
0049-EX-PL-2008 Text Documents

University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Civil and Environmental Eng.


     University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Civil and Environmental
                   Engineering Æ Hydrecology Research Grou

Steve Loheide, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Rich Deitchman M.S. student (contact – deitchman@wisc.edu, (240) 620 4551)

Eric Booth, Ph.D. student

Project Overview: A thermal remote sensing tool for detecting spring and diffuse groundwater
discharge to streams

Executive Summary

        This application is from the Ecosystem Engineering group at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering). The purpose of this
environmental research project is to improve scientific concepts of ecosystem restoration by
studying and quantifying the exchange of water between groundwater, vadose water, vegetation,
streams and the atmosphere (for more information on the Ecosystem Engineering group and our
research see http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~loheide/). The research involves a proof-of-concept
for using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to collect thermal remote sensing data for mapping
groundwater discharge. With ultra-high resolution thermal imagery, we plan to map groundwater
discharge to streams to distinguish between diffuse and spring discharge. Spatial mapping of
groundwater discharge and distinguishing between the two types of discharge will provide
insight into the underlying groundwater flow system, identify reaches where there is spring flow
through highly permeable conduits, fractures or other sources may discharge contaminated
groundwater to streams and target areas where conservation or restoration may be advantageous
because stream-aquifer interactions create a viable biotic habitat. The results of this research
will provide a technology for proactive management of potential water pollution sources that can
be controlled, minimized or eliminated.
        This research will provide a cost-effective, transferable methodology for mapping of
springs, which fulfills a priority set forth by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources in
support of 2003 Wisconsin Act 310. The DNR is required by law to review proposed wells that
may impact a spring where a spring is defined as “an area of concentrated groundwater discharge
occurring at the surface of the land that results in a flow of at least one cubic foot per second at
least 80 percent of the time.” Currently, no simple or cost effective methodology exists for
conducting necessary spring inventories. Our methodology provides a technique that has the
potential to be a solution for conducting quick and reliable spring inventories throughout
Wisconsin with the possibilities for national coverage.
        Thermal remote sensing data will allow us to construct longitudinal profiles of
groundwater temperature and discharge that can aid in understanding regional groundwater flow

systems. Thermal data may provide a simple means to analyzing groundwater discharge and
creating conceptual groundwater flow models that can be beneficial to water resource managers.
Mapping of stream-aquifer interactions leads to a greater understanding of watersheds that can
aid water quality monitoring, assist conservation efforts and lead to healthier streams.
        Loheide and Gorelick (2006) presented a new method to quantify groundwater discharge
and hyporheic exchange that relies on a detailed spatial and temporal signature of the stream
using airborne thermographic imagery. Loheide and Gorelick (2006) concluded that a change in
the heat budget of a stream in California was the result of increased diffuse groundwater
discharge. They successfully quantified groundwater discharge to a mountain stream in the
Sierra Nevada, California using thermal remote sensing. We plan to follow the methods of
Loheide and Gorelick (2006) however our airborne platform will be a UAV, as opposed to a
        Currently, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is reviewing our Certificate of
Application (COA) for the use of our unmanned aerial vehicle. It is now in the formal review
stage after 2 months of editing and pre-processing. Although our vehicle is no different than a
model plane, it is classified as a public aircraft because we are doing research. As a result, we
must obtain FCC permission to use the standard 2.4 GHz wavelength that is commonly used by
model pilots.

Emission Designator Data
       Our airplane system uses a Futaba product for radio link. It is the Futaba model T6EX at
2.4 GHz. The FCC ID # is AZPTMSS1-24G. According to Futaba and FCC employee Benham
Ghaffari, the emission designator data for the Futaba T6EX is classified, proprietary information.
As a result, it does not appear in our experimental license application.

FAA Application Information

Certification of Application (COA) in review by FAA.


Document Created: 2008-01-30 13:18:13
Document Modified: 2008-01-30 13:18:13

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