Cover Letter; A

0013-EX-TU-2000 Text Documents

XM Radio Inc.


   .        |                                                                                         ORIGINAL
 A Law Partnership Including Professional Corporations

                                                              July 14, 2000


   Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
   Federal Communications Commission
   The Portals II
   445 12th Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554

                             RE:           XM Radio Inc.             0 ’03
                                           FCC Form 703
                                           call SigW
                                           File No. 01944EX—ST—2000
                                           File No. 0138—EX—ST—2000
                                                licati           r                   I

   Dear Ms. Salas:

            Filed herewith on behalf of XM Radio Inc. are an original and four (4) copies of an
   application on FCC Form 703 for consent to the transfer of control of XM Radio Inc., holder of
   the above—captioned experimental STAs to test terrestrial repeaters, from Motient Corporation to
   the Shareholders of XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., none of whom will have a controlling

                XM Radio Inc. also holds a Commission license to launch and operate a Satellite Digital
   Audio Radio Service (DARS) system. On this date, XM Radio Inc. has also filed an application
   with the Commission on FCC Form 312 for Commission approval of the transfer of control of
   XM Radio Inc. from Motient Corporation to the Shareholders of XM Satellite Radio Holdings
   Inc., none of whom will have a controlling interest.

           Also filed herewith are an FCC Form 159 and the required filing fee of $90. Please
   contact the undersigned with any questions or concerns.


                                                                         B Jfel
                                                                           David S. Koncz

   ce:          Carl Huie, Office of Engineering and Technology, FCC

                                                                                                                  Washington, DC
                                                                                                                  Northern Virginia
                                                                                                                  New York
                                                                                                                  Los Angeles
2300 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20037—1128                202.663.8000 Fax: 202.663.8007   London

Document Created: 2001-07-26 23:33:52
Document Modified: 2001-07-26 23:33:52

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