Please explain in the area below why an STA is necessary:
Commercial Television station WAVE(TV), Louisville, Kentucky, respectfully requests Special Temporary Authority to allow use of Channel 14 frequencies in support of live broadcast coverage of the 2017 Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs, KY. Prior to 2015, the station was able to utilize shared frequencies for temporary IFB operations, but it has become clear that increased network and regional coverage of subsequent events has limited the available channels for local station WAVE to provide its usual coverage of the Derby. WAVE has determined that the TV channel 14 band, specifically 470-476 MHz, is vacant in the area and would like to temporary license up to four 20 watt Motorola T-band transmitters, which will be used to provide necessary secondary program communications, such as IFB communications to on-air talent. The requested STA would help provide coverage for events leading up to the event between April 18 and May 09, 2017. Since Applicant applied for and was granted a similar STA for the 2014 and 2015 events, it is asking for expedited processing of this STA request in advance of the 2017 event.