Exhibit 1

0480-EX-PL-2009 Text Documents

University of Massachusetts


GENI D&P WiMAX Infrastructure Buildout
   Supported by NSF award #0944089, and managed by the GENI Project Office at BBN
Technologies; see below and www.geni.net.

GENI Overview
    The Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) is a novel suite of infrastructure
now being designed to support experimental research in network science and engineering. This
research challenges us to understand networks broadly and at multiple layers of abstraction, from
physical substrates, through the architecture and protocols, to networks of people, organizations,
and societies.
    GENI entered its prototyping phase in 2007, when NSF awarded the GENI Project Office
(GPO) role to BBN Technologies. The GPO subsequently initiated a community-based design
and planning process, and issued a set of academic / industrial subcontracts to build, integrate,
and operate the earliest GENI prototype, called GENI Spiral 1.
Completion of Spiral 1 Prototype
    GENI Spiral 1 kicked off in October 2008 as multiple academic / industrial teams started
creating and integrating early prototypes of the GENI suite. Spiral 1’s two central goals were to
demonstrate: (a) one or more early prototypes of the overarching GENI control framework, and
(b) end-to-end slices operating across multiple technologies. Completion of these goals was
demonstrated in October 2009 at the GENI Engineering Conference.

Beginning of Meso-Scale Prototype GENI Infrastructure
    Next, a “meso-scale” prototype GENI infrastructure will be built from GENI-enabled
commercial hardware across 13 university campuses, linked by compatible build-outs through
two US competing national research backbones (Internet2 and NLR). This work is funded by the
NSF award #0944089, for “GENI D&P Infrastructure.”
    This will include two types of campus build-outs – OpenFlow and WiMAX – with significant
commonality in the technologies employed, and significant overlap between the two sets of
campuses. This will GENI-enable more than a dozen campuses of major research universities
throughout some or all of their footprint.

WiMAX Infrastructure Buildout
    The WiMAX build-out will create an open, programmable, GENI-enabled “cellular-like”
infrastructure through 8 major research university campuses. This will open up a path for direct
“opt in” of student users in these campuses into GENI research experiments, via WiMAX
modems and, as they become available, WiMAX handsets.
    Open WiMAX base stations will provide network researchers with wide-area coverage and
the ability to support both mobile and fixed end-users. Campus-wide WiMAX coverage will
make it possible to quickly extend GENI services for “opt-in” by large user populations with a
relatively low capital investment.
    The GPO assesses this build-out as involving low risk with high payoff. It is low risk
because: the software required is less ambitious and has already been demonstrated; only one
equipment provider is involved; the deployment does not, as yet, directly affect campus

GENI D&P WiMAX Infrastructure Buildout v0.5 (November 30, 2009)                           Page 1 of 4

production networks; and each campus team already has considerable experience in installing and
operating wireless testbeds.
    This build-out is high payoff because it opens a path towards research experimentation with
open, programmable cellular telephony systems. Many researchers believe that user interaction
with “future internets” will take place primarily through cell phones; this is one of the few
feasible paths towards making such experimentation widely available to the research community.
    Figure 1 depicts the campuses that will participate in the initial WiMAX buildout. Each will
perform its own local experimentation with the equipment and also make it available as part of
the end-to-end GENI infrastructure to researchers across the United States.

                                              Wisconsin                       Polytech
                                                               Rutgers          WiMax
                                              OpenFlow &       OpenFlow
                                                WiMax          & WiMax

       Stanford                                                                         UMass
      OpenFlow &                 UC Boulder
                                   WiMax                                                WiMax



                                 Figure 1. WiMAX campus buildout.

     Table 1 provides a summary list of campuses, Principal Investigators (PIs), and campus IT
leadership who will be responsible for these build-outs. As can be seen, the majority of projects
already have campus infrastructure officials committed to the build-out; the GPO will ensure that
all campuses have such active partnerships. At present, 4 of the 8 campuses are already engaged
in GENI prototyping activities; all have directly relevant research projects that can benefit from
involvement with the GENI project (and vice versa).

GENI D&P WiMAX Infrastructure Buildout v0.5 (November 30, 2009)                           Page 2 of 4

 Campus                             PI & IT Leadership                  Build-out
 Columbia Univ                      Henning Schulzrinne                 WiMax
 New York, NY
 NYU Polytechnic                    Thanasis Korakis                    WiMax
 Brooklyn, NY
 WINLAB                             Ray Raychaudhuri                    WiMax
 Rutgers Univ                                                           (and OpenFlow)
 North Brunswick, NJ                Charles Hedrick (CTO)
 Stanford University                Nick McKeown                        WiMax
 Stanford, CA                                                           (and OpenFlow)
 UCLA                               Mario Gerla                         WiMax
 Los Angeles, CA
                                    James Davis (CIO)
 Univ of Colorado (Boulder)         Dirk Grunwald                       WiMax
 Boulder, CO
 UMass. Amherst                     Mark Corner                         WiMax
 Amherst, MA
                                    Daniel Blanchard (ACIO)
 Univ of Wisconsin (Madison)        Suman Banerjee                      WiMax
 Madison, WI                                                            ((and OpenFlow)
                                    Perry Brunelli (Dir.)

  Table 1. Campus researchers and IT leadership committed to GENI infrastructure build-outs.

WiMAX Hardware
    NEC’s WiMax base-station hardware is a 5U rack-based system which can be populated with
up to three channel cards, each supporting one antenna sector for a maximum of three sectors. It
operates in the 2.5 Ghz or the 3.5 Ghz bands and can be tuned to use either 5, 7 or 10 Mhz
channels. The base station has been tested for radio coverage and performance in realistic urban
environments and is being used in early WiMAX deployments – typical coverage radius is ~3-
5Km, and peak service bit-rates achievable range from 15-30 Mbps depending on operating mode
and terrain.
    The WiMAX base station has an external PC controller that runs the ORBIT control
framework software to interface the base station to other parts of the GENI suite of infrastructure.
This controller provides support for multiple GENI slices. Each slice runs within its own virtual
machine and can emulate its own router and perform IP routing, or alternatively implement novel
non-Internet protocols.
    Rutgers will buy additional WiMAX equipment from NEC, and will help each of the
campuses install the equipment and make it operational. Campuses will buy auxiliary equipment
such as WiMAX modems. Rutgers will continue to enhance the ORBIT control framework to
control these base stations. The GPO will assist as needed with integration and shake down, and
will maintain stable software repositories.

GENI D&P WiMAX Infrastructure Buildout v0.5 (November 30, 2009)                           Page 3 of 4

GENI D&P Infrastructure Award
   As noted above, the GENI D&P Infrastructure Buildouts are supported by NSF award
#0944089, summarized here:

   Award Abstract #0944089
   GENI D&P Infrastructure

   NSF Org: CNS
   Division of Computer and Network Systems

   Program Manager:
   C. Suzanne Iacono
   CNS Division of Computer and Network Systems
   CSE Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering
   Email: siacono@nsf.gov
   Phone: (703) 292-8900

   The National Science Foundation,
   4201 Wilson Boulevard,
   Arlington, Virginia 22230

   Managed by the GENI Project Office at BBN Technologies

   Principal Investigator:
   Brig 'Chip' Elliott
   Email: celliott@bbn.com
   Phone: (617) 873-2615

   BBN Technologies Corp.
   10 Moulton Street
   Cambridge, MA 02138

GENI D&P WiMAX Infrastructure Buildout v0.5 (November 30, 2009)                 Page 4 of 4

Document Created: 2010-02-02 11:21:07
Document Modified: 2010-02-02 11:21:07

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