Form 405

1355-EX-RR-1988 Text Documents



                                                                                                               SEP 7 1988
       FCC Form 405                        F orm Approved                                       Applicant Should Not Use This Block
       January 1967                        Budget Bureou No. 52—R.048,. 13
                  ———                                                                i: 12 5 FARS8_sim HADXCH
                                                                                     File          —                    Call

                  Federal Communications Commission                                 Service:                           Class:
                          Washington, D. C. 20554
                        Specified Services
            (FCC Rules Port 5, Port 21, Part 23, Part 25)
      INSTRUCTIONS: .                                      RECE/VED By
      1. sion,
                 TWO COPIESD. direct to the Federal Com M‘E‘Ffi tions Comm
                              C. 20584,                                                             —                =
                                                                       g            1. Name of Apphcan_t: [See lnstrm?u'an 4)
      2. If application is for an ALASKAN station submit
                                                     apphcatmn in                      Unisys Services Corporation
         duplicate to Engineer in Charge, Seattie, WasWhGing                           Shipboard and Ground Systems Group
      3 Enclose appropriate fee with this application. DO NOTé%mfn                               —
        CASH. Make check or money order payable to Federal Communica—               2 Address of Applicant
        tions Commission. fSee Part 1 of FCC Rules to determine                        Marcus Avenue
        amount of fee to file unth aop
                                   Fllcctxon.                                          Great Neck, NY            11020
_ 4 ggsg applicant must be identical with that shown on current                        Attn:      John Magee          C—15

           3. Application is for renewal of license in exact conformity with the existing license as specified below:.

                   File No, 1355—EX—R—86             Date_Sept. 1, 1986 c; KAZXBN
                   Location ___Bloomfield,Connecticut_____ < Nature of service _Experimental
                   Class of station____XC. FX                                   :    Expiration date       Sept. 1. 1988

          4. Note any changes such as discontinuance of use of a frequency, or of a type of emission or of a transmitter; correction of serial
             number of a transmitter; or any minor change in a transmitter not requiring a construction permit, which have been made since the
             last application covering this station was filed:

         5. (a) If applicant is a partnership, state whether there has been any c_hange of members in the partnership since the date of last
&—~         application to the Commission, and indicate such change, if any:


           (b ) If applicant is a corporation, state whether corporate charter has been amended since date of last filing of copy of same with the
       ~._ Commission, and submit a certified copy of any such change if same has not already been filed:

           (¢) If applicant is a corporation, state whether there has been any change in stock ownership which results in a transfer of control
           of the corporation:

            During November 1986, the Sperry Corporation and Burroughs Corporation were

           merged to form the Unisys Corporation {see attached exhibit).
           4) If any officer or director of the corporation is an alien give respective name(s), citizenship, official title(s), and dates of
           appointment of election:
                                                     See Exhibit


          Except as noted on this form, applicant represents that there has been no change in applicant‘s organizatibn and that there has been no
          transfer of control or changes in the applicant‘s relation to the station, financial responsibility, or in the equipment authorized to be
          used by the station; that applicant‘s most recent application embodying this information (file
          Gate                                          ) is to be considered as a part of this application, and the truth of the statements therein
          containeg is hereby reaffirmed. Note here any further exceptions, not already covered in questions 4 and 5:

         Applicant, if a common carrier, represents that the effective tariffs of applicant, filed for this station, identified by FCC numbers, are
         as follows:


         Applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the ether as against the regulatory power of the United States
         because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests a station license in accordance with this
         application. Applicant acknowledges that all attached exhibits are a material part hereof.

          1 certify that the statements in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge
       and belief, ondare made in good faith.

              .                          /0                .                 *

          Signed and dated this20 doy of                 __AUIUSt                             , 19 88.

                                                                                 Unisys Services Corporation
ty *

                                                                       Name of Applicont (must correspon        ith Item 1)

                                                                   '                                     (Sngnamn)
                                                                            Ronald .C. Anderson

                                                                    Title Assistant Secretary
                                                                                         (Designata appropriat® classification below}
                                                                                  D individual Applicant

                                                                                  D Member of Applicant Portnership

          WILLFEUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE                                              Officer of Applicant Corporation or Association

                  BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT.
          U. S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTiION 1001.                                   D Official of Governmental Entity Competent under the
                                                                                     Jurisdiction to Sign for the Apph:nnf

                                                                                                         F.C.C. — WASHINGTON. D. c.

      FCC 405
       L                            .                    FEDE%&?’\’J\/G'\?BN'CADT(%O‘%S 5%OW|SSION                     *P29s0—0993"""
                                                                                                                       ExXPIRES    11/30/90

                                    (SPECFIED SERVICES — FCC RULES PARTS 5, 21, 22, 23 aNnD 25)
                                            READ INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK BEFORE COMPLETING
       FEE STAMP                                      FEE CONTROL NUMBER                                  FLE NO.

                                                      FEE TYPE CODE                                       CALL SIGN

                                                      FEE AMOUNT                                          SERVICE

                                                      iD SEq.                                             CLASS OF STATION

im    1. Name of Applicant (must be identical with that shown on current authorization)

             Unisys Services Corporation
     2. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box, City, State and ZIP Code of Applicant

             Marcus Avenue, Great Neck, NY                 11020       Attn:    J. Magee      C15
     3. Application is for renewal of license in exact conformity with the existing license as specified below:
           a. File Number                           b. Date Issued             c. Call Sign            d. Location

             1355—EX—R—88                           Sept. 1, 1988                KAZXBN                Bloomfield, CT
           6. Nature of Service                     f. Class of Station                                g. Expiration Date

             Experimental                             XC FX                           |                Sept. 1, 1990
     4, Note any changes such as discontinuance of use of a frequency, or of a type of emission or of a transmitter, correction of
     serial number of a transmitter; or amy minor change in a transmitter not requiring a construction permit, which have been made
     since the last application covering this station was filed:

T                                                  N/A

     5. Applicant represents that there has been no change in applicant‘s organization and that there has been no transfer of control of
     changes in the applicant‘s relation to the station, financial responsibility, or in the equipment authorized to be used by the station;
     that applicant‘s most recent application or report embodying this information, as identified below, is to be considered as a part of
     this application, and the truth of the statements therein contained is hereby reaffirmed. Note here any further exceptions, not
     already covered in question 4.
     File No.                                                 Date
             1355—EX—R—88                                            Sept. 1, 1988
     6. Certification
     a, Applicant waives any claim to the use of amy particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory
     power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests a station
     license in accordance with this application. Applicant acknowledges that all attached exhibits are a material part hereof.
     b. The undersigned, individually and for the applicant, hereby certifies that the statements made in this application are true,
     complete and correct to the best of the signer‘s knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.

 _ Date                             Name of Applicant (must correspond with Item 1)                    Title of Applicant (if any)

       6/20/90                          Unisys services Corporation                                     Asst. Secretary
     Signature              ‘                       Designate Appropriate Classification
                                                     INDIV.          MEM. OF      OFFICER & MEM. OF THE      AUTH. REPR.   OFFICIAL OF
                        W                          D APPL.         D PART.      D APPLICANT‘S ASSOC.        m CORP.      D GOVT. ENTITY

                                              U s _ cODE _ T l TLE 18 _SECT!ONS 1001
                                                                                                                                     FCC 405
                                                                                                                                  MARCH 1988

Document Created: 2001-08-15 15:36:46
Document Modified: 2001-08-15 15:36:46

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