FAA NGT Number

0647-EX-PL-2006 Text Documents



Buckley, Elizabeth A.

From:                         Nguyen.Ly@faa.gov
Sent:                         Friday, June 15, 2007 7:43 AM
To:                           Buckley, Elizabeth A.
Co:                           Jarrett, Douglas
Subject:                      RE: Request for NGT Number


Your number is NG TO70O217.

Nguyen Ly
non—fed/ FCT Program Implementation Manager
2601 Meacham Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX 76137
Phone (817)222—4291
Fax (817)222—5975
email: nguyen.ly@faa.gov

         Elizabeth A."
         <Buckley@khlaw.co                    To
         m>             Nguyen Ly/ASW/FAA@FAA
         06/14/2007 09:40        "Jarrett, Douglas"
        AM                 <Jarrett@khlaw.com>
                         RE: Request for NGT Number

Dear Mr. Ly,

Wal—mart seeks to modify its request for an NGT number by excluding operations in the 960—1000 MHz band.

If there is additional information we can provide to assist with this process, please let us know.

We look forward to hearing from you.

— Elizabeth

Elizabeth Buckley—Anderson
Telecommunications Licensing Manager
Keller and Heckman LLP
tel: 202.434.4282 | fax: 202.434.4646 | buckley@khlaw.com
1001 G Street, NW, Suite 500 West | Washington, DC 20001

Keller and Heckman LLP
Serving Business through Law and Science®

Washington, DC | Brussels | San Francisco | Shanghai

Visit our website at www.khlaw.com for additional information on Keller and Heckman.

From: Buckley, Elizabeth A.
Sent:      Tuesday, June 12, 2007 12:02 PM
To:     Buckley, Elizabeth A.; ‘nguyen.ly@faa.gov‘
Co:     Jarrett, Douglas
Subject:       RE: Request for NGT Number

Dear Mr. Ly,

This message follows up on our May 14, 2007 e—mail as well as our May 21,
2007 telephone conference.

We are requesting a status check on Wal—mart‘s request for an NGT number.
The Federal Communications Commission is requesting that this information be provided no later than June 18, 2007.

If there is additional information we can provide to assist with this process, please let us know.

We look forward to hearing from you.

— Elizabeth

Elizabeth Buckley—Anderson
Telecommunications Licensing Manager
Keller and Heckman LLP
tel: 202.434.4282 | fax: 202.434.4646 | buckley@khlaw.com
1001 G Street, NW, Suite 500 West | Washington, DC 20001

Keller and Heckman LLP
Serving Business through Law and Science®

 Washington, DC | Brussels | San Francisco | Shanghai

 Visit our website at www.khlaw.com for additional information on Keller and Heckman.

  From: Buckley, Elizabeth A.
  Sent:. Monday, May 14, 2007 5:29 PM
~ To:     ‘nguyen.ly@faa.gov‘
  Co:    Jarrett, Douglas C.
 Subject:       Request for NGT Number

 Dear Mr. Ly,

 Thank you for your time on Friday, May 11, 2007 regarding the NGT Number application process.

 On behalf of our client, Wal—mart Stores, Inc. (Wal—mart), we are assisting it with applying for an experimental radio
 authorization from the Federal Communications Commission. (FCC or Commission).

 The FCC has requested Wal—mart to prior coordinate the use of the frequency band 800—1000 MHz with the Southwest
 Region (ASW) FAA Regional Office. The Commission has asked Wal—mart to obtain the NGT number(s) from the FAA
 Regional Office provide the Commission with the assigned number(s) .

 In that regard, attached is a copy of the FCC Form 442 application and the following information:

 — Peak envelope power (PEP): ——36 dBm peak EIRP

 — Type of antenna: ——Patch

— Transmit antenna gain: ——6 dBi

— Elevation above sea level of the antenna site; —— N/A, antennas are indoors and under 10 feet high

— Height above ground of the focal point of the antenna: ——approx. 4 feet

— Antenna polarization: ——Circular

— The azimuth that the antenna is pointed or appropriate designator to indicate whether the antenna is rotating, non—
directional, etc.; ——Fixed, directional

— Pulse repetition rate (PRR) that the equipment is capable of operating on to include PRR stagger sequences if
appropriate, whether the PRR is adjustable and what PRR‘s the equipment can accept, and any other information that
would be helpful in understanding the pulse characteristics of the equipment; ——Frequency Hopping, 25 uSec Tari, EPC
Gen 2 Compliant

— Pulse width: ——Minimum bit period (~TARE in Gen2 nomenclature) is 7.14us

— Equipment nomenclatures: —— Impinj] Speedway, ALR—9800; 9900
                           Mercury MS5, Mercury M4, XR400, XR440

— Whether the equipment is capable of blanking transmissions in certain azimuths and any limitations with respect to
blanking: ——No, not capable

— Radius of operations if appropriate: —— Within a 1—kilometer radius of the 36—21—41 North/ 94—12—01 West which are the
coordinates of Wal—mart‘s facility at 1901 SE 10th Street, Bentonville, Arkansas.

— Detailed description of the proposed operation to include any technical parameters that will be altered during operations:
——EPC Gen2 compliant.
FCC part 15 compliant

— Will interrogations (transmissions) be made on 1090 MHz as well as 1030 MHz (airborne transponders typically only
transmit on 1090 MHz and receive on 1030 MHz)?

——N/A — outside of requested frequency range.

— If transmissions will be made on 1030 MHz, in what modes of operation will the transmitter operate (Modes 1, 2, 3A,3C,
4, 5, Mode—S)? Is this a TCAS and is TCAS the only reason why the 1030 MHz transmissions are needed (airborne Mode
4 and/or 5 operations will be very difficult if not impossible to authorize and airborne Mode—$S is not authorized)? ——N/A —
outside of requested frequency range.

If there is additional information that we can provide in support of this request, please do not hesitate to contact Doug
Jarrett (Jarrett@khlaw.com;
202.434.4180) or me.

Best regards,

Elizabeth Buckiey—Anderson
Telecommunications Licensing Manager
Keller and Heckman LLP
tel: 202.434.4282 | fax: 202.434.4646 | buckley@khlaw.com
1001 G Street, NW, Suite 500 West| Washington, DC 20001

Keller and Heckman LLP
Serving Business through Law and Science®

Washington, DC | Brussels | San Francisco | Shanghai

Visit our website at www.khlaw.com for additional information on Keller and Heckman.

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Document Created: 2007-06-18 10:21:27
Document Modified: 2007-06-18 10:21:27

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