0002-EX-PL-2015 Text Documents

University of Alaska Fairbanks


October 24, 2014

                       Orbital Debris Assessment for
                               ARC1 on the
                   NRO L-55 / GRACE / ELaNa-12 Mission
                         per NASA-STD 8719.14A

                        Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)

                       Signature Page

         Justin Treptow, Analyst, NASA KSC VA-H1

   Scott Higginbotham, Mission Manager, NASA KSC VA-C

     Jason Crusan, Program Executive, NASA HQ SOMD

Suzanne Aleman, NASA HQ OSMA MMOD Program Executive

        Signatures Required for Final Version of ODAR

Terrence W. Wilcutt, NASA Chief, Safety and Mission Assurance

            William Gerstenmaier, NASA AA,
    Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate.

            Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                    2

                    National Aeronautics and
                    Space Administration

                    John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
                    Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899


Reply to Attn of:   VA-H1                                                                               October 24, 2014

                    TO:             Scott Higginbotham, LSP Mission Manager, NASA/KSC/VA-C

                    FROM:           Justin Treptow, NASA/KSC/VA-H1

                    SUBJECT:        Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) for the ELaNa-12 Mission


                        A. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris Generation, NPR
                           8715.6A, 5 February 2008
                        B. Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, NASA-STD-8719.14A, 25 May 2012
                        C. Email, “FW: [GRACE-ULTRASat] Latest orbit parameter estimates” Scott
                           Higginbotham to Justin Treptow, October 1, 2014
                        D. McKissock, Barbara, Patricia Loyselle, and Elisa Vogel. Guidelines on Lithium-
                           ion Battery Use in Space Applications. Tech. no. RP-08-75. NASA Glenn
                           Research Center Cleveland, Ohio
                        E. UL Standard for Safety for Lithium Batteries, UL 1642. UL Standard. 4th ed.
                           Northbrook, IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2007
                        F. Kwas, Robert. Thermal Analysis of ELaNa-4 CubeSat Batteries, ELVL-2012-
                           0043254; Nov 2012
                        G. Range Safety User Requirements Manual Volume 3- Launch Vehicles, Payloads,
                           and Ground Support Systems Requirements, AFSCM 91-710 V3.
                        H. UL Standard for Safety for Household and Commercial Batteries, UL 2054. UL
                           Standard. 2nd ed. Northbrook, IL, Underwriters Laboratories, 2005
                        I. HQ OSMA Policy Memo/Email to 8719.14: CubeSat Battery Non-Passivation,
                           Suzanne Aleman to Justin Treptow, 10, March 2014

                    The intent of this report is to satisfy the orbital debris requirements listed in ref. (a) for
                    the ARC1 launching in conjunction with the NRO L-55 primary payload. Sections 1
                    through 8 of ref. (b) are addressed in this document; sections 9 through 14 fall under the
                    requirements levied on the Department of Defense’s National Reconnaissance Office and
                    are not presented here.

                                               Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                                  3

The following table summarizes the compliance status of the ARC1 CubeSat flown on
the GRACE mission. The CubeSat is fully compliant with all applicable requirements.

            Table 1: Orbital Debris Requirement Compliance Matrix
Requirement                Compliance Assessment    Comments
4.3-1a                     Not applicable           No planned debris release
4.3-1b                     Not applicable           No planned debris release
4.3-2                      Not applicable           No planned debris release
4.4-1                      Compliant                Minimal risk to orbital
                                                    environment, mitigated by
                                                    orbital lifetime.
4.4-2                      Compliant                Minimal risk to orbital
                                                    environment, mitigated by
                                                    orbital lifetime.
4.4-3                      Not applicable           No planned breakups
4.4-4                      Not applicable           No planned breakups
4.5-1                      Compliant
4.5-2                      Not applicable
4.6-1(a)                   Compliant                Worst case lifetime 20.6 yrs
                                                    for the CubeSat LMRST-Sat
4.6-1(b)                   Not applicable
4.6-1(c)                   Not applicable
4.6-2                      Not applicable
4.6-3                      Not applicable
4.6-4                      Not applicable           Passive disposal
4.6-5                      Compliant
4.7-1                      Compliant                Non-credible risk of human
4.8-1                      Compliant                No planned tether release
                                                    under ELaNa-12 mission

                        Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                              4

Section 1: Program Management and Mission Overview

The ELaNa-12 mission is sponsored by the Space Operations Mission Directorate at
NASA Headquarters. The Program Executive is Jason Crusan. Responsible
program/project manager and senior scientific and management personnel are as follows:

ARC1 : Dr. Denise Thorsen, Principle Investigator; Jesse Frey, Project Manager

                         Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                            5

                         Task%                               Date%
                   CubeSat%Selection%                        8/27/13%
           CubeSat%Build,%Test,%and%Integration%             4/19/15%
                          MRR%                               2/18/15%
              CubeSat%Delivery%to%CalPoly%                   3/16/15%
            CubeSat%Integration%into%PGPODs%             3/16/15%G%3/25/15%
                         Launch%                             8/27/15%

                     Figure 1: Program Milestone Schedule

The ELaNa-12 mission will be launched as a component of the GRACE auxiliary
payload on the NRO L-55 mission on an Atlas V launch vehicle from VAFS, Ca. The
ELaNa-12, will deploy 4 pico-satellites (or CubeSats) with a fifth as a backup. The
CubeSat slotted position is identified in Error! Reference source not found. and in the
Appendix. The ELaNa-12 manifest includes:ARC1, BisonSat, Fox-1, LMRST-Sat, and
the backup CADRE. The current launch date is in 8/27/2015. The 4 CubeSats will be
ejected from a PPOD carrier attached to the launch vehicle, placing the CubeSats in an
orbit approximately 509 X 796 km at inclination of 66 deg (ref. (c)).

Each CubeSat ranges in sizes from a 10 cm cube to 10 cm x 10cm x 30 cm, with masses
from about ~1 kg to ~4 kg total. The CubeSats have been designed by universities and
government agencies and each have their own mission goals.

                         Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                                 6

Section 2: Spacecraft Description

ARC1 – University of Alaska Fairbanks – 1U

                           Figure 2: ARC1 Expanded View
The Alaska Research CubeSat 1 (ARC1) will be the first satellite designed, built, tested,
and operated by students from the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF). This satellite is
designed as both an educational tool and a platform to facilitate rapid development of
scientific and technology demonstration missions at UAF. Successful implementation of
this development platform will demonstrate the ability of UAF students to compete for
future Low Earth Orbit (LEO) research opportunities. ARC1 will achieve one educational
mission objective (EMO) and three science mission objectives (SMO) which serve to
demonstrate what capabilities are available for future missions, and identify unforeseen
system issues to be improved.
• EMO1: Provide an authentic, interdisciplinary, hands-on student experiences in
        science and engineering through the design, development, operation of a
        student small satellite mission.
• SMO1: Characterize thermal and vibration environment inside the launch vehicle
        from ignition to orbit insertion.
• SMO2: Validate a novel low power Attitude Control and Determination Systems
• SMO3: Validate a high bandwidth communication system by obtaining images of
        changing snow/ice coverage in arctic region.

                         Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                              7

Upon deployment from the P-POD, ARC1 will power up and start counting down timers.
At 45 minutes, the antenna will be deployed and the beacon will start transmitting. Once
contact has been established with ARC1 then the LEDL and ADCS data can be
downloaded to complete the primary mission. Once the primary mission is complete the
camera will be activated to take pictures of the arctic. This will continue until ARC1 is
shut down after 1 year.

There are no pressure vessels, hazardous or exotic materials.

There are two power systems on ARC1, the Clyde EPS and the LEDL battery. The Clyde
EPS uses standard Lithium Ion Polymer cells to store energy from the solar cells and
power ARC1 after P-POD ejection. The Clyde EPS contains over-charge/current
protection. The Clyde EPS cells carry the UL listing number MH13654. The LEDL
battery uses Lithium Iorn Disulfide cells and powers the LEDL during launch so it can
log launch data. The LEDL battery is not rechargeable and is not used after data logging
is complete. The LEDL cells carry the UL listing number MH29980. Overcurrent
protection is provided for the LEDL cells.

                          Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                              8

Figure 3: 1U CubeSat Specification

Figure 4: 3U CubeSat Specification

Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)     9

Section 3: Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal

No releases are planned on the ELaNa-12 CubeSat mission therefore this section is not

The assessment of spacecraft debris requires the identification of any object (>1 mm)
expected to be released from the spacecraft any time after launch, including object
dimensions, mass, and material.

Section 3 requires rationale/necessity for release of each object, time of release of each
object, relative to launch time, release velocity of each object with respect to spacecraft,
expected orbital parameters (apogee, perigee, and inclination) of each object after release,
calculated orbital lifetime of each object, including time spent in Low Earth Orbit (LEO),
and an assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3-1 and 4.3-2.

As no objects are being released rationale, timing, release velocity, orbit parameters, and
orbital lifetime are unnecessary to report in this section.

                          Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                               10

Section 4: Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for

There are NO plans for designed spacecraft breakups, explosions, or intentional
collisions on the ELANA-12 mission. No passivation of components is planned at the
End of Mission for the CubeSats on this mission.

The probability of battery explosion is very low, and, due to the very small mass of the
satellites and their short orbital lifetimes the effect of an explosion on the far-term LEO
environment is negligible (ref (i)).

The CubeSats batteries still meet Req. 56450 (4.4-2) by virtue of the HQ OSMA policy
regarding CubeSat battery disconnect stating;

       “CubeSats as a satellite class need not disconnect their batteries if flown in LEO
       with orbital lifetimes less than 25 years.” (ref. (i))

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through 4.4-4 shows that
with a lifetime of 20.6 years maximum the ELANA-12 CubeSats are compliant.

                          Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                                    11

Section 5: Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions

 Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects larger than 10 cm in
diameter during the orbital lifetime of the spacecraft takes into account both the mean
cross sectional area and orbital lifetime.

The largest mean cross sectional area (CSA) among the four CubeSats is that of the
LMRST-Sat CubeSat with antennas deployed (10 X 10 X 30 cm with four deployable
antennas 1.0 X 15.2 cm):

                             !"#$%&'!!"#$        !∗ !∗! +!∗ !∗!
            !"#$!!"# = !                     =
                                  !                         !

                                          !!"# + !! + !!
                            !"#$!!"# = !

All CubeSats evaluated for this ODAR are stowed in a convex configuration, indicating
there are no elements of the CubeSats obscuring another element of the same CubeSats
from view. Thus, mean CSA for all stowed CubeSats was calculated using Equation 1.
This configuration renders the longest orbital life times for all CubeSats.

Once a CubeSat has been ejected from the P-POD and deployables have been extended
Equation 2 is utilized to determine the mean CSA. Amax is identified as the view that
yields the maximum cross-sectional area. A1 and A2 are the two cross-sectional areas
orthogonal to Amax. Refer to Appendix A for dimensions used in these calculations

 The Fox-1 orbit at deployment is 509 km perigee altitude by 796 km apogee altitude,
with an inclination of 66 degrees. With an area to mass (3.62 kg) ratio of 0.0097 m2/kg,
DAS yields 20.6 years for orbit lifetime for its stowed state, which in turn is used to
obtain the collision probability. Regardless of variation in CubeSat design and orbital
lifetime ELaNa-12 CubeSats see less than 0x10^-5 probability of collision. LMRST-Sat
sees the similar probability of collision as the rest of the CubeSats on ELaNa-12. Table 4
below provides complete results. The backup, CADRE, has an orbit lifetime of 24.5 years
in its stowed configuration. Because of its backup status it was not highlighted in this
paragraph but is fully detailed in Appendix E.

                          Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                               12

                     Table 2: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability

!               !                                 ARC$1&      BisonSat!    Fox,1!    LMRST,Sat!
                           Mass&(kg)&              1.33&        1.09!       1.33!      3.62!
                                                     &            !           !
                     Mean&C/S&Area&(m^2)&        0.0160&      0.0165!     0.0150!    ! 0.035!
                    Area$to&Mass&(m^2/kg)&       0.0120&      0.0151!     0.0113!      0.0097!
                     Orbital&Lifetime&(yrs)&       18.4&        16.6!       18.9!       20.6!
                    Probability&of&collision&    0x10^$5&     0x10^,5!    0x10^,5!    0x10^,5!

                                                     &            !           !
                     Mean&C/S&Area&(m^2)&        0.0170&      0.0192!     0.0153!    ! 0.038!

                    Area$to&Mass&(m^2/kg)&       0.0128&      0.0176!     0.0115!      0.0105!
                     Orbital&Lifetime&(yrs)&       17.9&        12.5!       18.9!       1935!
                    Probability&of&collision&    0x10^$5&     0x10^,5!    0x10^,5!    0x10^,5!

                                   Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)

    Figure 5: Highest Risk of Orbit Collision vs. Altitude (LMRST-Sat-Stowed)

 There will be no post-mission disposal operation. As such the identification of all
systems and components required to accomplish post-mission disposal operation,
including passivation and maneuvering, is not applicable.

The probability of any ELaNa-12 spacecraft collision with debris and meteoroids greater
than 10 cm in diameter and capable of preventing post-mission disposal has been
calculated to be less than 0x10^%5 probability of collision, for any configuration. This
satisfies the 0.001 maximum probability requirement 4.5-1.

Since the CubeSats have no capability or plan for end-of-mission disposal, requirement
4.5-2 is not applicable.

Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.5-1 shows ELaNa-12 to be
compliant. Requirement 4.5-2 is not applicable to this mission.

                            Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)

Section 6: Assessment of Spacecraft Postmission Disposal Plans and Procedures

All ELaNa-12 spacecraft will naturally decay from orbit within 25 years after end of the
mission, satisfying requirement 4.6-1a detailing the spacecraft disposal option.

Planning for spacecraft maneuvers to accomplish postmission disposal is not applicable.
Disposal is achieved via passive atmospheric reentry.

Calculating the area-to-mass ratio for the worst-case (smallest Area-to-Mass) post-
mission disposal among the CubeSats finds Fox-1 in its stowed configuration as the worst
case. The area-to-mass is calculated for is as follows:

                  !"#$! ! ! !"#$!(!! )                     !!
                                       = !"#$ − !" − !"##!( )
                     !"##!(!")                             !"

                              Equation 3: Area to Mass

                                 0.015!!!           !!
                                          = !0.0113
                                  1.33!!"           !"

Fox-1 has the smallest Area-to-Mass ratio and as a result will have the longest orbital
lifetime. The assessment of the spacecraft illustrates they are compliant with
Requirements 4.6-1 through 4.6-5.

DAS 2.0.2 Orbital Lifetime Calculations:

DAS inputs are: 509 km maximum perigee 796 km maximum apogee altitudes with an
inclination of 66 degrees at deployment in the year 2015. The area to mass ratio of
0.00097*m2/kg was imputed for the LMRST-Sat CubeSat. DAS 2.0.2 yields a 20.6 year
orbit lifetime for LMRST-Sat in its stowed state. These same orbit parameters were used
to determine the backup’s orbit lifetime, details can be found in the Appendix E.*

This meets requirement 4.6-1. For the complete list of CubeSat orbital lifetimes reference
Table 2: CubeSat Orbital Lifetime & Collision Probability.

Assessment results show compliance.

                          Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                                15

Section 7: Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

A detailed assessment of the components to be flown on ELaNa-12 was performed. The
assessment used DAS 2.0, a conservative tool used by the NASA Orbital Debris Office to
verify Requirement 4.7-1. The analysis is intended to provide a bounding analysis for
characterizing the survivability of a CubeSat’s component during re-entry. For example,
when DAS shows a component surviving reentry it is not taking into account the material
ablating away or charring due to oxidative heating. Both physical effects are experienced
upon reentry and will decrease the mass and size of the real-life components as the
reenter the atmosphere, reducing the risk they pose still further.

The following steps are used to identify and evaluate a components potential reentry risk
relative to the 4.7-1 requirement, where the risk to human casualty shall not exceed
1:10,000. There is not enough energy to cause a human casualty if the surviving reentry
component has less than 15J.

             1. Low melting temperature (less than 1000 °C) components are identified as
                materials that would not survive reentry and pose no risk to human
                casualty. This is confirmed through DAS analysis that showed materials
                with melting temperatures equal to or below that of copper (1080!°C) will
                always demise upon reentry for any size component up to the dimensions
                of a 1U CubeSat.

             2. The remaining high temperature materials are shown to pose negligible
                risk to human casualty through a bounding DAS analysis of the highest
                temperature components, stainless steel (1500°C). If a component is of
                similar dimensions and has a melting temperature between 1000 °C and
                1500°C, it can be expected to posses the same negligible risk as stainless
                steel components. See Table 3.

                    Table 3: ELaNa-12 High Temperature DAS Analysis!
                                                    Length!/!     Width!   Height!   Demise!Alt!   KE!
CubeSat!   ELaNa,12!!Components!     Mass!(g)!                                                            Probability!
                                                 Diameter!(mm)!   (mm)!    (mm)!       (km)!       (J)!
 ARC1*         Camera*Lens*             4*            14*         14.3*      %*         75.5*      0*          0*

                                   Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                                          16

The majority of high temperature components demise upon reentry. The majority of
components that do not demise reentry have less than 15 J of energy. Of the components
that DAS conservatively identifies as reaching the ground two of the five have more than
15J of kinetic energy. From the Debris Casualty Area and the orbit these components will
be flying in the 1/74900 probability of human casualty satisfies the requirement

Through the method described above, Table 3: ELaNa-12 High Temperature DAS
Analysis, and the full component lists in the Appendix all CubeSats launching under the
ELaNa-12 mission are conservatively shown to be in compliance with Requirement 4.7-1
of NASA-STD-8719.14A.

See the Appendix for a complete accounting of the survivability of all CubeSat

                         Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                            17

Section 8: Assessment for Tether Missions

ELaNa-12 CubeSats will not be deploying any tethers.

ELaNa-12 CubeSats satisfy Section 8’s requirement 4.8-1.

                        Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)   18

Section 9-14

ODAR sections 9 through 14 for the launch vehicle are addressed in ref. (g), and are not
covered here.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at 321-867-2958.

/original signed by/

Justin Treptow
Flight Design Analyst

cc: VA-H/Mr. Carney
     VA-H1/Mr. Beaver
     VA-H1/Mr. Haddox
     VA-G2/Mr. Atkinson
     VA-G2/Mr. Fineberg
     SA-D2/Mr. Frattin
     SA-D2/Mr. Hale
     SA-D2/Mr. Henry
     Analex-3/Mr. Davis
     Analex-22/Ms. Ramos

                         Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)                              19

   Appendix A.              ELaNa-12 Component List by CubeSat: ARC1

                      External/Internal                                                                 Diameter/                                   Melting
                                                                                                                    Length   Height   Low Melting
     Name              (Major/Minor        Qty         Material             Body Type        Mass (g)     Width                                     Temp      Comment
                                                                                                                     (mm)    (mm)       Temp
                       Components)                                                                        (mm)                                       (°C)

      ARC1%                   &%            1%   eg.%Aluminum%6061%             Box%            &%          &%        &%       &%          &%          &%          &%

CubeSat%Structure%     External%&%Major%    1%     Aluminum%6061%               Box%           144%        100%      100%     110%        Yes%         &%      Demise%

  UHF%Antenna%         External%&%Major%    1%           Steel%            Measuring%Tape%      5%        12.33%     165%     0.2%        No%          &%     See%Table%4%

Solar%Panel%Boards%    External%&%Major%    6%        Fiberglass%               Box%            28%        82%       103%     1.7%        Yes%         &%      Demise%

 S&Band%Antenna%       External%&%Minor%    1%       Rogers%5870%               Box%            10%       53.5%      53.5%    1.64%       Yes%         &%      Demise%

 Sep%Switch%Rod%       External%&%Minor%    1%     Aluminum%6061%             Cylinder%         1%        3.18%       55%      &%         Yes%         &%      Demise%

  Camera%Lens%         External%&%Minor%    1%           Glass%               Cylinder%         4%         14%       14.3%     &%         No%        1600%    See%Table%4%

   Clyde%Cells%        Internal%&%Major%    4%   Lithium%Ion%Polymer%           Box%           22.5%       37%       58.5%     5%         Yes%         &%      Demise%

Magnetic%torquers%     Internal%&%Minor%   12%          Alnico1%              Cylinder%        0.4%        1.6%      25.4%     &%         Yes%         &%      Demise%

   LEDL%board%         Internal%&%Major%    1%        Fiberglass%               Box%            30%        90%        96%     2.5%        Yes%         &%      Demise%

    LEDL%Cells%        Internal%&%Minor%    2%   Lithium%Iron%disulfide%      Cylinder%        7.6%       10.5%      44.5%     &%         Yes%         &%      Demise%

   Clyde%Board%        Internal%&%Major%    1%        Fiberglass%               Box%           230%        90%        96%     2.5%        Yes%         &%      Demise%

   ACDS%Board%         Internal%&%Major%    1%        Fiberglass%               Box%            28%        90%        96%     2.5%        Yes%         &%      Demise%

  COMM%Board%          Internal%&%Major%    1%        Fiberglass%               Box%            30%        90%        96%     2.5%        Yes%         &%      Demise%

   IMG%Board%          Internal%&%Major%    1%        Fiberglass%               Box%           54.3%       90%        96%     2.5%        Yes%         &%      Demise%

    Fasteners%         Internal%&%Minor%           Black%Oxide%Steel%            &%             &%          &%        &%       &%         Yes%         &%      Demise%
     Cabling%          Internal%&%Minor%             Copper%alloy%               &%             &%          &%        &%       &%         Yes%         &%      Demise%

                                                                     Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU)

Document Created: 9080-02-13 00:00:00
Document Modified: 9080-02-13 00:00:00

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