
5482-EX-ML-1996 Correspondence



                         Experimental Licensing Branch
                               2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 230
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                                        October 8, 1996

                                                                             In reply refer to:
                                                                                NH, Rm 264—A
                                                                                 MS 1300—E1

Winstar Wireless, Inc.
1146 19th Street, N.W.
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036

Dear Mr. George:

        The Experimental Licensing Branch has received your application for experimental
authority filed on FCC Form 442 received 9/26/96. We are currently processing your
application, and have assigned it the file number 5482—EX—ML—96.
       However, we call your attention to the enclosed FCC Public Notice, dated June 26, 1996,
which states that all versions of FCC Form 442 older than the March 1996 revision are now
obsolete. Accordingly, we have enclosed a copy of the most recent form for your convenience,
and request that you amend your above referenced application by submitting the information on
the new form. You may submit the amendment directly to this office, at the address on the
letterhead, to my attention. No additional fee is required.
        We appreciate your cooperation. Please allow approximately 90 days for processing of
your filing.

                                                   Nancy Hey,
                                                   Information Technician
                                                   Experimental Licensing Branch


Document Created: 2001-08-19 01:36:09
Document Modified: 2001-08-19 01:36:09

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