Exhibit 1

5482-EX-ML-1996 Text Documents



                                 Form 442
                                EXHIBIT 1
                      WinStar Wireless, Inc.
        Request for Modification of Experimental Authority
                           Call Sign KS2XFT
                      Description of WinStar‘s
                Experimentation/Demonstration Program

            WinStar Wireless,   Inc.    ("WinStar")   is requesting a
modification of its experimental license that authorizes it to
conduct a program of experimentation and demonstration of the
capabilities of point—to—point transmissions in the 38 GHz band
(38.6—40.0 GHz).    In this modification request,       WinStar seeks to
modify its experimental license to obtain authority under Section
5.202 (j) to conduct limited market studies in the 38 Ghz band.

          WinStar is the forerunner in the development of the
marketplace for 38 GHz spectrum, and has been providing service
in numerous markets pursuant to FCC licenses.  The 38 GHz market
is still quite new, however, and therefore WinStar finds it
necessary to continue basic market development activities.  In
addition,   WinStar believes that it will be able to advance the
radio art in the 38 GHz band by having the opportunity to study
operations in diverse environments and deployment scenarios.

            WinStar seeks authority to conduct limited market
studies in the 38 GHz band under its experimental license.
WinStar believes that its program will be most effective if it is
able to study both the technical and marketplace suitability of
these frequencies.  WinStar thus seeks authority to provide
service under this license to up to fifty (50) customers for
market study purposes.  WinStar believes that the information
developed under such market studies will allow it to evaluate the
viability of the 38 GHz band for commercial services under
different market scenarios, and the pricing structure that will
meet customer and company requirements.

          WinStar is seeking authority to conduct the limited
market studies under its experimental authority throughout the 38
GHz band, and to implement the temporary installations throughout
the United States.  Such authority will provide WinStar with the
necessary flexibility to conduct an effective program.  WinStar
understands that its operations under this experimental license
are secondary to any licensed activities in this band.  WinStar
will thus take steps to ensure that its operations under this
experimental authority do not cause any harmful interference to
any licensed operations.

          Before installing any systems in any location, WinStar
will review the Commission‘s licenses in this band in the desired
area to determine which channels will not be occupied,         and
WinStar will select an appropriate unoccupied channel.  In
addition, to further preclude the potential for harmful
interference, WinStar will notify any licensees of its intended
temporary experimental operations.         In conducting its operations
under the experimental license,        WinStar will utilize Commission—

approved equipment and standard operating and engineering
practices,    as it does throughout its service territories
presently.  Finally, notwithstanding these prophylactic measures
for avoiding interference, WinStar will also maintain the ability
to shut down the systems remotely from its control center if it
receives any complaints of harmful transmissions caused by its
activities under this experimental license.

          WinStar believes that the public interest will be well
served by grant of this experimental application.  The temporary
installations will help demonstrate that WinStar‘s 38 GHz
services can be used reliably to provide a wide variety of
important services, including local networks and alternative
access services for interexchange carriers, competitive access
providers and end users.       WinStar‘s capacity has begun to be used
for,    inter alia,   basic and advanced data transmissions,
redundancy for customers desiring a high degree of reliability,
"bypass" of the local exchange carrier, interconnection of
customer sites, and substitute capacity in case of damage to the
landline networks from natural or man—made disasters.  In short,
WinStar is seeking to determine whether the 38 GHz bands can be
developed as an alternative entrance/exit ramp to the information
superhighway.  The demonstration and market study program will
spur further deployment of these critical services,        and thereby
enhance communications capabilities and create even more new
jobs.     In addition,   the information developed by WinStar during
the course of this program will allow WinStar to improve service
to all of its customers.       For all of these reasons,   WinStar
believes the public will benefit greatly from the proposed
modification of its experimental license to include authority for
limited market studies.

Document Created: 2001-08-20 14:48:23
Document Modified: 2001-08-20 14:48:23

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