0766-EX-PL-2013 Text Documents

University of Kansas


We propose to developa muftichannel radar to provide small unmanned anrial vehicles (UAY‘s)
with knowledge regarding the relive postton and velocitiesof nearbyobjects(both mobile and
fxed) hat may pose a collsion risk. With this knowledge, he UAV‘s on—board flight drecior
may lter course to avoid collisons and thos reduce its potential hazards to society. By
defeanng ts ensradoemons tAaperetinn feripsammanainre mdintht nignt
services maybecome economicallyviable
A tow—poner,lighemeight frequency—modulated, continuons—wave EMCW) radar willbe
developed and fighttsted to assessperformance. To validate the concept onder Phase I ofthe
  ASA LEARN program, a prookof—concept radar (not miniaturized) will be evaluated onbourd
a manned Cessna aizeraftusing a smaal UAV(s groundbased pilot coordinating maneurers
withthe Cesena pilot) to emilate an aitbome obstacle. The radar will incorporate recently.
released, prograsmmable, radar—ready integrated crcuits from Analog Devices(developed in
support of the automative collision—avoidance markeso thatlate (onder Phase 1D the adar ean
be signifcanty miniatarized and fllysutommted t flyaboard a 504b. UAV.
The radar will detect tirgets with radar cross sections as small as one square meter(characteristio
of a parachoting homen or a small aireraf) at ranges up to 1 nantical mile. Accurate realtime
raage and radial velocity stimates willbe derived for detected objects via digital signal
processing. An arrayof low—gain receive antennas will enable determination ofthe abject‘s
azimath and elevation position relativ to the UAVbycomparing the signals received phases
6. noantenna seanning required)
The ssccessful completion this mdar development will affer several benefit t the UAV
commnity. The propesed aitbome radar represents a technology"buiding block" for assessing
tie capubilitiesand fnitations of this lass of sense—and—avoid radar acrossa range of airspace
environments, a criticalsteforintegration ofUAV‘s into the National Airspace System (NAS)
The NextGen coneept ofaiespace operations (be operational in the 2025 time frame) will
involve selfseparation concepis for manned and tamanned airerat tat the proposed radar could
divnd bniielerinfesionl ant atoraeirain ateinge le intocmmted nc Alent

Document Created: 2013-12-12 08:23:42
Document Modified: 2013-12-12 08:23:42

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