Company Change of Address (Aug 09, 2000)

0019-EX-TU-1999 Text Documents

US West Communications, Inc.


                                               o        Ao 2 8 2000

WILKINSON ) BARKER> KNAUER) LLP                                                                    28300 N street, NW
                                                                                                   suite 7 0 0
                                                                                                   washinaton, DC 20037—1128
                                                                                                   TEL 202.783.4141
                                                                                                   FaAx 202.783.58 51
                                                                                                   w w w .w

                                                                                                   KATHRYN A. ZACHEM

                                                       August 9, 2000

    Via Hand—Delivery

    Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary
    Federal Communications Commission
    1270 Fairfield Road
    Gettysburg, PA 17325                           ;

                    Attn:         Mrtpaflfi{0 /ng
                                  Office of Engineering and Technology
                                  Experimental Radio Licensing

                    Re:           Qwest Communications International Inc./U S WEST, Inc.
                                  Licensee: Qwest Corporation
                                  Transfer of Control Applieatiqn (File No. 16—EX—TC—1999)
                                  Notification of Change of Addregs          and Contact Information
                                  Experimental Radio Station WAZ2XMX

    Dear Ms. Salas:

                    The above—referenced transfer of control was consummated on June 30, 2000. A
    notification of consummation and licensee name change was filed on July 31, 2000. This letter
    serves as notice that effective as of the June 30th consummation date, the following is the correct
    address and contact information for the above—captioned authorization:

                                  Qwest Corporation
                                  1020 19th Street, NW
                                  Suite 700
                                  Washington, DC 20036
                                  Attn.: Elridge A. Stafford
                                  Phone: (202) 429—3134
                                  Fax: (202) 296—5157

         WA    S   HoO1   N   G    T   O   N   &       FR   A   NK   F   U    R   T   *    C   A   R   A   C     A   S

Magalie Roman Salas
August 9, 2000
Page 2

               Please direct any questions regarding the foregoing to the above—referenced
contact person or the undersigned.


                                                    BARKERAUER, LLP

                                              }Y                          /ox)
                                            By:     Kathryn A. Zachem

Document Created: 2000-08-28 13:51:12
Document Modified: 2000-08-28 13:51:12

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