User Manual - Safety


Users Manual

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BEFORE YOU START INSTALLATION OR                                                      of the obsolete outlet.
USE OF THIS PRODUCT, CAREFULLY                                                     10 Protect the power cord from being walked on
READ ALL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS                                                          or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience
Applicability                                                                         receptacles, and the point where they exit from
                                                                                      the apparatus.
These Safety Instructions and Regulatory Notices                                   11 Only use attachments/accessories specified
apply to:                                                                             by the manufacturer.
• Technicolor Set-Top Boxes                                                        12 Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket,
Using equipment safely                                                                or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold
         When using this product, always follow                                       with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use
    !    the basic safety precautions to reduce the                                   caution when moving the cart/apparatus
         risk of fire, electric shock and injury to                                   combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
         persons, including the following:                                         13 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms
         • Always install the product as described                                    or when unused for long periods of time.
            in the documentation that is included                                  14 Refer all servicing to qualified service
            with your product.                                                        personnel. Servicing is required when the
         • Avoid using this product during an                                         apparatus has been damaged in any way, such
            electrical storm. There may be a                                          as a power-supply cord or plug is damaged,
            remote risk of electric shock from                                        liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen
            lightning.                                                                into the apparatus, the apparatus has been
Important safety instructions                                                         exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate
1 Read these instructions.                                                            normally, or has been dropped.
2 Keep these instructions.                                                         Used symbols
3 Heed all warnings.                                                               Following symbols may be found in this and
4 Follow all instructions.                                                         accompanying documentation as well as on the
5 Do not use this apparatus near water.                                            product or accompanying accessories:
6 Clean only with dry cloth.                                                       Symbol Indication
7 Do not block any ventilation openings. Install                                               This symbol is intended to alert you
   in accordance with the manufacturer’s                                                       that uninsulated voltage within this
   instructions.                                                                               product may have sufficient
8 Do not install near any heat sources such as                                                 magnitude to cause electric shock.
   radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other                                                 Therefore, it is dangerous to make any
   apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce                                               kind of contact with any inside part of
   heat.                                                                                       this product.
9 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the
   polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized                                               This symbol is intended to alert you of
   plug has two blades with one wider than the                                            !    the presence of important operating
   other. A grounding-type plug has two blades                                                 and maintenance (servicing)
   and a third grounding prong. The wide blade                                                 instructions in the documentation that
   or the third prong are provided for your safety.                                            is included with your product.
   If the provided plug does not fit into your                                                 This symbol indicates for indoor use
   outlet, consult an electrician for replacement                                              only (IEC 60417-5957).

                                *3754237B*   3754237B

TECHNICOLOR                 Copyright 2017 Technicolor. All rights reserved.
1-5 rue Jeanne d’Arc        All tradenames referenced are service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux   respective companies. Specifications subject to change without notice.
France                      DMS3-SAF-25-380 v3.0.

Symbol     Indication                                       A list of the Open Source Software used or
           This symbol indicates Double                     provided as embedded into the current software
           insulated Class II equipment                     of the product and their corresponding licenses
           (IEC 60417-5172). Does not require               and version number are, to the extent required by
           an earth connection.                             applicable terms, available on Technicolor's
                                                            website at the following address:
           This symbol indicates Alternating      
           Current (AC).                                    software or at another address as Technicolor may
           This symbol indicates Direct Current             provide from time to time.
           (DC).                                            If and where applicable, depending on the terms
           This symbol indicates Electrical                 of the applicable Open Source Software licenses,
           polarity.                                        the source code of the Open Source Software is
                                                            available for free upon request.
           This symbol indicates Fuse.                      For avoidance of doubt, Open Source Software is
Directives                                                  only licensed by the original owner of the Open
Product use                                                 Source Software under the terms set forth in the
You must install and use this product in strict             designated Open Source License.
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions             Environmental information
as described in the user documentation that is                          Batteries (if applicable)
included with your product.                                             Batteries contain hazardous substances
Before you start installation or use of this product,                   which pollute the environment. Do not
carefully read the contents of this document for                        dispose of them with other articles.
device specific constraints or rules that may apply                     Take care to dispose them at special
in the country where you want to use this product.                      collecting points.
If you have any doubts about the installation,                          Recycle or dispose of batteries in
operation or safety of this product, please contact                     accordance with the battery
your supplier.                                                          manufacturer’s instructions and local/
Any change or modification made to this product                         national disposal and recycling
that is not expressly approved by Technicolor will                      regulations.
result in the loss of product warranty and may              Energy efficiency
void the user's authority to operate this                   Energy savings
equipment. Technicolor disclaims all responsibility         The user documentation that is included with
in the event of use that does not comply with the           your product not only provides useful information
present instructions.                                       on all the features of your product, but also on its
Software and firmware use                                   energy consumption. We strongly encourage you
The firmware in this equipment is protected by              to carefully read this documentation before
copyright law. You may only use the firmware in             putting your equipment in service in order to get
the equipment in which it is provided. Any                  the best service it can offer you.
reproduction or distribution of this firmware, or           Safety instructions
any portion of it, without express written consent
from Technicolor is prohibited.                                      • Read these instructions.
Software described in this document is protected               !     • Keep these instructions.
                                                                     • Heed all warnings and cautions.
by copyright law and furnished to you under a
license agreement. You may only use or copy this                     • Follow all instructions.
software in accordance with the terms of your               Climatic conditions
license agreement.                                          This product:
Open Source Software notification                           • Is intended for in-house stationary use; the
The software of this product may contain certain              maximum ambient temperature must not
open source software modules which are subject                exceed 40 °C (104 °F); the relative humidity
to Open Source Software license terms (see                    must be between 20 and 80 %. for definition). Such            • Must not be mounted in a location exposed to
Open Source Software components and/or                        direct or excessive solar and/or heat radiation.
versions may change in the future versions of the           • Must not be exposed to heat trap conditions
software product.                                             and must not be subjected to water or

• Must be installed in a Pollution Degree 2                   • For US and Canada: This product is intended to
   environment (an environment where there is no                 be supplied by a UL listed Direct Plug-inPower
   pollution or only dry, non-conductive pollution).             Unit marked "Class 2" and rated as indicated
If applicable, batteries (battery pack or batteries              on the label on your product.
installed) must not be exposed to excessive heat              • This power supply unit must be Class II and a
such as sunshine, fire or the like.                              Limited Power Source in accordance with the
Ventilation and positioning                                      requirements of IEC 60950-1/EN 60950-1,
This product is intended to be used indoors in a                 Clause 2.5 and rated as indicated on the label
residential or office environment.                               on your product. It must be tested and
• Remove all packaging material before applying                  approved to national, or local standards.
   power to the product.                                                Only use the power supply unit that is
• Place and use the product only in positions as
   described in the user documentation that is
                                                                 !      supplied with this product, is supplied by
                                                                        your service provider or local product
   included with your product.                                          supplier, or a replacement power supply
• Do not block or cover any ventilation openings;                       unit provided by your service provider or
   never stand it on soft furnishings or carpets.                       local product supplier.
• Never push objects through the openings in                            The use of other types of power supplies
   this product.                                                        is prohibited.
• Leave 7 to 10 cm (3 to 4 inches) around the                           If you are not sure of the type of power
   product to ensure that proper ventilation gets                       supply needed, consult the user
   to it.                                                               documentation that is included with your
• Do not install the product near any heat sources                      product or contact your service provider
   such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other                  or local product supplier.
   apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce              Accessibility
   heat.                                                      The plug on the power supply cord or power
• Do not put anything on it which might spill or              supply unit serves as disconnect device. Be sure
   drip into it (for example, lighted candles or              that the mains supply socket outlet you use is
   containers of liquids). Do not expose it to                easily accessible and located as close to the
   dripping or splashing, rain or moisture. If a liquid       product as possible.
   enters inside the product, or if the product has           The power connections to the product and the
   been exposed to rain or moisture, unplug it                mains supply socket outlet socket must be
   immediately and contact your supplier or                   accessible at all times, so that you always can
   customer service.                                          disconnect the product quickly and safely from
Cleaning                                                      the mains supply.
Unplug this product from the wall socket and                  Overloading
disconnect from all other devices before cleaning.            Do not overload mains supply socket outlets and
Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners.               extension power cords as this increases the risk of
Use a damp cloth for cleaning.                                fire or electric shock.
Water and moisture                                            Handling batteries
Do not use this product near water, for example               This product (or its remote control) may contain
near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry               disposable batteries.
tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.                         CAUTION
Transition of the product from a cold environment
to a warm one may cause condensation on some
                                                                 !      There is danger of explosion if the
                                                                        battery is mishandled or incorrectly
of its internal parts. Allow it to dry by itself before                 replaced. Replace only with the same or
using the product.                                                      equivalent type of battery. Do not
Electrical powering                                                     disassemble it or attempt to recharge it
The powering of the product must adhere to the                          outside the system.
power specifications indicated on the marking                           Do not disassemble, crush, puncture,
labels.                                                                 short the external contacts, dispose of in
In case this product is powered by a power supply                       fire, or expose to fire, water or other
unit:                                                                   liquids.


• Insert batteries correctly. There may be a risk of         Damage requiring service
   explosion if the batteries are incorrectly                Unplug this product from the mains supply socket
   inserted.                                                 outlet and refer servicing to qualified service
• Do not attempt to recharge disposabal or non-              personnel under the following conditions:
   reusable batteries.                                       • When the power supply, power cord or its plug
• Please follow instructions provided for charging             are damaged.
   rechargeable batteries.                                   • When the attached cords are damaged or
• Replace batteries with the same or equivalent                frayed.
   type.                                                     • If liquid has been spilled into the product.
• Do not expose batteries to excessive heat (such            • If the product has been exposed to rain or
   as sunlight or fire) and to temperatures above              water.
   100 °C (212 °F).                                          • If the product does not operate normally.
          CAUTION                                            • If the product has been dropped or damaged in
   !      Do not ingest coin or button cell batteries!
          Chemical Burn Hazard
                                                               any way.
                                                             • There are noticeable signs of overheating.
          This product or remote control supplied            • If the product exhibits a distinct change in
          with this product may contains a coin/               performance.
          button cell battery. If the coin/button            • If the product is giving off smoke or a burning
          battery is swallowed, it can cause severe            smell.
          internal burns in just 2 hours and lead to         Protect the product when moving it
          death.                                             Always disconnect the power source when
          Keep new and used batteries away from              moving the product or connecting or
          children. If the battery compartment               disconnecting cables.
          does not close securely, stop using the            Interface classifications (upon applicability)
          product and keep it away from children. If         The external interfaces of the product are
          you think batteries might have been                classified as follows:
          swallowed or placed inside any part of             • Cable (IN/OUT): TNV circuit, not subjected
          the body, seek immediate medical                     to overvoltages (TNV-1)
          attention.                                         • MoCA, HPNA, RF: TNV circuit, not subjected
Cable Distribution                                             to overvoltages (TNV-1)
For this apparatus, the cable shield/screen shall be         • All other interface ports (e.g. HDMI, analog
grounded (earthed) as close as practical to the                audio/video, Ethernet, USB,...), including the
point of entry of the cable into the building.                 low voltage power input from the AC mains
For products sold in the US and Canada, this                   power supply: SELV (Safety Extra-Low
reminder is provided to call the system installer's            Voltage) circuits.
attention to ANSI/NFPA 70, the National
Electrical Code (NEC), in particular Section                 Regulatory information
820.93, Grounding of Outer Conductive Shield                 North-America - Canada
of a Coaxial Cable (or Canadian Electrical Code              Notification of Canadian Radio Frequency
Part 1).                                                     interference statement
Limiting the human body exposure to                          This Class B digital apparatus complies with
electromagnetic fields                                       Canadian ICES-003.
This product should be installed and operated                This product meets the applicable Innovation,
with a minimum distance of 20 cm (8 inches)                  Science and Economic Development Canada
between the product and a person’s body.                     technical specifications.
                                                             Canada - Radiation exposure statement
Servicing                                                    This equipment complies with IC radiation
          To reduce the risk of electric shock or            exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
   !      electrocution, do not disassemble this
                                                             environment. This equipment should be installed
                                                             and operated with minimum distance 20 cm
If service or repair work is required, take it to a          (8 inches) between the radiator and your body.
qualified service dealer.                                    Canada - Industry Canada (IC)
                                                             In case this product is equipped with a wireless
                                                             transceiver, this device complies with Industry
                                                             Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is


subject to the following two conditions: (1) This          • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
device may not cause interference; and (2) This               technician for help.
device must accept any interference, including                        This device complies with Part 15 of the
interference that may cause undesired operation                       FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
of the device.                                                        following two conditions: (1) this device
Restricted frequency bands                                            may not cause harmful interference, and
In case this product is equipped with a wireless                      (2) this device must accept any
transceiver operating in the 2.4 GHz band, it may                     interference received, including
only use channels 1 to 11 (2412 to 2462 MHz) on                       interference that may cause undesired
Canada territory.                                                     operation.
In case this product is equipped with a wireless           FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not
transceiver operating in the 5 GHz band, it is for         expressly approved by the party responsible for
indoor use only.                                           compliance could void the user's authority to
The availability of some specific channels and/or          operate this equipment.
operational frequency bands are country                    Responsible Party: Technicolor, 101W. 103rd St.,
dependent and are firmware programmed at the               Indianapolis, IN 46290 USA, 317-587-5466.
factory to match the intended destination. The             RF exposure statement
firmware setting is not accessible by the end user.        This equipment complies with FCC radiation
North-America - United States of America                   exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
Important safety instructions                              environment. End users must follow the specific
• The cable distribution system should be                  operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure
   grounded (earthed) in accordance with ANSI/             compliance. To maintain compliance with FCC
   NFPA 70, the National Electrical Code (NEC),            RF exposure compliance requirements, please
   in particular Section 820,93, Grounding of outer        follow operation instruction as documented in the
   Conductive Shield of a Coaxial Cable.                   product documentation.
• Leave 5 to 8 cm (2 to 3 inches) around the               When the product is equipped with a wireless
   product to ensure proper ventilation to it.             interface, then it becomes a mobile or fixed
• Never push objects through the openings in               mounted modular transmitter and must have a
   this product.                                           separation distance of at least 20 cm (8 inches)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)                    between the antenna and the body of the user or
radio frequency interference statement                     nearby persons. In practice, this means that the
This equipment has been tested and found to                user or nearby persons must have a distance of at
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,       least 20 cm (8 inches) from the product and must
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These                not lean on the product in case it is wall-mounted.
limits are designed to provide reasonable                  With a separation distance of 20 cm (8 inches) or
protection against harmful interference in a               more, the M(aximum) P(ermissible) E(xposure)
residential installation. This equipment generates,        limits are well above the potential this wireless
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,           interface is capable to produce.
if not installed and used in accordance with the           This transmitter must not be co-located or
instructions, may cause harmful interference to            operating in conjunction with any other antenna
radio communications. However, there is no                 or transmitter.
guarantee that interference will not occur in a            Restricted frequency bands
particular installation. If this equipment does            In case this product is equipped with a wireless
cause harmful interference to radio or television          transceiver operating in the 2.4 GHz band, it can
reception, which can be determined by turning              only use channels 1 to 11 (2412 to 2462 MHz) on
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged           U.S.A. territory.
to try to correct the interference by one or more          In case this product is equipped with a wireless
of the following measures:                                 transceiver operating in the 5 GHz band, it meets
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.              all the other requirements specified in Part 15E,
• Increase the separation between the equipment            Section 15.407 of the FCC Rules.
   and receiver.                                           The availability of some specific channels and/or
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a                operational frequency bands are country
   circuit different from that to which the receiver       dependent and are firmware programmed at the
   is connected.                                           factory to match the intended destination. The
                                                           firmware setting is not accessible by the end user.

Document Created: 2018-08-16 16:09:18
Document Modified: 2018-08-16 16:09:18

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