ITU Cost Recovery Coordination Letter

0386-EX-CN-2019 Text Documents

University of Massachusetts Lowell


                                                                                                           Supriya Chakrabarti, Director
                                                                                 Supriya Chakrabarti, Director
                                                                 Lowell center for Space Science
                                                                                      Lowell     and Technology
                                                                                               center    for Space Science and Technology
                                                                                     600 Suffolk Street, Suite 315
                                                                                                                600 Suffolk Street, Suite 315
                                                                             Lowell, Massachusetts 01854-5043
                                                                                                      Lowell, Massachusetts 01854-5043
                                                                                               tel: 978.934.3287
                                                                         e-mail:              tel: 978.934.3287

May 30, 2018
May  13, 2019

Office ofofthethe
Office          Secretary
Federal Communications
Federal Communications     Commission
                               Commission 445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington,       D.C.
Washington, D.C. 20554   20554

Subject:      ITU Cost Recovery Fees for the NASA SPACE HAUC Satellite Network.
Subject: ITU Cost Recovery Fees for the NASA SPACE HAUC Satellite Network.
Reference:    FCC Experimental Application File Number 0422-EX-CN-2018

Reference: FCC Experimental Application File Number 0328-EX-CN-2019
Dear FCC Secretary,

The University
Dear           of Massachusetts Lowell’s (UML) Lowell Center for Space Science and
     FCC Secretary,
Technology (LoCSST) is aware that as a result of actions taken at the International
Telecommunication Union’s 1998 Plenipotentiary Conference, and further modified by the ITU
The  University
Council              of Massachusetts
         in subsequent   years (1999, 2001,Lowell’s
                                             2002, 2004, (UML)     Lowell
                                                           2005, 2008, 2012Center     forprocessing
                                                                             and 2013),    Space Science and
fees will now be(LoCSST)
                  charged by istheaware
                                   ITU forthat   as anetwork
                                            satellite  result filings.
                                                              of actions
                                                                       As ataken    at the International
Commission applicants are
Telecommunication             responsible
                           Union’s     1998forPlenipotentiary
                                               any and all fees charged by the ITU.
                                                                   Conference,     andUML    LoCSST
                                                                                         further  modified by the ITU
hereby states that it is aware of this requirement and unconditionally accepts all cost recovery
Council    in subsequent years (1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2012 and 2013), processing
responsibilities associated with the ITU filings for the NASA SPACE HAUC satellite network.
fees will   nowallbe
Please address         charged by related
                    correspondence    the ITU    forNASA
                                             to the   satellite
                                                                            satellite As  a consequence,
                                                                                      network to the       Commission
applicants    areofresponsible
following point      contact:      for any and all fees charged by the ITU. UML LoCSST hereby states
that it is aware of this requirement and unconditionally accepts all cost recovery responsibilities
Point of Contact Name: Susanna Finn
associated   with the ITU filings for the NASA SPACE HAUC satellite network. Please address
Organization Name: related
    correspondence            to the NASA SPACE HAUC satellite network to the following point
                       UML LoCSST
of contact:
Address:                600 Suffolk Street, Suite 315, Lowell MA 01854
Point of Contact Name:       Susanna Finn
Organization Name:           UML LoCSST
Telephone Number:            600 Suffolk Street, Suite 315, Lowell MA 01854
Sincerely, Number:
Telephone                    978-934-4919

Director, LoCSST

Supriya Chakrabarti
Professor of Physics and Applied Physics

Document Created: 0740-05-27 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0740-05-27 00:00:00

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