Experimental Program Description

0902-EX-ST-2018 Text Documents

Viasat, Inc.


                                         Exhibit A
           Description of Request for Special Temporary Experimental Authority

        As an antenna manufacturer, Viasat, Inc. (“Viasat”) designs and produces a variety of
fixed and aeronautical antennas supporting a wide variety of frequencies for both commercial
and Government users.
        Viasat requests special temporary experimental authority to conduct performance testing
on its next generation dual band mobile antenna, KuKarray Gen 2, in the 30.0 – 31.0 GHz band.
The first generation KuKarray, whose Ka aperture is the M40, has already been granted blanket
authority1 by the Commission to operate on Viasat satellites and experimental authority to
operate on Viasat and other satellites.2 The KuKarray Gen 2 and the Global Mantarray (the
single band commercial Ka antenna version) has been granted blanket authority3 by the
Commission to operate on Viasat owned satellites.

Details of Testing

         The performance testing will be over-the-air using Inmarsat’s I5-F2 (“AOR”) and F3
(“POR”) geostationary satellites located at 55° W.L. and 180° W.L., respectively. Previously,
successful testing took place in 4 locations with the satellite beam centered on the test location
under special temporary authority4. This current request is to support the second phase of
testing which requires the antenna to be operated on the aircraft while in flight.
         The test plan is to use I5’s HCX cross-strap channel capability to route the Mil-Ka uplink
test carrier from the aero-terminal into the gateway downlink which is in the commercial Ka-
band. The Inmarsat ground station for this I5-F2 gateway link is located at their Lino, Lakes, MN
teleport and the I5-F3 gateway is in Auckland, New Zealand. Figure 1 is the downlink
commercial Ka-band frequency EIRP power contour plot for Lino Lakes, MN.
         The tables below shows the emission designators, frequencies and power levels requested
for this testing.

                                                        Peak Downlink
    Downlink Center    Emission                                             Peak Downlink EIRP
                                        Polarity             EIRP
    Frequency [MHz]    Designator                                            Density [dBW/Hz]
       20550        70M1M1D LHCP or RHCP               57.6                         -20.8
       20285        70M1M1D LHCP or RHCP               57.6                         -20.8
Table 1 Forward Link Downlink in Mil-Ka Frequency Band to Terminal

  See Viasat, Inc., File No. SES-LIC-20120427-00404, Call Sign E120075 (granted July 17,
  See Viasat, Inc. File No. 0015-EX-CM-2018, Call Sign WH2XTJ (granted February 26, 2018).
  See Viasat, Inc. File No. SES-LIC-20180123-00055, Call Sign E180006 (granted April 17,
  See Viasat, Inc. File No. 0451-EX-ST-2018, Call Sign WM9XMB (granted March 20, 2018).

                                                                        Uplink EIRP Density
  Uplink Center      Emission          Uplink         Uplink EIRP
                                                                            at bore-sight
Frequency [MHz]      Designator      Polarization       [dBW]
     30350          50M6M1D           RHCP             50.0                     -27.0
     30095          50M6M1D           LHCP             50.0                     -27.0
Table 2 Return Link Uplink in Mil-Ka Frequency Band From Terminal

KuKarray Gen 2 Technical Information

       The figures below show the measured transmit gain plots for co-pol, and cross-pol in the
azimuth and elevation planes at a worst case skew angle of 90° and include radome in the

 Figure 1: Measured RHCP Transmit Terminal Antenna wide pattern cuts for worst case Skew
                    angle 90°. These patterns are measured with radome.

             12.6 dB         9 dB                                   9 dB          14 dB

                                       2.5                 2.5
                       5                                                    5

Figure 2: Measured RHCP Transmit Terminal Antenna narrow pattern cuts (+/- 7.0°) for worst
              case Skew angle 90°. These patterns are measured with radome.

Figure 3: Measured LHCP Transmit Terminal Antenna wide pattern cuts for worst case Skew
                   angle 90°. These patterns are measured with radome.

                 11.8 dB          7.9 dB                                  7.4 dB          14.6 dB

                                                2.5          2.5
                              5                                                 5

Figure 4: Measured LHCP Transmit Terminal Antenna narrow pattern cuts (+/- 7.0 deg) for
         worst case Skew angle 90 deg. These patterns are measured with radome.

    RHCP Transmit: (From Figure 2)
       o Minimum rejection at +/-2.5° is 9 dB
       o Minimum rejection at +/-5° is Min(12.6,14.0) = 12.6 dB

    LHCP Transmit: (From Figure 4)
       o Minimum rejection at +/-2.5° is Min(7.9,7.4) = 7.4 dB
       o Minimum rejection at +/-5° is Min(11.8,14.6) = 11.8 dB

Figure 5: Measured RHCP Transmit Terminal Antenna wide pattern X-Pol cuts for worst case
                Skew angle 90°. These patterns are measured with radome.

Figure 6: Measured RHCP Transmit Terminal Antenna narrow pattern X-Pol cuts (+/- 7.0°) for
            worst case Skew angle 90°. These patterns are measured with radome.

Figure 7: Measured LHCP Transmit Terminal Antenna wide pattern X-Pol cuts for worst case
                Skew angle 90°. These patterns are measured with radome.

 Figure 8: Measured LHCP Transmit Terminal Antenna narrow pattern X-Pol cuts (+/- 7.0°) for
            worst case Skew angle 90°. These patterns are measured with radome.

Flight Plan

       Figure 11 is the flight path with the westbound flight shown as the magenta line and the
eastbound flight as the blue line.

       The complete details of the testing at each site have been submitted to MILDEP SMO
and prior coordination with AFSMO has been initiated. Please contact Jimmy Nguyen
(Jimmy.Nguyen@us.af.mil) for coordination of this test and use of the requested spectrum.

Figure 11: Potential Flight Path starting and ending at Greenville, TX (blue line with yellow
highlight). The map also illustrates 2 dB down from peak EIRP contour for LHCP Forward link
downlink beam in Mil-Ka band centered at Greenville, Tx and Carlsbad, Ca.

Stop Buzzer for Operation:
Program Manager: Mike Mester (phone: 760 893 1980; mobile phone: 760 585 5076)
Systems Engineer: Alton Earle (phone: 678 924 2653; mobile phone: 678 409 4356)
Robert Ruggieri (mobile phone: 301-266-0924) or Boeing 24-hour NOC hotline: (855) 556-1001 and
email: bcssnoc@boeing.com

Figure 12: ViaSat KuKa Global Aero Terminal

 Figure 13: Viasat Certified KuKa Radome

Document Created: 2018-05-16 13:11:50
Document Modified: 2018-05-16 13:11:50

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