Research Group Technical Background

0203-EX-ST-2017 Applicant Eligibility

University of Washington


Kurtis Heimerl
Facebook                                                          +1 (206) 659-5878
1 Hacker Way,                                                     kheimerl
Menlo Park, CA 94025                                    

My research focuses on community-based systems across computer networks, international development, and crowdsourcing.

   University of Washington                                                                                                   2016
   Joining as an Assistant Professor in September 2016
   University of California, Berkeley                                                                                         2014
   Postdoctoral Researcher
   Advisors: Eric Brewer and Tapan Parikh
   University of California, Berkeley                                                                                         2013
   Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science
   Thesis: Community Cellular Networks
   Advisors: Eric Brewer and Tapan Parikh
   University of California, Berkeley                                                                                         2009
   Master of Science, Computer Science
   Thesis: Metamouse: Improving Sharing of Existing Educational Applications
   University of Washington                                                                                                   2007
   Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering (Magna Cum Laude)

   Community Cellular Networks                                                                 University of California, Berkeley
   Investigated small-scale, locally owned cellular networks. Developed extensions to OpenBTS to enable more local content in
   network. Conducted longitudinal deployment of both technologies in rural Papua, Indonesia. Demonstrated sustainability of
   locally-owned cellular in Papuan context, as well as value to local community. Study and deployments ongoing.
   Communitysourcing                                                                          University of California, Berkeley
   Investigated mechanisms for targeted specific offline communities of users with crowdsourcing tasks. Developed and deployed
   Umati, the Communitysourcing Vending Machine, a crowdsourcing kiosk. Using Umati, demonstrated ability to target specific
   crowds with rewards and tasks that fit those crowds.
   The Evil Telco                                                                              University of California, Berkeley
   Produced OpenBTS installation for demonstrating cellular attacks against activists. Deployed this at Internet freedom organiza-
   tions and conferences, with participants from many different countries.
   Metamouse                                                                                    University of California, Berkeley
   Developed software that automatically converts single-player games into multiplayer games for areas with chronic computer
   sharing caused by lack of resources. Developed techniques for sharing and demonstrate that majority voting (e.g., requiring most
   students to agree on an answer) was the best solution in the face of varying computer proficiency.

   MIT Technology Review “35 under 35”                                                                                        2014
   Best Paper at DySPAN 2014: GSM Whitespaces: An Opportunity for
   Rural Cellular Service                                                                                                     2014
   Community Award at NSDI 2013: Expanding Rural Cellular Networks
   with Virtual Coverage                                                                                                      2013
   Best Paper at CHI 2012: Communitysourcing: Engaging Local Crowds
   to Perform Expert Work Via Physical Kiosks                                                                                 2012
   NSF Graduate Research Fellowship                                                                                           2008
   NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (Honorable Mention)                                                                       2007
   Bob Bandes Memorial Teaching Award (Honorable Mention)                                                                     2005

Kurtis Heimerl                                                                                                              2

Selected Press
   Facebook Hires Founders Of Cellular-Network-In-A-Box Company Endaga
   Tech Crunch                                                                                                           2015
   DIY Telecoms
   The Economist                                                                                                         2015
   Endaga Brings Rural Villages Online With a Cell Network in a Box
   Re/code                                                                                                               2014
   Kurtis Heimerl: 35 Innovators under 35
   MIT Technology Review                                                                                                 2014
   New Eavesdropping Equipment Sucks All Data Off Your Phone
   Newsweek                                                                                                              2014
   Cellular’s Open Source Future is Latched to Tallest Tree in the Village
   Ars Technica                                                                                                          2014
   Powered by the Sun, Telcos Open up Cellphone’s Final Frontier
   Reuters                                                                                                               2012

Teaching Experience
   University of California, Berkeley                                                                   Berkeley, CA, 2013
   Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB) Mentor for Cristine Dierk working on commu-
   nitysourcing and Mark Watt working on cellular security
   University of California, Berkeley                                                                       Berkeley, CA 2012
   Lead Instructor of undergraduate class CS-194-22: Cellphones as a computing platform
   University of California, Berkeley                                                                Berkeley, CA, 2011
   Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB) Mentor for Kehontas Rowe from Mills College
   working on communitysourcing.
   University of California, Berkeley                                                                        Berkeley, CA 2010
   Graduate Student Instructor of graduate class CS-294-35: Cellphones as a computing platform under Professor Eric Brewer.
   University of Washington                                                                             Seattle, WA 2006-2007
   Teacher’s assistant for operating systems courses under Professors Ed Lazowska and John Zahorjan
   University of Washington                                                                                   Seattle, WA 2005
   Teacher’s assistant for introductory computer programming courses under Professor Hal Perkins and Lecturer Stuart Reges.

Academic Experience
   Program Committee: ICTD 2016
   Program Committee: HotMobile 2015
   Reviewer: CHI 2016
   Program Committee: ICTD 2015
   Reviewer: CHI 2015
   Reviewer: UIST 2014
   Program Committee: ACM DEV 2014
   Program Committee: CHI Work-in-Progress 2014
   Program Committee: ICTD 2013
   Reviewer: CHI 2013
   Program Committee: CHI Work-in-Progress 2013
   Reviewer: UIST Demos 2012
   Reviewer: ITID 2011

Kurtis Heimerl                                                                                                                    3

Industry Experience
   Facebook                                                                                           Menlo Park, CA 2015-Present
   Endaga team and IP joined Facebook to continue their rural access initatives.
   Endaga, Inc                                                                                       Oakland, CA 2014-2015
   Founder/CEO, focused on developing simple cellular networks that can be operated by anyone. Raised 1.2M seed round from
   investors such as Mitch Kapor, Jeff Hammerbacher, and Sanjit Biswas. Joined Facebook August 2015.
   Range Networks                                                                                      San Francisco, CA 2011-2014
   Community Manager/Developer for open-source OpenBTS release.
   Microsoft Research India                                                                                    Bangalore, India 2007
   Intern assisting with SMS and voice technologies for the Digital Study Hall distance learning project.                                                                                               Mountain View, CA 2007
   Intern developing additions to the Hadoop map-reduce framework.                                                                                                  Seattle, WA 2005,2006
   Intern creating scalable, secure, and extensible service-oriented architecture components.

Peer-reviewed Conference or Journal Publications
   A Longitudinal Study of Local, Sustainable, Small-Scale Cellular Networks
   Kurtis Heimerl, Shaddi Hasan, Kashif Ali, Eric Brewer, Tapan Parikh. Information Technologies & International Development (ITID)
   Analysis of Smartphone Adoption and Usage in a Rural Community Cellular Network
   Kurtis Heimerl, Anuvind Menon, Shaddi Hasan, Kashif Ali, Eric Brewer, Tapan Parikh. International Conference on Information
   and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) 2015
   Rescue Base Station
   Ibrahim Ghaznavi, Kurtis Heimerl, Umar Muneer, Abdullah Hamid, Kashif Ali, Tapan Parikh, Umar Saif. 5th Annual ACM
   Symposium on Computing for Development (DEV) 2014
   GSM Whitespaces: An Opportunity for Rural Cellular Service
   Shaddi Hasan, Kurtis Heimerl, Kate Harrison, Kashif Ali, Anant Sahai, Eric Brewer. IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
   (DySPAN) 2014 (Best Paper Award)
   An Experiment in Reducing Cellular Base Station Power Draw With Virtual Coverage
   Kurtis Heimerl, Shaddi Hasan, Kashif Ali, Tapan Parikh, Eric Brewer. 4th Annual ACM Symposium on Computing for Development
   (DEV) 2013
   Local, Sustainable, Small-Scale Cellular Networks
   Kurtis Heimerl, Shaddi Hasan, Kashif Ali, Eric Brewer, Tapan Parikh. International Conference on Information and Communication
   Technologies and Development (ICTD) 2013
   Expanding Rural Cellular Networks with Virtual Coverage
   Kurtis Heimerl, Kashif Ali, Joshua Blumenstock, Brian Gawalt, Eric Brewer. 10th USENIX symposium on Networked Systems Design
   and Implementation (NSDI) 2013 (Community Award)
   Convergence of Position Auctions under Myopic Best-Response Dynamics
   Matthew Cary, Aparna Das, Benjamin Edelman, Ioannis Goitis, Kurtis Heimerl, Anna Karlin, Scott Kominers, Claire Mathieu,
   Michael Schwarz. Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC) 2013
   Communitysourcing: Engaging Local Crowds to Perform Expert Work Via Physical Kiosks
   Kurtis Heimerl, Brian Gawalt, Kuang Chen, Tapan Parikh, Björn Hartmann. Annual conference on Human Factors in Computing
   Systems (CHI) 2012 (Best Paper Award)
   A Case Study on Designing Interfaces for Multiple Users in Developing Regions
   Kurtis Heimerl, Janani Vasudev, Kelly Buchanan, Tapan Parikh, Eric Brewer. 1st Annual ACM Symposium on Computing for
   Development (DEV) 2010
   Metamouse: Improving Multi-user Sharing of Existing Educational Applications
   Kurtis Heimerl, Janani Vasudev, Kelly Buchanan, Tapan Parikh, Eric Brewer. International Conference on Information and Communi-
   cation Technologies and Development (ICTD) 2010
   Greedy Bidding Strategies for Keyword Auctions
   Matthew Cary, Aparna Das, Benjamin Edelman, Ioannis Giotis, Kurtis Heimerl, Anna Karlin, Claire Mathieu and Michael
   Schwarz. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC) 2007

Kurtis Heimerl                                                                                                                   4

Workshop Papers and Works-in-progress
   The Village Base Station
   Kurtis Heimerl, Eric Brewer. 4rd ACM Workshop on Networked Systems for the Developing World (NSDR), 2010
   Message Phone: A User Study and Analysis of Asynchronous Messaging in Rural Uganda
   Kurtis Heimerl, RJ Honicky, Eric Brewer, Tapan Parikh. 3rd ACM Workshop on Networked Systems for the Developing World (NSDR),
   Metamouse: Multiple Mice for Legacy Applications
   Kurtis Heimerl, Divya Ramachandran, Joyojeet Pal, Eric Brewer, Tapan Parikh. Proceedings of the 27th international conference
   extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (CHI Extended Abstracts) 2009

   Poster and Demonstration of Expanding Rural Cellular Networks with Virtual Coverage
   Kurtis Heimerl, Kashif Ali, Joshua Blumenstock, Brian Gawalt, Eric Brewer. Demo at 10th USENIX symposium on Networked
   Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) 2013
   Communitysourcing: Engaging Local Crowds to Perform Expert Work Via Physical Kiosks
   Kurtis Heimerl, Brian Gawalt, Kuang Chen, Tapan Parikh, Björn Hartmann. Interactivity at the annual conference on Human Factors
   in Computing Systems (CHI) 2012
   Metamouse: Multiple Mice for Legacy Applications
   Kurtis Heimerl, Divya Ramachandran, Joyojeet Pal, Eric Brewer, Tapan Parikh. Demo at International Conference on Information and
   Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD) 2009

Technical Reports
   How Users Understand Cellular Infrastructure
   Kurtis Heimerl, Tapan Parikh. University of California, Berkeley Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2012-42
   Transforming Community-based Healthcare with CommScape
   Kuang Chen, Kurtis Heimerl, Tapan Parikh, Christine Robson and Beth Trushkowsky. University of California, Berkeley Technical
   Report No. UCB/EECS-2009-155
   Enabling Innovation Below the Communication API
   Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Kurtis Heimerl, Matei Zaharia, Michael Demmer, Teemu Koponen, Arsalan Tavakoli, Scott Shenker,
   Ion Stoica. University of California, Berkeley Technical Report UCB/EECS-2009-141

   Rescue Base Station
   ACM DEV ’14, December 2014, San Jose, California, USA
   Community Cellular
   Indonesian Broadcasting Expo (IBX) October 2014, Bandung, Indonesia
   Community Cellular
   Jagongan Media Rakyat (JMR) October 2014, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
   GSM White Spaces: An Opportunity for Rural Coverage
   New York University, September 2014, NYC, NY
   Community Cellular Networks
   MIT D-Lab, September 2014, Boston, MA
   Building Community Cellular Networks With Endaga
   EmTech September 2014, Boston, MA
   Building Community Cellular Networks With Endaga
   USAID Frontiers in Development September 2014, Washington, DC
   Technology and Infrastructure for Developing Regions
   Facebook/, July 2014, Palo Alto, CA
   Community Cellular Networks in Rural Papua, Indonesia
   Center for Southeast Asia Studies, February 2014, Berkeley, California
   Sustainable, Small-Scale Cellular Networks
   ICTD ’13, December 2013, Cape Town, South Africa
   An Experiment in Reducing Cellular Base Station Power Draw With Virtual Coverage
   ACM DEV 4, December 2013, Cape Town, South Africa

Kurtis Heimerl                                                                                                                               5

   Building and Running Community Cellular Networks with OpenBTS
   IEEE Engineering For Change Webinar, November 2013, Broadcast Online
   Technology in Delivering Social Impact
   Social Impact Speaker Series, University of California, Berkeley, November 2013, Berkeley, California, USA
   GSM White Space: Spectrum Regulation in Support of Community Cellular Networks
   Change Seminar, University of Washington, October 2013, Seattle, Washington, USA
   Community Cellular Networks
   Google, October 2013, Mountain View, CA, USA
   Community Cellular Networks
   Facebook, October 2013, Menlo Park, CA, USA
   Expanding Rural Cellular Networks with Virtual Coverage
   NSDI ’13, April 2013, Lombard, Illinois, USA
   The Village Base Station
   University of the Philippines, Dilman, March 2013, Dilman, Philippines
   The Village Base Station: Community Cellular Radio
   Pakistan-ICTD Workshop, Lahore University of Management Sciences, January 2013, Lahore, Pakistan
   The Village Base Station
   Change Seminar, University of Washington, December 2012, Seattle, Washington, USA
   Mobile Security Survival Guide: What Every Activist and Rights Defender Needs to Know
   Google Internet at Liberty, June 2012, Washington DC, USA
   Communitysourcing: Engaging Local Crowds to Perform Expert Work Via Physical Kiosks
   CHI ’12, May 2012, Austin, Texas, USA
   Communitysourcing: Engaging Local Crowds to Perform Expert Work Via Physical Kiosks
   BiD Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, April 2012, Berkeley, California, USA
   Introduction to OpenBTS/hands-on hacking
   Lookout Mobile Security, March 2012, San Francisco, California, USA
   The Evil Telco
   OpenBTS HackDay - the Open Mobile Network, June 2011, New York, New York, USA
   Metamouse: Improving Multi-user Sharing of Existing Educational Applications
   ICTD ’10, December 2010, Egham, UK
   School of Information ICTD Seminar, October 2010, Berkeley, California, USA
   The Village Base Station
   NSDR ’10, June 2010, San Francisco, California, USA
   MetaMouse: Improving the Sharing of Existing Applications
   CITRIS Talk, University of California, Berkeley, March 2010, Berkeley, California, USA
   Message Phone: A User Study and Analysis of Asynchronous Messaging in Rural Uganda
   NSDR ’09, October 2009, Big Sky, Montana, USA

   Eric Brewer
   Professor, Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley
   Tapan Parikh
   Associate Professor, Information School, University of California, Berkeley
   Bjöern Hartmann
   Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley
   Bill Thies
   Researcher, Microsoft Research India
   thiesmi rosoft. om

                                                      Last updated: February 1, 2016
                                                         h   t   t   p   :   /   /   k   u   r   t   i   .   s   h   /   v   .   p   d   f

Document Created: 2016-02-01 10:58:24
Document Modified: 2016-02-01 10:58:24

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