0386-EX-CN-2019 Text Documents

University of Massachusetts Lowell


ELVL—2018—0045207 Rev A
May 4, 2018

                    Orbital Debris Assessment for
                          The CubeSats on the
                    CRS OA—10/ELaNa—21 Mission
                      per NASA—STD 8$719.14A

                    Signature Page

      .Yus}?f?finsop,#(nalyst, a.i. solutions, AIS2

Scott Higginbotham, MissionKfanager, NASA KSC VA—C

             National Aeronautics and
             Space Administration

             John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
             Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899

                                                                                     ELVL—2018—0045207 Rev A

Reply to Attn of: V A—H1                                                                              May 4, 2018

            TO:                 Scott Higginbotham, LSP Mission Manager, NASA/KSC/VA—C

             FROM:              Yusef Johnson, a.i. solutions/KSC/AIS2

             SUBJECT:           Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) for the ELaNa—21 Mission


                    A. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation, NPR
                       8715.6A, 5 February 2008
                    B. Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, NASA—STD—8719.14A, 25 May 2012
                    C. International Space Station Reference Trajectory, delivered May 2017
                    D. McKissock, Barbara, Patricia Loyselle, and Elisa Vogel. Guidelines on Lithium—
                       ion Battery Use in Space Applications. Tech. no. RP—08—75. NASA Glenn
                           Research Center Cleveland, Ohio
                           UL Standardfor Safety for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642. UL Standard. 4th ed.
                           Northbrook, IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2007
                           Kwas, Robert. Thermal Analysis of ELaNa—4 CubeSat Batteries, ELVL—2012—

                           0043254; Nov 2012
                           Range Safety User Requirements Manual Volume 3— Launch Vehicles,

                           Payloads, and Ground Support Systems Requirements, AFSCM 91—710 V3.
                           HQ OSMA Policy Memo/Email to 8719.14: CubeSat Battery Non—Passivation,

                           Suzanne Aleman to Justin Treptow, 10, March 2014
                           HQ OSMA Email:6U CubeSat Battery Non Passivation Suzanne Aleman to

                           Justin Treptow, 8 August 2017
                           TechEdSat—8 Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR), T8SMP—06—XS001 Rev
                           0, NASA Ames Research Center

            The intent of this report is to satisfy the orbital debris requirements listed in ref. (a) for
            the ELaNa—21 auxiliary mission launching on the CRS OA—10 vehicle. It serves as the
            final submittal in support of the spacecraft Safety and Mission Success Review (SMSR).
            Sections 1 through 8 of ref. (b) are addressed in this document; sections 9 through 14 fall
            under the requirements levied on the primary mission and are not presented here.

                      RECORD OF REVISIONS

REV                   DESCRIPTION                         DATE

 0    ODAR Submission for TJREVERB and VCC              March 2018

A     Combined original submission with full ELaNa—21   May 2018

The following table summarizes the compliance status of the ELaNa—21 payload mission
to be flown on the OA—10 vehicle. The 13 CubeSats comprising the ELaNa—21 mission
are fully compliant with all applicable requirements.

          Table 1: Orbital Debris Requirement Com        liance Matrix
Requirement               Compliance Assessment          Comments
4.3—la                    Not applicable                 No planned debris release
4.3—1b                    Not applicable                 No planned debris release
4.3—2                     Not applicable                 No planned debris release
4.A4—1                    Compliant                      On board energy source
                                                         (batteries) incapable of
                                                         debris—producing failure
4.4—2                        Compliant                   On board energy source
                                                         (batteries) incapable of
                                                         debris—producing failure
4. 4—3                       Not applicable              Noplanned breakups
4.4—4                        Not applicable              No planned breakups
4.5—1                        Compliant
4.5—2                        Not applicable
4.6—1(a)                     Compliant                 ;| Worst case lifetime 3.9 yrs
4.6—1(b)                     Not applicable
4.6—1(c)                     Not applicable
4.6—2                        Not applicable
4.6—3                        Not applicable
4.6—4                        Not applicable              Passive disposal
4.6—5                        Compliant
4.7—1                        Compliant                   Non—credible risk of
                                                         human casualty
4.8—1                        Compliant                   No planned tether release
                                                         under ELaNa—21 mission

 Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview

The ELaNa—21 mission is sponsored by the Human Exploration and Operations Mission
Directorate at NASA Headquarters. The Program Executive is Jason Crusan. Responsible
program/project manager and senior scientific and management personnel are as follows:

CapSat: McKale Berg, Project Manager, University of Illinois

CySat 1: Rami Shoukih, Project Manager, Iowa State University

KickSat—2: BJ Jaroux, Project Manager, NASA Ames Research Center

HARP: Dr. J. Vanderlei Martins, Principal Investigator

OPAL: Dr. Charles Swenson, Principal Investigator, Utah State

Phoenix: Sarah Rogers, Project Manager, Arizona State University

SPACE HAUC: Supriya Chakrabarti, Principal Investigator, University of

TechEdSat 8: Marcus Murbach, Project Manager, Ames Research Center

TJREVERB: Michael Piccione, Principal Investigator, Thomas Jefferson High School

UNITE: Glen Kissel, Principal Investigator, University of Southern Indiana

Virginia CubeSat Consortium (Aeternitas, Ceres, Libertas): Mary Sandy, Principal
Investigator, Virginia Space Grant Consortium

                 Program Milestone Schedule

                         Task                                Date
                    CubeSat Selection                  September15, 2017
              CubeSat Delivery to NanoRacks             August 20th, 2018
                          Launch                       November 175, 2018

                      Figure 1: Program Milestone Schedule

The ELaNa—21 CubeSat complement will be launched as payloads on the OA—10 Antares
launch vehicle to the International Space Station. The ELaNa—21 mission will deploy 13
pico—satellites (or CubeSats) from the International Space Station, using the NanoRacks
CubeSat dispenser. Each CubeSat is identified in Table 2: ELaNa—21 CubeSats. The
ELaNa—21 manifest includes: CapSat, CySat, HARP, KickSat—2, OPAL, Phoenix,
SPACE HAUC, TechEdSat 8, TJREVERB, UNITE, and the three Virginia CubeSat
Consortium CubeSats (Aeternitas, Ceres, and Libertas). The current launch date is
projected to be November 17‘", 2018.

The CubeSats on this mission range in size from a 10 cm cube to 60 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm,
with masses from about 1.2 kg to 3.5 kg, with a total mass of roughly 20 kg being
manifested on this mission. The CubeSats have been designed and universities and
government agencies and each have their own mission goals.

Section 2: Spacecraft Description

There are 13 CubeSats flying on the ELaNa—21 Mission. Table 2: ELaNa—21 CubeSats
outlines their generic attributes.

                             Table 2: ELaNa—21 CubeSats

                             CubeSat                                 CubeSat
         CubeSat Names             .       CubeSat size (mm)          Masses
                             Quantity                                  (kg)
               CapSat            1           300 x 100 x 100            2.8
               CySat             1           340 x 100 x 100            1.6
               * HARP            1           368 x 100 x 100           4.1
               * KickSat—2       1           300 x 100 x 100            2s
               * OPAL            1           368 x 100 x 100            5.0
            Phoenix              1           325 x 100 x 100            3.2
          SPACE HAUC             1           340 x 100 x 100            2.9
          *TechEdSat 8           1           600 x 100 x 100            7.9
           TJREVERB              1           227 x 100 x 100           2.6
             UNITE               1           340 x 108 x 108           3.5

                       —         1            113 x 100 x 78©           1.2
                    CC —         1           113 x 106 x 106            1.2
          Virginia CC —
                                 1           118 x 105 x 106            1.4
*The following pages describe the CubeSats flying on the ELaNa—21 mission, with the
omissions noted below. ODARs for these CubeSats were previously submitted to the
Agency as follows:

HARP: ELaNa—22 Rev A ODAR 5/2017
KickSat—2: KickSat—2 9/2015
OPAL: ELaNA—22 ODAR 10/16
TechEdSat—8‘s ODAR was drafted by NASA Ames (Document No. T8SMP—06—
XS001 Rev 0)

SPACE HAUC — University of Massachusetts, Lowell — 3U

                                                Comume. Nysteni

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                       Figure 5: SPACE HAUC Expanded View


SPACE HAUC will demonstrate that high data transmission rates can be achieved by
using a X—Band Phased—Array antenna with an electronically steered beam on a CubeSat.


Immediately upon deployment, SPACE HAUC will power up and determine if it is spin
stabilized. If not, the Attitude Determination and Control System will stabilize the spin.
It will then determine if it is sun pointed, if not the Attitude Determination and Control
System will point SPACE HAUC at the sun. SPACE HAUC will then wait for a beacon
signal from the ground, upon receipt of the beacon, SPACE HAUC will take pictures of
the sun and transmit them down. The process of waiting for the beacon signal will be
repeated whenever the beacon signal is lost.


The CubeSat structure is made of Aluminum 7075—T6. It contains all standard
commercial off the shelf (COTS) materials, electrical components, PCBs and solar cells
except for the RF front end board and patch antennas which are custom designed. The
high—speed radio uses a ceramic patch antenna.



There are no pressure vessels, hazardous, or exotic materials.


The lithium—ion battery is charged with all the available power from the photo—voltaic
inputs that is not drained by the loads on the external power busses. The battery is
protected against voltage being too high or too low.

The software high voltage protection implements a constant voltage charge scheme that
will keep the battery at its maximum voltage. The full mode regulation works by
lowering voltage on the solar panel inputs, thereby only taking in the power needed.

The software low voltage protection is a four state system. Should the battery voltage
drop below 7.2 V, the battery hardware will switch to a ‘safe mode‘ configuration, which
allows for the switching off of all essential systems and leaves only a simple power
beacon running. Should the battery drop below 6.5 V, the software will switch off all user


Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal

The assessment of spacecraft debris requires the identification of any object (>1 mm)
expected to be released from the spacecraft any time after launch, including object
dimensions, mass, and material.

The section 3 requires rationale/necessity for release of each object, time of release of
each object, relative to launch time, release velocity of each object with respect to
spacecraft, expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object
after release, calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth
Orbit (LEO), and an assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3—1 and

No releases are planned on the ELaNa—21 CubeSat mission therefore this section is not


Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for

There are NO plans for designed spacecraft breakups, explosions, or intentional
collisions on the ELaNa—21 mission.

The probability of battery explosion is very low, and, due to the very small mass of the
satellites and their short orbital lifetimes the effect of an explosion on the far—term LEO
environment is negligible (ref (Lh)).

The CubeSats batteries still meet Req. 56450 (4.4—2) by virtue of the HQ OSMA policy
regarding CubeSat battery disconnect stating;

       "CubeSats as a satellite class need not disconnect their batteries if flown in LEO
       with orbital lifetimes less than 25 years." (ref. (b))

Limitations in space and mass prevent the inclusion of the necessary resources to
disconnect the battery or the solar arrays at EOM. However, the low charges and small
battery cells on the CubeSat‘s power system prevents a catastrophic failure, so that
passivation at EOM is not necessary to prevent an explosion or deflagration large enough
to release orbital debris.

The 6U CubeSat in this complement satisfy Requirements 4.4—1 and 4.4—2 if their
batteries at equipped with protection circuitry, and they meet International Space Station
(ISS) safety requirements for secondary payloads. Additionally, these CubeSats are being
deployed from a very low altitude (ISS orbits at approximately 400 km), meaning any
accidental explosions during mission operations or post—mission will have negligible
long—term effects to the space environment.

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4—1 through 4.4—4 shows that
with a maximum CubeSat lifetime of 3.9 years maximum, the ELaNa—21 CubeSats are


Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On—Orbit Collisions

 Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects larger than 10 cm in
diameter during the orbital lifetime of the spacecraft takes into account both the mean
cross sectional area and orbital lifetime.

The largest mean cross sectional area (CSA) among the 13 CubeSats is that of the
SPACE HAUC CubeSat with solar arrays deployed.

                                                 Comm. Systom

  Solar Panels


       Figure 10:; SPACE HAUC Expanded View (with solar panels deployed)

             Mean CSA = ZSurftzce Area _ [2 * {(w * I) -;4 * (w * A)]

             Equation 1: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Convex Objects

                                             A      + Aq + A
                            Mean CSA = g_’%__l)

             Equation 2: Mean Cross Sectional Area for Complex Objects

All CubeSats evaluated for this ODAR are stowed in a convex configuration, indicating
there are no elements of the CubeSats obscuring another element of the same CubeSats
from view. Thus, the mean CSA for all stowed CubeSats was calculated using Equation
1. This configuration renders the longest orbital life times for all CubeSats.

Once a CubeSat has been ejected from the NanoRacks dispenser and deployables have
been extended, Equation 2 is utilized to determine the mean CSA. Amax is identified as
the view that yields the maximum cross—sectional area. A1 and A; are the two cross—
sectional areas orthogonal to Amax. Refer to Appendix A for component dimensions used
in these calculations

 The SPACE HAUC (2.9 kg) orbit at deployment is 408 km apogee altitude by 400 km
perigee altitude, with an inclination of 51.6 degrees. With an area to mass ratio of
0.00398 m*/kg, DAS yields 3.9 years for orbit lifetime for its stowed state, which in turn


is used to obtain the collision probability. Even with the variation in CubeSat design and
orbital lifetime ELaNa—21 CubeSats see an average of 0.0 probability of collision. All
CubeSats on ELaNa—21 were calculated to have a probability of collision of 0.0. Table 3
below provides complete results.

There will be no post—mission disposal operation. As such the identification of all systems
and components required to accomplish post—mission disposal operation, including
passivation and maneuyvering, is not applicable.


            CubeSat                     CapSat    CySat     Phoenix   SPACE HAUC   TechEdSat 8
               Mass (kg)                  2.8       2.7       3.2         2.9          7.9

         Mean C/S Area (m42)             0.282     0.018     0.015      0.0116        0.104
-§      Area—to Mass (m42/kg)            0.102     0.014     0.012      0.004        0.0132
g         Orbital Lifetime (yrs)         0.23       3.4       3.7         3.9          2.2
     Probability of collision (10X)     0.00000   0.00000   0.00000    0.00000       0.00000

%        Mean C/S Area (m42)                                            0.0709        0.564
        Area—to Mass (m4*2/kg)                                           0.0243      0.0714
2         Orbital Lifetime (yrs)                                          1.09        0.482
o    Probability of collision (104X)                                    0.00000      0.00000
         Solar Flux Table Dated

     **Note: Blacked out areas
     represent CubeSats which do
     not have deployables or have
     deployable antennae with
     negligible areas with respect to
     on—orbit dwell time
     calculation. Data for
     TechEdSat—8 taken from Ames—
     submitted ODAR report.


                              Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability

      CubeSat                                          UNITE         Aeternitas       Ceres     Libertas
           Mass (kg)                     2.6             3.5            1.2               1.2     1.4

     Mean C/S Area (m42)                0.085           0.020          0.0163         0.0176    0.0182
C    Area—to Mass (m4~2/kg)             0.0327          0.006          0.0136         0.0147    0.0130
3     Orbital Lifetime (yrs)             0.77            3.4             2.3              2.0     2.4
a    §          =           —
         r°bab"(':‘(’)f;)°°"'s'°"      0.00000         0.00000         0.00000       0.00000    0.00000

x     Mean C/S Area (m42)
3    Area—to Mass (m42/kg)
5        |__Orbital Lifetime (yrs)
§'   Probability of collision

                          Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability (cont.)


The probability of any ELaNa—21 spacecraft collision with debris and meteoroids greater
than 10 cm in diameter and capable of preventing post—mission disposal is less than
0,00000, for any configuration. This satisfies the 0.001 maximum probability requirement

The VCC CubeSat Aeternitas will deploy a petal—like drag brake, for the purpose of
providing data regarding drag effects upon its orbit. This feature does not increase the
probability of on—orbit collision. The ELaNa—21 CubeSats have no capability or plan for
end—of—mission disposal, therefore requirement 4.5—2 is not applicable.

In summary, assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5—1 shows
ELaNa—21 to be compliant. Requirement 4.5—2 is not applicable to this mission.

Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Post Mission Disposal Plans and Procedures

All ELaNa—21 spacecraft will naturally decay from orbit within 25 years after end of the
mission, satisfying requirement 4.6—1a detailing the spacecraft disposal option.

Planning for spacecraft maneuvers to accomplish post—mission disposalis not applicable.
Disposal is achieved via passive atmospheric reentry.

Calculating the area—to—mass ratio for the worst—case (smallest Area—to—Mass) post—
mission disposal among the CubeSats finds SPACE HAUC in its stowed configuration as
the worst case. The area—to—mass is calculated for is as follows:

                  Mean C/SArea (m")           a                 m         m
                  W =                             Area — to —       Mass (7('5)

                               Equation 3: Area to Mass

                                 0.0116 m = o 004m2
                                    2.9kg     _         kg

SPACE HAUC has the smallest Area—to—Mass ratio and as a result will have the longest
orbital lifetime. The assessment of the spacecraft illustrates they are compliant with
Requirements 4.6—1 through 4.6—5.

DAS 2.1.1 Orbital Lifetime Calculations:
DAS inputs are: 408 km maximum apogee 400 km maximum perigee altitudes with an
inclination of 51.6° at deployment no earlier than April 2018. An area to mass ratio of
~0.004 m*/kg for the SPACE HAUC CubeSat was used. DAS 2.1.1 yields a 3.9 years
orbit lifetime for SPACE HAUC in its stowed state.

This meets requirement 4.6—1. For the complete list of CubeSat orbital lifetimes reference
Table 3: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability.

Assessment results show compliance.


Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

A detailed assessment of the components to be flown on ELaNa—21 was performed. (Data
provided for TechEdSat—8 in their submitted ODAR report was reviewed as well). The
assessment used DAS 2.1.1, a conservative tool used by the NASA Orbital Debris Office
to verify Requirement 4.7—1. The analysis is intended to provide a bounding analysis for
characterizing the survivability of a CubeSat‘s component during re—entry. For example,
when DAS shows a component surviving reentry it is not taking into account the material
ablating away or charring due to oxidative heating. Both physical effects are experienced
upon reentry and will decrease the mass and size of the real—life components as the
reenter the atmosphere, reducing the risk they pose still further.

An assessment of the components flown on TechEdSat—8 is contained in Reference J.

The following steps are used to identify and evaluate a components potential reentry risk
relative to the 4.7—1 requirement of having less than 15 J of kinetic energy and a 1:10,000
probability of a human casualty in the event the survive reentry.

               1. Low melting temperature (less than 1000 °C) components are identified as
                  materials that would never survive reentry and pose no risk to human
                  casualty. This is confirmed through DAS analysis that showed materials
                  with melting temperatures equal to or below that of copper (1080 °C) will
                  always demise upon reentry for any size component up to the dimensions
                  of a 1U CubeSat.

               2. The remaining high temperature materials are shown to pose negligible
                  risk to human casualty through a bounding DAS analysis of the highest
                  temperature components, stainless steel (1500°C). If a component is of
                  similar dimensions and has a melting temperature between 1000 °C and
                  1500°C, it can be expected to possess the same negligible risk as stainless
                  steel components.

              Table 4: ELaNa—21 High Melting Temperature Material Analysis

                                                                                    WCluIbd    LGrSie
    CubeSat                Name                       EU
                                                bicICue)          Total Mass (ke)   Alt (km}   mt

     CAPSat              Antennae            Stainless Steel          0176             0         0
     CAPSat            Pointing Panel      301 Stainless Steel        0382             0         10

     CAPSat            Face Sealldee
                                           316 Stainless Steel        0093‘          717.5       0
     CAPSat             Gear Pump          316 Stainless Steel         110           68.6        0
     CAPSat         Bellows Accumulator    316 Stainless Steel         .218          63.8        0
     CAPSat          Pressure Sensors      316 Stainless Steel         .079 :        70.3        0
     CAPSat         Radiator Panel Hinge    Unfinished Steel          0068           76.5        0
                      Radi     B
     CAPSat            adiator   Board
                                           18—8 Stainless Steel       0055           73.8        0
     CAPSat             Pipe Fittings        Stainless Steel
                                                                     various         75.2        o
     CySat                 Rods              Stainless §teel           :080            o         o

     CySat               Standoffs           sones Sfls                 .084          72.8        0


       CySat             Fasteners           Soe .StEEI                  .040            77.0           0
                           ®      _          Stainless Steel
       CySat        Separation Switches         (generic}                .028              0            0

       CySat              RBF Pin            sseen
                                                                         .017            74.7           o
                            e        .       Stainless Steel
       CySat        Separation Springs          ces                 0002                 77.3           0

      CySat           Reaction Wheel              Brass                  .060            73.1           0
                                             Stainless Steel
      CySat           Magnetometer              t(generic)               005             77.3           0

      CySat             Deployable           Stainless §teel             002             97.8           o
                      Magnetometer              (generic}

     Phoenix              Screws             Snsce
                                                                         6.94            77.7           0
     Phoenix               Nuts              Stainless Steel
                                                                         3.92            77.6           o
     Phoenix       Electronics Stack Rod     Stainless §tee|         4,29                76.8           0

     Phoenix        Separation Springs       Stainless §tee|        0.072                77.9           0
   SPACE HAUC         Torsion Spring        Steel (AIS! 304)        00015           778 l _0
   SPACE HAUC          4—40 Screws          Steel {A1§1304}         .004            \T6r "|| o
   SPACE HAUC        Spacer RF Boards       Steel {AISI304)          .004            765_    0
    TIREVERS         Standoff screws         Stainless Steel
                                                                     .020                77.7           o
    TIREVERR           6 mm screws           Stainless Steel
                                                                     .064                77.5          0
      UNITE         External Fasteners       sunestateS              :020                77.6 _       o.
                                                {generic)       ,               P                 .
      UNITE           Magnet Haider              Lexan      _        .010           ~78.0 0 —          )
      unite           Mu—Metal Rod              s
                                              {nickel alloy)
                                                                     F43            Mk
      UNITE         Internal Fasteners       eoesshee
                                                                                       is             n o
   Virginia CC:
   Aeternitas        Antenna Blades        Steel/copper plate       0005                  0            0

   Vvirginia CC:   Separation Switches     Beryllium Copper          .003 ‘               0            0
   Virginia CC:    Solar Pangl Retaining     Stainless Steel        .oo1                  o            o
       Ceres               Clips
   Virginia CC:     Magnet Mounting            Aluminum             .050                  o            o
      Ceres              Plates

   Virginia CC:    Separation Switches     Beryllium Copper              003              0            0
     Libertas        P                      ery        ppe           "

The majority of stainless steel components demise upon reentry and all CubeSats comply
with the 1:10,000 probability of Human Casualty Requirement 4.7—1. A breakdown of the
determined probabilities follows:


                 Table 5:; Requirement 4.7—1 Compliance by CubeSat

                                                                 Risk of Human
                        Name                 Status                  yeet

                       CapSat             Compliant                      1:0
                        CySat             Compliant                      1:0
                    SPACE HAUC            Compliant                      1:0
                    TechEdSat—8           Compliant                      1:0
                      TJIREVERB           Compliant                      1:0
                        UNITE             Compliant                      1:0
                       Virginia                 .                         .
                    CC:Aeternitas         Coinpliant                     1:0

                     Virginia CC:         Compliant                      1:0
                     Virginia CC:                  &                       .
                       Libertas           Compliant                      1:0
                        *Requirement 4.7—1 Probability of Human Casualty > 1:10,000

If a component survives to the ground but has less than 15 Joules of kinetic energy, it is
not included in the Debris Casualty Area that inputs into the Probability of Human
Casualty calculation. This is why all of the ELaNa—21 CubeSats have a 1:0 probability as
none of their components have more than 15J of energy.

All CubeSats launching under the ELaNa—21 mission are shown to be in compliance with
Requirement 4.7—1 of NASA—STD—8719.14A.


Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions

ELaNa—21 CubeSats will not be deploying any tethers.

ELaNa—21 CubeSats satisfy Section 8‘s requirement 4.8—1.


Section 9—14

ODAR sections 9 through 14 pertain to the launch vehicle, and are not covered here.
Launch vehicle sections of the ODAR are the responsibility of the CRS provider.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 321—867—2098.

/original signed by/

Yusef A. Johnson
Flight Design Analyst
a.1. solutions/KSC/AIS2

ce:    VA—H/Mr. Carney
       VA—H1/Mr. Beaver
       VA—H1/Mr. Haddox
       VA—C/Mr. Higginbotham
       VA—C/Mrs. Nufer
       VA—G2/Mr. Treptow
       SA—D2/Mr. Frattin
       SA—D2/Mr. Hale
       SA—D2/Mr. Henry
       Analex—3/Mr. Davis
       Analex—22/Ms. Ramos


                          Appendix Index:

Appendix A.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: CAPSat
Appendix B.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: CySat
Appendix C.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: Phoenix
Appendix D.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: SPACE HAUC
Appendix E.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: TJREVERB
Appendix F.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: UNITE
Appendix G.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: Virginia CC: Aeternitas
Appendix H.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: Virginia CC: Ceres
Appendix I.   ELaNa—21   Component List by CubeSat: Virginia CC: Libertas
Appendix J.   ELaNa—21   TechEdSat—8 ODAR (produced by NASA—Ames)


Appendix D.                  ELaNa—21 Component List by CubeSat: SPACE HAUC
       er |
       yee j tm Aat         seetuelas ~)
              SpaceHAUC 3U CubeSat

  2              Spacecraft Bus Side        2   Aluminum 7075—T6        Box      266.62   82.2      337    2.83    No     —     Demise
  3               Solar Panel Frame         4   Aluminum 7075—T6        Panel    308.72    95       96     9.175   No     —     Demise
  4                   Camera Plate          1   Aluminum 7075—T6        Plate    71.69     10       64      10     No     —     Demise
  5                   Hinge Base            4   Aluminum 7075—T6         Box     25.08     20       34       5     No     —     Demise
  6                   Hinge Rotor           4   Aluminum 7075—T6        Plate    18.12    2.02     37.5    N/A     No     —     Demise

  7                    Hinge Pin            4   Aluminum 7075—T6         Pin      1.68    0.305    19.34   N/A     No     —     Demise

  s              1800 Torsion Spring        4   Alst 32‘;3;““'“3        Spring   01528    0.0382   orszs   0.305   No   2550°   Demise
  9                   4—40 Screws               AIs1 304Stainless        Bolt      0      6.35      25      8.5    No   2550°   Demise
  10                Dowel Holster           4   Aluminum 7075—T6         Box      9.172   3.175    27.94   N/A     No     —     Demise
  11                     Dowel              4   Aluminum 7075—T6         Pin     2.192    A.16      1.59   N/A     No     —     Demise

  12               Dowel Hex Nut            s   ABBQd                    Nut     14712    144       127    4.57    No     —     Demise
  13             Compression Spring         4   AISI 3(;13e21tainless   Spring   0.4684   82.6      326     2.3    No     —     Demise

  14                  Solar Panels          4    Commercial FR4         Panel     624 ~    95       96       5     No     —     Demise
  15              EPS Front Mount           1   Aluminum 7075—T6        Plate    81.53     95       96       5     No           Demise
  16               EPS Back Mount           1   Aluminum 7075—T6        Plate    78.24    92.92    93.39   36.75   No     —     Demise

  17           E’e"""“ic(gf‘,’;;"" Supply   1    Commercial FR4          Box      100     93.34    g7144   28.71   No     —     Demise
  18                  Battery Pack          1     Glass/Polymide         Box      270     6.35     16.26   1245    No     —     Demise

  19             Deployment Switch          2                            Box       4                               No     —     Demise
  20                     Wires              1         Copper            Wires      20      14       27.4    5.9    No     —     Demise

  21           NanoSSOC—A60
                             Fine Sun       1                            Box        4     16.51    19.05    1.63   No     —     Demise
  22          TSL2561 Coarse Sun Sensor     8                            Chip      24      95       96       10    No     —     Demise


 23      Magnetorquer Board              1    Aluminum 7075—T6         Plate      98.22    8.5     70      N/A     No             —    Demise
 24       Magnetorquer Rods          3              Copper            Cylinder     90       6      20      6.5     No             —    Demise
 25    Magnetorquer Rod Collar       4        Aluminum 7075—T6          Box        5.2    22.86   33.02   2.36     No             —    Demise
 26        9]\}[1(;:efi,‘:sng             1     Commercial FR4          Chip        2.8     62      100    11.73    No         —        Demise
27          ADRVI361                 1                                 Board       60     76.2    1524    6.65     No         —
28    ADRVI361 Breakout Board                                                                                                          Demise
                                     1                                 Board       80      54      92      1.57    No         —        Demise
29     Auxilary Mounting Board       1       Aluminum 7075—T6          Plate     26.94     88      144    1.57     No         —       Demise
30           Base Board              1       Aluminum 7075—T6          Plate     64.09     30      30     41.2    No                  Demise
31            Camera                 1                               Cylinder      21      2.5     22     N/A     No          —
32                                                                                                                                    Demise
          Standoff_Camera            4       Aluminum 7075—T6        Cylinder    0448      6      6.93     20     No          —       Demise
33        Standoff_ADRV              8                               Cylinder     84       95      96       8     No          —       Demise
34       Tape Antenna Base           1       Aluminum 7075—T6          Plate     114.54    95      96      10     No          —       Demise
35     Antenna Mounting Brace        1       Aluminum 7075—T6          Plate     123.67    95      96     1.57    No          —       Demise
36        Back End Board             1             RO4000             Board       35       95      96     1.57    No          —       Demise
37         Daughter Board            1             RO4000             Board       35       95      96     1.57    No      —           Demise
38         Patch Antenna         1                 RO4000             Board       14       16     23.6    4.74    No      —           Demise
39      Tape Cage_Mo nopole      2           Aluminum 7075—T6         Plate
              Antenna                                                             1.5     22       9      N/A     No      —           Demise
40    Pulley_Monopole Antenna    2           Aluminum 7075—T6        Cylinder    10.76    4.5      5      4.5     No      —           Demise
41       Spacer_RF Boards        8           AISI 3g‘t‘egltai“'ess   Cylinder    4312                             Yes   2550°         Demise
42             Wires             1                 Copper             Wires       20      100     340     0.2     No      =           Demise
43     Multi—Layer Insulation    1               Insulation           Panel       40                              No      —           Demise
44           Radiators           2           Aluminum 7075—T6         Panel      150      N/A     N/A     N/A     No      —           Demise
45             Paints            1           AZ—93 White Paint        Paint       5       100     340     12      No      —           Demise


Document Created: 2018-11-07 00:38:10
Document Modified: 2018-11-07 00:38:10

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