Correspondence Ref No 42108

0343-EX-CN-2018 Text Documents

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Correspondence Reference Number: 42108

Application: 0343-EX-CN-2018

Comment: The band 401-402 MHz is not allocated for SPACE OPERATION in the uplink direction.
     Therefore, you will need to provide justification and EMC analysis for the Uplink showing you
     can protect other operators in the band.

Response: We wish to modify our request from uplink/downlink in the 401.15-401.20 MHz band to
      downlink in the 401.15-401.20 MHz band, and uplink in the 402.65-402.70 MHz band.

                Justification for Uplink in the 402.65 to 402.70 MHz Band
The requested uplink frequency range of 402.65 to 402.70 MHz is due to three primary factors:

    •   Similarity to current operations in the 402-403 MHz band & little congestion inside of
        the proposed 402.65-402.70 MHz uplink range o See Section 1: Congestion Analysis
        & Protection of Other Operators
    •   Precedent of similar uplink operations being allowed within the 401-402 MHz band o
        See Section 2: Existing Licenses for Uplink in a Similar Band
    •   Operational range of the GomSpace AX100UL radio o See Section 3: Hardware
        Limitations of Current Radio System

1   Congestion Analysis & Protection of Other Operators
The 402-403 MHz band permits Earth-to-space (i.e. uplink) transmissions for both Meteorological Satellite
and Earth Exploration Satellite operations, as shown in Figure 1. The proposed uplink transmissions in the
402.65-402.70 MHz range will be solely for telemetry, tracking, and command (TT&C) purposes – very
similar to the types of uplink transmissions used by Meteorological and Earth Exploration Satellites. [1]
Most importantly, to ensure compatibility with others users, the proposed uplink will be operated on a
strictly unprotected, non-interference basis such that uplink operations will be adjusted or terminated
immediately if interference is reported.

To protect other operators, the FCC General Menu Reports Tool was used to conduct a survey of all current
and pending FCC licenses between 402 and 403 MHz. As shown in Error! Reference source not found. and
Table 2, the proposed uplink range of 402.65-402.70 MHz falls only within the operating range of existing
licenses for Bigelow Aerospace and Spire Global, with all other operators at least 20 KHz away. Note that
frequency overlap with Bigelow Aerospace and Spire Global is unavoidable, given that their licenses cover
most or all of the 402-403 MHz band, but also quite feasible as demonstrated by their existing overlap
with more than ten other operators. The proposed 402.65-402.70 MHz uplink range also avoids frequency
bands in use by existing NOAA weather satellites, including the GOES-R series.

The proposed uplink operation further protects operators by locating the proposed ground station in
Urbana, Illinois – a substantial distance from neighboring licensees. No uplink facility operating in the
402403 MHz range currently exists in Illinois or a state neighboring it, with the nearest licensee located
more than 500 miles away in Duluth, Minnesota. In addition, uplink transmission will only take place

during transmit windows averaging approximately 10 minutes, further decreasing the chance of harmful
interference. In the unexpected event that another user in the band does report harmful interference in
the 402.65-402.70 MHz range, the University of Illinois will immediately adjust or halt all uplink

                  Figure 1: Frequency Allocations in the 300.0-406.0 MHz Range [2]

Table 1: Currently Licensed & Pending Facilities in the OET Experimental Licensing System Database for
                                  Frequency Range 402-403 MHz [3]
                                                                             Lower          Upper
                                          Transmitter       Transmitter
               Licensee                                                    Frequency      Frequency
                                               City            State

                                                             (MHz)     (MHz)

Lockheed Martin Corporation           Owego           NY   402.000
Lockheed Martin Corporation           Owego           NY   402.000
Quinteccent Inc                                       NM   402.000   406.000
Lockheed Martin Corporation           Marion          MA   402.125
                                      North Las
Bigelow Aerospace, LLC                                NV   402.400   403.000
Bigelow Aerospace, LLC                Fairfax         VA   402.400   403.000
Bigelow Aerospace, LLC                Loring AFB      ME   402.400   403.000
Bigelow Aerospace, LLC                Naalehu         HI   402.400   403.000
Bigelow Aerospace, LLC                North Pole      AK   402.400   403.000
Lockheed Martin Corporation           Marion          MA   402.500
Astro Digital, Incorporated           Moffett Field   CA   402.580   402.620
Astro Digital, Incorporated           Santa Clara     CA   402.600
University of Illinois at
                                      Urbana          IL   402.650   402.700
UrbanaChampaign (Proposed)
BAE Systems Information and
                                      Merrimack       NH   402.725
Electronic Systems Integration Inc.
BAE Systems Information and
                                      Merrimack       NH   402.725
Electronic Systems Integration Inc.
Lockheed Martin Corporation           Marion          MA   402.875
The Boeing Company                    Ridley Park     PA   403.000
The Boeing Company                    Middletown      DE   403.000
The Boeing Company                    Crestview       FL   403.000
The Boeing Company                                    CA   403.000   406.000
The Boeing Company                                    CA   403.000   406.000
The Boeing Company                    Mt Wilson       CA   403.000   406.000
The Boeing Company                                    CA   403.000   406.000
The Boeing Company                                    CA   403.000   406.000
The Boeing Company                    Mt Wilson       CA   403.000   406.000
Volvo Ocean Race                      Newport         RI   403.000   449.000
The Boeing Company                    Seattle         WA   403.000   608.000

Table 2: Currently Licensed & Pending Facilities in the International Bureau Filing System Database for
                                 Frequency Range 402-403 MHz [3]
                                                                             Lower          Upper
                                            Transmitter    Transmitter
                   Licensee                                                Frequency      Frequency
                                                City          State
                                                                             (MHz)          (MHz)
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Hartford        CT              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Ellicott        CO              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Anchorage       AK              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Boca Raton      FL              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Juneau          AK              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Naalehu         HI              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Naalehu         HI              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Piti            GU              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Tukwila         WA              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    San Francisco   CA              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Richardson      TX              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    West Jordan     UT              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    San Francisco   CA              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Saint Croix     VI              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Juneau          AK              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Tuscon          AZ              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Duluth          MN              402.000        403.000
    Spire Global, Inc.                    Charlotte       NC              402.000        403.000
    Astro Digital US, Inc.                Santa Clara     CA              402.580        402.620
    Astro Digital US, Inc.                Santa Clara     CA              402.580        402.620
    RBC Signals, LLC                      Deadhorse       AK              402.580        402.620
    RBC Signals, LLC                      Deadhorse       AK              402.580        402.620
    University of Illinois at
                                          Urbana          IL              402.650        402.700
    UrbanaChampaign (Proposed)
    DG Consents Sub, Inc.                 DULLES          VA              402.720        402.720
    Astro Digital US, Inc.                Santa Clara     CA              402.880        402.920
    Astro Digital US, Inc.                Santa Clara     CA              402.880        402.920
    RBC Signals, LLC                      Deadhorse       AK              402.880        402.920
    RBC Signals, LLC                      Deadhorse       AK              402.880        402.920

2      Existing Licenses for Uplink in a Similar Band

Precedent exists within the FCC public database for granting an uplink license to experimental CubeSats
in bands allocated for uplink by Meteorological and Earth Exploration Satellites. Specifically, in 2017,
Astranis Space Technologies Corp. received an FCC experimental license for a TT&C uplink from
401.600401.750 MHz for a demo telecommunications CubeSat. This uplink range falls within the 401-402
MHz band, allocated to Meteorological and Earth Exploration Satellite uplink as well as Space Operation
downlink. Within their license narrative, Astranis successfully makes the case that TT&C uplink operations
for CubeSats can be compatible with existing uplink operations by Meteorological and Earth Exploration

          “TT&C uplink operations in the 401 MHz band will take place intermittently and for brief
          periods (approximately 10 minutes) when the satellite is in view of the Fairbanks, Alaska earth
          station site. Through coordination with any other co-frequency operations in the area,
          Astranis will ensure its TT&C operations will be fully compatibility with other spectrum users
          and are conducted on a strictly unprotected, non-interference basis only. Nonetheless,
          Astranis commits to adjust or suspend earth station uplink operations in the 401.600-401.750
          MHz band upon notification that such operations are causing harmful interference to other
          spectrum users.6
           The U.S. Table of Allocations includes Earth Exploration Satellite and MeteorologicalSatellite
          operations in the Earth-to-space direction in the 401 MHz band, and such operations are
          similar to and compatible with intermittent, temporary TT&C operations. Astranis’ proposed
          experimental TT&C uplink operations can be permitted in the band because they will be
          conducted on an unprotected, non-interference basis.” [1]

A similar case can be made for the 402-403 MHz band, namely that by careful frequency selection
and a commitment to unprotected, non-interference operation, the University of Illinois’s proposed
uplink between 402.65-402.70 MHz to a LEO CubeSat can and will be fully compatible with existing
licenses for Meteorological and Earth Exploration Satellites.

3     Hardware Limitations of Current Radio System
The radio present on the CAPSat CubeSat is a GomSpace AX100UL radio. As shown below in Table 3, the
AX100UL operates only within the 395-405 MHz band, with a noticeable gap in the 399.5-400.5 MHz range
due to manufacturer limitations designed to avoid interference with the Standard Frequency and Time
Signal for satellites.

                         Table 3: GomSpace AX100 Radio Operational Ranges [3]
    Variant                    Description
    AX100U                     UHF 430-440 MHz
    AX100UL                    UHF-Low 395-405 MHz (except 399.5 – 400.5 MHz)1
    AX100V                     VHF 140-150 MHz (except 143.5 – 144.5 Mhz)
    The hole in the range is caused by intermodulation with the reference XTAL and will cause spurs if
selected closer than 500 khz to a multiple of 16.000 MHz.

Because this radio’s operational range is 395-405 MHz (excluding 399.5-400.5 MHz), locating an ideal
frequency is challenging. For instance, other satellite systems such as NOAA GOES/GOES-R are operated
within the 400-401 MHz band, and much of the lower portion of the AX100UL operating range (395-400
MHz) is not allocated for uplink by satellites or is extremely congested. The top end of the operational
range (403-406 MHz) is earmarked for meteorological aids for which this mission does not qualify.

The proposed uplink frequency range of 402.65-402.70 MHz was thus selected based on its current
allocation for Earth-to-Space uplink operations, lack of congestion compared to other bands, and
compatibility with the mission’s existing radio system.


[1] Astranis, "FCC Experimental STA Application: Narrative Summary," 8 August 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 15 May 2018].

[2] NTIA Office of Spectrum Management, "United States Frequency Allocations: The Radio Spectrum,"
    October 2003. [Online]. Available:
    [Accessed 15 May 2018].

[3] FCC, "FCC General Menu Reports 3.1.14 October 7, 2010,"                        [Online].   Available: [Accessed 3 June 2018].

[4] GomSpace, "NanoCom        AX100 Datasheet,"     2016. [Online].      Available:
        [Accessed 2018 May 15].

Document Created: 2018-06-06 19:10:34
Document Modified: 2018-06-06 19:10:34

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