IMSA Cover Letter

0296-EX-PL-2007 Images

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.


                                                             (401) 738-2220
                                                           FAX (401) 738-7336
International   Municipal Signal Association
                                                                                               International Association of Fire Chiefs

                   Mr. C. DouglasJarrett,.Esq
                   Keller and Heckman
                   1001G StreetN.W.
                   Washington,DC 20001

                   June 14,2007

                   Dear Doug,

                   The Attachedexcel documentrepresentsIMSA's searchof NPSPAC channelsfor the
                   proposedsystem.The highlightedchannelsneedto be filtered out by Walmart due to
                   anticipatedhannful interferenceto presentlylicensedpublic safetylicensees.This means
                   we areNQI recommendingthosehighlightedchannels.Moreover,sinceWalmart is
                   applyingfor an experimentallicense,their statuswould be secondaryso if they cause
                   interferenceto any of thoseNPSPAC licensees,they must ceasetheir operation

                   I hopethis helps.If you haveany questionspleasecall or email me immediately.

                   Sincerely,                     .
                   R<.lk...£.~~                /1\/

                  Chief OperatingOfficer
                  National FrequencyCoordinator

                                           200 Metro Center Blvd., Ste. 6, Warwick, AI 02886

Document Created: 2007-06-14 13:15:04
Document Modified: 2007-06-14 13:15:04

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