Request to Modify Special Condition

0020-EX-ML-2014 Post Grant Documents

XM Radio LLC


                           Fisn & RICHARDSON P.C.
                                                                                                            1425 K Street, N.W.
                                                                                                            11th Floor
                                                                                                            Washington, DC 20005

       Frederick P. Fish                                                                                    Telephone
              1855—1930                                                                                     202 783—5070
                           February 12, 2014
      W.K. Richardson                                                                                       Facsimile
             1859—1951                                                                                      202 783—2331

                           VIA ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION                                                        Web Site
                           ‘Office of Engineering and Technology
                           Federal Communications Commission
                           445 12"" Street, SW
                           Washington, DC 20554

                           Re: Request for Review and Revision of Experimental License Special Condition

                 6         To Whom It May Concern:

               AUSTIN      On behalf of XM Radio LLC ("XM"), a subsidiary of Sirius XM Radio Inc., we respectfully
                           request that the Commission revise, as described herein, one of the Special Conditions set
                           forth in the modified experimental license for WB2XCA which the Commission granted on
                           February 6, 2014, File No. 0020—EX—ML—2014 (the "Modified License").

             HOUSTON       The Modified License broadened the scope of WB2XCA to address pre—authorization testing
                           of Part 25 terrestrial repeaters and Part 15 devices associated with XM‘s satellite radios.
                           However, the first Special Condition included on the Modified License is broader than
            NEW YORK
                           similar requirements in the Commission‘s rules, since it requires certain notice/signage even
      SILICON VALLEY       during testing (as opposed to marketing) of covered devices at XM‘s facilities and other
                           locations under XM‘s control. Specifically, the first condition reads as follows:
         TWIN CITIES
                                   Prior to equipment authorization or a determination of compliance, the device
                                   must be accompanied by a conspicuous notice worded as follows: "This device
                                   has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal
                                   Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for
                                   sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained."

                           We understand from FCC staff that the language above was a standard condition imposed for
                           unapproved equipment that predates recent rule changes affecting Sections 2.803(iii)(a) and
                           2.805. However, the above condition is broader than what these rule sections require for pre—
                           authorization operations that are NOT pursuant to a Part 5 license. For example, under
                           Section 2.805(d)(2)(ii), if a Part 15 device is operated for the "evaluation of performance and
                           determination of customer acceptability, during developmental, design, or pre—production
                           states," then the above notice/signage must be present if such operation is not at the
                           manufacturer‘s facility. However, if the device is operated at the manufacturer‘s facilities for
                           any of these purposes, nothing in Section 2.805(d)(2)(ii) requires such notice/signage.
                           Operations under a Part 5 license should not be treated differently.

                           Given the above, we respectfully request that the above condition be qualified and revised to
                           read as follows (with new text underlined):


February 12, 2014
Page 2

        Except for operations or testing at facilities (or in other settings) exclusively
        owned or controlled by licensee or its agents which are not for marketing
        purposes, prior to equipment authorization or a determination of compliance,
        the device must be accompanied by a conspicuous notice worded as follows:
        "This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal
        Communications Commission. This device is not, and may not be, offered for
        sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained."

This revision is consistent with Sections 2.803 and 2.805 in that it would still address FCC
concerns requiring notice and labeling in connection with the distribution and operation of
pre—authorized equipment for marketing purposes. In the meantime, XM is currently
operating in compliance with the Modified License and, accordingly, we are not requesting
that the Commission withdraw the grant while this matter is under consideration.

Please contact me at 202—626—6388 or with any questions.

Very truly yours,

    S. Newman

Fish & Richardson P.C.
1425 K Street NW
11"" Floor
Washington, DC 20005

Outside Counsel for XM Radio LLC

Document Created: 2014-02-12 09:00:01
Document Modified: 2014-02-12 09:00:01

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