STA Request

0312-EX-ST-2000 Text Documents

XM Radio, Inc.


          (anident                                                                                           0312—EX—S1—2000
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                                                                          RAD iO

                                                         July 25, 2000

James R. Burtle, Chief
Federal Communications Commission
Office of Engineering and Technology
The Portals
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

               Re:          Request of XM Radio Inc. for Special Temporary Authority in the
                            Experimental Radio Service to Conduct Test Operations of S—band
                            Digital Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeaters in the

Dear Mr. Burtle:

       XM Radio Inc. ("XM Radio"), one of the two Digital Audio Radio Service ("DARS")
licensees in the U.S., hereby requests six—month Special Temporary Authority ("STA") under
Section 5.61 of the Commission‘s rules to conduct tests of a terrestrial repeater transmitter at a
fixed location in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in its licensed frequency band (2332.5—2345 MHz).
XM Radio requests authority to initiate this testing by August 25, 2000.

          Consistent with the Commission‘s March 1997 Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
XM Radio expects to deploy "gap—filler" terrestrial repeaters as part of its DARS network in
most major cities. See Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order, and Further Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking, Establishment of Rules and Policies for the Digital Audio Radio
Satellite Service in the 2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, 12 FCC Red 5754 (1997). XM Radio
is currently conducting tests of terrestrial repeater transmitter facilities in metropolitan areas
throughout the United States pursuant to the national experimental authorization granted by the
Experimental Licensing Branch on August 17, 1999. See FCC File No. 0199—EX—PL—1999 (Call
Sign WB2XCA). These ongoing tests are a critical part of the technical planning required for a
successful launch of XM Radio‘s DARS service.

       XM Radio now proposes to conduct new tests of a terrestrial facility in Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania. XM Radio will operate the repeater at a fixed location in order to simulate the
operation of its planned repeaters in its final DARS network. This experimental operation will
help to facilitate the efficient design and deployment of XM Radio‘s prospective DARS repeater
network. The technical parameters of the transmitters proposed herein deviate

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Mr. James R. Burtle
July 25, 2000
Page 2

sufficiently from the repeater operations authorized under XM Radio‘s current national
experimental license to require a new experimental STA for these Harrisburg operations. This
STA will in no way prejudice the Commussion‘s pending rulemaking addressing terrestrial

       The attached exhibits, listed below, provide the operational and technical details of XM
Radio‘s proposed experimental operations at the fixed location in Harrisburg:

Exhibit A:      Experiment Objectives and Operations

Exhibit B:      Transmitter Locations and Transmitter Technical Parameters

Exhibit C:      Radio—frequency Exposure Compliance

Exhibit D:      Emission Isolation to Existing Systems

       In particular, Exhibit B provides detailed information concerning the technical parameters
of the proposed transmitters. This information includes frequency, EIRP, and modulation of the
proposed signals.

        XM Radio is authorized to operate its DARS system in the U.S. in the 2332.3—2345 MHz
frequency band on an exclusive basis, and it believes that it can conduct the proposed testing
without causing interference to any existing radio operators. XM Radio has detected no
interference problems during the tests conducted pursuant to its national experimental
authorization. Moreover, XM Radio will work with any existing radio operators to assure
protection of those systems.

       As indicated above, XM Radio hopes to initiate testing by August 25, 2000. If testing
beyond the six—month term of the proposed STA is necessary, XM Radio will file an STA
extension request and an application for a two—year experimental license by the applicable
deadlines. See 47 C.F.R. 5.61(b).

       The required filing fee of $45.00 and FCC Form 159 are enclosed with this request. XM
Radio hereby certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits
pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

_ Mr. James R. Burtle
 July 25, 2000
 Page 3

         Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                                  Very truly yours,
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                                                  Lon C. Levin
                                                  Senior Vice President, Regulatory

Document Created: 2001-07-26 17:22:52
Document Modified: 2001-07-26 17:22:52

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