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Users Manual

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Getting Started                                                                    ENGLISH      Inicio                                                                                 ESPANOL

LIFX is a smart lightbulb that provides                                                         LIFX es una bombilla inteligente que te da un          SCREW IN
you with total control of your lighting.                                                        control total de tu iluminación. Es una bombil-
It is a WiFi enabled, multi-color, energy                                                       la LED WiFi, multicolor y eficiente que puedes         SWITCH ON
efficient LED lightbulb that you control with                         ON                        controlar con tu smartphone o tablet iOS/
your iOS or Android smartphone or tablet. With                                                  Android. Con la app de LIFX puedes encender           DOWNLOAD APP at
the LIFX app you can switch bulbs on and off,                                                   y apagar las bombillas, ajustar el brillo y el
dim, adjust brightness and color,                                                               color, crear diferentes ambientes y establecer
set different scenes and set wake up and                                                        alarmas para despertarse e irse a dormir. Con     Requerimientos del Sistema
                                                  SCREW IN        SWITCH ON     DOWNLOAD
sleep timers. You can control individual bulbs,                                                 la app, puedes controlar bombillas individu-
                                                                                APP AT                                                            Para ejecutar la app de LIFX es recomendable
rooms, or the entire house with the app. LIFX                                                   ales o todas las bombillas de la casa. LIFX
                                                                                                                              disponer de:
also still functions like a normal lightbulb by                                                 también puede funcionar de la misma manera
                                                  System Requirements                                                                             •	 Un dispositivo con iOS 6.0+ o Android 4.0+
switching on and off at a regular light switch.                                                 que una bombilla normal, encendiéndola y
                                                                                                                                                  •	Una conexión WiFi (el router WiFi tiene
                                                  To run LIFX it is recommended you have:       apagándola con un interruptor normal.
                                                                                                                                                      que seguir el estándar 802.11b, compatible
Quick Set Up                                      • A device running iOS 6.0+ or Android 4.0+                                                         con gon)
Follow these three simple steps to set up         • A WiFi connection (WiFi router must be 		
                                                                                                Instalación Rápida                                •	Seguridad WPA2 (altamente recomendado)
your LIFX bulb.                                     standard 802.11b, g or n compliant)         Sigue estos tres simples pasos para instalar tu
                                                  • WPA2 security (highly recommended)          bombilla LIFX.

Zum Anfang                                                                             DEUTSCH      Débuter                                                                              FRANÇAIS

Die LIFX ist eine intelligente Glühbirne die Ihnen          EINSCHRAUBEN                            LIFX est une ampoule intelligente qui vous per-             VISSER
eine komplette Kontrolle der Beleuchtung bietet.                                                    met un contrôle total de votre éclairage. C‘est une
Sie ist WiFi fähig, eine vielfarbige,energiesparende       EINSCHALTEN                              ampoule activé WiFi, multicolore, à énergie effi-           ALLUMER
Glühbirne, die Sie mit Ihrem iOS oder Andro-                                                        cace, que vous pouvez contrôler avec votre iOS,
id Smartphone oder Tablet kontrollieren. Mit               APP HERUNTERLADEN at          téléphone Android ou tablette. Avec l‘application           TÉLÉCHARGER APP
der LIFX App können Sie die Lampen ein und                                                          LIFX vous pouvez allumer ou éteindre l‘ampoule,
ausschalten, dimmen, die Helligkeit und Farbe                                                       la diminuer, ajuster l‘éclat ou la couleur, mettre en
einstellen, verschiedene Szenarien bestimmen und       System Anforderungen                         place différentes scènes, le temps pour le réveil       Exigences du système
den Wecker und die Einschlaffunktion einstellen.                                                    ou le coucher .Avec l‘application, vous pouvez
                                                       Zur Benutzung der LIFX empfehlen wir:                                                                Pour utiliser LIFX, il est recommandé
Sie können einzelne Glühbirnen, Zimmer oder das                                                     aussi contrôler différentes ampoules, chambres
                                                       • Ein Gerät mit iOS 6.0+ oder Android 4.0+                                                           d‘avoir:
ganze Haus mit dieser App kontrollieren. LIFX                                                       ou toute la maison. LIFX opère également comme
                                                       •	Eine WiFi Verbindung (WiFi Router                                                                 •	Un appareil connecté iOS 6.0+ or
arbeitet auch wie eine normale Glühbirne, die Sie                                                   une ampoule régulière en allumant et éteignant le
                                                          Standard 802.11b, g oder n konform)                                                                  Android 4.0+
am normalen Lichtschalter ein und ausschalten.                                                      commutateur.
                                                       • WPA2 Sicherheit (sehr empfohlen)                                                                   •	Une connexion WiFi (le router WIfi
                                                                                                                                                               doit être standard à 802.11b ,ou
Kurzbeschreibung                                                                                    Mise en place Rapide                                       conforme à gorn)
Folgen Sie den drei einfachen Schritten, um Ihre                                                    Suivez ces trois étapes très simple pour mettre en      • Sécurité WPA2 (fortement recommandé)
LIFX Birne einzustelle                                                                              place votre ampoule LIFX.

Per Cominciare                                                                              ITALIANO      Começando                                                                            PORTUGUÊS

LIFX è una lampadina intelligente che vi consente il con-           AVVITATE                              A LIFX é uma lâmpada inteligente que lhe fornece             APERTE
trollo totale della vostra illuminazione. Si tratta di una                                                um controlo total da sua iluminação. É uma lâmpada
lampadina a LED, dotata di WiFi, multicolore, ad utilizzo           ACCENDETE                             LED com eficiência energética ativada por WiFi com           LIGUE
efficiente dell’energia che potrete controllare con il vost-                                              múltiplas cores que controla com o seu smartphone
ro smartphone o il vostro tablet con sistema iOS oppure             SCARICATE L‘APP at         ou tablet iOS ou Android. Com a app LIFX pode               BAIXE A APP
Android. Con l’app LIFX potrete accendere o spegnere                                                      ligar e desligar as lâmpadas, escurecer, ajustar o
le lampadine, affievolirle, regolarne la luminosità e il                                                  brilho e a cor, definir cenários diferentes e definir
colore, impostare una serie di scenari differenti e definire   Requisiti di Sistema                       temporizadores para dormit e acordar. Pode cont-        Exigences du système
gli orari di riaccensione e di interruzione luce. Potrete                                                 rolar lâmpadas individuais, divisões, ou toda a casa
                                                               Per eseguire LIFX si consiglia di avere:                                                           Para executar a LIFX recomenda-se
controllare, con quest’applicazione, sia lampadine                                                        com a app. A LIFX também funciona ainda como
                                                               •	Un dispositivo che esegue iOS                                                                   que tenha:
singole, che stanze, oppure tutta la casa. LIFX è in grado                                                uma lâmpada normal, ligando e desligando com um
                                                                  6.0+ oppure Android 4.0+                                                                        •	Um dispositivo que execute iOS 6.0+
di operare anche come una normale lampadina, accesa e                                                     interruptor habitual.
                                                               •	Un collegamento WiFi (il router                                                                    ou Android 4.0+
spenta da un normale interruttore di corrente.
                                                                  WiFi deve seguire lo standard                                                                   •	Uma ligação WiFi (O router WiFi

Installazione Rapida                                              802.11b, g oppure n)                    Montagem Rápida                                            deve ser o habitual 802.11b, em
                                                               •	Sicurezza WPA2 (caldamente                                                                         cumprimento com g ou n)
                                                                                                          Siga estes três simples passos para montar a sua
Attenetevi a questi tre semplici passaggi per installare la       consigliato)                                                                                    •	Segurança WPA2 (altamente
                                                                                                          lâmpada LIFX.
vostra lampadina LIFX.                                                                                                                                               recomendado)

С чего начать                                                                            РОССИЯ         Wprowadzenie                                                                                 POLSKI

LIFX – это лампа малого размера. С ее помощью вы сможете             ВВЕРНИТЕ                           LIFX to inteligentna żarówka, która zapewnia               WKRĘĆ
полностью контролировать освещение в вашем помещении. Может                                             całkowitą kontrolę nad oświetleniem. Posia-
работать при помощи беспроводного интернет- соединения.                                                 da wbudowaną opcję WiFi, jest wielobarwna i                WŁĄCZ
Это разноцветная, энергоэффективная лампа LED. Вы можете             СКАЧАЙТЕ ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ                energooszczędna, a system LED umożliwia jej
контролировать работу лампы при помощи смартфона или планшета                         sterowanie poprzez iOS, Android smartfon lub tab-          POBIERZ APLIKACJĘ
на базе iOS или Android. С помощью приложения LIFX вы можете                                            let. Dzięki aplikacji LIFX, żarówki można wyłączyć,
включать и выключать лампы, приглушать свет, делая его более                                            włączyć, przyciemnić, uregulować ich jasność,
                                                                Системные требования                                                                          Wymogi systemowe
рассеянным, добавлять яркость и цвет, устанавливать различные                                           ustawić odpowiednią scenerię, a także tryb budze-
параметры для типа освещения, а также создавать настройки       Для того чтобы запустить приложение     nia i zasypiania. Aplikacja pozwala na sterowanie     Do obsługi LIFX zalecane jest posiadanie:
будильника или таймера ночного режима. При помощи данного       LIFX, вам необходимо иметь:             indywidualnych żarówek, oświetleń w poszczegól-       •	Urządzenia iOS 6.0+ lub Androida 4.0+
приложения вы можете контролировать отдельные лампы, комнаты    •	стройство с операционной системой    nych pomieszczeniach lub całego mieszkania. LIFX      •	Połączenia WiFi (router WiFi musi być zgodny
или целый дом. LIFX также функционирует как обычная лампа. Вы      iOS 6.0+ или Android 4.0+            działa również jak normalna żarówka, którą można         ze standardem 802.11b, g lubn)
можете включить и выключить ее простым щелчком выключателя.     •	Беспроводное подключение к           włączyć i wyłączyć zwykłym włącznikiem światła.       • WPA2 (szczególnie zalecane)
                                                                   интернету (стандарт интернет-
                                                                   роутера должен быть 802.11b, g или
Быстрая настройка                                                  n-совместимый)
                                                                                                        Szybka instalacja
Для того чтобы настроить вашу лампу LIFX, выполняйте            •	Безопасность сети WPA2               Aby zainstalować żarówkę LIFX należy wykonać
нижеприведенные инструкции.                                        (настоятельно рекомендуется          trzy proste kroki.

Komma Igång                                                                             SVENSKA    Kom i gang                                                                                DANSKE

LIFX är en smart glödlampa som ger dig total                 SKRUVA I                              LIFX er en smart lyspære der giver dig fuld                  MONTÉR
kontroll över din belysning. Den kan styras via WiFi                                               kontrol over din belysning. Det er en multifarvet,
och är en mångfärgad, energieffektiv LED glöd-               TÄND                                  energibesparende LED-pære med Wi-Fi, som                     TÆND
lampa som du kan styra med din iOS eller Android                                                   kan styres via din iOS eller Android smartphone/
smartphone eller läsplatta. Med LIFX-appen kan du            LADDA NER APPEN            tablet. Med LIFX app’en kan du tænde og slukke               HENT APP
tända och släcka glödlampor, ställa in ljusstyrka och                                              for pærer, dæmpe og justere lysstyrke og farve,
färg, ställa in hela ljusteman samt ställa in uppvak-                                              indstille forskellige lystemaer og sætte timere til
nings- och insomningstimers. Du kan styra enstaka       Systemkrav                                 når du vågner op eller går i seng. Du kan styre         Systemkrav
glödlampor, rum eller hela huset med appen. LIFX                                                   individuelle pærer, rum eller hele huset via denne
                                                        För att kunna köra LIFX                                                                            Til at køre LIFX anbefales det at du har:
fungerar också som en helt vanlig glödlampa genom                                                  app. LIFX fungerer også fortsat som en almindelig
                                                        rekommenderar vi att du har:                                                                       •	En enhed med iOS 6.0+ eller Android
att tända och släcka den med en vanlig omkopplare.                                                 pære, ved at den kan tændes og slukkes med en
                                                        •	En enhet som kör iOS 6.0+ eller                                                                    4.0+
                                                                                                   almindelig lyskontakt.
                                                           Android 4.0+                                                                                    •	En WiFi forbindelse (WiFi routeren
Snabbinstallation                                       •	En WiFi uppkoppling (Din WiFi
                                                                                                   Hurtig opsætning                                           skal være standard 802.11b, g eller n
                                                           router måste vara standard 802.11b, g                                                              kompatibel)
Följ dessa tre enkla steg för att installera din LIFX
                                                           eller n eller kompatibel)               Følg disse tre simple trin for at installere din LIFX   • WPA2 sikkerhed (anbefales kraftigt)
                                                        •	WPA2 kryptering (rekommenderas          lyspære.

Käyttöönotto                                                                          SUOMEN KIELI       Kom i gang                                                                               NORSK

LIFX on älykäs lamppu, joka antaa sinulle                      RUUVAA KIINNI                             LIFX er en smart lyspære som gir deg full kon-              SKRU INN
täydellisen valaistuksesi hallinnan. Se on WiFi                                                          troll på din belysning. Det er en WiFi kapabel,
teknologialla toimiva, monivärinen, energiatehokas             KYTKE PÄÄLLE                              flerfarge, energi effektiv LED lyspære som du kan           SLÅ PÅ
LED- lamppu, jota ohjaat iOS- tai Android-älypu-                                                         styre med din iOS or Android smarttelefon eller
helimellasi tai - tabletillasi. LIFX-sovelluksella voit        LATAA SOVELLUS                 nettbrett. Med LIFX appen kan du skru pærer på              LAST NED APP
kytkeä valoja päälle ja pois päältä, säätää kirkkaut-                                                    og av, dimme, justere lysstyrke og farge, stille inn
ta ja väriä, asettaa erilaisia näkymiä, sekä asettaa                                                     forskjellige scenarioer og stille inn oppvåknings
ajastimia. Voit ohjata yksittäisiä valoja, huoneita       Järjestelmävaatimukset                         og sove tider. Du kan styre enkeltpærer, rom, eller    System Krav
tai koko taloa sovelluksen kautta. LIFX toimii myös                                                      hele huset med appen. LIFX fungerer også likevel
                                                          Ajaaksesi LIFX-sovellusta suosittelemme                                                               For å kunne kjøre LIFX anbefales det
tavallisena lamppuna kytkemällä sen päälle ja pois                                                       som en normal lyspære ved å slå på og av med en
                                                          seuraavaa:                                                                                            at du har:
päältä tavallisella valokytkimellä.                                                                      vanlig lysbryter.
                                                          •	Laite, jolla on iOS 6.0+ tai Android 4.0+                                                          •	En enhet som kjører enten iOS 6.0+
                                                          •	Langaton yhteys (WiFi reititin täytyy                                                                 eller Android 4.0+
Pikaohjeet                                                   soveltua 802.11b, g tai n-standardiin)
                                                                                                         Hurtig Oppsett                                         •	En WiFi forbindelse (WiFi router
                                                          • WPA2-suojaus (erittäin suositeltavaa)        Følg disse tre enkle skrittene for å sette opp din        må være standard 802.11b, g eller n
Seuraa näitä kolme askeleita asentaaksesi LIFX-
                                                                                                         LIFX pære.                                                kompatibel)
                                                                                                                                                                • WPA2 sikkerhet (Sterkt Anbefalt)

Beginnen                                                                           NEDERLANDS        Specifications and Safety                        Size & Weight
                                                                                                                                                  • Diameter: 65 mm (2.55 inches)
LIFX is een slimme lamp die u totale controle               SCHROEF IN                               LIFX A21 Bulb Specifications
                                                                                                                                                  • Height: 135 mm (5.31 inches)
geeft over uw verlichting. Het is een energiezui-
                                                                                                         Communication		 • Weight: 289 grams
nige LED lamp, met Wi-Fi en meerdere kleuren,               INSCHAKELEN
                                                                                                     •   Frequency Band: 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
die u bedient met uw iOS of Android smartphone
                                                                                                         and 802.15.4                             Do not dispose of electrical appliances as
of tablet. Met de LIFX app kunt u lampen in- en             DOWNLOADEN APP GO.LIFX.CO                •   Standards: 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi radio; 		 unsorted municipal waste, use separate
uitschakelen, dimmen, de helderheid en kleur
                                                                                                         802.15.4 mesh                            collection facilities. Contact your local
aanpassen, verschillende sferen en timers instellen.
                                                                                                         End Cap		 government for information regarding the coll-
U kunt individuele lampen, kamers of het hele huis     Systeemvereisten
                                                                                                     •   Edison Screw E26 and E27                 ection systems available.
met de app bedienen. LIFX functioneert ook als
                                                       Om LIFX te gebruiken is het aan te raden      •   Bayonet B22                              If electrical appliances are disposed of in
een gewone lamp door de gewone aan/uit scha-
                                                       gebruik te maken van:                             Lumens                                   landfills or dumps, hazardous substances
kelaar te gebruiken.
                                                       •	Een apparaat met iOS 6.0+ of Android       •   1000 lumens at full brightness           can leak into the groundwater and get into
                                                          4.0+                                           Power                                    the food chain, damaging your health and well-
Snel Installeren                                       •	Een Wi-Fi verbinding (Wi-Fi router         •   Rated Voltage: Universal Power Supply 		 being.
                                                          dient standaard 802.11b, g of n te zijn)       100 to 240V | 50/60Hz 0.2A
Volg deze drie eenvoudige stappen om uw LIFX
                                                       •	WPA2 beveiliging (aanbevolen)              •   Rated Power: 18 watts at full brightness
lamp te installeren.
                                                                                                     •   Input Current: AC
                                                                                                     •   Power Factor: > 0.90 PF

Tips and Troubleshooting                         • Place your LIFX lightbulb at least 25 feet            Problems and Solutions                                Support
                                                   (8 meters) from any microwave oven,
                                                                                                         If the LIFX App Can’t Detect
You can quickly solve most problems with           2.4 GHz cordless phone, or other source                                                                     For technical support for your LIFX please send
                                                                                                         your LIFX Bulb/s
your LIFX lightbulb by following the advice        of interference.                                                                                            an email to:
in this chapter.                                                                                         Make sure that the device you’re using has
                                                 Avoiding Interference
Best Locations for LIFX
                                                                                                         Wi-Fi. Check the Wi-Fi status menu on the menu        Hardware compliance, limitations
                                                 The following items can cause interference with         bar to make sure Wi-Fi is turned on. If the LIFX      and warnings
The following recommendations can help           wireless communication:                                 app still cannot detect your LIFX bulb/s
your LIFX lightbulb/s achieve the best           • Microwave ovens                                       • Switch off the LIFX bulb at the switch.
wireless range and network reception.            •	Direct Satellite Service (DSS) radio frequency       •	Un-screw and remove the LIFX bulb from             LIFX adheres to the certification requirements
• Place your LIFX lightbulb in an open area 		      leakage                                                 your light fitting.                                for various regions around the world. To see a
  where there are few obstructions, such 		      •	The original coaxial cable that may come with        •	Move the Hardware Reset Switch a different         full list of LIFX certifications please go to www.
  as large pieces of furniture or walls.            a satellite dish.                                       position i.e. different position from what it is to ensure LIFX complies with the
  Place it away from metallic surfaces.          •	Electrical devices such as power lines, electrical      in currently.                                      certification requirements in your region.
• Avoid placing your LIFX lightbulb behind 		       railroad tracks, and power stations.                 •	Screw-in your LIFX bulb and switch the light       This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
  furniture or inside cabinets.                  •	Cordless telephones that operate in the 2.4             switch into the on position.                       Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
• Don’t place your LIFX lightbulb in areas 		       GHz range.The farther away the interference          •	The bulb will run a red, green, blue and white     conditions: (1) This device may not cause harm-
  surrounded by metal surfaces on three             source, the less likely it is to cause a problem.       sequence indicating the hardware has reset         ful interference, and (2) this device must accept
  of more sides                                                                                          • Open the app                                        any interference received, including interference
                                                                                                         •	Run through the bulb setup sequence                that may cause undesired operation.

This Class 8 digital apparatus complies            This device is to be used only for mobile and           "This device complies with Industry Canada        Informations concernant Fexposition aux fré—
with CAN ICES3 (B)/NMB3 (8)                        fixed applications.                                     licence—exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is      quences radio (RF)
This digital apparatus does not exceed             The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must           subject to the following two conditions:
                                                                                                                                                             La puissance de sortie émise par Fappareil de
the class 8 limits for radionoise emissions        be installed to provide a separation distance of
from digital apparatus as set out in the           at least 20cm from all persons and must not be          (1) this device may not cause interference, and   sans fil Dell est inférieure a la limite d‘exposition
                                                   collocated or operating in conjunction with any                                                           aux fréquences radio d‘industry Canada (1C).
Radio Interference Regulations of the              other antenna or transmitter.                           (2) this device must accept any interference,     Utilisez Fappareil de sans fil Dell de fagon a mini—
Canadian Department of Communications.                                                                     including interference that may cause undesired   miser les contacts humains lors du fonctionne=
This device has been tested and found to           End—users and installers must be provide with antenna   operation of the device."
                                                   installation instructions and consider removing the                                                       ment normal.
comply with the limits for a Class B digital de—   no—collocation statement.                               Canada, avis dIndustry Canada (IC)
vice pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules.                                                                                                                   Ce périphérique a été évalué et démontré con—
Made in China. Fabrique en Chine                   OEM integrators must be provided with antenna           Cet appareil numérique de classe B est con—       forme aux limites SAR (Specific Absorption Rate
                                                   installation instructions.                              forme aux normes canadiennes ICES—003 et          — Taux d‘absorption spécifique) C lorsqu‘il est
  THIS DEVICE I NOT INTENDED FOR USE               OEM integrators and end—users must be provi—            RSS—210.                                          installé dans des produits hotes particuliers qui
  WITH EMERGENCY EXITS                             ded with transmitter operation conditions for                                                             fonctionnent dans des conditions d‘exposition a
                                                   satistying RF exposure compliance.                      Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux
  USE IN OPEN LUMINAIRE ONLY                                                                                                                                 des appareils portables (les antennes se situent
                                                                                                           conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit
  ADDED WEIGHT OF THE DEVICE MAY                                                                                                                             a supérieur de 20 centimetres du corps dune
                                                   This grant is valld only when the device is sold        pas causer      erférence et (2) cet appareil
  CAUSE INSTABILITY OF A FREESTANDING                                                                                                                        personne).
                                                   to OEM integrators and the OEM integrators              doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les
  PORTABLE LUMINAIRE                               are instructed to ensure that the end—user has          interférences qui peuvent affecter son foncti—    Ce périphériqueest homologué pour Putilisation
                                                   no manual instruction to remove or install the
                                                   device.                                                 onnement.                                         au Canada. Pour consulter Fentrée correspon—

dant a appareil dans ta liste d‘équipement radio       and fixtures that designed to accept smaller       and Cautions" section of this document.           and/or trap excessive amounts of heat
(REL — Radio Equipment List) d‘Industry Canada         or lower wattage light bulos may result in         This device generates radio frequency             emergency exits or emergency lights
rendez—vous sur:        the LIFX bulb operating below its optimal          energy and, if not installed in accordance        conjunction with 3rd party sensors/timing de—
reltel/srch/                       capacity. For optimal performanceit is re—com—     with the "recommended installation requi~         vices that are not approved by LIFX
                                                       mended that LIFX bulbs be fitted into fixtures     rements®                                          light fittings that incorporate dimmers not com
Les utilisateurs finaux et les installateurs doivent   that provide sufficient air flow through and       may cause harmful interference to radio           patible with LIEX
fournir avec antenne instructions d‘installation et    around the bulb. It is recommended that the        communication devices. If the device is           places where there is a risk of electric shock
envisager Ia dépose ds no—collocation déclaration.     LIFX bulb be installed away from other devices     causing radio interference is it recommen—        outdoor areas
                                                       designedto receive or transmit radio signals. it   ded that the user try:                            wet or damp conditions
Pour des informations supplémentaires con—             is recommended LIFX bulb/s be installed and                                                          sockets that are not rated for this bulb
cernantlexposition aux RF au Canada rendez—                                                               a) relocating the device to a different place
vous sur : hitp://wwn.ic.gc.cafeie/site/smt—gst.       operated at a minimum distance of 30cm from        b) adjust the antenna on the receiving
                                                                                                                                                            sockets that utilise a 3rd party adapter
nstfeng/sf08792.htmi Changes or modiications           the body.                                                                                            excessively hot environments (e.9. close to
                                                                                                                                                            ovens, radiators, neaters, etc.)
                                                       Interference                                       ¢) consult a technician experienced in radio      regions or countries other than that in which the
Changes or modifications made to this
device may vold certification of the device            LIFX has beendesigned to minimise inter=           interference
                                                                                                                                                            product was intended for.
RecommendedInstallation requirements                   ference with other radio, broadcast or
This device should only be installed in light          receiving devices. The manufacturer is not         Warning and cautions                             When using LIFX
fittings and fixtures that are designed to             responsible for any interference caused as         LIFX is not designedfor use in:
accept 221 sized light bulbs 80w or greater (for       a result of modifications to the product or                                                         + switch off the power supply to the socket and
LIFX a21 bulbs) or GU1O light buibs                    by failure to adhere to the "the Warnings          * enclosed fixtures that limit the flow of air     allow sufficient time for the bulb to cool before
(for LIFX GU1O bulbs). Lamps and fittings

    removing a LIFX bulb from the fitting.             and a valid claim is received by LIFX within the    Instructions to Obtain Warranty Service:             service on your Product, visit the LIFX website
•	do not open device, as this will void the war-      Warranty Period, at its option and to the extent                                                         (
                                                                                                           To obtain warranty service, you must deliver the
    ranty                                              permitted by law, LIFX will either (1) repair the
                                                                                                           Product, freight prepaid, in either its
•	do not place in reach of children. This device is   Product at no charge, using new or refurbished
                                                                                                           original packaging or packaging providing
    not a toy and should not be given to children.     replacement parts or (2) exchange the Product                                                            Exclusions and Limitations.
                                                                                                           an equal degree of protection, to the address
•	do not clean the device when it is on and or        with a new or refurbished Product. In the event
                                                                                                           specified by LIFX within the Warranty Period         This Limited Warranty applies only to the
    connected to the light socket                      of a Defect, to the extent permitted by law,
                                                                                                           along with a written description outlining the       Product manufactured by or for LIFX that
•	regularly clean the bulbs with a soft dry cloth,   these are your sole and exclusive remedies.
                                                                                                           Defect in reasonable detail. In accordance           can be identified by the “LIFX“ trademark, trade
    do not use cleaning agents.                        A replacement Product or part assumes the
                                                                                                           with applicable law, LIFX may require that you       name, or logo affixed to it.
                                                       remaining warranty of the original Product
                                                                                                           furnish proof of purchase details and/or comply
Limited warranty                                       or two years (730 days) from the date of
                                                                                                           with registration requirements before receiving
                                                       replacement or repair, whichever is longer.                                                              The Limited Warranty does not apply to any (a)
General.                                                                                                   warranty service. It is your responsibility to
                                                       When a Product or part of the Product is ex-                                                             LIFX products and services other than the Pro-
                                                                                                           backup any data, software, or other materials
Lifi Labs Inc. (“LIFX“) warrants the LIFX bulb         changed, any replacement item becomes your                                                               duct, (b) nonLIFX hardware product, (c) con-
                                                                                                           you may have stored or preserved on or in
(the “Product“), and only the Product, against         property and the replaced item becomes LIFX‘s                                                            sumables (such as batteries), or (d) software,
                                                                                                           relation to the Product. It is likely that such
defects in materials and workmanship under             property. Parts provided by LIFX in fulfilment of                                                        even if packaged or sold with the Product or
                                                                                                           data, software, or other materials will be lost or
normal use (“Defect”) for a period of TWO YE-          its warranty obligation must be used in Products                                                         embedded in the Product. Refer to the licenses
                                                                                                           reformatted during service, and LIFX will not
ARS (730 days) from the date of retail purchase        for which warranty service is claimed.                                                                   accompanying the software for details of your
                                                                                                           be responsible for any such damage or loss. For
by the original purchaser (“Warranty Period“).                                                                                                                  rights with respect to its use. LIFX does not war-
                                                                                                           specific instructions on how to obtain warranty
Under this Limited Warranty, if a Defect arises                                                                                                                 rant that the operation of the Product will meet

your needs or requirements or be uninterrupted         by anyone who is not a representative of LIFX.      RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS        Consumer Protection.
or error free. LIFX is not responsible for damage      Recovery and reinstallation of software pro-        FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINF-
                                                                                                                                                      Some states do not allow the exclusion or
arising from failure to follow instructions            grams and user data are not covered under this      RINGEMENT) ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED.
                                                                                                                                                      limitation of incidental or consequential
relating to the Product‘s use or from failures         Limited Warranty. This Limited Warranty does
                                                                                                           Limitation of Damages.                     damages, or allow limitations on how long
resulting from inadequate electrical supply or         not cover the cost of returning the Product to
                                                                                                                                                      an implied warranty lasts, so the above
internet access. This warranty does not apply to       LIFX; this is your responsibility.                  EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY
                                                                                                                                                      limitations or exclusions may not apply to
a Product or part of the Product that has been         No LIFX reseller, agent, or employee is autho-      APPLICABLE LAW, LIFX SHALL NOT BE
                                                                                                                                                      you. This warranty gives you specific legal
altered or modified (e.g., to alter functionality or   rized to make any modification, extension, or       LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT,
                                                                                                                                                      rights, and you may also have other rights
capability) by anyone who is not a represen-           addition to this Limited Warranty. If any term is   SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES
                                                                                                                                                      that vary by state to state.
tative of LIFX or if the Product is inserted or        held to be illegal or unenforceable, the legality   RESULTING FROM ANY USE OF THE PRO-
installed in a casing not provided by LIFX. In         or enforceability of the remaining terms shall      DUCT OR BREACH OF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED
                                                                                                                                                      Governing Law and Arbitration.
addition, this Limited Warranty does not apply         not be affected or impaired.                        WARRANTY OR CONDITION, OR UNDER ANY
to Defects or damage caused by (a) use with                                                                OTHER LEGAL THEORY. LIFX’S LIABILITY       This Limited Warranty shall be governed
                                                       Exclusive Warranties.
nonLIFX products; (b) accident, abuse, misuse,                                                             FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY USE         by the laws of the State of California without
flood, fire, earthquake or other external causes       THE WARRANTIES SET FORTH HEREIN ARE                 OF THE PRODUCT OR BREACH OF EXPRESS        giving effect to any conflict of laws principles
or abnormal conditions; (c) operating the              THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTIES PROVIDED                   OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION, OR       that may provide the application of the law of
Product outside the permitted or intended uses         BY LIFX, AND EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT                   UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY WILL BE       another jurisdiction and without regard to the
or conditions described by LIFX or with im-            PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ALL                   LIMITED TO THE ORIGINAL COST PAID FOR OF   Convention on Contracts for the International
proper voltage or power supply; or (d) service         OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR                THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT.                     Sale of Goods. Any claim or dispute in connec-
(including upgrades and expansions) performed          IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING WAR-                                                             tion with this Limited Warranty shall be resolved

in a cost effective manner through binding non            courts in the Northern District of California for
appearance based arbitration. The arbitration             the purpose of litigating all such claims or dispu    -
shall be initiated through an established alterna     -   tes, which courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction
tive dispute resolution provider mutually agreed          of such claims or disputes. Notwithstanding the
upon by the parties. The alternative dispute              foregoing, LIFX may seek injunctive or other
resolution provider and the parties must comply           equitable relief to protect its intellectual proper   -
with the following rules: a) the arbitration shall        ty rights in any court of competent jurisdiction.
be conducted by telephone, online and/or be
solely based on written submissions, the specific
manner shall be chosen by the party initiating
the arbitration; b) the arbitration shall not invol   -       LIFX Module Board & WiFi Bulb
ve any personal appearance by the parties or                         USER MANUAL
witnesses unless otherwise mutually agreed by
                                                          LIFX Module Board           Label
the parties; and c) any judgment on the award
                                                                    FCC ID: 2AA53-LIFX01
rendered by the arbitrator may be entered
                                                                    IC:   11475A-LIFX01
in any court of competent jurisdiction. If the
foregoing arbitration clause does not apply for           LIFX WiFi Bulb                Label
any reason, you agree to submit to the personal
jurisdiction of the state courts located within                  LIFI LABS

San Francisco County, California and the federal

End Product Labeling
This transmitter module is authorized only for use in device
where the antenna may be installed such that 20cm may be
maintained between the antenna and users. The final end
product must be labeled in a visible area with the following:
“Contains FCC ID:2AA53-LIFX01 and IC: 11475A-LIFX01 ”.

Manual Information To the End User
The OEM integrator has to be aware not to provide information
to the end user regarding how to install or remove this RF module
in the user’s manual of the end product which integrates this module.
The end user manual shall include all required regulatory
information/warming as shown in this manual

Document Created: 2013-11-28 10:52:12
Document Modified: 2013-11-28 10:52:12

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC