Attachment A

0539-EX-CN-2019 Text Documents

Viasat, Inc.


                                                 Attachment A

1     Description of Experiment
As an antenna manufacturer, Viasat, Inc. (“Viasat”) designs and produces a variety of
fixed and aeronautical antennas supporting a wide variety of frequencies for both
commercial and Government users.

This requests for experimental authority to conduct performance testing on its mobile
antennas, in the 14.0 – 14.5 GHz band. Specifically, grant of this license will allow
Viasat to demonstrate the performance of its mobile antennas with the non-geo-
stationary orbit satellite system (NGSO) operated by Kepler Communications Inc. The
Canadian licensed satellite network has been granted U.S market access1 and has
been assigned the callsign S2981.

2     Technical Information

2.1    Antenna Characteristics
Two types of antennas are employed in this experiment, large fixed earth station and
mobile terminals.

The large earth station is an ASC 3.8 m antenna that complies with the antenna gain
pattern in 25.202.

The mobile terminals are a 30 cm, 45 cm and 75 cm. The 30 and 45 cm have parabolic
reflectors while the 75 cm is a rectangular waveguide horn array with linear,
electronically switchable cross and co-polarization and polarization tracking. The
effective area of the aperture is 75 cm. The two parabolic reflector antennas are 30 cm
and 45 cm and have gain patterns shown in Appendix B. The 30 cm has been granted
blanket authority by the commission2 while the 45 cm has been operating under
experimental authority3.

2.2    Antenna Emissions
Viasat’s terminal emissions will comply with the conditions stated in paragraph 25 of the
Order and Declaratory Ruling. Specifically, Viasat terminals will comply with the
following two requirements:

  See Order and Declaratory Ruling, FCC Docket 18-162, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00114
  See Viasat, Inc., File No. SES-AFS-20091117-01463, Call Sign E050318 (granted June 24, 2010)
  See Viasat, Inc., File number 0085-EX-CM-2019, Call Sign WE2XBE (granted July 3, 2019)

       6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009   T. 760.476.2200   F. 760.929.3941

         1. Operations in the 14.0-14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space) frequency band are authorized
            up to the equivalent power-flux density limits of Article 22 of the ITU Radio

         2. In the 14.47-14.5 GHz band, operations are subject to footnote US342 to the
            U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 CFR § 2.106, and all practicable steps
            must be taken to protect the radio astronomy service from harmful interference.

To protect GSO satellite networks Earth stations transmitting to the Kepler NGSO
satellites will maintain an exclusion angle across all latitudes as high as 20º.4 This
minimum separation angle ensures that inline events do not occur.

Because Viasat’s operations with Kepler’s NGSO network will only use a single antenna
at any given time, the equivalent power flux density (EPFD) produced by the full system
is just the power flux density (PFD) produced by a single antenna. As shown below, the
PFD analysis for a single antenna more than adequately meets the EPFDup limits when
operated with a 5-degree exclusion angle from the GSO arc. Indeed, the employment of
such exclusion angles is a practice that Kepler maintains for all of its ground stations, as
discussed further in its request for U.S. market access.5

Provided below is a summary of the calculated EPFD for 14.0-14.5 GHz frequency band
with emission designator 36M0G7D and the associated powers, 30kW ERP and 6MW
ERP. Detailed calculations are in Appendix A of this document.

            Table 1: Summary of Viasat compliance with Article 22 EPFDup limits.
                                                                       Spectral Flux
    ID                       ERP                 Designator                                 Unit
    Article 22 EPFD          -                   -                     -160                 dBW/m2/40kHz
    Viasat Config 1          30 kW               34M0G7D--             -173.81              dBW/m2/40kHz
    Viasat Config 2          6 MW                36M0G7D--             -163.09              dBW/m2/40kHz

  See IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00114, Attachment Technical Narrative page 9
  See Kepler Communications Inc., Petition for a Declaratory Ruling, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-
00114 (filed Nov. 15, 2016). Kepler has designed its system to operate with GSO exclusion angles as
high as 20 degrees to comply with EPFD limits when servicing hundreds to thousands of user terminals.
However, Kepler currently has two prototype satellites in orbit, neither of which have multi-access
capability. Therefore, they can support no more two links at a time, one for each satellite. The stringent
exclusion angles considered by Kepler’s market access grant are therefore not necessary to meet the
limits of Article 22 for the scope of this license, and as the calculations show, a 5-degree exclusion angle
meets the limit with ample margin.

          6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009   T. 760.476.2200   F. 760.929.3941

2.3    NGSO Orbital Characteristics
Below are listed the relevant orbital characteristics of the Kepler NGSO system:
   • Inclination angle (in degree): 90º
   • Apogee (in km) - Perigee (in km): 600 km, 600 km
   • Period (in hour): 1.62
   • Number of satellites in the system: 140
   • Number of planes: 7
   • Number of satellites per plane: 20
   • Number of transmitting satellites: 140
   • Number of receiving satellite: 140

3     Stop Buzzer
In the case of interference contact Steven Hemple at (760) 476-4812 to cease

       6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009   T. 760.476.2200   F. 760.929.3941

Appendix A
    Table 2: PFD/EPFD for Viasat terminal operating at 4 W input power (boresight
                    EIRP of 30 kW) with designator 34M0G7D--
    PFD/EPFD Limits
    Parameter              Value       Units          Symbol
    Article 22 EPFD        -160        dBW/m2/40kHz   Plim

    Parameter              Value       Units          Symbol
    Radius of Earth        6371        km             R
    Speed of Light         299792458   m/s            c

    Input Parameter        Value       Units          Value       Units           Symbol
    Carrier Frequency      1.43E+10    Hz             -                           f
    Bandwidth              3.40E+07    Hz             -                           B
    Reference              4.00E+04    Hz             -                           Bref
    Angle from GSO arc     5           degrees        -                           θ
    Antenna Input          4           W              6.02        dBW             P
    Orbit Altitude         35,789      km                                         r
    Ground Elevation       90          deg.                                       φ
    Atmospheric Loss       -           -              0           dB              Latm
    Antenna Loss           -           -              0           dB              Lant

    Calculated             Value       Units          Value       Units           Symbol   Formula
    Parameters                                        (log)
    Gain (at θ deg. off-   -           -              11.53       dBi             G        29 - 25*log10(θ)
    EIRP (E)               -           -              17.55       dBW             E        G + P - Lant
    Slant distance         35789.00    km             -           -               D        √[Rcos(90-φ)2 + (R + r)2 - R2]
                                                                                           - Rcos(90-φ)
    Spreading Loss         -           -              162.07      dB              Lsp      1/4πR2
    Power Flux Density                                -144.52     dBW/m2          FP       E - Lsp - Latm
    Spectral Flux                                     -173.81     dBW/m /40kHz    FS       FP + (10*log10(Bref/B))

 Using the maximum earth station antenna performance standard given by 47 C.F.R. § 25.209(h) for
communication between transmitting gateway stations and NGSO satellites in the FSS. Even when using
a user terminal, the standards for gateway transmissions serve as a good approximation of performance.
From 25.209(h), the permitted max off-axis gain = 29 - 25log10(θ), where θ is the angle from the antenna
boresight to the GSO arc.

         6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009     T. 760.476.2200   F. 760.929.3941

       Table 3: PFD/EPFD for Viasat terminal operating at 50 W input power (boresight
                        EIRP of 6 MW) with designator 36M0G7D--

Parameter                    Value       Units          Symbol
Article 22 EPFD              -160        dBW/m /40kHz   Plim


Parameter                    Value       Units          Symbol
Radius of Earth              6371        km             R
Speed of Light               299792458   m/s            c

Input Parameter              Value       Units                       Units          Symbol
Carrier Frequency            1.43E+10    Hz             -                           f
Bandwidth                    3.60E+07    Hz             -                           B
Reference Bandwidth          4.00E+04    Hz             -                           Bref
Angle from GSO arc           5           degrees        -                           θ
Antenna Input Power          50          W              16.99        dBW            P
Orbit Altitude               35,789      km                                         r
Ground Elevation Angle       90          deg.                                       φ
Atmospheric Loss             -           -              0            dB             Latm
Antenna Loss                 -           -              0            dB             Lant

Calculated Parameters        Value       Units                       Units          Symbol    Formula
Gain (at θ deg. off-axis)7   -           -              11.53        dBi            G         29 - 25*log10(θ)
EIRP (E)                     -           -              28.52        dBW            E         G + P - Lant
                                                                                              √[Rcos(90-φ)2 + (R + r)2 - R2] -
Slant distance               35789.00    km             -            -              D
Spreading Loss               -           -              162.07       dB             Lsp       1/4πR2
Power Flux Density                                      -133.55      dBW/m2         FP        E - Lsp - Latm
Spectral Flux Density                                   -163.09      dBW/m2/40kHz   FS        FP + (10*log10(Bref/B))

       See Id.

            6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009     T. 760.476.2200   F. 760.929.3941

Appendix B

                                  30 cm Ku-Band Elevation Co-Pol
  Gain in dBi

                      -65   -55    -45     -35     -25    -15    -5     5     15        25      35     45     55       65
                                                             Theta in Degrees

                                     Co-pol, 14.GHz          Co-pol, 14.1GHz         Co-pol, 14.2GHz
                                     Co-pol, 14.3GHz         Co-pol, 14.4GHz         Co-pol, 14.5GHz

                6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009   T. 760.476.2200   F. 760.929.3941

                              45 cm Ku-Band Elevation Co-pol




Gain in dBi






                    -70        -50            -30           -10             10           30            50              70
                                                           Theta in Degrees

                                     Co-pol, 14.0GHz        Co-pol, 14.1GHz         Co-pol, 14.2GHz
                                     Co-pol, 14.3GHz        Co-pol, 14.4GHz         Co-pol, 14.5GHz

              6155 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, California 92009     T. 760.476.2200   F. 760.929.3941

Document Created: 2019-07-04 17:50:43
Document Modified: 2019-07-04 17:50:43

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