Exhibits 1 - 3

5096-EX-PL-1996 Text Documents



                                                                                                                                        FCC Form 442
                                                                                                                                             Exhibit 1
                                                                                                                                          Page 1 of 1
                                                                           EXHBIT 1
                                                                         (Items 4 and 13)

Item 4

                                  Designation                 Modulating              Power Output               Necessary
     Bandwidth                    of Emission                     Signal                   (watts)               Bandwidth
  27,500 to 28,350                6MOOF3D;                      (Note 1)                10.0 peak                     1 GHz
       MHz                        20MOF3F;                                               (Note 2)                    (Note 3)

         Note 1
                  Signals will result as noted from combinations of the following:
                  a. Analog FM
                  b. Digital modems

         Note 2                                                  o > e o       4 Bm   8w
                                                                                                     &o   d
                                                                                                     u125 $°
                                                                                                              m4 U         ) ERC
                                                                                                                          Te    L\:A'

                  Maximum EIRP not to exceed 50 dBm. =~ L»T > (J U A L{!

         Note 3
                  Item 4G:; Necessary bandwidth determined pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 2.202(g).

Item 13

         The transmitting equipment to be installed includes the following prototype transmitters (all experimental): Video/Phone
         Endgate (4 units),; Hewlett Packard (4 units) and Texas Instruments (4 units).

                                                                                            FCC Form 442
                                                                                                 Exhibit 2
                                                                                               Page 1 of 2

                                                  Exhibit 2
                                                  (Item 10)

    Item 10

           Local Multipoint Distribution Service ("LMDS") operating in the 27.5 — 29.5 GHz band

    provides a potentially attractive method for wireless distribution of video and other information
                                                          —_w___.   L_2z

_   and communication services to residences and businesses. The possibility that a significant

    portion of the 28 GHz band will be allocated by the FCC for terrestrial use makes LMDS a

    strong contender for broadband interactive video, data and telephony applications.

           U S WEST has conducted a field trial of 28 GHz LMDS in Phoenix, Arizona during

    1995. Objectives of the trial included:

                   1.      Development of statistics for line—of—sight path availability.

                           a)      Single cell systems.

                        — b)       Multi—cell systems.

                           c)      Various transmitter/receiver heights.

                   2.      Characterization of the propagation channel at 28 GHz.

                           a)      Basic RF characteristics, including path loss and polarization isola—

                           b)      Fading, multipath, rain, and other perturbing phenomena.

                           c)      Analog versus digital modulation techniques.

                   3.      Characterization of interference effects.

                           a)      Multi—cell interference.

                           b)      Multi—sector interference.

                                                                                      FCC Form 442
                                                                                           Exhibit 2
                                                                                        Page 2 of 2

       As an outcome of the Phoenix field trial and further analyses of LMDS technology

advancements, U S WEST proposes Vt_o install anoperational28GHzLMDS »SY§1EW.“@,P.991‘!?r’

Colorado at the U S WEST Advanced Technologiesfacility, for further testing of LMDS system

capacity and flexibility for the delivery of a variety of simplex and duplex services, as contem—

plated by the FCC in its current rulemaking in Common Carrier Docket No. 92—297.

       Specific objectives of the 28 GHz LMDS installation are:

       &       To further develop an under       in         ropagation characteristics for 28
               GHz signals in delivering interactive broadband video, data and telephony

       o       To selectionandmodulationtechniquesforadeployable
       o       To evaluate system perfo         in various service set configurations and with
               various system and peripheral hardware;

       o       To assess
                         need for further U S WEST field testing of 28 GHz LMDS;

       o       To enable U S WEST Advanced Technologies to demonstrate LMDS technolo
               to Uclientwhich will provide the corporate funding to
               further assess the deployability and economic viability of this nascent technology,
               and which have specific interest in emerging broadband technologies such as
               LMDS wireless; and

       o       Togaugepotentialvalue of the 28 GHz spectrum in anticipation of FCC

                                                                                  FCC Form 442
                                                                                        Exhibit 3
                                                                                     Page 1 of 1

                                           Exhibit 3
                                            (Item 11)

Item 11

       U S WEST is currently assessing the system architecture, hardware, and associated

system cost elements, of three LMDS system manufacturers. Additional LMDS manufacturers

may be considered. Significant work remains to ascertain the economic viability of 28 GHz

LMDS as a deployable broadband interactive technology, and consequently, to ascertain the

value of the 28 GHz spectrum. Accordingly, U S WEST anticipates the length of time to

complete the program of experimentation described herein to be open—ended, at least 2 years in


Document Created: 2002-04-30 07:49:53
Document Modified: 2002-04-30 07:49:53

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