Exhibits A - D

0328-EX-ST-2000 Text Documents

XM Radio, Inc.


                                         Exhibit A
                            Experiment Objectives and Operations

       XM Radio Inc. ("XM Radio") intends to utilize a System Validation Single Frequency
Network (SV—SFN) of nine fixed locations to test the deployment of its terrestrial repeater
system. The terrestrial network will retransmit the satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (DARS)
system signal. Satellite signals at S—Band do not fully provide coverage to urban areas due to the
severe blockage from buildings. Consequently, a terrestrial network will retransmit the satellite
service signal to provide coverage in those urban areas where the satellite signal is blocked. To
optimize the network planning, XM Radio plans to conduct a series of tests in Washington, DC
beginning by August 25, 2000.

        Testing of the SV—SFN transmitter system will be for the purpose of channel
characterization, including signal power and multi—path characteristics, to assist in establishing
and validating propagation and channel models for a single frequency network. Consequently,
on any given field testing day, one transmitter may be operating or several repeaters could be
transmitting simultaneously. These measurements will help verify techniques and equipment.
The test team will have access to all the transmitter locations so they can monitor and control the

       Testing is planned for the period of late August through late February 2001. XM Radio
will conduct the tests twenty—four hours per day, seven days per week.

                                                    Exhibit B
                      Transmitter Locations and Transmitter Technical Parameters

        The System Validation Single Frequency Network (SV—SFN) proposed herein will
consist of nine fixed transmitters located around Washington, DC. The specific geographic and
site parameters and technical characteristics of the repeaters are provided below. The antennas
for the standard transmitters will be located on controlled access rooftops, top floor equipment
rooms, or towers. The antennas will not extend more than 6 meters above the building height.
Information regarding the "Ground Elevation Above Mean Sea Level," "Transmitter Height
Above Ground Level," and "Height Above Average Terrain" is provided below.

Site    Latitude        Longitude    Ground      Transmitter   Height    EIRP    EIRP      Orientation   Beam—
                                     Elevation   Height        Above     (dBm)   (Watts)                 width
                                     AMSL        AGL (ft)      Average                                   (deg.)
                                     (ft)                      Terrain
1       38—54—15.6N    77—03—13.5W   63          175           51        57.2    52 3      omni          360
2       38—53—26.7N    77—04—55.5W   203         142           147       57.5    561       omni          360
3       39—23—5.8N     76—35—93.5W   420         280           394       53      214       omni          360
4       38—51—46.2N    77—03—4.5W    27          192           60        58      723       omni          360
5       38—40—58 N     77—14—10 W    211         175           232       56.3    423.6     0,120,240     120
6       38—52—28 N     77—13—24 W    470         140           299       58      723       omni          360
7       38—39—23 N     77—17—15 W    282         200           317       56      382       omni          360
8       38—56—31.2N    76—59—2.8 W   220         295           312       57      522       omni          360
9       38—56—59 N     77—21—27 W    461         195           338       57.4    554       omni          360

Characteristics Common to All Repeaters:

    Component/Parameter                Value                                Notes

    Transmit Frequency                 2332.5 — 2345 MHz                    Adjustable center frequency
                                                                            within range

    Signal & Modulation                Continuous Wave/MCM

                                          Exhibit C
                             Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance

        Because the transmitter antennas will be located on controlled access building roof tops,
top floor equipment rooms, or towers, the exposure to humans will be limited. The transmitters
can be turned off when roof top or tower activities close to the antennas are required by
maintenance or other workers. In addition, the antennas will be situated such that the distance to
near—by buildings will be greater than that indicated by the calculations listed below.
Consequently, the FCC radio—frequency field exposure limits will not be exceeded.

         For the purposes of predicting RF field strength and power density levels, the following
equations from the OET Bulletin 65‘ are used:

         S = EIRP

where:          S= Power Density (mW/ sq cm)
                EIRP = Transmit Power (mW) x Antenna Gain (relative it isotropic radiator)
                R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (m)

        As a worst case prediction, 100% reflection of the incoming radiation is assumed. This is
representative of a roof top environment. This results in a four fold increase in power density

         S= EIRP

         Based on the FCC limits outlined in OET Bulletin 65 for maximum permissible exposure
(MPE) for a frequency of 2340 MHz, the maximum allowable power density is calculated to be:

         General Population Exposure =                       1.0 mW/ sq cm
         Occupational Exposure =                             5.0 mW/ sq cm

         ‘Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
Electromagnetic Fields, FCC OET Bulletin 65, Ed. 97—01, August 1997.

       Using these limits, the minimum separation distance required to receive this power
density is calculated as a function of the antenna discrimination and shown in Table 1.

                             Table 1. RF Exposure Limit Ranges
   Angle Below Main Beam           Antenna Gain       Occupational (m)      General Pop (m)
             (Deg)                      (dBi)
               0                          10                 2.52                  5.64

               5                          6                  1.59                  3.56
               10                         —6                 0.40                  0.89
               15                         —2                 0.63                  1.42

               20                         —6                 0.40                  0.89
               25                         —3                 0.56                  1.26

               30                         —8                 0.32                  0.71
               35                         —5                 0.45                  1.00

               40                         —9                 0.28                  0.63

               45                         —5                 0.45                  1.00
               50                        —14                 0.16                 0.36

               55                         —8                 0.32                 0.71

               60                         —9                 0.28                 0.63
               65                        —18                 0.10                 0.22

               70                        —9                  0.28                 0.63
               75                        —8                  0.32                 0.71

              80                         —9                  0.28                 0.63
              85                         —10                 0.25                 0.56

              90                         —13                 0.18                 0.40

This is a worse case RF Exposure calculation.

                                          Exhibit D
                            Emission Isolation to Existing Systems

        XM Radio recognizes that the experimental transmitters are not allowed to cause harmful
interference to nearby stations including systems operating in adjacent bands. In addition, XM
Radio understands that space communications (Deep Space Network (DSN) in the 2290—2300
MHz band) and Radioastronomy (ARECIBO in the 2370—2380 MHz band) as well as
aeronautical telemetry systems (>2360 MHz) operate in nearby bands. As noted in the Wireless
Communications Service Report and Order (FCC 97—112), some existing multipoint distribution
service and instructional television fixed service systems (MDS/ITFS) have a poor front—end
design with limited frequency selectivity and are thus susceptible to out—of—band emissions. XM
Radio analysis, however, indicates that there is a very low probability for causing interference to
existing systems both at the frequency of operation and in adjacent bands.

        Because the experimental transmitters will be located on roof tops or on towers, they may
be situated near base stations for systems such as MDS/ITFS. Preliminary measurements of the
high power amplifier indicate that harmonics will be — 55 dBc and spurious emissions less than
—60dBc. This combined with other reductions to out—of band emissions (e.g., filtering at input to
HPA, coupling loss to antenna) will dramatically reduce any emission outside the 2320 — 2345
MHz band.

Document #: 965039 v.1

                                        Technical Certification

       I, John (Jack) Wormington, Senior Vice President, Engineering and Operations of XM

Radio Inc. ("*XM Radio"), hereby certify the following under penalty of perjury:

       I have reviewed the foregoing "Request of XM Radio Inc. for Special Temporary

Authority in the Experimental Radio Service to Conduct Test Operations of S—band Digital

Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeaters." The information contained in this application is true

and correct to the best of my belief.

                                                       John (Jack) Wormington

Dated: July 24, 2000

Document Created: 2001-07-26 15:42:07
Document Modified: 2001-07-26 15:42:07

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