Exhibit A

0657-EX-ST-2006 Text Documents

Walgreen Company


                                                                              Exhibit A

                                                                              FCC Form 442
                                                                              Walgreens Company
                                                                              Question 7
                                                                              September 2006


        In this application, the Walgreens Company (“Walgreens”) seeks authority to operate a
Ku-band fixed-satellite service (“FSS”) very small aperture terminal (“VSAT”) test network
comprised of a 6.1 meter diameter hub antenna in Mount Prospect, Illinois1 and up to 50
associated 1.2 meter diameter remote antennas located within a radius of 25 miles of the hub
antenna to conduct a 60-day trial of developmental equipment that Walgreens’ is evaluating for
possible inclusion in its nationwide VSAT network. The earth stations would communicate with
the Intelsat Galaxy 11 satellite, located in the 91º W.L. orbital position.

        Grant of this application will enable Walgreens to determine the extent to which the new
equipment it is evaluating will be suitable for nationwide roll out on the Walgreens VSAT
network. The demonstration program commences on September 11, 2006, and will continue for
60 days thereafter (i.e., until November 9, 2006). As many as 50 1.2 meter remotes in an area
with a radius of 25 miles around the Mount Prospect, Illinois hub station could be involved in the
tests by the end of the period.

       The Galaxy 11 spacecraft is a U.S.-licensed satellite. Both the hub and the remotes
would operate under this requested authority in the standard Ku-band FSS frequencies at 14-14.5
GHz (Earth-to-space) and the 11.7-12.2 GHz band (space-to-Earth). Moreover, both the hub and
remotes would be compliant with the applicable off-axis limitations contained in Sections
25.209(a) and (b) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.209(a) and (b).

        Given the target start date of the developmental program, Walgreens requests expedited
consideration of this application, in order to enable the application to be processed successfully
to grant in time for the program to commence. Again, Walgreens requests a commencement date
of September 11, 2006 for its 60-day authorization.

Radiation Hazard Analysis

Prodelin 120 cm Antenna

       A radiation hazard analysis was done for a Prodelin 120 cm antenna and 2 Watts of
power applied at the flange, using the methodology from OET Bulletin 65. The results of this
analysis, which can be seen in Exhibit B, show that the maximum permissible exposure limit

 The 6.1 meter antenna in Mount Prospect is an operational hub station currently authorized under Call Sign
E880547. As the antenna has been previously authorized by FCC/IB and complies with §25.209, no radiation
patterns are provided for this antenna in this application.

(MPE) for protection of the general public of 1 mW/cm2 is met in the near, transition, and far
field as well as in the region between the reflector and the ground.

        However, as is typical for all satellite antennas, the value of 1 mW/cm2 is exceeded in the
volume of space between the feed horn and the reflector. This region is not usually accessible to
the general public because the units are typically installed on rooftops. As a further protection
mechanism, all VSAT terminals are equipped with an automatic shut-off mechanism which
disables the transmitter should the receive signal be lost. This mechanism shuts the transmitter
off within milliseconds should the receive carrier be blocked.

Radiation Hazard Analysis - Vertex 6.1 m

A radiation hazard analysis was conducted for a 6.1 meter Vertex antenna with 250 Watts of
power applied at the flange, using the methodology from OET Bulletin 65. The results of this
analysis, which can be seen in Exhibit C, shows that the maximum permissible exposure limit
(MPE) for the protection of trained personnel of 5 mW/cm2 is met in all areas except near the
reflector and in the volume of space between the feed horn and the reflector. In proximity to the
antenna, the general public will be protected from access to these areas through the use of a
fenced enclosure around the antenna. In regards to the near and transition field, the cylinder of
space projects from the front of the parabolic antenna extends into the sky and is thus
unreachable by the general public.

Document Created: 2006-09-01 13:41:38
Document Modified: 2006-09-01 13:41:38

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