eo                   3a00.                zooo         Toco               To00.           z200.               ze00.                3i00.                z000
                                              Freqency titte                                                                                               Frequency (itte
        Site ro—    : In Chasber                    Data no.         37                                            Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.             38
        Bis / k +     an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007 Ant. pol.               VERTICHL                                      Bis. / hnt.   n 2016, CTB1200 3007 Anee pel.                   RORHTORTAL
        Linit         Eoo rage isc reak             Pre              to1. 2iza                                     Linke         Ece ragr is rem             Pre                  to1. 2ira
        Em / me.      2. 10/94,9%          Enginesr ,: lrm                                                         Ex/ Ins.      2. 10/90.0         Engineer ,: m
        sit           CantionCall ¥ireless Router                                                                    ur          CaptioaCall Mixeless Route
        Pover ratine EWEA HSH hoc R boven                                                                          Pover retme Cl Pm algtes faond o Feovoure
        Test Yoge   : réeieos. Ine 2datlite tx Yods                                                                Test Hode : TE8ESOP. 11e 200NB Ts ode
                        mcre                                                                                                     whecre
                     Ants Cable                M9     Emsssion                                                                  Ants Cabte              M Ensszion
        No. Ereq: Hactor Loss Reading: factor Level                  Linite, Margin: Renark                        Mo. Freq: Fastop Loss Reading: fastor Level                    Minite, Morgin: Renark
               o) C/a (a) (aun                  (®) Cl               Coi/® C                                              ouo) (/m() (Coan               @)_ u)                   ut_ Cc)
        1 2or. 00. mecen do@ed an.ds 109.01..                   74.00 ~20.01 Peak                             1. 2or.00. 20.00 a.9 9a.04 9638 B8.00.—                        14.00. ~24.04 Peak
               Rematks: 1« Eniazion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading                                           Renatks: 1« Enisston Levels Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                           ~izp Factor                                                                                                 ~p Factor
                        2. The enission levels that are 2080 below the official                                                     2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                           1iait are not reported.                                                                                     linit are not reported.

  12 Level (aBuvam)                                                                       paterz0i6—t1—30    J Levet @Buvim)                                                                            bate: 2016—11—30
  110                                                                                                        110

  so                                                                                                         so
                                                                                    ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                              rec pmt isc en
  70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                               sn
                                                                                                                                                                                                       reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                         so                                                                                                  sn

  so                                                                                                         so

   10                                                                                                         10
        ooo             seon.            soon.              Tesoo.               Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo                seon.             soon.               Tesoo.           Tszo0.                 T000
                                              Freqency titte                                                                                                 Frequency (itte
        Site ro—    : In Chasber                          Data no.   :38                                           Site ro—          : In Chasber                    Data no. 40
        Bis. / kn     an 2016,_2CTDI200 3007              dn pol.    foatzole.                                     Bis. / hnt.         n 2016,_CTB1200 3007 Anee pel. PogtroRtL
        Linit         Eoo rage isc reak                   Pre        101. 2iza                                     Linke               Ece ragr is rem               Pre           to1. 2ira
        Em / ms.      20. 1c/ne, o%        Enginesr       ,: lrm                                                   Ex/ Ins.            2. 10/90.0          Engineer ,: m
        sit           CaptionCall Wireloss Router                                                                  sit                 CaptioaCall Mixeless Router
        Pover ratine EWEA HSH hoc R                       boven                                                    Pover retme         Cl Pm algtes faond o Feovoure
        Test Yoge   : réeieos. Ine 2datlite tx Yods                                                                Test Hode         : TE8ESOP. 11e 200NB Ts ode
                                                                                                                                      Ants Cabte                M Ensszion
                                                                                                                   Mo.      Freq:    Fastop Loss Reading: fastor Level Minite, Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                             ouo)     (/m() (Coan               @)_ u) ut_ Cc)
                                                                                                                    10    «ete.00.   gr.68 11280 90. 11. 35.00 30.07. 300. 1213 Averace
                                                                                                                    2     astaloo    Shies iileo amles aoceo SN.61 14200 20.90 Pesk
                                                                                                                           Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                       —top Factor
                                                                                                                                    2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                       linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                            arvmmn acnermerenugy qnrmemmurreny ce amin                            rsspec e scer sa un a sc vel

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                                        ov        \                                     7           —

  q1 LevetuWmm                                                                                  Date: 2016—11.30   ooRevet uim                                                                                       Date: 2016—11—30

  110                                                                                                              110

  so                                                                                                               so
                                                                                          rce patthisc perw                                                                                                   rce patt isc perw
  70                                                                                                    sn         o                                                                                                        sn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    reopatu isay
  so                                                                                                               so                                                                                                         sn

  so                                                                                                               30

   to                                                                                                               10
        ooo               seon.             sonn:              Teio.                   Taae0,              Teote         ooo                 seon.              soon:               Teioo.                 Tsae0,                Teovo
                                                 Freqency titte                                                                                                      Frequency (itte
        Site no.    : In Chanber                              Dats no,    d1                                              Site mo.    : In Chanber                  Dats no,                 42
        Bre. / hn     mn 2016, rCTD1200 2007                  Ant. pol.   VermiCHt                                        Bis. / hnt.   n 2016,_CTBI200 3007 Ante pels                       YERTICHL
        Link          io rige inc vaak                        Pre         ness                                            Link          io rige is veak             Pre                      iol. nirs
        Enge / Ins.   23. 10/54,00       Enginesr             (i tm                                                       Ex/ Ins.      2. 10/90.0         Emgineer (i m
        ait           Captioncall ¥ireTese Router                                                                         sit           CaptioaCall Mixeless Route
        Pover retime Reol ieme aderier Twout ts               eovroure                                                    Pover retme Cl Pm algtes faond o Feovoure
        Test Yode : TheBs02 ie 245tie x Noce                                                                              Test Yode : 1580000 {1g 2d0tlBe ts Hoa
                        mcre                                                                                                            whecre
                                                                                                                                       Ant. Cabte              w9 Ensssion
                                                                                                                          Mo. Freq: Fastop Loss Reading: fastor Level                        Minite,     Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                                 ouo) (/m() (Coan               @)_ u)                       ut_           Cc)
                                                                                                                          10 «ete.00 3n65 11200 9090 36.00 4134                              5.00        12.00 Averace
                                                                                                                          2. astal0o Shes io ahias Soldo Sulld                               1200        20080 Pesk
                                                                                                                                  Renarkes 1. Eniscion Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                              ~p Factor
                                                                                                                                           2. The enassion Tevels that are 2000 belo the official
                                                                                                                                              Hinst are not reported.

  .oLevet utm                                                                                   bare:2016—11—30          Levet                                                                                       bate: 2016—11—30
                                                                                          rce patthisc perw                                                                                                   rce patt isc perw
  70                                                                                                    sn                                                                                                                  sn
                                                                                               reopatu 15e ay                                                                                                       reopatu isay
  so                                                      |                                              sn                                                                                                                   sn


        T000              Toon.             Ep                zeon.                    sio0,                Tooo         T000                Too.               Ep                  zooo                    sie0,                Tovo
                                                Freqency titte                                                                                                       Frequency (itte
        Site no.         : In Chanber                  Dats no,           :                                               Site mo.          : In Chanber                     Dats no,        6t
        Bre. / hn          an 2016, ctor200 2007 nc pol.                  fontroimit                                      Bis. / hnt.          n 2016,_CTBI200 3007 Ante pels                YERTICHL
        Link               io rige inc vaak            Pre                fo1. fiea                                       Link                io rige is veak                Pre             iol. nirs
        Enge / Ins.        23. 10/54,00       Enginesr (i tm                                                              Ex/ Ins.             2. 10/90.0          Emgineer (i m
        ait                Captioncall ¥ireTese Router                                                                    sit                 CaptioaCall Mixeless Router
        Pover retime       Reol ieme adogter Twout ts eovroure                                                            Pover retme         Cl Pm algtes faond o Feovoute
        Test Yode        : 24bzlRte x Noce                                                                     Test Yode         : Th8Ee00. {1g adbaliie ts Noas
                               :                                                                                                              whecre
                          Ant. Cobte              w9 Ensssion                                                                                Ant. Cabte                w9 Ensssion
        Mo.      Freq:   Fastor Loss Reading: factor Level                Linits, Morgin: Renark                          Mo.      Freq:    Fastop Loss Reading: fastor Level                Minite, Morgin: Renark
                 on)      _( ) (au)                __ Culh                Cw c                                                      ouo)     (/m() (Coan                @)_ u)               ut_ Cc)
         1     paseluo   palae w49 9o.i5 anlde doudl                      14.00 ~25.d1 Poak                               1.     pase. uo   enc o 840 dou se 96.38 104. 76.                  14.00. ~30.78 Pook
               Renarkes 1. Enission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading                                                  Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                             ~izp Factor                                                                                                      —top Factor
                          2. The enission levels that are 2080 beloy the official                                                           . The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                             1iait are not reported.                                                                                          linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                                   anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                                Arepon ns rvr en an nc en

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                               ov       \                                   7          —

                                                                                          bare:2016—11—30          Level @Buvan                                                                          pate: 2016—11—30
  i0 Level @Buvam                                                                                            i0
  110                                                                                                        110

  so                                                                                                         so

                                                                                    ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                                rec pmt isc peaw
  70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                                  sn

                                                                                                                         2                                                                           reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                         so                                                                                                sn

  so                                                                                                         so

   10                                                                                                         10
        ooo           seon.             soon.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo                seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                             Freqency titte                                                                                                 Freqency titie
        Site ro—    : In Chasber                      Data no.      48                                             Site ro—    : In Chasber                   Data no.             48
        Bis / k +     an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007          Ant. pol.     VERTICHL                                       Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.                   YERTICHL
        Linit         Eoo rage isc reak               Pre           to1. 2iza                                      Linie         ice ragr is rew              Pre                  tor. 2irs
        Em / me.      2. 10/94,9%        Enginesr     ,: lrm                                                       Ew/ ma.       22. 10/5e.00        Engineer ,: m
        sit           CantionCall ¥ireless Router                                                                  sit           CaptioaCall Mixeless Route
        forer ratime C B on miogier hput io           feovroore                                                    fover retme KW hm alger To io Feoveure
        Test Hode   : TEERRO®. ie 240z Te lote                                                                     Test Hode   : TE8ESOP. 11e 2d02ltl Tx ode
                        mcre                                                                                                     wiscre
                                                                                                                                Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                                   N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                        Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                          due) C/m (c) Cw                 @) (Gbat/a)              Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                                   10 «00000 9055 183.          9289 9670         4287              300. 11043 Averace
                                                                                                                   2 qoealco ahiss iss          ascoe 9b 70       S€22              14200 19078 Pesk

                                                                                                                             Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                         —top Factor
                                                                                                                                      2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                         linit are not reported.

  .. oLevel (@Bu¥im                                                                       paterz0i6—t1—30    J Levet @Buvim)                                                                             pate: 2016—t1—30

  110                                                                                                        110

  so                                                                                                         so

                                                                                    ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                                rec pmt isc peaw
  70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                                  sn

  so                                                                                                         so

  so                                                                                                         so

   10                                                                                                         10

        ooo           seon.             soon.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo                seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                             Freqency titte                                                                                                 Freqency titie
        Site ro—    : In Chasber                      Data no.      4t                                             Site ro—    : In Chasber                   Data no.             48
        Bis. / hnsc   an 2016,_2CTDI200 3007          ds pol.       fortzolne.                                     Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTB200 3007 Ante pel.                    PORTTORTHL
        Linit         Eoo rage isc reak               Pre           101. 2iza                                      Linie         ice ragr is rew              Pre                  to1. 2ira
        Em / ms.      20. 1c/ne, o%        Enginesr   ,: lrm                                                       Ew/ ma.       22. 10/5e.00        Engineer ,: m
        sit           CaptionCall Wireloss Router                                                                  sit           CaptioaCall Mixeless Router
        Pover ratine EWEA HSH hoc R                   bovew                                                        fover retme KW hm alger To io Feoveure
        Test Yoge   : réeeeos. Ine 2dbdlite tx Yods                                                                Test Yode   : tigBits. 11z 2dlite Ts Mode
                                                                                                                                Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                                   N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                        Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                          due) C/m (c) Cw                 @) (Gbat/a)              Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                                   10 «00000 99.55 11283        9185 96.70..      40.3              100. 20.77 Averace
                                                                                                                   2 qoealco ahiss iilso        anlan 9olt0       5.02              14200 22.08 Pesk

                                                                                                                             Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                         —top Factor
                                                                                                                                      2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                         linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                             arvmmn acnermerenugy qnrmemmurreny ce amin                            rsspec e scer sa un a sc vel

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                                   ov    \                                   7

      .o Lovel BWmm                                                                           parecz016—11—30                                                                                             bate: 2016—11—30
  P                                                                                                              i0 Level @Buvim
  110                                                                                                            110
      so                                                                                                         so

                                                                                        ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                             rec pmt isc peaw
      70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                               sn

                                                                                             reepaer 1so ay                                                                                              reepatt ise ay
      so                                                                                                san      so                                                 |                                               san

      so                                                                                                         so

      10                                                                                                          10
           T000            To00.            z200.              Eo                    3a00.                zooo         T000            To00.            z200.              ze00.                 3i00.                z000
                                                 Freqency titte                                                                                              Freqency titin
           Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.           :83                                            Site ro—     : In Chasber                   Data no.         54
           Bis / k +     an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007 Ant. pol.               VERTICHL                                       Bis. / hn      an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.               RDRTTORTHL
           Linit         Eoo rage isc reak           Pre                to1. 2iza                                      Linie          ice ragr is rew              Pre              to1. 2ira
           Em / me.      2. 10/94,9%        Engineer : lym                                                             Ew/ ma.        22. 10/5e.00       Engineer : lom
           sit           CantionCall ¥ireless Router 2                                                                 sit            CaptioaCall Mixeless Router 2
           Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adapter, Tnput 4C 12060z                                                            Pover, ratine 2C 9Y Feon Adapter Toput C 1200/60e
           Test Yoge   : r6eE80® 1inftod 2d12lie Tx Itode                                                              Test Hode    : TE8ESOP. LinT2D 2412l8te Tx Node
                           mcre                                                                                                       wiscre
                        Ants Cable              M9      Emsssion                                                                     Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
           No. Ereq: Hactor Loss Reading: factor Level                  Linite, Margin: Renark                         N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                     Linite: Morgin: Renark
                  o) C/a (a) (aun                (®) Cl                 Coi/® C                                               due) C/m (c) Cw                 @) (Gbat/a)           Chul/a) o)
           10 212200 pecie a.3s 10255 10B.BT                      74.00 ~oB.BT Peak                              10 2ai2.00. oncie bcas       alde onl 99        80,20         14.00. ~25.26 Peak

                  Rematks: 1« Eniazion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading                                           Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                              ~izp Factor                                                                                                 —top Factor
                           2. The enission levels that are 2080 below the official                                                     2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                              1iait are not reported.                                                                                     linit are not reported.

                                                                                              bare:z016—11—30    J Levet @Buvim)                                                                          pate: 2016—t1—30
  12 Level (dBuvim
  110                                                                                                            110

      so                                                                                                         so

                                                                                        ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                             rec pmt isc peaw
      70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                               sn

                                                                                                                                                                                                         reepatt ise ay
      so                                                                                                         so                                                                                                sn

      so                                                                                                         so

      10                                                                                                          10

           ooo             seon.            soon.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo             seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                                 Freqency titte                                                                                              Freqency titie
           Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.           58                                             Site ro—    : In Chasber                   Data no.          :56
           Bis. / hnsc   an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007 dnc pol.                foRtzoine.                                     Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.                RDRTTORTHL
           Linit         Eoo rage isc reak           Pre                101. 2iza                                      Linie         ice ragr is rew              Pre               to1. 2ira
           Em / ms.      20. 1c/ne, o%      Engineer : lym                                                             Ew/ ma.       22. 10/5e.00        Engineer : lom
           sit           CaptionCall Wireloss Router 2                                                                 sit           CaptioaCall Mixeless Router 2
           Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adapter, Tnput 4C 12060z                                                            Pover ratine 0C 9Y Feom Adapter Toow C 1200/60te
           Test Yoge   : r6eE80® 1inftod 2d12lie Tx Itode                                                              Test Yoge   i riee002. 1inftod 2d12ltt Ts Stode
                         whiscre                                                                                                     wiscre
                                                                                                                                    Ants Cabte               M9      Ensczion
                                                                                                                       N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                     Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                              due) C/m (c) Cw                 @) (Gbat/a)           Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                                       10 «80000 9B T5 ILTT         OL2T 36.60         40. 11        3000 12.80 Averace
                                                                                                                       2 aseiloo aaite dilrr        dnc3 aes           S201          14200 2100 Pesk

                                                                                                                              Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                          —top Factor
                                                                                                                                       2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                          linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                              anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                          Arepon ns rvr en an nc en

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                               ov        \                                 7          —

                                                                                         bare:2016—11—30                                                                                                bate: 2016—11—30
  i0 Level @Buvam                                                                                           i0 Level @Buvim
  110                                                                                                       110

  so                                                                                                        so

                                                                                   ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                                rec pmt isc peaw
  70                                                                                           sn           o                                                                                                  sn

                                                                                                                         2                                                                             reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                        so                                                                                                   sn

  so                                                                                                        so

  10                                                                                                         10
        ooo              seon.          soon.              Tesoo.               Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo                 seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.               Tszo0.               T000
                                             Freqency titte                                                                                                 Freqency titie
        Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.          87                                            Site ro—    : In Chasber                   Data no.              58
        Bis / k +     an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007 Ant. pol.              VERTICHL                                      Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.                    YERTICHL
        Linit         Eoo rage isc reak           Pre               to1. 2iza                                     Linie         ice ragr is rew              Pre                   tor. 2irs
        Em / ms.      20. 1c/ne, o%      Engineer : lym                                                           E. / Ins.     20. 1eo/sn, o      Engineer : lom
        sit           CaptionCall Wireloss Router 2                                                               sit           CaptionCail Wixetors Router 2
        Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adapter, Tnput 4C 12060z                                                          Pover ratine 0C 9Y Feom Adapter Toow C 1200/60te
        Test Yoge   : r6eE80® 1inftod 2d12lie Tx Itode                                                            Test Hode   : TE8ESOP. LinT2D 2412l8te Tx Node
                        mcre                                                                                                    wiscre
                                                                                                                               Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                                  N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                         Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                         due) C/m (c) Cw                @) (Gbat/a)                Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                                  10 «0000 on Ts ILTT         9.00 96.60         4212               3000 1188 Averace
                                                                                                                  2 asealoo aaite dilrm       ascta aoces        S0.98              14200 19042 Posk

                                                                                                                             Renatke: 1 Eniazion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading
                                                                                                                                        —top Factor
                                                                                                                                        The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                        linit are not reported.

  1 Level (dBuvim                                                                        parerzois—t1—30    12 Levet @Buvim
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Date: 2016—11—30

  110                                                                                                       110
  so                                                                                                        so

                                                                                   ree pnrise peaw                                                                                                rce pattie perw
  70                                                                                           om           o                                                                                                 sn

                                                                                     ree pafer 1se ay                                                                                                  reopatu 15e ay
  so                                                 |                                           —om
                                                                                                            "                                                   | W
  so                                                                                                        EJ

  10                                                                                                         10

        oo               To:        zzon.               Zon.           Sion,                         mo           1000                1600.            2200.               ze00.               3a00.                d
                                         Frequency titiz                                                                                                    Frequency (itte
        Site no.  1 In Chamber                   Data no,    63                                                   Site no.    1 In Chasber                  Data no,               64
        Brec / kn   m 2016 aieroreoo a0ot ns pol. fontronmi                                                       Dre. / kss     n 2016,_CT01200 3007 Ants pel.                    YERTICHL
        Links       ic viee 1se vear             Fre         io1. fivs                                            Linit         Eco rige in Peik            Pre                    tol. tizs
        Em / ms.     20. 1c/ne, o%       Engineer : lym                                                           En/ Ins.       2. 109L 0         Engineer + lym
        sit          CaptionCall Wireloss Router 2                                                                Et            CaptionCail Wixetors Router 2
        Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adapter. Tnput 4C 12060z                                                          Pover ratine 0C 9Y Feom Adapter ow C 1200/60te
        Test Hode    :
                     TEERRO® 1intit20 243tIiie Tx Hode                                                            Test Yoge   i 6g8002 1infToD 2dotiit Ts Stode
                     whiscre                                                                                                    wiscre
                    Ants Cable                M9     Emsssion                                                                  Ants Cabte              M9     Ensczion
        No. Ereq: Hactor Loss Reading: factor Level            Linite, Margin: Renark                             No Rrew: B ctor Lers Reading. dactor Level                        1 inite: Morgin: Renark
            o) C/a (a) (aun                   (®) Cl Coi/® C                                                             due) Cb/m (c®) (dhan           (@) (dbut/a)               (ébul/a) o)
        1 2on. 00. mecen       B9.10 a6.90        99.30.. 74.00 ~25.30 Peak                                  10 2aon.00. 2s. 20 acas romet on.oe 109.07                        14.00. ~20.07 Peak

              Renarks: 1. Enission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading                                              Renarke: 1. Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                          ~izp Factor                                                                                                    —top Factor
                       2. The enission levels that are 2080 beloy the official                                                         . The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                          1iait are not reported.                                                                                        linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                             anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                         Arepon ns rvr en an nc en

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                           ov       \                                   7          —

  qo LevetBm                                                                              bare:2016—11—30                                                                                            bate: 2016—11—30
                                                                                                             i0 Level @Buvim
  110                                                                                                        110

  so                                                                                                         so

                                                                                    ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                            rec pmt isc peaw
  70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                              sn

                                                                                                                                                                                                 reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                         so                                                                                            sn

  so                                                                                                         so

   10                                                                                                         10
        ooo           seon.             soon.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo            seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                             Freqency titte                                                                                             Freqency titie
        Site ro—     : In Chasber                    Data no.       65                                             Site ro—     : In Chasber                  Data no.         68
        Bis / k +      an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007 Ant. pol.             VERTICHL                                       Bis. / hn      an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.              YERTICHL
        Linit          Eoo rage isc reak             Pre            to1. 2iza                                      Linie          ice ragr is rew             Pre              tor. 2irs
        Em / me.       2. 10/94,9%         Engineer : lym                                                          Ew/ ma.        22. 10/5e.00       Engineer : lom
        sit            CantionCall ¥ireless Router 2                                                               sit            CaptioaCall Mixeless Router 2
        Pover, ratine 2C 97 From Adapter. Tnput 4C 1207602                                                         Pover, rating 2C 9Y Feon Adapter Toowt C 1200/60e
        Test Hode    : TEERRO® 1intit20 243tIiie Tx Hode                                                           Test Hode    : TE8ESOP. LinT2D 2437z Tx Node
                         mcre                                                                                                     wiscre
                                                                                                                                 Ants Cabte              M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                                   N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                    Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                          due) C/m (c) Cw                 @) (Gbat/a)          Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                                   10 «ete.00. 9r.68 11280      9..QG 95.00       42.00         30.00..12.00 Averace
                                                                                                                   2 astaloo ahies iileo        aclBr anlee       S3l00         14200 20.07. Pesk

                                                                                                                         Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                     —top Factor
                                                                                                                                  2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                     linit are not reported.

  .. oLevel (@Bu¥im                                                                       paterz0i6—t1—30    J Levet @Buvim)                                                                         pate: 2016—t1—30

  110                                                                                                        110

  so                                                                                                         so

                                                                                    ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                            rec pmt isc peaw
  70                                                                                            sn           o                                                                                              sn

                                                                                                                                                                                                 reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                         so                                                                                            sn

  so                                                                                                         so

   10                                                                                                         10

        ooo           seon.             soon.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo            seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                             Freqency titte                                                                                             Freqency titie
        Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.          67                                             Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.          68
        Bis / hnsc    an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007 dnc pol.               PDRtzoine.                                     Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.               RDRTTORTHL
        Linit         Eoo rage isc reak           Pre               101. 2iza                                      Linie         ice ragr is rew             Pre               to1. 2ira
        Em / ms.      20. 1c/ne, o%      Engineer : lym                                                            Ew/ ma.       22. 10/5e.00       Engineer : lom
        sit           CaptionCall Wireloss Router 2                                                                sit           CaptionCail Wixetors Router 2
        Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adapter. Tnput 4C 12060z                                                           Pover ratine 0C 9Y Feom Adapter ow C 1200/60te
        Test Yoge   : TEER2O® 1inf20 243tiite Tx Hode                                                              Test Hode   : TE8ESOP. LinT2D 2437z Tx Node
                      whiscre                                                                                                    wiscre
                                                                                                                                Ants Cabte              M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                                   N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                    Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                          due) C/m (c) Cw                @) (Gbat/a)           Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                                   10 «ete.00. 99.68 11280     9214 35.00        40.00.         3000 12.10 Averace
                                                                                                                   2 astaloo Shies iileo       aBlas aocee       SLOL           14200 22.00 Pesk

                                                                                                                         Renatke: 1 Eniazion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading
                                                                                                                                     —top Factor
                                                                                                                                  2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                     linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                         anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                          Arepon ns rvr en an nc en

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                                    ov   \                                  7

      .o Lovel BWmm                                                                          parecz016—11—30                                                                                             bate: 2016—11—30
  P                                                                                                             i0 Level @Buvim
  110                                                                                                           110
      so                                                                                                        so

                                                                                       ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                             rec pmt isc peaw
      70                                                                                           sn           o                                                                                               sn

                                                          l                                 reepaer 1so ay                                                                                              reepatt ise ay
                                                                                                                so                                                   |                                             san
      "                                               | W
      so                                                                                                        3obyoboah

      10                                                                                                         10
           T000            To00.            z200.              Eo                   3a00.                zooo         T000            To00.            z200.              ze00.                 3i00.                z000
                                                 Freqency titte                                                                                             Freqency titin
           Site ro—     : In Chasber                   Data no.         60                                            Site ro—     : In Chasber                   Data no.         10
           Bis / k +      an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007 Ant. pol.              VERTICHL                                      Bis. / hn      an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.               PORTTORTHL
           Linit          Eoo rage isc reak            Pre              to1. 2iza                                     Linie          ice ragr is rew              Pre              to1. 2ira
           Em / me.       2. 10/94,9%        Engineer : lym                                                           Ew/ ma.        22. 10/5e.00       Engineer : lom
           sit            CantionCall ¥ireless Router 2                                                               sit            CaptioaCall Mixeless Router 2
           Pover, ratine 2C 97 From Adapter Tnput 4C 1207602                                                          Pover, rating 2C 9Y Feon Adapter ow C 1200/60e
           Test Hode    : TEERRO® 1inft20 2462liiz Tx Hode                                                            Test Hode    : TE8ESOP. LinT2D 248dlRte Tx Node
                            mcre                                                                                                     wiscre
                         Ants Cable               M9     Emsssion                                                                   Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
           No. Ereq: Hactor Loss Reading: factor Level                  Linite, Margin: Renark                        N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                     Linite: Morgin: Renark
                  o) C/a (a) (aun                 (®) Cl                Coi/® C                                              due) C/m (c) Cw                 @) (Gbat/a)           Chul/a) o)
           1. ase.00. pecae an.ds 109.79                    74.00 ~20.79 Peak                             1. 2us2.00. oe.aa n.40       9018 onl 9e        B0.4d         14.00. 2544 Posk

                  Rematks: 1« Eniazion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading                                          Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                              ~izp Factor                                                                                                —top Factor
                           2. The enission levels that are 2080 below the official                                                    2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                              1iait are not reported.                                                                                    linit are not reported.

  .. oLevel (@Bu¥im                                                                          paterz0i6—t1—30    J Levet @Buvim)                                                                          pate: 2016—t1—30

  110                                                                                                           110

      so                                                                                                        so

                                                                                       ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                             rec pmt isc peaw
      70                                                                                           sn           o                                                                                               sn

                                                                                                                                                                                                        reepatt ise ay
      so                                                                                                        so                                                                                                sn

      so                                                                                                        so

      10                                                                                                         10

           ooo             seon.            soon.              Tesoo.               Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo             seon.            soo0.              Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                                 Freqency titte                                                                                             Freqency titie
           Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.           f1                                            Site ro—    : In Chasber                    Data no.         12
           Bis. / hnsc   an 2016,_2CTDI200 3007 ds pol.                 fortzole.                                     Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTB200 3007 Anee pel.                 PDgtroRt
           Linit         Eoo rage isc reak           Pre                101. 2iza                                     Linie         ice ragr is rew               Pre              to1. 2ira
           Em / ms.      20. 1c/ne, o%      Engineer : lym                                                            Ew/ ma.       22. 10/5e.00        Engineer : lom
           sit           CaptionCall Wireloss Router 2                                                                sit           CaptioaCall Mixeless Router 2
           Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adapter: Tnput 4C 12060z                                                           Pover ratine 0C 9Y Feom Adapter ow C 1200/60te
           Test Yoge   : r6eRR0® 1inttod adotlie Tx Itode                                                             Test Yoge   i réee002. 1inftod 2detlite Ts Stode
                         whiscre                                                                                                    wiscre
                                                                                                                                   Ants Cabte                M9      Ensczion
                                                                                                                      N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                     Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                             due) C/m (c) Cw                 @) (Gbat/a)           Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                                      10 «00000 92.55 11283        9180 35.70..        40.04        $0.00.. 12.76. Averace
                                                                                                                      2. qoelco shiss iss          anlae aolt0         S1.00..      14200 20.20 Pesk

                                                                                                                             Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                                         —top Factor
                                                                                                                                      2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                                         linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                             anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                          Arepon ns rvr en an nc en

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                        ov          \                                7          —

        Level @Buvam                                                                bare:z016—11.30    qootevet uim                                                                               bate: 2016—11—30

  110                                                                                                  110

  so                                                                                                   so

                                                                              rce partiscpers                                                                                               rec pmt isc peaw
  o                                                                                       ow           o                                                                                                 sn

                                                                                                                                                                                                 reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                   so                                                                                                  sn

  so                                                                                                   so

   10                                                                                                   10
        s               seon:            sorn:             Te              xn                  Teote         ooo            seon.              soo0.              Tesoo.                 Tszo0.               T000
                                             Frequency (itle                                                                                        Freqency titie
        Site no,       : JnIn Chaber                  Dats no, vermic
                                                                n13                                          Site ro—
                                                                                                             Bis. / hn
                                                                                                                         : In Chasber                   Data no.
                                                                                                                           an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.
        Drs. / dnt.
                         Ble   Pit      o Engineer e
                                2016 MCTD1200 9007    Ant. pol.
                                                                NVEX                                         Linie
                                                                                                             E. / Ins.
                                                                                                                           ice ragr is rew
                                                                                                                           20. 1eo/sn, o
                                                                                                                                              Engineer : lom
                                                                                                                                                                             tor. 2irs
        Ent. / Inc.
                         23. 1c/6e, on
                                       vireress Rower 2 1 lym
                                                                                                             sit           CaptionCail Wixetors Router 2
                                                                                                             Pover ratine 0C 9Y Feom Adapter ow C 1200/60te
        Bover zating
                       1 wiiiche
                         CeFlolThR Nee t ons
                         0C 97 From Adupter Tnput AC 120060z
                                                                                                             Test Hode   : TE8ESOP. LinT2D 248dlRte Tx Node
                                                                                                                          Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                             N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                        Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                    due) C/m (c) Cw                @) (Gbat/a)               Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                             10 «00000 92.55 11283       9290 96.70..       4127              300. 12.3 Averace
                                                                                                             2 qoealco shiss iilss       adcor 9o.70        82600             14.00 21.91.. Pesk

                                                                                                                   Renatke: 1 Eniazion Level= Antemna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading
                                                                                                                               —top Factor
                                                                                                                             . The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                                                                                                                               linit are not reported.

  a Level (@Bu¥van)                                                                 Date: 2016—11—30
                                                                                                       1 Levet @Buvim                                                                             bare: 2016—11.30
  110                                                                                                  110
  so                                                                                                   so
                                                                              rce partiscpers                                                                                               recpmt isc en
  o                                                                                       ow           o                                                |                                              m
                                                                                   reopate se ay                                                        [\                                       recpakt se av
  so                                                 t                                      on
                                                                                                       ~                                                | \W
  so                                                                                                   s0

   10                                                                                                   10
        Toos            Tom:             zam               zon              Tw                  t            oc             Tooo.              zzem:               B                     Sion,                Tooo
                                             Frequency (itle                                                                                        Freqency (itte

        Site no, : JnIn Chaber               Dats no, vermict
                                                       o                                                     Site noo      .o: In Chanber                    Data no.        20
        Drs. / dnt.

        Em / ms.
                    Ble  Pit
                    20. 1c/ne, o%
                                  o Engineer e
                          2016 MCTD1200 9007 Ant. pol.

                                               : lym
                                                       NVEX                                                  Dre. / Ant.
                                                                                                             Env. / Inc.
                                                                                                                               Jn    2016
                                                                                                                               Re rig it rem
                                                                                                                               20. 10750 9%
                                                                                                                                            NCTO1200 3007    Ant. pol.
                                                                                                                                                    Engineer : lym
                                                                                                                                                                             ToL. aFs
        sit           CaptionCall Wireloss Router 2                                                          Et                Copticiest) tixsters Touiee 2
        Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adepter: Tnput 4C 12060z                                                     Pover ratine 0C 9Y Feom Adapter Toow C 1200/60te
        Test Hode   : TEERRO® 1intIB4D 2422liz Tx Hode                                                       Test Hode   : TE8ESOP. LinI4D 2420l8te Tx Node
                      whiscre                                                                                              wiscre
                     Ants Cable               M9     Emsssion                                                             Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
        No. Ereq: Hactor Loss Reading: factor Level           Linite, Margin: Renark                         N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level             1 Linite: Morgin: Renark
              o) C/a (a) (aun                 (®) Cl Coi/® C                                                       due) Cb/m (c®) (dhan            (@) (dbut/a) (ébul/a) o)
        1 24ee.00. pecie an.ds       09200  74.00 ~25.00 Peak                              10 24e.00 2s. 18 a.3s       onceo ons          as.0s  74,00. 2205 Pesk

               Renarks: 1. Enission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading                                   Renarke: 1. Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                           ~izp Factor                                                                                         —top Factor
                        2. The enission levels that are 2080 beloy the official                                              . The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                           1iait are not reported.                                                                             linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                   anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                             Arepon ns rvr en an nc en

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                      ov          \                                 7          —

  q1 LevetuWmm                                                                    Date: 2016—11.30   qootevet uim                                                                                tate: 2016—t1—30
  110                                                                                                110

  so                                                                                                 so
                                                                            rce patthisc perw                                                                                              rec pmt isc en
  o                                                                                       sn         o                                                                                                 sn
                                                                                                                                                                                             reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                 so                                                                                                sn

  so                                                                                                 so

   to                                                                                                 10
        ooo          seon.            sonn:              Teio.           Taae0,              Teote         ooo              seon.             soon.               Tesoo.                Tszo0.               T000
                                           Freqency titte                                                                                          Frequency (itte
        Site no.    : In Chanber                  Dats no, : 61                                            Site ro—    : In Chasber                        Data no.        82
        Bre. / hn     an 2016, ctor200 2007 nc pol. fontrormit                                             Bis. / hnt.   n 2016, CTB1200 3007              Anee pel.       MogtroRtit
        Link          io rige inc vaak            Pre        fo1. fiea                                     Linke         Ece ragr is rem                   Pre             to1. 2ira
        Enge / Ins.   23. 10/54,00       Engineer i tym                                                    E. / Ins.         20. 1eo/sn, o      Engineer : lom
        ait           Captioncall ¥ireTese Router 2                                                        sit               CaptionCail Wixetors Router 2
        Bover zating 0C 9F From Adspter Toput NC 1201/608z                                                 Pover ratine      0C 9Y Feom Adapter Toow C 1200/60te
        Test Yode : TheBs02, iniindd 2dzdlite T Hode                                                       Test Hode    :    TE8ESOP. LinI4D 2420l8te Tx Node
                        mow                                                                                                  wiscre
                                                                                                                            Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                           N.      Rreq:   Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                 Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                   due)    C/m (c) Cw                @) (Gbat/a)           Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                           10    «00000    927L 1178       9025 96.60         30.06.        3000 1494 Averace
                                                                                                           2     qsealoo   SAiml dilre     allde doles        04B           14200 20.85 Pesk

                                                                                                                  Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                              —top Factor
                                                                                                                           2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                              linit are not reported.

  .oLevet utm                                                                     bare:2016—11—30    12 Levet @Buvim
                                                                                                                                                                                                 bate: 2016—11—30

  110                                                                                                110

  so                                                                                                 so

                                                                            rce patthisc perw                                                                                              rec pmt isc peaw
  o                                                                                       sn         o                                                                                                  sn

                                                                                                                                                                                             reepatt ise ay
  so                                                                                                 so                                                                                                sn

  so                                                                                                 so

  to                                                                                                  10

        ooo          seon.          sonn:              Teio.      Taae0,                     Teote         ooo              seon.             soo0.              Tesoo.                 Tszo0.               T000
                                         Freqency titte                                                                                            Freqency titie
        Site no.  : In Chanber                  Dats no,     63                                            Site ro—    : In Chasber                   Data no.             84
        Bre. / hn   m 2016 ctor200 2007 nc pol. Vermicut                                                   Bis. / hn     an 2016, CTBI200 3007 Ante pel.                   YERTICHL
        Link        io rige inc vaak            Pre          ness                                          Linie         ice ragr is rew              Pre                  tor. 2irs
        Em / me.      2. 10/94,9%        Engineer : lym                                                    E. / Ins.     20. 1eo/sn, o      Engineer : lom
        sit           CantionCall ¥ireless Router 2                                                        sit           CaptionCail Wixetors Router 2
        Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adepter: Tnput 4C 12060z                                                   Pover ratine 0C 9Y Feom Adapter Toow C 1200/60te
        Test Yoge    r6EE80® Iintdd 2dcBlie Tx Itode                                                       Test Hode   : TE8ESOP. LinI4D 2420l8te Tx Node
                      whiscre                                                                                            wiscre
                                                                                                                        Ants Cabte               M9     Ensczion
                                                                                                           N. Rreq: Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level                        Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                  due) C/m (c) Cw                @) (Gbat/a)               Chul/a) o)
                                                                                                           10 «00000 927L 178          9214 36.60         40.05.            30001909 Averace
                                                                                                           2 qsealoo SAiml dilre       adloo aes          Solae             14200 20.04. Pesk

                                                                                                                  Renatks: 1« Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                                                                                                                              —top Factor
                                                                                                                           2. The exsszion levels that. are 2008 belo the official
                                                                                                                              linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                            won cormmenegy pnrmemmurmneny weng aeim                        asupvee a en r nc a a s ue t

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                                ov   \                                7           —

  qo LevetBm                                                                             bare:2016—11—30    4ooLevet uim                                                                           tate: 2016—t1—30
  110                                                                                                       110
                                                     1                                                                                                           1
  so                                                                                                        so
                                                                                   ree pmulise peaw                                                                                         rce patt isc perw
  o                                                                                             sn          To                                               |                                            m
                                                 J                                      ree pate 1se a                                                       J                                    reopatu isay
  so                                            ]                                                   san

                                                                                                            i                                                | Wi
  so                                                                                                        30

   10                                                                                                        10
        Too            Toon.            zzon.               zo.                 si00.                imo          T000              Too.             Ep               zooo                sie0,                Tovo
                                             Frequency titiz                                                                                           Frequency (itte
        Site no—    : In Chanber                  Data no, o+       98                                            Site mo.     : In Chanber                  Dats no,         90
        Bie, / d o+   m 2016 MCTD1200 2007 Anc. pol.                fontzoita                                     Bre. / k.      an 2016 cTB1200 3007 Anes pel.               Yerticnl
        Lini          ce viee isc veak            Pre               101. iza                                      Link           io rige is veak             Pre              iol. nirs
        Em / me.      2. 10/94,9%        Engineer : lym                                                           Ex/ Ins.       2. 10/90.0         Engineer i tm
        sit           CantionCall ¥ireless Router 2                                                               ait            CapticaCall Wixetose houter 2
        Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adepter. Tnput 4C 12060z                                                          Bover, zating 0C 99 Feom Adapter fput C 1200/60e
        Test Yoge    I6EE00®. LintdD Adotie Tx Itode                                                              Test Yode : 1680e00. [initd Adotitie Tx Yode
                        mcre                                                                                                     whecre
                     Ants Cable              M9     Emsssion                                                                    Ant. Cabte              w9 Ensssion
        No. Ereq: Hactor Loss Reading: factor Level                 Linite, Margin: Renark                        Mo. Freq: Fastop Loss Reading: fastor Level                 Minite, Morgin: Renark
               o) C/a (a) (aun                (®) Cl                Coi/® C                                              ouo) (/m() (Coan                @)_ u)               ut_ Cc)
        1 2on. 00. mecen       aeced a6.90       O7.04         74.00 ~23.04 Peak                             10 raon. 0o ea.20 acas onuat on 96 Bi.dT                    14.00. ~AddT Pook
              Rematks: 1« Eniazion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading                                          Renarkes 1. Eniscion Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading
                          ~izp Factor                                                                                                ~p Factor
                       2. The enission levels that are 2080 below the official                                                    2. The enassion Tevels that are 2000 belo the official
                          1iait are not reported.                                                                                    Hinst are not reported.

  12 Level (dBuvim
                                                                                         bare:z016—11—30    . fevet @Guvim                                                                         bate: 2016—11—30
  110                                                                                                       110

  so                                                                                                        so
                                                                                   ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                          rce patt isc perw
  70                                                                                           sn           o                                                                                             sn
                                                                                                                                                                                                  reopatu isay
  so                                                                                                        so                                                                                              sn

  so                                                                                                        30

   10                                                                                                        10
        ooo            seon.            soon.              Tesoo.               Tszo0.              Teoto         ooo               seon.    soon:               Teioo.           Tsae0,                       Teovo
                                             Freqency titte                                                                                       Frequency (itte
        Site ro—    : In Chasber                  Data no.          2                                             Site mo.  : In Chanber                  Dats no,      02
        Bis / k +     an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007 Ant. pol.              VERTICHL                                      Bre. / k.   an 2016 cTB1200 3007 Anes pel. Yerticnl
        Linit         Eoo rage isc reak           Pre               to1. 2iza                                     Link        io rige is veak             Pre           iol. nirs
        Em / ms.      20. 1c/ne, o%      Engineer : lym                                                           E. / Ins.           20. 1eo/sn, o     Engineer : lom
        sit           CaptionCall Wireloss Router 2                                                               sit                CaptionCail Wixetors Router 2
        Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adepter. Tnput 4C 12060z                                                          Pover ratine       0C 97 Feom Adapter ow C 1200/60te
        Test Yoge    I6EE00®. LintdD Adotie Tx Itode                                                              Test Yoge    i      6g8002 1inI4D 2dotie Ts Stode
                      whiscre                                                                                                        wiscre
                                                                                                                                    Ants Cabte              we     Entesion
                                                                                                                  N.       Rreq:   Faxtor Lor Reading: dactor Level            Linite: Morgin: Renark
                                                                                                                           due)    C/m (c) C_                @) (dbut/a)      (ébul/a) o)
                                                                                                                   1     «gze.0o   2. 65 11280      9120 98.00      40.04      3400 10.95 Averace
                                                                                                                   2.    astaloo   52l se i1280     o.81 dncon      SaST       10000 21240 Posk

                                                                                                                         Renarke: 1 Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                                                                                                                                     —top Factor
                                                                                                                                   . The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                                                                                                                                     linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                          anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                       Arepon ns rvr en an nc en

AUDIX                                                                                                                                                                 ov    \                             7           —

  i0 Level @Buvam
                                                                                                                    Level @Buvim                                                                bare: 2016—11.30
  110                                                                                                         110

  so                                                                                                          so
                                                                                     ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                         reepat sc pers
  70                                                                                             sn           o                                                                                         im
                                                                                                                                                                                               reopate se ay
  so                                                                                                          so                                                                                        m

  so                                                                                                          s0

  10                                                                                                           10
        ooo              seon.            soon.              Tesoo.               Tszo0.              Teoto         s                Ca              son:                  Ts             xn                  Teove
                                               Freqency titte                                                                                             Freqency (itte

         Site ro—
         Bis. / hnsc
                      : In Chasber                    Data no. :83
                        an 2016,_2CTDI200 3007 dnc pol. fortzole.
                                                                                                                    Site no,    .: JnIn Chanber                     Dats  no, fortzormi
         Em / me.
                        Eoo rage isc reak
                        2. 10/94,9%
                                            Engineer : lym
                                                                 101. 2iza                                          tm
                                                                                                                    Dre. / Ant.
                                                                                                                                   fe     rBt
                                                                                                                                                    fok Engineer
                                                                                                                                                                    Ant. pol.
         sit            CantionCall ¥ireless Router 2
         Pover, ratine 2C 97 From Adepter. Tnput 4C 1207602
                                                                                                                    Env. / Inc.
                                                                                                                                    20. 10750 9%
                                                                                                                                                   mesters Touter 2  : lym

         Test Hode    : TEERRO® 1intIB4D 243tIiiz Tx Hode
                                                                                                                    Bover zating
                                                                                                                                I wiiecne
                                                                                                                                    CeFlo® Thabid Shofiie t w
                                                                                                                                   0C 9Y Fron Adupter: Iput AC 1200/60e

                                                                                                                    m Preu        Ant.
                                                                                                                                Piitor      Cabte
                                                                                                                                            Pigs               we Ensssion
                                                                                                                                                     Restine firior     io Ainite Morgin:        Rerack
                                                                                                                         ouo     /m         (@)      (du)       (@)    (dbat/a) Coui®)     o)

                                                                                                                    Ti Camo
                                                                                                                       i8 BE S d1 28 21 TS K8 ons
                                                                                                                                m          L8         hS      BB        GRM       GL0     IRD    &5
                                                                                                                        Renarker 1. Entscion      Levels  Anterna Factor  o Cable  Love + Resaue
                                                                                                                                  2. hy      Bompe tevers that are 2000 betow the orticial
                                                                                                                                        Te cnietidn
                                                                                                                                        eCP        o fpored

        Level                                                                              bare:z016—11—30    4 tevet weuvim                                                                    bare: 2016—11.30
                                                                                     ree pmtisc peaw                                                                                         reepat sc pers
                                                                                                 sn            o                                                                                        im
                                                                                          reepaer 1so ay                                                      }                                reopate se ay
                                                                                                    sn         so                                             1                                         m


        T000             To00.            z200.              Eo                   3a00.                zooo         Toos             Toon:           zm                    zo             un                  To
                                               Freqency titte                                                                                             Freqency (itte

         Site ro—
         Bis / k +
                     : In Chasber                  Data no.
                       an 2016,_2CTDI209 3007 Ant. pol.
                                                                                                                    Site no,       .: JnIn Chanber                Dats no, forrzormi
         Em / me.
                       Eoo rage isc reak
                       2. 10/94,9%
                                          Engineer : lym
                                                                      to1. 2iza                                     tm
                                                                                                                    Dre. / Ant.

                                                                                                                    E. / Ins.
                                                                                                                                      fe    rBt
                                                                                                                                      20. 1eo/sn, o
                                                                                                                                                     fok Engineer
                                                                                                                                                                  Ant. pol.

                                                                                                                                                                   : lom
         sit           CantionCall ¥ireless Router 2                                                                sit           CaptionCail Wixetors Router 2
         Pover ratine 0C 9T From Adepter: Tnput 4C 12060z                                                           Pover ratine  0C 97 Feom Adapter ow C 1200/60te
         Test Yoge    r6EE80® Iintdd 2dotlite Tx Itode                                                              Test Yoge    i réee00. 1in4D 2dotlit Tx Stode
                       whiscre                                                                                                    wiscre
                      Ants Cable              M9     Emsssion                                                                    Ants Cabte              M9     Ensczion
         Mo. Ereq: Hactor Loss Reading: factor Level                  Linite Margin Renark                          No Rrew: B ctor Loss Reading: dactor| Level          Linite, Morgin: Renark
                o) C/a (a) (aun                (®) Cl                 Coi/® C                                             due) C/m (c) C_                 @) (dbut/a) (ébul/a) o)
         1. 2ase.0o. pecar a.3n 100.2T a6.90 100.50                   74.00 ~28.50 Peak                             10 2use.00. 2s. ee acse     nds onloe         91.98  14.00. 2998 Posk

                Rematks: 1« Eniazion Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Lozs + Reading                                          Renarke: 1. Enission Level= Anterna Factor + Cable Loas + Reading
                            ~izp Factor                                                                                                —top Factor
                         2. The enission levels that are 2080 below the official                                                     . The emission levels that are 2040 below the official
                            1iait are not reported.                                                                                    linit are not reported.

                                                                                                                           anereme n cvmmerene y qnrmerrarreny weng cce                      Arepon ns rvr en an nc en


                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                      page      4-24

                      Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                                                            AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                                                page      5-1

          5.1.Test Equipment
   Item     Equipment       Manufacturer        Model No.          Serial No.           Last Cal.       Cal. Interval
   1.        Spectrum         Agilent            N9030A          MY51380221            Oct.15,16            1Year
   2.       Attenuator         Agilent        8491B              MY39262165            Apr.23,16            1 Year
   3.        RF Cable                     SFL402105FLEX               NO.1             Oct.15,16            1 Year
                            Microwave Inc

             In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency bands in which the spread spectrum intentional
             radiator in operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall
             be at least 20dB below that in the 100kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest
             level of the desired power.
          5.3.Test Procedure
             The transmitter output was connected to a spectrum analyzer, The resolution bandwidth is set
             to 100 kHz, The video bandwidth is set to 300 kHz and measure all the emissions with peak

          5.4.Test result
             PASS (The testing data was attached in the next pages.)

                                                                Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                               AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                  page      5-2

  Test Mode: IEEE 802.11b
  Test CH1: 2412MHz

                            Test CH6: 2437MHz

                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                          AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                              page      5-3

  Test CH11: 2462MHz

                       Test Mode: IEEE 802.11g
                       Test CH1: 2412MHz

                              Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                         page      5-4

                   Test CH6: 2437MHz

                         Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                          AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                              page      5-5

  Test CH11: 2462MHz

                       Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT20
                       Test CH1: 2412MHz

                              Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                            page      5-6

  Test CH6: 2437MHz   Test CH11: 2462MHz

                            Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                          page      5-7

                   Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT40
                   Test CH3: 2422MHz

                          Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                            page      5-8

  Test CH6: 2437MHz   Test CH9: 2452MHz

                            Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                   AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                      page      5-9

                      Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                               AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                                  page      5-10

  Test Mode: IEEE 802.11b
  Test CH1: 2412MHz

                            Test CH6: 2437MHz

                                  Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                          AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                              page      5-11

  Test CH11: 2462MHz

                       Test Mode: IEEE 802.11g
                       Test CH1: 2412MHz

                              Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                      AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                         page      5-12

                   Test CH6: 2437MHz

                         Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                          AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                              page      5-13

  Test CH11: 2462MHz

                       Test Mode: IEEE 802.11n HT20
                       Test CH1: 2412MHz

                              Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034


                         AUDIX Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FCC ID: 2AA6ZCR2                                            page      5-14

  Test CH6: 2437MHz   Test CH11: 2462MHz

                            Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.   Report No. ACS-F17034

Document Created: 2017-04-21 10:48:16
Document Modified: 2017-04-21 10:48:16

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