UbiquityLink STA Technical Narrative Redacted

1247-EX-ST-2018 Text Documents

UbiquitiLink, Inc.


Special Temporary Authority Request
GSM Spacecraft Test
UbiquitiLink, Inc.
July 27, 2018

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                    1

Table of Contents
APPLICANT DESCRIPTION                                                      4
About the Applicant                                                        4

TEST DESCRIPTION AND STA REQUEST                                           5
Summary                                                                    5
Detailed Description                                                       5

INTERFERENCE MITIGATION                                                   12
Urban Interference Analysis:                                              14
Suburban/Rural Interference Analysis                                      15
  Impact of potential interference spatially/geospatially                 16
  Impact of potential interference in time                                17
  Impact of potential inference in frequency                              17
Remote User Interference Analysis                                         18

FREQUENCIES OF OPERATION                                                  19
Description of GSM 850/900 Bands and Spectrum of Operation                19

POINT OF CONTACT TO SUSPEND TRANSMISSION                                  20


ATTACHMENT 1                                                              22

ATTACHMENT 2                                                              23
UbiquitiLink        Test CONOPS                                           23
  Description of GSM 850/900 Bands and Spectrum of Operation              23
  Description of                                                          23
  Description of CONOPS during communication session                      24
  Description of Spacecraft Power, TT&C, and “Kill Switch”                27
  Description of Downlink Power Levels                                    27

ATTACHMENT 3                                                              30
Summary of UbiquitiLink Interference Analysis using Monte Carlo Methods   30
  Utilized Data                                                           30
  Data Analysis – Tower locations and distances                           30
  Data Analysis – Monte Carlo RF Propagation Simulation                   32

APPENDIX 1.1                                                              36

APPENDIX 1.2                                                              37

APPENDIX 1.3                                                              38

APPENDIX 1.4                                                              39

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                         2

APPENDIX 1.5         41

APPENDIX 1.6         43

APPENDIX 1.7         44

UbiquitiLink, Inc.    3

Applicant Description
About the Applicant
UbiquitiLink, Inc. (UBLink), is a Virginia corporation, incorporated on January 21, 2017. Its
management team includes veterans of NASA, Nanoracks, Orbcomm, SpaceHab, Orbital,
Fairchild, and Neustar. UBLink is developing a last-mile ubiquitous communications solution for
Internet of Things (IOT)                                   utilizing a constellation of small

UBLink’s team consists of world leaders in nanosat markets, technology and launch.

Charles Miller, CEO, has 30 years’ experience in the space industry and has been the founder or
co-founder of multiple private ventures and organizations. He co-founded Nanoracks LLC;
Nanoracks LLC has launched over 700 payloads making it the world leader in nanosatellite
launches. Miller served as NASA Senior Advisor for Commercial Space from 2009-2012 where
he advised leadership on commercial public private partnerships (PPP). At NASA in 2009, Miller
managed a USG team of more than two-dozen civil servants (including representatives from
AFRL and FAA) that developed a commercial partnership strategy for developing reusable
launch vehicles. Miller then successfully persuaded senior NASA leadership to support a $300
million per year overguide request in the FY 2011 budget process using PPPs to develop
reusable launch vehicles.

Key members of our technical team include Mike Johnson, Tyghe Speidel and Dr. Joseph

Mike Johnson, is our Chief Technology Officer (CTO), and prior to UBLink he was the co-
founding CTO of NanoRacks, LLC. Prior to Nanoracks, Mike worked with SPACEHAB, Inc. in
various capacities for over 18 years, culminating as Vice President for Advanced Programs, as
well as founding two other startups. In total, Johnson has delivered nearly 500 payloads to
orbit and over 200 nanosatellites.

Tyghe Speidel, our Vice President of Technology & Strategy, is the inventor of the key IP enabling
our orbital cell tower technology, among other patents in UBLink’s intellectual property
portfolio. He is a former spacecraft engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (SMAP,
Curiosity), and the founder and global lead of the commercial space practice at Accenture.

Dr. Joseph Bravman, our Vice President of Operations, previously was Orbital’s Senior Vice
President/Corporate Development, Corporate Chief Engineer, Senior Vice President of Orbital’s
Advanced Systems Group, and Senior Vice President for Engineering and Operations. During his
time at Orbital, Dr. Bravman managed the construction of the ORBCOMM satellite constellation
and Orbital’s role as provider of the ORBCOMM space segment. Prior to Orbital, Dr. Bravman
was Corporate Executive Vice President of Fairchild and President of its Defense Electronics
division that produced avionics, satellite communications, and mission planning ground support

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                              4

Test Description and STA Request

          trequen»: B
Table 1 below summarizes the STA request

                         Downlink Portion: 869.2 MHz to 893.8 MHz
             Locations   Centered at 35.9498 N, 110.0844 W (Northeast Arizona, Navajc
                rove: smm
                Timing   15 January 2019 to 15 March 2019
     Duration of Test    10 day period, 2 minutes for each test, 40 minutes total transmit time.
  Testing Time Frame|    15 January 2019 to 15 March 2019

       UbiquitiLink Kill Mr. Tyghe Speidel, +1 (240) 705—9409
        Switch Contact
Table 1 Summary of the STA application request

Our extensive interference analysis (discussion in detail below) demonstrates that thereis no
harmful interference from this test. The interference discussion describes why there will be
no harmfulinterference impacting the existing licensed service quality due to the presence of
the satellite downlink signal. This is the result of a number of combined factors that first
reduce the probability of occurrence to extremely low levels and then allow the existing
device protocol to completely eliminate any residual effects to the normal operation of
licensee user equipment.

Detailed Description
UBLink is developing a                     nanosat communications network. The service
would provide                service around the globe operating between 820 and 960 MHz,

              sing a Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) nanosat

       . There is a need to perform testing on prototype equipment, which will provide
importantinformation regarding the performance of the links and the network/system control
capabilities. Initially, UBLink desires to perform a series of short tests ata location in the
Southwest USA. The FCC Special Temporary Authority request seeks to test using specific

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                 5

spectrum ranges, using specialized equipment operating at specified power densities, at a
specific area, and at times within the US.

The proposed test configuration involves

The UBLink communications payload is

Figure 2 below depicts the UBLink payload

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                          6

         link architecture is shown in Figure 3 below.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                       7

                                                  G: 10 dBi (Ya
                                                  Tx: 2 W
                                                  EIRP: 42 dBm (1

Figure 3 — Proposed test link architecture

                          The transmit carrier frequency may be changed d      g flight by a
stored command to conform to the licensed spectrum of the terrestrial test participants and
locations. The design provides the capability to operate this
                                      depending on global location.

UBLink has been working with GSM service provider Smith Bagley, Inc. (d/b/a Cellular One).
Cellular One has given UBLink written permission to operate the test on Channel 152 of their
spectrum license, which is at 874.0 MHz on the downlink_. See attached
letter from Cellular One. The coverage area will be centered near a Cellular One quiet zone in
an isolated area in northeast Arizona, which Cellular One has identified as near 35.9498 N,
110.0844 W.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.

Figure 4 Satellite image of proposed testing site

Figure 5 below shows the operational area for the ground equipment and the size of the beam
from the spacecraft. The test defined above requires authorization for UBLink to transmit for
approximately 40 minutes of total time spread out over a 10—day period in the first quarter of
2019, in increments of 2 minutes for each overpass. The exact dates of operation are governed
                            launch date and the detailed maneuvers that occur

The payload, and especially its transmitter,is under thestrict control of commands uploaded
over_ Mission Control. These commands are time tagged for
execution at specific times, and consequently at specific locations and positions. Th

                                   As such the center of the spot bean depicted below will be
accurately controlled and the transmission intervals precisely planned and executed. This will
insure that the transmissions will only occur over the desired test areas, and that no
transmissions will occur over Canada or Mexico unless authorized by either of those
administrations. As described in the sections evaluating the potential for harmful interference,
the energy outside of the main lobe of the antenna will be below the minimum signal sensitivity
of user devices (—105 dBm}.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                             9

Figure 5 -                  Coverage Area. This spot beam represents the downlink signal energy in dBm when transmitting a
      signal from our antenna                                            The signal energy at the center of the beam is -92.8

               use a 10 dBi Yagi, and 2 W max transmit power, to produce an EIRP of 42 dBm.
The signals are 200 kHz in bandwidth and modulate at a 270.8333 kbps bit rate. The
                    signal energy bandwidth is illustrated in Figure 6 below. The operational
parameters for the ground and space stations are shown in Table 2 – (a) and (b) – below.

Additional information on these                        and the link analyses is provided in Appendices 2.1,
2.2, and 2.4.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                         10

                                                                                 300   400    500

                         GMSK GSM spectrum showing ACI
                            Level in a 200 kHz channel
Figure 6 — GMSK GSM Spectrum showing ACI Level in a 200 kHiz channel

    Table 2(a) — Ubiquitilink Uplink (Earth—to—5               Transmitter Technical Parameters

     GSM Module
        * Antenna: Gain                                Linear or Circular Polarized: 10
         *    Power EIRP                                                42.0

     Location of all Ground Stations                        Navajo Nation, Arizona
     lat/long (NADS3):                                        35.9498, —110.0844
     Antenna Height
     Radius of Operation                                               ~300 km
    Test Dates approx..                                        First Quarter 2019,

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                  11

                                                          ~40 minutes over 10 days

    Scheduled Launch & Test Date                    Mid—November, 2018/February 2019
    Test Orbital Parameters
        * Altitude                                                400km
          *   Inclination                                           51°

    Space—to—Earth Tx Freq                           850 GSM Band (900 GSM capable}
    Center Frequencies                               874 and 829_                                MHz
    Channel Bandwidth                                               200                           kHz
    Power (W)                                                   [_____                           Watt
    Antenna Gain

    EIRP                                                                                         dBm
    ERP                                                                                          dBm
    S/C Orbital Height                                              400                           km
    FSL (Free Space Loss)                                         -                              dB
    PSD (Power Spectral Density — Max)                                                       dBm per 200
    dBm per kHz signal bandwidth                                   —92.8                        kHz
    PSD (Power Spectral Density) at                                                          dBm per 200
    beam edge                                                    —105.00*                       kHz
    *—105 dBm is selected as the beam edge because this represents the receiver sensitivity of GSM devices
    Table 2 — UbiquitiLink STA Request Operational Parameters

Interference Mitigation
The engineering and spectrum team at UBLink has conducted a very detailed analysis to
compute, via Monte Carlo methods, that the probability of harmful interference from this test
will be non—existent.

The UBLink system shall use a specific channel licensed to Cellular One in this area. The main
area of testing is in a remote portion of northeastern Arizona. Operation in a quiet area is
preferred since the downlink signal from the spacecraft is very low, and is intended to be the
"tower of last resort". It, therefore, should not compete with terrestrial communications. This
low signal power level will preclude harmful interference in all instances. The quiet area, or
zone, is outside cell tower coverage and weare purposefully selecting for an area away from
cell towers for testing.

Attachment 2 is a detailed description of the Concept of Operations for this test.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                           12

Within the CONOPS description (referenced elsewhere) is information and charts illustrating
the orbital path of the spacecraft and downlink beam patterns over time. It is expected
            will be moved into the proper orbit sometime not earlier than January 2019 and
                                  perform testing not earlier than mid-January. The opportunity
for testing will occur over approximately a 10-day time period.

A particular point on the surface of the Earth that meets this criterion
                                                                            would experience
approximately 2 minutes of            connectivity centered on Cygnus’s overpass. This 2-minute
time period is a testing session. The number of testing sessions within the US during a given
          session may be on the order of 2 or 3 depending on the latitude of the location. The
number of testing sessions at the location provided by Cellular One during any given
session is only 1. This means that all of the testing at the testing location in Southwest US will
occur for about 2 minutes once each day over about a 10-day period, or about 20 minutes in
total (10 pointing sessions x 1 testing session per           session x 2 minutes per testing
session). Only a single 200 kHz channel will be accessed during this testing.

Since the proposed testing will occur for only up to two minutes during any particular pointing
session the probability that any user’s         device on the ground is interfered with is
incredibly low, and the probability that the user’s service is impacted is essentially zero.

The reasoning is described below and follows from a series of compounding low probability
events. The various scenarios are divided into Urban, Suburban/Rural, and Remote. When
needed (such as in the case of Suburban/Rural scenarios), sub-scenarios are considered in the
dimensions of space (geospatial), frequency, and time.

Figure 7 below reflects a summary of the analysis in the form of a process flow. The conclusion
is that no matter the scenario or sub-scenario there is no chance of harmful interference. The
flowchart reads from top left to bottom right. The flow chart uses color-coded columns to
indicate the dimension being analyzed along that particular point in the process flow decision
line. Later in this analysis, the exact probabilities for the possible outcomes within this process
flow are numerically computed.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                               13

                              Geospatial                    Frequency                      Time
                              Dime                          Dimension                    Dimension
     is there

                  temote     usan     ho
                                                             the probabilty        7        is
                                                             that you getto            un

                                                 NO INTERFERENCE IN ALL SCENARIOS
                 "AheideitieTo honeonnccengurono rainetorenocrosetemnmtooo
Figure 7 — Processflow illustrating that under no scenarios will the UbiquitiLink payload create harmfulinterference. Please see
Appendix 1.1 for afull page Figure 7.

Urban Interference Analysis:
There will be no impact to urban users.

Urban environments contain a large number of closely spaced towers to provide ample
performance in the presence of significant multipath, shadowing, and attenuation. Additionally,
towers are spaced closely in orderto leverage frequency re—use and support a large number of
subscribers and substantial bandwidth demands. The only locations in urban geographies
where cellularsignals drop to levels comparable to those from the satellite payload satellite are
when attenuation from obstructions, multipath, building penetration, etc. occur. At these
locations, any signal losses due to multipath, obstructions, or other attenuation will equally
impact the signal from the satellite payload. Thus, there is no material case in which a customer
in an urban location will suffer impeded service due to the presence of the satellite‘s weak

In Figure below, the urban interference analysis is conducted in columns 3 through 5 and
shaded in dark blue. Urban cell radii typically do not exceed 3 km. The overlap with a
neighboring cell (for handoffs); therefore, would occur at a smaller radius away from a cell
tower. As indicated by the color of the cells in the 5¢" column, the signal energy from the UBLink

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                            14

payload would not raise the co-channel interference floor enough to cause harmful
interference per the GSM specification for C/I when designing cellular signals for co-channel
interference mitigation.

Suburban/Rural Interference Analysis
There will be no impact to users in suburban or rural geographies.

Suburban and rural users live in areas where cell edges have the greatest risk to be impacted by
the power from the satellite payload because cells are generally larger and more spread-out.
Although most at risk for potential interference from the UBLink payload, the following
rationale details why suburban/rural geographies will experience no harmful interference.
Customers will experience no harmful interference, because:
    1) the potential for interference is infinitesimally small (0.0000117%), and
    2) the inherent design of the terrestrial cellular network is designed to be automatically
       robust enough to mitigate instances of potential interference.

The terrestrial cellular network is designed to deploy the use of its spectrum to users across 3
dimensions to maximize throughput: space, time, and frequency. In other words, the spectrum
is deployed geographically via expansive frequency re-use and then each cell channelizes
communications across the domains of frequency and time using multiple access schemes.
Therefore, in order for interference to occur, it must occur at a particular place and
time/instant, and on a particular carrier frequency.

The following discussion analyses the probability of interference from the UBLink payload on
the terrestrial cellular network across the following dimensions:

   1) Spatial/geospatial
   2) Time
   3) Spectral/frequency.

The following analysis shall prove that even individually, the potential for interference along
any one of the three dimensions in the cellular communications infrastructure is itself unlikely.
Furthermore, we demonstrate that all 3 dimensions must be invoked at the same time in order
for interference to occur for any given cellular device user in the real world.

The conclusion of the analysis below is that there is about 0.0000117 % probability that the
UBLink payload will create interference to a Suburban/Rural user’s initially chosen carrier.
However, the GSM device will then automatically select another carrier should this extremely
unlikely event occur, and in such regions the availability of another carrier is nearly certain.
Thus, the final likelihood of actual harmful interference impacting the service is zero.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                              15

Impact of potential interference spatially/geospatially
Spatially speaking, across the US, our analysis suggests that there is about 0.84% chance of

The cellular structure relies on a frequency re—use pattern to avoid self—interference from
adjacent cells operating at the same frequency. Since the test satellite operates on a single 200
KHz carrier frequency, only a fraction of the towers within the footprint could ever even be
impacted. Typical frequency re—use schemes in suburban/rural geographies are on the order of
every 7 or 9 towers. So numerically, the percentage of towers within a footprint that would
even be sharing the same co—channel would be on the order of 14% in a worst—case scenario.

Of the 14% of tower cellular coverage areas on the ground, any impact from our payload signal
would only happen at the portionsof cells that represent the edge of regional coverage.
Therefore, the central regions of suburban and rural locations and those that abut higher
density regions (e.g., urban) would see no impact. This is represented in Figure 8 below where
the design cell edges of suburban and rural towers are indicated in cases of overlap and no
overlap. In geographies where cells overlap interference is mitigated, but those cells that
represent the edge of regionalcellular coverage or stand—alone, are subject to possible
interference. The only areas that could be impacted within these cells are the slice between—
92.8 and —105 dBm, which are generally areas of overlap with adjacent cells. However, at the
edge of regional cellular coverage, these may be the only signals available in some geographies
(where very few, or no people live). Below —105 the phones won‘t work, and so there can be no
interference. At or above —92.8 dBm (the upper limit of the payload downlink signal energy) the
tower dominates.

            Single Terrestrial Cell                                        Overlapping Terrestrial Cells


                                                         ~105 dom
Figure 8 — lustration ofhow cellular overlap defends against harmful interferencefrom our payload signals. The only areas of
possible interference are geographies where there is no continued build out of towers. Please see Appendix 1.2for a full page
Figure 8.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                          16

Attachment 2 contains a Monte Carlo simulation analysis related to the potential interference
related to geospatial factors during the test. The analysis illustrates that the percentage of all
land area in the US that might have access to a signal from only one tower and where the signal
from that one tower is between -92.8 dBm and -105 dBm is ~6%. In other words, the
theoretical possibility of interference is at most 6% of the US geography.

In conclusion, the probability that there could be interference from our payload solely enabled
by the geospatial criteria is 0.84% because only 14% of towers representing the 6% of the US
geography that could possibly experience interference will use the same group of carrier
frequencies as the UBLink payload.

Impact of potential interference in time
Our analysis suggests that the UBLink payload can only interfere 0.035% of the time across the
proposed testing period.

Our payload will be operational over the test site for about 20 minutes total over 10 days of
testing. This represents 0.14% of 10 days-time and, therefore, from a time dimension, there is a
0.14% chance that the UBLink payload could even be transmitting while over the proposed
location in the Southwest US.

Furthermore, the signals from the UBLink payload will

                                                         remain quiet on at least 6 out of 8 of
the downlink timeslots at all times
                                                                  Therefore, along the timing
dimension, the probability that there will be interference when the UBLink payload is
transmitting is 25%. In other words, there is a 25% chance that there is a burst from the UBLink
payload on the downlink channel that coincides with a burst from a terrestrial cellular tower
downlink channel on the same exact timeslot.

In conclusion, the temporal probability that there is interference is 25% of 0.14% or 0.035%.

Impact of potential inference in frequency
A typical cellular tower might utilize 5 MHz of spectrum. For any given cellular tower below the
spotbeam that operates across 5 MHz of spectrum, 200 kHz represents 4% of the spectrum on
any given tower.

Thus, the probability of interference on a spectral dimension is likely not higher than 4%.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                17

Impact of potential inference accounting for ALL 3 factors
In conclusion, the probability that a user’s device is 1) operating on a cell tower in a rural area
near the test site with a cell signal lower than the signal from our payload, 2) on the exact
frequency we are using for the test, and 3) at the exact time that we are overhead using it is
0.84%*0.035%*4% = 0.0000117%.

However, unlikely as that is to happen, the GSM protocol is designed to be resilient to various
issues with individual carriers that may temporarily degrade performance of an individual user
device with individual carriers. Should the effect occur with a 0.0000117% probability the
device and its base station will simply move to another available carrier. The fact that this is
only an issue at the fringes of the network, where user density is very low assures that alternate
carriers will be in plentiful supply.

Thus, the final probability of harmful interference is zero.

The tests are being conducted with the express cooperation and participation of the terrestrial
                         It is a primary objective of the UBLink test program to accumulate data
to validate these assumptions and provide a design baseline for enhancements to the network
aimed at delivering and improving the service.

Remote User Interference Analysis
There will be no impact to remote users:

Remote users, by definition, are those who reside in regions in which there are no towers
sufficiently close to produce service. These users are enabled by the UBLink service without
which they would have either no or unusable connectivity.

Variable                                  Value       Units   Comments
Frequency                                  874        MHz     Based on highest frequency we might use
Base Station Height, Urban (hb)            30         m       An urban base station at 30 m high will have line of sight to 19.56 km away on a bald earth. Will likely be designed for 1-3 km radius
Base Station Height, Suburban (hb)         60         m       A suburban base station at 60 m high will have line of sight to 25.25 km away on a bald earth. Will likely be designed for 3-10 km radius
Base Station Height, Open Area (hb)        80         m       A rural base station at 80 m high will have line of sight to 31.95 km away on a bald earth. Will likely be design for 10-30 km radius
Base Station EIRP (dBm)                    62         dBm     Based on maximum base station EIRP
Mobile Station height (hm)                 1.5        m
Minimum Usable GSM Level                  -105        dBm     Per GSM spec
Ubi Sat D/L Sign Level                   -93.25       dBm     From UBL link budget
Antenna Correction Factor (Ch)        0.014736029     dB      Calculated
Wavelength                                  0.34301   m       Calculated

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                 18

                                                                    Urban                                     Suburban                                     Rural

                                    Free Space                  GSM Carrier
                                    Loss (for ref   Path Loss        level      C/I urban    Path Loss Carrier level C/I suburban Path Loss Carrier level                C/I open
      Distance to Base Station         only)         Lurban *     (urban)**    (Ubi Sat)** Lsuburban* (suburban)          (Ubi Sat)**      Lopen*        (open)         (Ubi Sat)**
                (km)                    (dB)           (dB)         (dBm)         (dB)          (dB)          (dBm)          (dB)            (dB)         (dBm)             (dB)
                  1                     91.3          126.1         -64.1         29.2         111.6          -49.6          43.7            91.8         -29.8             63.4
                  2                     97.3          136.7         -74.7         18.6         121.5          -59.5          33.7           101.6         -39.6             53.7        Urban cell radiuses
                  3                    100.8          142.9         -80.9         12.4         127.3          -65.3          27.9           107.3         -45.3             48.0
                  4                    103.3                                                   131.4          -69.4          23.8           111.3         -49.3             43.9
                  5                    105.3                                                   134.6          -72.6          20.6           114.5         -52.5             40.8
                  6                    106.8                                                   137.3          -75.3          18.0           117.0         -55.0             38.2
                  7                    108.2                                                   139.5          -77.5          15.8           119.2         -57.2             36.0      Suburban cell radiuses
                  8                    109.3                                                   141.4          -79.4          13.9           121.1         -59.1             34.2
                  9                    110.4                                                   143.1          -81.1          12.2           122.8         -60.8             32.5
                 10                    111.3                                                   144.6          -82.6          10.7           124.2         -62.2             31.0
                 15                    114.8                                                                                                129.9         -67.9             25.3
                 20                    117.3                                                                                                134.0         -72.0             21.2
                                                                                                                                                                                     Rural/Open cell radiuses
                 25                    119.2                                                                                                137.1         -75.1             18.1
                 30                    120.8                                                                                                139.7         -77.7             15.5
                 35                    122.2                                                                                                141.9         -79.9             13.4      limit on GSM protocol
* Based upon Okumura-Hata Model - generally good from 1 to 20 km
** GSM C/I must be above 9 dB, GSM carrier level must be above minimum level from above. Areas where the C/I is below required and still within operational carrier levels are shown in red.
Figure 9 - Analysis of potential interference across rural, suburban, and urban cellular sites. No cell that operates within a
greater honeycomb structure will be impacted; however, some regional cellular borders, where no cellular towers continued to
be built out, will have signal energy that fades off at distances in excess of the coverage area design limits. These eventually
may experience potential interference from UbiquitiLink’s payload signal. Harmful interference will not occur as discussed
above. See Appendix 1.3 for a full page of copy of Figure 9.

Frequencies of Operation
Description of GSM 850/900 Bands and Spectrum of Operation
The spaceflight demo                                            uses a single            carrier
at any one point in time. The satellite circumnavigates the globe in a 51.6 degree inclination
orbit and overflies many regions that use the two bands presented in Table 3. As such, the
communications payload operates flexibly over a range of frequencies and bands under the
control of a payload processor that executes largely geospatially based stored commands.
These stored commands will articulate how and when signals are transmitted from the payload
using an SDR implementation for the transceiver. Presently this duplex carrier may fall in either
the GSM 850 or GSM 900 Bands depending on location in orbit. During the flight over the
location provided by Cellular One, the carrier will be within the GSM 850 band.

 Freq. Band                                                           Uplink Portion (MHz)                                                Downlink Portion (MHz)
 GSM 850                                                              824.2 – 848.8                                                       869.2 – 893.8
 GSM 900                                                              890.0 – 915.0                                                       935.0 – 960.0
Table 3 - Uplink and Downlink frequencies of the UbiquitiLink payload. Note that our application is only requesting use of GSM
850 at this time—the values shown are payload capabilities.

The GSM 850 and 900 Bands allow for multiple power class devices. We will be using the
highlighted power class level (with our baseline testing plan assumptions).

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                     19

Point of Contact to Suspend Transmission

                                    Tyghe Speidel should be contacted to inform that the request
to initiate the kill switch was made. Mr. Speidel is also the point of contact if additional
assistance is required to turn payload power off

              This will be performed using either of 2 methods:

   •   The transmitter must be enabled by and may be disabled by
               TT&C system.
   •   All DC Power                          may be applied or removed by
                  TT&C system.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                           20

                                      In this way, UBLink will be able to control and reprogram the
configuration files, itinerary files, and as required software/protocol management functions on
the payload during operations. The short duration of this mission will limit the potential to
make significant software changes, but certain test modes will be preloaded and controlled
during various stages of the mission.

Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement Pursuant to 47 CFR § 5.63.
The UBLink payload was designed to eliminate the potential, to the extent possible, of creating
orbital debris.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                               21

Attachment 1

 CELLULARONE                                                         0 White Mountain Rd           (928) 537—069
        Live «ill Connected                                      t       w, AZ   85901         cellularoneonline.com

                                                                                           Autbors OvetContc informaton:
                                                                                              onsiroumtn. zim er zm
           July 26, 2018
           Via Electronic Mail Only
           Federal Communications Commission
           Office of Engineering and Technology
           445 12th Street, SW
           Washington, D.C. 20554
           Attention: Chief Engineer OET

                  Re:      Spectrum Licensee Smith Bagley, Inc. dba Cellular One of North East Arizona‘s
                           Grant of Permission to
                           Ubiquititink, Inc.‘s Special Temporary Authority (STA)
                           for Testing of Satellite Payload
           Dear Madam/Sir:

                  it is our understanding that UbiquitiUink, Inc. is seeking Special Temporary Authority
           (STA) to perform an experiment with its satellite payload in the 850 and 900 MHz bands [Block
           & Channel designations} at specified locations in the United States
                      a sitty (60) day period commencing approximately February 1, 2019. These tests
           are on a non—interference basis as part of their development process and will also lead to
           prospective overseas uses of this satelite payload.

                 As the FCC licensee for a portion of this spectrum, we have no objections to
           non—commercial tests for a limited period of time in our band as described below:
              * Frequency 829 uplink, 874 downlink /channel 152; and
              * Testing location 35.9498 —110.0844.
                  We anticipate participating in these tests.

           Smith Bagley Inc., dba Cellular One of North East Arizona

           Chief Technical Officer
           cc:    Via Electronic Mail Only
                  international Bureau, Chief

Ubiqu     ink, Inc.

Attachment 2
UbiquitiLink Cygnus Test CONOPS
Description of GSM 850/900 Bands and Spectrum of Operation
The flight demo will operate a                                 single          carrier at any
one point in time.             carrier may fall in either the GSM 850 or GSM 900 Bands.

 Freq. Band                                 Uplink Portion (MHz)                      Downlink Portion (MHz)
 GSM 850                                    824.2 – 848.8                             869.2 – 893.8
 GSM 900                                    890.0 – 915.0                             935.0 – 960.0
Table 5- Uplink and Downlink frequencies of the UbiquitiLink payload. Note that our application is only requesting use of GSM
850 at this time—the values shown are payload capabilities.

The uplink and downlink portions are paired in what is called Absolute Radio Frequency
Channel Numbers (ARFCN). The uplink and downlink portions are always separated by 45 MHz
(with the uplink being the lower portion of the band).

The GSM 850 and 900 Bands allow for multiple power class devices. We will be using the
highlighted power class level (with our baseline testing plan assumptions).

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                          23

Description of CONOPS during communication session
The CONOPS is as follows.

       at an altitude of approximately 400 km, inclined by 51.6 degrees to the equator, and
approximately circular.

                                     The spacecraft will have a ground track represented by
Figure 10, which shows a 24-hour ground track of the orbit described above. Since the RAAN
(Right Ascension of the Ascending Node) is unknown at this time, the ground track may be
shifted east or west depending on the date. However, the sinusoidal shape will be preserved.
The exact timing of communications testing and enabling of the transmitter will also be
adjusted as required to compensate for these orbital parameter variations.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                             24

Figure 10 - example 24-hour ground track

During the test mission,

                                           In order to conduct the planned testing,

Figure 11 shows a hypothetical 6-hour ground track.
                                    It is anticipated that about 10 such           sessions will be
possible. As stated above, the shape of this curve is accurate, but depending on desired testing
locations the time when the maneuver is initiated is chosen to move this curve to the east or
west so that they test locations fall within the 4 orbits of the pointing session.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                              25

Figure 4 - Example 6 hour ground track

                           the payload will use its on-board clock to track along an on-board
stored itinerary, which will know when to transmit and stop transmitting, on what frequency,
etc. Each itinerary item will include a start and end time with configuration information
(uplink/downlink frequency pairs, transmitter power level, etc.).
there may be several “communications sessions” that occur in series and are articulated over
the course of the entire           session. This is illustrated in Figure 12 below.

During each communication session, the payload will operate with the following concept of

    •    The signals are 200 kHz in bandwidth and have a 270.8333 kbps bit rate. This is
         illustrated in the diagram below.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                              26

                    Toonvamsitearute         etrnsnteron o     mantamiminetowitec      Ttontmimttratrut      tametaninierontor
 Surronteasece      tinepe cetour oooa
                    nmesainoe                t  rgetantte
                                              ucicunss         ceompmiaeaterecn
                                                                       es             Pierrintoniiiwana
                                                                                      Iniebereharedompas     seririmebauite

                            B                       a                                        a                    m

Figure 12 — llustration of the CONOPs in which the Ubiquitiink payload turns the transmitter on and offfor
sessions each lasting only about 2 minutes cact @@@@@tii}

Description of Spacecraft Power, TT&C, and "Kill Switch"

l         /A procedure and contact information is in place with the operations personnel at the
Mission Operations Center.

In addition, there is a telemetry and command Iink_

then is accessed
                                    This implements a path for commanding the transmission,
and for data movement to/from the payload for telemetry, commands and other data, which

            [This will enable the control and reprogram of the configurationfiles, itinerary files,
and software/protocol management functions on the payload prior to and during operations.

Tracking of the payload is straightforward sinceit will have the same TLE orbital description
(Two Line Elements)

Description of Downlink Power Levels
                                    spacecraft, and it will be accurately determined-

Figure 13 below showsthe signal power radiated on the surface of the Earth when the
transmitter is on at max transmit power-

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                           27

                                               Spot Beam over 35.94 N, 110.0844 W

Latitude (Gegrees)


                                                           Longtude (Gegreeq
    Figure 13 Iustration of the Ubiquitiink payload downlink signal power directly over the proposed testing site

   The figure shows the signal power on the ground as a function of radius away from the
   footprint center(the sub—satellite point). The vertical axis color key shows the signal powerto
   the phone receiver in dBm, and the x and y axes show latitude and longitude.

   The importance ofthis graph is to indicate how steeply the signal energy falls off as the radius
   away from the center of the spot beam increases. Only a very small portion of the payloads
   area of view is subject to signals that fall above the receiver sensitivity of GSM devices on the
   ground (—105 dBm}). Figure 14 illustrates that only inside the first ~300 km of the ~2400 km
   radius field of view ofthe payload has signal energy above —105 dBm.

    UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                              28

Figure 14 - The signal energy of the UbiquitiLink payload as a function of spotbeam radius to illustrate how steeply the
signal energy falls off with distance away from the testing site

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                         29

Attachment 3
Summary of UbiquitiLink Interference Analysis using Monte Carlo Methods
Utilized Data

The data provided in the link above is cellular tower locations throughout the US. It consists of
cellular tower locations as recorded by the FCC, extracted from the FCC Universal Licensing
System Database.

The Meta-data for the data set itself can be found here:

Per the meta-data, it was last updated on December 20, 2016, by a Senior Engineer at the FCC.

It should be noted that the data set is only composed of 23,499 rows for 23,499 towers. Each
row actually represents a transmitter, and some transmitters are located on the same tower (as
will become evident later in this report). These 23,499 towers do not represent every cellular
cell in the US and likely is only representative of macro cells. However, this is likely sufficient for
this analysis as micro, pico, and femto cells don’t represent likely candidates of harmful
interference from UBLink as they are predominately located indoors or underground and
perform over very short distances.

Data Analysis – Tower locations and distances
The data is analyzed in the MATLAB environment. A CSV file is ported into the workspace and
parsed into location vectors for each tower.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                  30

Figure 15 - The latitude/longitude positions of each cellular tower site in the FCC database

Using the latitude/longitude locations of the towers, a WGS84 Earth model is assumed to
calculate the corresponding ECEF locations of the cellular towers in 3-D space (to account for
the curvature of the Earth).

As a means to examine the distribution of towers that might be impacted an analysis was
conducted using the positions of each cellular tower to calculate the distance its nearest
neighboring tower. The following represents the probability distribution function for the
distance to the nearest tower, for cellular towers.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                               31

Figure 16 - For any given in cellular tower in the FCC database, the probability of the distance to the next nearest cellular tower.

Data Analysis – Monte Carlo RF Propagation Simulation
The data for tower locations were then used to generate a model for the strongest signal levels
at any point across the country. Using a border file for the location of US borders, a Monte
Carlo algorithm was developed to generate nearly 1 million points across the entire country.
Each of these points is randomly generated (in latitude and longitude). The latitude and
longitude positions are used to calculate ECEF positions for every Monte Carlo point.

Assumptions were made for critical signal propagation characteristics. The following are
assumed (code snippet taken from analysis script)

%Inputs for Cellular Transmitter (on one carrier)
EIRP = 62; %dBm (https://sites.google.com/site/lteencyclopedia/lte-radio-
n = 2.8; %path loss exponent
height = 65; %meters
freq = 874; %MHz

The path loss exponent of 2.8 was determined to be well aligned with the suburban Hata
model, which seemed suitable for the current analysis.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                                 32

The Monte Carlo simulation points are used as the anchors for a long loop. For each point in the
simulation set, the nearest cellular tower is computed. Given the distance to the nearest tower,
the strongest signal energy is computed using a simplified exponential path loss model. The
EIRP from the base station is assumed to be decremented by the calculated path loss estimate.

For each point, the second nearest tower is also computed, along with its distance and the
signal energy from it.

Once the loop is executed, the 1 million simulation points all have a corresponding set of 4
vectors: distance to nearest tower, approximate signal energy from nearest tower, distance to
second nearest tower, and approximate signal energy from the second nearest tower.

The following plots tell a revealing story:

Below is the probability distribution function of the signal energies calculated across all the
Monte Carlo points in the simulation. The blue histogram represents the signal energy from the
nearest, or first tower, to the Monte Carlo location point. The red histogram represents the
signal energy from the second nearest, or second tower, to the Monte Carlo location point.

Figure 17 - Probability distribution function (PDF) of the signal energy from the nearest and second nearest tower to any
location in the US per the Monte Carlo simulation model

Below is the PDF of the distance to the nearest tower and second nearest tower to all Monte
Carlo Simulation points. The nearest tower is in blue and the second nearest tower is in red.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                          33

Figure 18 - Probability distribution function (PDF) of the distance to the first and second nearest tower for any location in the
US per the Monte Carlo simulation model

Below is the resulting cell signal across CONUS from the simulation. Each point plotted is color-
coded based on its signal energy. The color scale is from -105 to the highest signal energy
calculated in the simulation. Deep blue is no connectivity.

Figure 19 - The signal energy color contour map from the Monte Carlo simulation results

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                             34

Below are the points in the Monte Carlo simulation which have a cell signal that the payload
may interfere with (between -92.8 dBm and -105 dBm) and also have a signal from the second
nearest tower that is not able to provide it sufficient service (signal less than -105 dBm). In
other words, the following points represent those in the simulation that only have a connection
to one existing tower that is a weak connection. Thus, the only places for potential harmful
interference are shown below.

Figure 20 - Locations, or pixels in the Monte Carlo simulation, that have signal energy between the receiver minimum detectable
sensitivity and the max signal energy from the UbiquitiLink payload downlink. These location represent possible areas of
interference, but only if they operate on the same carrier frequency and same time.

It is also important to include the following calculation details, keeping in mind that the number
of points in the simulation is exactly 967,104.

    1. Number of points in coverage = 299,127
    2. Number of points out of coverage = 667,977
    3. Number of points w/ possible interference from UBLink = 420,108
    4. Number of points w/ possible interference from UBLink and no access to at least a
       second tower signal = 58,944
    5. Percentage of America Geographically “Covered” per this model = 69.07%
    6. Percentage of America Geographically “Not Covered” per this model = 30.93%
    7. Percentage of all land area with possible interference from UBLink and no access to a
       second tower = 6%

UbiquitiLink, Inc.                                                                                                          35

                                                                                                                                                                                                  T‘T xipuaddy
roup Surininbign

                                               Geospatial                                    Frequency                                   Time
                                               Dimension                                     Dimension                                 Dimension

                              Remote         Urban           Suburtian
                                                                                                If you‘re ina
                                                          in area where                          ruralor
                                                              reuses our                      suburban area,
                                                                                             the probability
                                                  sox                          10%                                            If you‘re in a
                                                                                             that you get to                      rural or
                                                        No               Yes                   this point is                 suburtan area,
                                                                                                 ~0.84%                      the probability             i you‘re ina
                                                                    Whatisthe                                                that you get to                ruralor

                                                                                                   ¥                           this point is
                                                                                                                                                        suburban area,
                                                                                                                                                       the probability
                                                                                                                                                       that you get to
                                                                                                                                                                                  Ifyou‘re in a
                                                                                                                                                                                    rural or
                                                                dom                                                                                      this point is           suburban area,
                                                                                                                                                        ~0.000047%              theprobability
                                                                                                                                                                                that you get to
                                                                                                                                                                                  this point is

                                                                                NO INTERFERENCE IN ALL SCENARIOS
                            *Al ulbase station utliceTOMA, FOMA, CEDWA etechiques(mdtile carfer frequences with mulipletme slotsoresourc blcksso ther isalwaysanother chamel valable

                                                                                                 TT xipuaddy
sup Surfninbign

                  Single Terrestrial Cell                        Overlapping Terrestrial Cells

                                            Serof ptentalharnt
                                                  0 eteot

                                                ~105 d&m
                                                @ payloed
                                                footprint edge

                     Variable                                Value      Units         Comments
                     Frequency                                874       MHz           Based on highest frequency we might use
                     Base Station Height, Urban (hb)          30        m             An urban base station at 30 m high will have line of sight to 19.56 km away on a bald earth. Will likely be designed for 1-3 km radius

UbiquitiLink, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Appendix 1.3

                     Base Station Height, Suburban (hb)       65        m             A suburban base station at 65 m high will have line of sight to ~28 km away on a bald earth. Will likely be designed for 3-10 km radius
                     Base Station Height, Open Area (hb)      80        m             A rural base station at 80 m high will have line of sight to 31.95 km away on a bald earth. Will likely be design for 10-30 km radius
                     Base Station EIRP (dBm)                  62        dBm           Based on maximum base station EIRP
                     Mobile Station height (hm)               1.5       m
                     Minimum Usable GSM Level                -105       dBm           Per GSM spec
                     Ubi Sat D/L Sign Level                 -93.25      dBm           From UBL link budget
                     Antenna Correction Factor (Ch)         0.0147      dB            Calculated
                     Wavelength                             0.3430      m             Calculated

                                                                                         Urban                                      Suburban                                       Rural

                                                         Free Space                  GSM Carrier
                                                         Loss (for ref Path Loss          level      C/I urban    Path Loss Carrier level C/I suburban Path Loss Carrier level C/I open
                           Distance to Base Station         only)         Lurban *     (urban)**    (Ubi Sat)** Lsuburban* (suburban) (Ubi Sat)**               Lopen*        (open)         (Ubi Sat)**
                                     (km)                    (dB)           (dB)         (dBm)         (dB)          (dB)          (dBm)          (dB)            (dB)         (dBm)             (dB)
                                       1                     91.3          126.1         -64.1         29.2         111.6          -49.6          43.7            91 8         -29.8             63.4
                                       2                     97.3          136.7         -74.7         18.6         121.5          -59.5          33.7           101.6         -39.6             53.7        Urban cell radiuses
                                       3                    100.8          142.9         -80.9         12.4         127.3          -65.3          27.9           107.3         -45.3             48.0
                                       4                    103.3                                                   131.4          -69.4          23.8           111.3         -49.3             43.9
                                       5                    105.3                                                   134.6          -72.6          20.6           114.5         -52.5             40.8
                                       6                    106.8                                                   137.3          -75.3          18.0           117.0         -55.0             38.2
                                       7                    108.2                                                   139.5          -77.5          15.8           119.2         -57.2             36.0      Suburban cell radiuses
                                       8                    109.3                                                   141.4          -79.4          13.9           121.1         -59.1             34.2
                                       9                    110.4                                                   143.1          -81.1          12.2           122.8         -60.8             32.5
                                      10                    111.3                                                   144.6          -82.6          10.7           124.2         -62.2             31.0
                                      15                    114.8                                                                                                129.9         -67.9             25.3
                                      20                    117.3                                                                                                134.0         -72.0             21.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rural/Open cell radiuses
                                      25                    119.2                                                                                                137.1         -75.1             18.1
                                      30                    120.8                                                                                                139.7         -77.7             15.5
                                      35                    122.2                                                                                                141.9         -79.9             13.4      limit on GSM protocol
                     * Based upon Okumura-Hata Model - generally good from 1 to 20 km
                     ** GSM C/I must be above 9 dB, GSM carrier level must be above minimum level from above. Areas where the C/I is below required and still within operational carrier levels are shown in red.


Appendix 1.4

UbiquitiLink, Inc.

UbiquitiLink, Inc.   40



UbiquitiLink, Inc.   41

UbiquitiLink, Inc.   42

Appendix 1.6

UbiquitiLink, Inc.   43

Appendix 1.7

UbiquitiLink, Inc.   44

Document Created: 2018-07-27 16:36:57
Document Modified: 2018-07-27 16:36:57

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