FlexSARX Experimentation Description

0810-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

USU Research Foundation


FCC FORM 442: Exhibit A
FlexSAR-X Experimentation Description

Submitted To:
Federal Communications Commission
Office of Engineering and Technology

Submitted By:
Space Dynamics Laboratory
Utah State University Research Foundation
1695 North Research Park Way
North Logan, Utah 84341

                                            DOCUMENT NUMBER:       SDL/13-252
                                            REVISION:                        B
                                            DATE:            NOVEMBER 10, 2014

                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 1
2. PROGRAM OF RESEARCH DESCRIPTION ................................................................... 1
   2.1 Equipment Description ..................................................................................................1
   2.2 Theory of Operation .......................................................................................................2
3. DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENT .................................................................................... 4
   3.1 Experiment Objectives ...................................................................................................4
   3.2 Proposed Locations ........................................................................................................4
   3.3 Equipment Used .............................................................................................................5
4. PROGRAM CONTRIBUTION AND IMPACT .................................................................. 5
5. CONTACT INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 6

SDL/13-252-B                   FCC Form 442: Exhibit A - FlexSAR-X Program Description                                             i

                                  1.      INTRODUCTION
The Space Dynamics Laboratory (SDL) submits this document as Exhibit A of FCC Form 442
and in accordance with Section 5.3(b), (d) and (h) of CFR Title 47 for the purpose of testing and
further developing its Flexible Synthetic Aperture Radar (FlexSAR-X). This application is
motivated by the desire to make a system change that increases the frequency bandwidth from a
currently held license, call sign WG2XQF. SDL respectfully requests a 2-year license beginning
Jan 1, 2015. This document provides supporting information and justification for the license

The FlexSAR-X program is a development effort funded internally at SDL. The objective is to
build and test a SAR system that is capable of working in X-band as a research tool for airborne
SAR applications.

The FlexSAR-X system consists of a Versa Module Eurocard (VME) chassis, solid state power
amplifiers (SSPA) and an antenna. The VME chassis is 19”W x 15.75”H x 19.5”D, weighs 40
lbs and contains cards that provide a stable local oscillator, frequency conversion, pulse
generation, analog to digital conversion, signal processing, and command and control. A chirp
pulse is generated by direct digital synthesis (DDS) as it sweeps from low to high frequency,
then up-converted to L-band and finally up-converted to X-band. The receiver reverses the
process by down-converting from X-band to L-band and then from L-band to baseband.
Bandpass and lowpass filters are incorporated on each stage of the transmitter and receiver to
suppress unwanted out-of-band frequencies. The SSPA is only enabled during transmission of a
Each antenna polarization, horizontal and vertical (H and V), has a dedicated channel. The
transmitter and receiver share the same antenna polarizations and are isolated from each other by
a circulator. Each channel is connected to an SSPA before being connected to the antenna
through the circulator. The FRF-138, an X-band antenna built by First RF Corp, is used for
transmit and receive.

                               Figure 1. The FlexSAR-X VME chassis.

SDL/13-252-B           FCC Form 442: Exhibit A - FlexSAR-X Program Description                      1

The FlexSAR-X system specifications are detailed in Table 1.
                                   Table 1. FlexSAR-X Specifications

               RF Hardware               Space Dynamics Laboratory
               Frequency                 9500 to 10,500 MHz
               Waveform Modulation       Pulse
               Peak Transmitter Power    25 W (44 dBm)
               Avg Transmitter Power     2.4 W (3.8 dBm) (typ)
               Pulse Repetition          16,000 pps (typ), 20,000 pps (max)
               Transmitter Type          Linear Frequency Modulated Pulse
               Transmitter Tuning        Direct Digital Synthesizer
               Transmitter Frequency     0.0000001 ppm
               Transmitter Power Amp
                 Manufacture             Aethercomm
                 Model Number            SSPA 9.5-10.5-25
               Transmitter Harmonic
                  2nd (dBc)              -60.4
               Maximum Spurious          -70.0
               Emission Level
               Fundamental Curve
                 -3.0 dBc (dBc)
               (measured)                9560.10, 10085.00 MHz
                 -20 dBc                 9543.00, 10130.68 MHz
                 -40 dBc                 9513.00, 10155.80 MHz
                 -60 dBc                 9459.00, 10185.95 MHz
               Transmitter Filter        Bandpass, pre-power amplifier
               Antenna Manufacture       First RF Corp
               Antenna Model Number      FRF-138
               Antenna Gain              18.0 dBi
               Antenna Beamwidth
                 Horizontal              40 degrees
                 Vertical                10 degrees
               Antenna Mounting          Antennas are aircraft-mounted, under aircraft
                                         wing, and facing downward 45 to 60 degrees
                                         away from nadir. Maximum operating altitude
                                         is 8500 AGL.
The FlexSAR-X system collects data from an airborne platform while being controlled by an
onboard operator. The RF card chassis is mounted inside the aircraft, and the antenna is
mounted on the left side of the fuselage with a pointing vector perpendicular to the flight

SDL/13-252-B            FCC Form 442: Exhibit A - FlexSAR-X Program Description               2

                                    5000 ft

                                                5000 to 8660 ft

 Figure 2. The antenna is mounted such that energy is directed to the left and angled downward towards the

direction and slanted downward 45 to 60 degrees, as shown in Figure 2. During the pre-flight
planning process, areas of interest are identified that present scenes and objects to test the
imaging fidelity of the SAR system.
FlexSAR-X can operate in one of four modes:
   1. Transmit on H polarization and receive on H polarization (HH)
   2. Transmit on V polarization and receive on V polarization (VV)
   3. Alternate between modes 1 and 2 above for every other pulse, which is called interleaved
      mode (HH/VV)
   4. Alternate transmitting on H and V polarizations every other pulse but receive on both H
      and V polarization channels. This is called quadrature mode (HH HV/VH VV)
The aircraft typically flies a race-track pattern around the area of interest, with FlexSAR-X
actively transmitting and receiving energy during the straight portion of the track, as shown in
Figure 3. Top-down view of a typical flight path used to collect data of an area of interest.The
race-track pattern is pre-planned to present the scene at a nominal altitude and slant range.
Typical operating altitude is 5000 ft AGL with slant ranges of 5000 to 8660 ft. The onboard
operator monitors the aircraft position and heading to determine when the areas of interest enter
the beam of the antenna. The operator turns on and off the transmitter when the area of interest
enters and leaves the beam, respectively. The system operation modes and transmit on/off are
controlled by the operator from a software application developed by SDL, but there are also
panel switches that can disable the transmitter in the event the software is not functioning. The
operator is an experienced member of SDL staff.

SDL/13-252-B             FCC Form 442: Exhibit A - FlexSAR-X Program Description                             3

         Figure 3. Top-down view of a typical flight path used to collect data of an area of interest.

                        3.        DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENT
The primary purpose for flight testing the FlexSAR-X system is to observe system performance
in a real-world environment. This includes the characterization of key metrics, such as signal-to-
noise ratio, and provides feedback for engineering further improvements. Also, it is desired to
obtain a better understanding of how system parameters affect the sensor’s ability to resolve
certain objects of interest in different clutter backgrounds.

SDL seeks authority to carry out its test flights in one location as specified in the table and
shown on the map in Figure 4. The area was chosen due to proximity to SDL facilities and the
variety of natural and man-made scenes that will exercise the FlexSAR-X system’s capability.
The area is defined by a center coordinate and radius as follows:
                                      Table 2. Location Specifications

                             Center Latitude       Center Longitude       Radius (km)      Altitude (ft)
     Logan                   41°46’42”             111°51’12”             40               <8200 AGL

A map of the proposed location and the surrounding area is shown in Figure 4.

SDL/13-252-B             FCC Form 442: Exhibit A - FlexSAR-X Program Description                           4

      Figure 4. Map of the proposed locations and surrounding area. Map courtesy of Google Maps.

Areas of interest within this circular area of operation will be chosen to meet test objectives and
aircraft flight paths planned accordingly. These areas of interest are typically 1.5 miles in width
and 3 miles in length.

The flight test will be carried out using a Cessna 337 aircraft. The FlexSAR-X system as
described in Section 2.1 will be installed on the aircraft along with a Novatel CPT GPS/INS, and
a Rockwell Collins IGS-200 GPS/INS. The First RF FRF-138 antenna will be mounted on the
left side of the aircraft.

FlexSAR-X will be key to advancing the art of airborne SAR processing and image formation
work at SDL and Utah State University (USU). It will enable SDL to work with other
researchers, engineers and scientists across the country to expand SAR capability. Not only will
SDL be able to use FlexSAR-X data for its own studies and advancement of SAR, but it will also
be able to provide data to researchers at other institutions as well. FlexSAR-X can be easily
configured for various airborne collection scenarios and studies, including concurrent collections
with other sensors. The RF hardware will be studied and characterized in an effort to further
refine and improve SAR measurements and images.

SDL/13-252-B           FCC Form 442: Exhibit A - FlexSAR-X Program Description                        5

                           5.      CONTACT INFORMATION
Questions regarding this application should be referred to the following individuals.

       Mark Jensen
       RF Engineer
       Space Dynamics Laboratory
       PH: (435) 713-3478

       Scott A. Anderson
       Branch Head, Tactical Sensors
       Space Dynamics Laboratory
       PH: (435) 713-3444

SDL/13-252-B           FCC Form 442: Exhibit A - FlexSAR-X Program Description          6

Document Created: 2014-11-10 09:46:06
Document Modified: 2014-11-10 09:46:06

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