Section 5 77 Letter

0201-EX-ST-2018 Post Grant Documents

UltiSat Inc.


                                                                    2550 M Street, NW
                                                                    Suite 300
                                                                    Washington, DC 20037


June 5, 2018


Anthony Serafini
Experimental Licensing Branch
Office of Engineering and Technology
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:      UltiSat Inc., Call Sign WM9XHN, File No. 0201-EX-ST-2018;
         Addition of New Antenna Type for Experimental Testing and Demonstration

Dear Mr. Serafini:

UltiSat Inc. (“UltiSat”), through its representative, hereby notifies the Commission, pursuant to
Section 5.77 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.77, that UltiSat will test and demonstrate
an additional Ku-band terminal type pursuant to the above-referenced experimental special
temporary authority (“STA”), which authorizes the operation of up to 100 BB45 (45cm) Ku-
band aeronautical terminals. UltiSat will operate up to ten (10) BB30 (30cm) Ku-band
aeronautical terminals within the same operational envelope and pursuant to the same terms and
conditions embodied in the existing experimental STA. UltiSat does not request a change to the
total number of authorized terminals.

The BB30 terminal, manufactured by Skytech and designed to be mounted on aircraft of various
sizes, has been fully certified for aviation safety. UltiSat now seeks to test and demonstrate the
terminal for U.S. government applications under its existing experimental authority.

The BB30 terminal complies with Section 25.227 of the Commission’s rules governing earth
stations aboard aircraft (“ESAAs”),1 although the terminal will be operated for limited testing
and demonstration purposes only. UltiSat acknowledges and accepts that the conditions in its
existing experimental license will apply to operation of the BB30 terminal, including operation
on an unprotected, non-interference basis, and the requirement to immediately cease operations
in the event of harmful interference.

    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.227.

Because the BB30 antenna will operate within the same emissions envelope as the currently
authorized BB45 antenna and UltiSat will otherwise conform to the conditions of its existing
experimental license, operation of the terminal is consistent with Section 5.77 of the
Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 5.77.

Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned with any questions you may have regarding this

Respectfully submitted,

Carlos M. Nalda
LMI Advisors, LLC

On behalf of UltiSat Inc.



            BB30 (30cm) Antenna System – Performance Characteristics

            Parameter               Performance
Antenna Directivity Gain:           29 dBi @ 10.7 GHz; 30.7 dBi @ 12.75 GHz
                                    31.5 dBi @ 14.0 GHz; 31.5dBi @ 14.5 GHz
EIRP                                45.5 dBW at 14.5 GHz
G/T (15oK Sky Temperature):         9 dB/K @ 10.7 GHz
                                    10.5 dB/K @ 12.75 GHz
Receive Frequency Range:            10.7 GHz to 12.75 GHz
Transmit Frequency Range:           14.0 GHz to 14.5 GHz
Polarization:                       Linear Tx/Dual Pol Rx, Dual Pol Circular Rx only
Cross Polarization Rejection:       20 dB
Antenna Element Type:               Reflector
Tracking Field of View:
    Azimuth (continuous):           360o
    Elevation:                      +90o to -0o

RMS Pointing Accuracy:
   Azimuth:                         0.2o
   Elevation:                       0.2o
   Polarization:                    Sufficient to maintain specified cross polarization
Azimuth, Elevation, Polarization    Az, El, Roll, 60o / sec, Pol 10°/sec
Azimuth, Elevation, Polarization    Az, El, Roll 50o / sec2 Pol 15°/sec2


Document Created: 2018-06-05 18:56:57
Document Modified: 2018-06-05 18:56:57

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