Orbital Debris Assessment Report

0879-EX-ST-2019 Text Documents

University of Washington


April 9, 2019

         Orbital Debris Assessment for the HuskySat—I Mission
                       per NASA—STD 8719.14A

                    Signature Page

           /)th_S_m)l, Analyst, a.i. solutions, AIS2

Scott Higginbotham, Missiop@fi anager, NASA KSC VA—C

             National Aeronautics and
             Space Administration

             John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
             Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899


Reply to Attn of. VA—H1                                                                              April 9, 2019

            TO:              Scott Higginbotham, LSP Mission Manager, NASA/KSC/VA—C

            FROM:            Yusef Johnson, a.i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

            SUBJECT:         Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) for the HuskySat—I CubeSat


                   A. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation, NPR
                      $715.6A, 5 February 2008
                      Processfor Limiting Orbital Debris, NASA—STD—8719.14A, 25 May 2012

                      International Space Station Reference Trajectory, delivered May 2017
                      McKissock, Barbara, Patricia Loyselle, and Elisa Vogel. Guidelines on Lithium—
                      ion Battery Use in Space Applications. Tech. no. RP—08—75. NASA Glenn
                      Research Center Cleveland, Ohio
                      UL Standardfor Safetyfor Lithium Batteries, UL 1642. UL Standard. 4th ed.

                      Northbrook, IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2007
                      Kwas, Robert. Thermal Analysis of ELaNa—4 CubeSat Batteries, ELVL—2012—

                      0043254; Nov 2012
                      Range Safety User Requirements Manual Volume 3— Launch Vehicles,

                      Payloads, and Ground Support Systems Requirements, AFSCM 91—710 V3.
                      HQ OSMA Policy Memo/Email to 8719.14; CubeSat Battery Non—Passivation,

                      Suzanne Aleman to Justin Treptow, 10, March 2014
                      HQ OSMA Email:6U CubeSat Battery Non Passivation Suzanne Aleman to

                      Justin Treptow, 8 August 2017

           The intent of this report is to satisfy the orbital debris requirements listed in ref. (a) for
           theHuskySat—I CubeSat, which will be deployed from a Cygnus spacecraft, post—ISS
           departure. It serves as the final submittal in support of the spacecraft Safety and Mission
           Success Review (SMSR). Sections 1 through 8 of ref. (b) are addressed in this document;
           sections 9 through 14 fall under the requirements levied on the primary mission and are
           not presented here.

                RECORD OF REVISIONS

                 DESCRIPTION           DATE

Original submission                   April 2019

The following table summarizes the compliance status of the HuskySat—I CubeSat to be
deployed from the Cygnus spacecraft, post—ISS departure. HuskySat—I is fully compliant
with all applicable requirements.

           Table 1: Orbital Debris Requirement Com         liance Matrix
 Requirement               Compliance Assessment           Comments
 4.3—la                    Not applicable                  No planned debris release
 4.3—1b                    Not applicable                  No planned debris release
 4.3—2                     Not applicable                  No planned debris release
 4.4—1                     Compliant                       On board energy source
                                                           (batteries) incapable of
                                                           debris—producing failure
 4.4—2                        Compliant                    On board energy source
                                                           (batteries) incapable of
                                                           debris—producing failure
4.4—3                         Not applicable               No planned breakups
4.4—4                         Not applicable               No planned breakups
4.5—1                         Compliant
4.5—2                        Not applicable
4.6—1(a)                     Compliant                     Worst case lifetime 3.5 yrs
4.6—1(b)                     Not applicable
4.6—1(c                       Not applicable
4.6—2 °:                      Not applicable
4.6—3                         Not applicable
4.6—4                         Not applicable               Passive disposal
4.6—5                         Compliant
4.7—1                         Compliant                    Non—credible risk of
                                                           human casualty
4.8—1                         Compliant                    No planned tether release
                                                           for HuskySat—I

Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview

HuskySat—I is sponsored by the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate
at NASA Headquarters. The Program Executive is John Guidi. Responsible
program/project manager and senior scientific and management personnel are as follows:

HuskySat—I: Dr. Robert Winglee, Principal Investigator, University of Washington

                 Program Milestone Schedule

                         Task                                Date
                    CubeSat Selection                   October 30¢", 2018
                  Delivery to Nanoracks                  August 15%, 2019
                         Launch                         October 19¢", 2019
                       Deployment                        NET January 2020

                     Figure 1: Program Milestone Schedule

HuskySat—I will be launched as a payload on the Antares launch vehicle executing the
NG—12 mission. HuskySat—I will be deployed from the Cygnus spacecraft post—ISS

HuskySat—I weighs approximately 3.7 kg.

Section 2: Spacecraft Description

Table 2: outline the generic attributes of the spacecraft.

                             Table 2: HuskySat—I Attributes

                               CubeSat                              CnpeSat
          CubeSat Names              R         CubeSat size (mmr)    Masses
                               Quantity                               (kg)
            HuskySat—I              1           340.5 x 102 x 102    3.67

The following pages describe the HuskySat—I CubeSat.

 HuskySat—l— University of Washington — 3U

                                                      Camera payioad       Power distribution
             COM2:      1$1$ antenna:
             246Hz I%   uup/vHF RUTIx      fllqht             Power generation

                        /”'""w                                          /

                                                       ADCS actuators
                            AMSAT linear     ADCS                                   Propuision unit:
                            transponder      sensor                                 contains tungsten
                                             processing                             electrodesa

                            Figure 2: HuskySat—I exploded view


The HuskySat—I is a 3U CubeSat being developed by the University of Washington
(UW). The two primary scientific payloads are a pulsed plasma thruster propulsion
system and a software defined high frequency downlink system. In addition to these
scientific payloads, the HuskySat—I is carrying an AMSAT radio. This mission is being
licensed under part 5 with the FCC, and it is intended that once the University of
Washington has completed its mission objectives, AMSAT will license the HuskySat
under part 97.


After deployment from the Cygnus, the power distribution board will turn on as well as
the COM1 communication system. After waiting 30min, the ISIS antenna will be
deployed, and the beacon will begin. Beaconing consists of 10s transmissions every 2min
at transmit level of 20dBm. Once contact is made with the ground station spacecraft
health checkout will begin. After the state is known, if no anomalies are detected, normal
operations will begin. Normal operations will consist of the pulsed plasma thruster,
COM2 operation, and camera operation. After completing these objectives, the

HuskySat—I will be re—commissioned by AMSAT and will continue operating as an
amateur radio repeater satellite until the satellite burns up in the atmosphere.


The CubeSat structure is made of aluminum. It contains standard commercial off the
shelf (COTS) materials, and electrical components. HuskySat—I‘s propulsion system
consists of a tungsten electrode and a solid sulfur propellant.


There are no pressure vessels or hazardous materials.


HuskySat—I uses rechargeable lithium batteries (Model APR18650M1A) for power
storage. These batteries contain protection against various off—nominal conditions such as
over/under voltage protection, overcurrent protection, and under temperature protection.
The batteries have UN38.3 certification.


Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal
Operations                                             P

The assessment of spacecraft debris requires the identification of any object (>1 mm)
expected to be released from the spacecraft any time after launch, including object
dimensions, mass, and material.

The section 3 requires rationale/necessity for release of each object, time of release of
each object, relative to launch time, release velocity of each object with respect to
spacecraft, expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object
after release, calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth
Orbit (LEO), and an assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3—1 and

Since there are no releases are planned for HuskySat—I, this section is not applicable.


Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for

There are NO plans for designed spacecraft breakups, explosions, or intentional
collisions on the HuskySat—I mission.

The probability of battery explosion is very low, and, due to the very small mass of the
satellites and their short orbital lifetimes the effect of an explosion on the far—term LEO
environment is negligible (ref (h)).

The CubeSats batteries still meet Req. 56450 (4.4—2) by virtue of the HQ OSMA policy
regarding CubeSat battery disconnect stating;

       "CubeSats as a satellite class need not disconnect their batteries if flown in LEO
       with orbital lifetimes less than 25 years." (ref. (h))

Limitations in space and mass prevent the inclusion of the necessary resources to
disconnect the battery or the solar arrays at EOM. However, the low charges and small
battery cells on the CubeSat‘s power system prevents a catastrophic failure, so that
passivation at EOM is not necessary to prevent an explosion or deflagration large enough
to release orbital debris.

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4—1 through 4.4—4 shows that
with a maximum CubeSat lifetime of 3.5 years maximum, HuskySat—I is compliant.


 Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On—Orbit Collisions

  Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects larger than 10 em in
 diameter during the orbital lifetime of the spacecraft takes into account both the mean
 cross sectional area and orbital lifetime.

                                                    Camera payload   Power distribution

                               AMSAT linear   ADCS                            Propulsion unit:
                               transponder    sensor                          contains tungsten
                                              procassing                      elactrodes

                          Figure 4: HuskySat—I Expanded View

                                                         * (w * A)]
             Mean CSA = ZSurft;ce Area _ [2 * (w *1) ';4
             Equation 1: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Convex Objects

                                                    A         +A + A

            Equation 2: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Complex Objects

The CubeSat evaluated for this ODAR are stowed in a convex configuration, indicating
there are no elements of the CubeSat obscuring another element of the same CubeSat
from view. Thus, the mean CSA for the stowed CubeSat was calculated using Equation 1.
This configuration renders the longest orbital life times for all CubeSat.

Once a CubeSat has been ejected from the CubeSat dispenser and deployables have been
extended, Equation 2 is utilized to determine the mean CSA. Amax is identified as the
view that yields the maximum cross—sectional area. A1 and Az are the two cross—sectional
areas orthogonal to Amax. Refer to Appendix A for component dimensions used in these

 The HuskySat—I (3.67 kg) orbit at deployment will be 500 km circular at a 51.6°
inclination. With an area to mass ratio of 0.0083 m*/kg, DAS yields ~3.5 years for orbit
lifetime for its stowed state, which in turn is used to obtain the collision probability.


HuskySat—I is calculated to have a probability of collision of 0.0. Table 3 below provides
complete results.

There will be no post—mission disposal operation. As such the identification of all systems
and components required to accomplish post—mission disposal operation, including
passivation and maneuvering, is not applicable.


                  CubeSat                           HuskySat—l
                      Mass (kg)                        3.67

   a          Mean C/S Area (m42)                    0.0295
   §         Area—to Mass (m"2/kg)                    00803
   2          Orbital Lifetime (yrs)                   3.5
   h6    Probability of collision (10"X)             0.0000
             Solar Flux Table Dated
        *Antennae area is negligible with respect
             to orbital lifetime calculations

Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability


The probability of HuskySat—I colliding with debris and meteoroids greater than 10 cm in
diameter and capable of preventing post—mission disposal is less than
0.00000, for any configuration. This satisfies the 0.001 maximum probability requirement

HuskySat—I has no capability nor have plans for end—of—mission disposal, therefore
requirement 4.5—2 is not applicable.

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5—1 shows HuskySat—I to be
compliant. Requirement 4.5—2 is not applicable to this mission.

Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Postmission Disposal Plans and Procedures

HuskySat—I will naturally decay from orbit within 25 years after end of the mission,
satisfying requirement 4.6—1a detailing the spacecraft disposal option.

Planning for spacecraft maneuvers to accomplish post—mission disposal is not applicable.
Disposal is achieved via passive atmospheric reentry.

Calculating the area—to—mass ratio for the worst—case (smallest Area—to—Mass) post—
mission disposa finds HuskySat—I in its stowed configuration as the worst case. The area—
to—mass is calculated for is as follows:

                  Mean ©C/‘gArea (m*)         a                     J       m
                   Mass (kg) t                    rea   — to to —       ass (uim

                              Equation 3: Area to Mass

The assessment of the spacecraft illustrates HuskySat—I are compliant with Requirements
4.6—1 through 4.6—5.

DAS 2.1.1 Orbital Lifetime Calculations:
DAS inputs are: 500 km circular orbit with an inclination of 51.6° at deployment no
earlier than January 2020. An area to mass ratio of ~0.008 m*/kg for the HuskySat—I
CubeSat was used. DAS 2.1.1 yields a 3.5 years orbit lifetime for HuskySat—I in its
stowed state.

This meets requirement 4.6—1. For the complete list of CubeSat orbital lifetimes reference
Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability.

Assessment results show compliance.


 Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

A detailed assessment of the components of HuskySat—I was performed. The assessment
used DAS 2.1.1, a conservative tool used by the NASA Orbital Debris Office to verify
Requirement 4.7—1. The analysis is intended to provide a bounding analysis for
characterizing the survivability of a CubeSat‘s component during re—entry. For example,
when DAS shows a component surviving reentry it is not taking into account the material
ablating away or charring due to oxidative heating. Both physical effects are experienced
upon reentry and will decrease the mass and size of the real—life components as the
reenter the atmosphere, reducing the risk they pose still further.

The following steps are used to identify and evaluate a components potential reentry risk
relative to the 4.7—1 requirement of having less than 15 J of kinetic energy and a 1:10,000
probability of a human casualty in the event the survive reentry.

           1. Low melting temperature (less than 1000 °C) components are identified as
              materials that would never survive reentry and pose no risk to human
              casualty. This is confirmed through DAS analysis that showed materials
              with melting temperatures equal to or below that of copper (1080 °C) will
              always demise upon reentry for any size component up to the dimensions
              of a 1U CubeSat.

           2. The remaining high temperature materials are shown to pose negligible
              risk to human casualty through a bounding DAS analysis of the highest
              temperature components, stainless steel (1500°C). If a component is of
              similar dimensions and has a melting temperature between 1000 °C and
              1500°C, it can be expected to possess the same negligible risk as stainless
              steel components.

         Table 4: HuskySat—I High Melting Temperature Material Analysis

               PPT anode           Tungsten           .014       0         6
              PPT electrode        Tungsten           0001       0         0
               Fasteners      Stainless Steel 18—8   .130       77.6       —

The majority of stainless steel components demise upon reentry and HuskySat—I complies
with the 1:10,000 probability of Human Casualty Requirement 4.7—1. A breakdown of the
determined probabilities follows:


                Table 5: Requirement 4.7—1 Compliance for HuskySat—I

                                                                 Risk of Human
                      HuskySat—l          Compliant
                        *Requirement 4.7—1 Probability of Human Casualty > 1:10,000

If a component survives to the ground but has less than 15 Joules of kinetic energy, it is
not included in the Debris Casualty Area that inputs into the Probability of Human
Casualty calculation. This is why HuskySat—I has a 1:0 probability as none of its
components have more than 15J ofenergy.

HuskySat—I is shown to be in compliance with Requirement 4.7—1 of NASA—STD—


Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions

HuskySat—I will not be deploying any tethers.

HuskySat—I satisfies Section 8‘s requirement 4.8—1.


Section 9—14

ODAR sections 9 through 14 pertain to the launch vehicle, and are not covered here.
Launch vehicle sections of the ODAR are the responsibility of the CRS provider.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 321—867—2098.

/original signed by/

Yusef A. Johnson
Flight Design Analyst
a.1i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

cc:    VA—H/Mr. Carney
        VA—H1/Mr. Beaver
      — VA—H1/Mr. Haddox
       VA—C/Mr. Higginbotham
       VA—C/Mrs. Nufer
       VA—G2/Mr. Treptow
       SA—D2/Mr. Frattin
       SA—D2/Mr. Hale
       SA—D2/Mr. Henry
       Analex—3/Mr. Davis
       Analex—22/Ms. Ramos


                         Appendix Index:

Appendix A.   HuksySat—1 Component List:


Appendix A.           HuskySat—I Component List

  —            HuskySat—I                     —               Box        3673   340.5      100    100       —      —         =
  1            PPT anode                  Tungsten          cylinder      14     4.8       40      =       Yes   6191°     0 km
  2           PPT electrode               Tungsten          cylinder     0.1      1.5      3.5     =       Yes   6191°     0 km
  3        CubeSat Structure           Aluminum 7075          Box        470     102       226    102      «No     —       Demise

  4        Propulsion Module           Aluminum 7075          Box        665     104       104    82       No      —       Demise
  5           Battery Board            lithium batteries     Board       230      90       90     26       No      —       Demise
  6           COM2 Module              Aluminum 7075          Box        426      90       90     49       No      —       Demise
   7          COM!1 antenna              Aluminum             Box         89     100       100     6.      No      —       Demise

   8           Solar Panels                  FR4             Panel       243      82       277     3       No      —       Demise
                                                           Board Stack                                                         a
   9           ;
        AMSAT linear transponder             FR4            Assembly     177      90       92.5   21       No      —       Demise
  10          Battery Board            lithium batteries     Board       230      90       90     26       No      —       Demise
  11     Power Generation Board              FR4             Board        48      90       90     10       No      —       Demise

  12    Power Distribution Board             FR4             Board        53      90       90      10      No      —       Demise
  13          Camera Board                   FR4              Board       103     90        90     15      No      —       Demise
  14          COM2 Module              Aluminum 7075          Box         480     90        90    49       No      —       Demise

  15     ADCS Flight Computer                  —                —         48      90        90     10       No     —       Demise
   16      ADCS Sensor Board                   —                —         81      90        90     10       No         —   Demise
   17         ADCS Actuators                Copper              =         150     90        90     35       No         ~   Demise
   18            Fasteners              Stainless 18—8      Cylinder      130   #4 or #2   <3"         =   Yes   2500°     Demise
   19            Cabling                    Copper              —         50     <l2ga       —         —    No         —   Demise



Document Created: 2019-04-09 11:45:35
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 11:45:35

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