STA Request

0052-EX-ST-2000 Text Documents



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                                          January 6, 2000

VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS                                           |                        O R l G‘NAL
Federal Communications Commission
Equipment Approval Services
P.O. Box 358315
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5315

                                              Re:     Volunteers in Technical Assistance
                                                      ECC Call Sign WASXFI
                                                      File No. 0116—EX—S1T—1999

Dear Sir or Madam:

       Volunteers in Technical Assistance ("VITA") hereby requests an extension, or, in
the alternative, reinstatement, of the above—referenced experimental Special Temporary
Authorization ("STA"). Authority is requested for 180 days from the date of grant of
this regitest. Also submitted herewith please find a check in the sum of $45.00 to cover
the requisite filing fee.

      *The Commission granted the above—referenced STA on April 27, 1999. The STA
authorized VITA to use an earth station located at VITA‘s headquarters in Arlington,
Virginia to communicate with the Portuguese low earth orbiting satellite known as
POSAT—1. VITA operates the earth station in connection with a program to test and
develop experimental low—earth orbiting "packet radio" satellite technology. Owing to
administrative oversight, VITA‘s STA expired on October 27, 1999.

      VITA‘s need to operate its earth station is ongoing. The subject earth station is
used as part of an overall experimental program designed to foster basic infrastructure
improvements and self—sufficiency in developing nations. Grant of the requested
extension, or reinstatement, will enable VITA to continue its humanitarian efforts.
      VITA hereby certifies that the operation parameters of its earth station
communications have not changed from those outlined in the above—referenced
experimental STA. VITA additionally certifies that no party to this request is subject to
a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. § 862.                      —

       Please direct all questions and correspondence with regard to this matter to:

    1600 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 710 + Post Office Box 12438 » Arlington, Virginia 22209—8483 USA
              Telephone: (703) 276—1800 « Fax: (703) 243—1865 « Internet:

* Federal Communications Commission
 January 6, 2000                                           FCOC/MELLGH       JAN 2 8 ZUUU
 Page 2 of 2

               Joseph A. Godles, Esq.
               Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
               1229 19%" Street, NW
               Washington, D.C. 20036
               (202) 429—4900
               (202) 429—4912 (fax)
                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                          [   Henr
                                              Voluntéers in Technical Assistance

 cc:   Carl Huie (FCC)
       Joseph A. Godles, Esq.

Document Created: 2001-08-04 01:46:11
Document Modified: 2001-08-04 01:46:11

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