ITU Application for CICERO

0467-EX-PL-2015 Text Documents

Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, Inc.


 E_TSUM Requested by: RICKYP                Date: 18.08.2015 4:25:28 PM              DB: SPACECAP_V7.MDB                                           Plan Id.:     Notice type: NONGEO
 A     A1a Sat. Network CICERO                              A1f1 Notifying adm. USA      A1f3 Inter. sat. org.                BR1 Date of receipt 10.08.2015   BR20 BR IFIC no.
   BR6a/BR6b Id. no.         2                                 BR3a Provision reference 9.1/IA                                BR2 Adm. serial no.

Network Summary

  Résumé / Summary / Resumen
 Article 9, sous-section IA    /       Article 9, sub-section IA    /       Artículo 9, sub-sección IA
 第9条第1A分节                      /       Статья 9, подраздел IA       /            IA   ‫ القسم الفرعي‬،9 ‫املادة‬

      B1a           B2         BR8          BR7a            BR9                BR47                             C4a
     Beam         Emi-Rcp     Action       Group id.       Action       Frequency band (MHz)               Class of station
   designation                code                         code
 UPLINK              R                                 3             399.9       -        400.5          EA
 UHFDOWN             E                                 5             399.9       -        400.5          EA
 XDOWN               E                                 4            8025         -       8400            ER

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    E_TSUM Requested by: RICKYP                      Date: 18.08.2015 4:25:28 PM              DB: SPACECAP_V7.MDB                                                     Plan Id.:                        Notice type: NONGEO
    A     A1a Sat. Network CICERO                                    A1f1 Notifying adm. USA      A1f3 Inter. sat. org.                          BR1 Date of receipt 10.08.2015                      BR20 BR IFIC no.
      BR6a/BR6b Id. no.         2                                       BR3a Provision reference 9.1/IA                                          BR2 Adm. serial no.                                                UPLINK          R

    A1f2 Submitted on behalf
    A4b1 No. of orbital planes                1            A4b2 Ref. body T
    A4b3a No. of space stations simult. trans. on Northern Hemisphere                    1      A4b3b No. of space stations simult. trans. on Southern Hemisphere                 1
       Orbital    A4b4a Inclination          A4b4b No. of                                                                      A4b4f Min.
                                                                      A4b4c Period      A4b4d Apogee        A4b4e Perigee
    plane id. no.      angle             satellites in this plane                                                               altitude
         1             97.4                          1                 0-01:35               600e0              600e0            600e0

              B1a/BR17 Beam designation UPLINK                                   B1b Steerable                  B2 Emi-Rcp R                       B3a1 Max. co-polar gain              0
    B2bis.a Transmit only when visible from notified service area                       B2bis.b Min. Elev. Angle
                                                                          B3c1 Co-polar antenna pattern
     Co-polar ref. pattern             Coef. A                  Coef. B                                                                                  Co-polar rad. diag.
    List of orbital planes
    B4a3a1 Angle alpha                            B4a3a2 Angle beta
    BR92 Attach. for missing angle alpha/beta

              BR7a/BR7b Group id.                      3                       BR1 Date of receipt 10.08.2015                 C2c RR No. 4.4 Y
    BR14 Special Section
    C4a Class of station                EA                                     C3a Assigned freq. band                                   C5a Noise temperature              303
    C4b Nature of service               CR                                        C6a Polarization type CR                                   C6b Polarization angle
    C11a2 Service area                 XAA                                                                                                              C11a3 Service area diagram
    A2b Period of valid.           2    A3a Op. agency 999             A3b Adm. resp. A              BR16 Value of type C8b
    BR60 Regulatory deadline(s)        11.44/11.44.1
                          C1 Frequency Range
              C1a Lower limit             C1b Upper limit
              399.9       MHz            400.5        MHz
                  C7a                    C8a1/C8b1             C8a2/C8b2                 C8c1                C8c2                C8c3                C8c4              C8e1            C8e2                        C8f2
           Design. of emission          Max. peak pwr         Max. pwr dens.         Min. peak pwr           Attch.         Min. pwr dens.           Attch.           C/N ratio        Attch.           E.i.r.p. on the beam axis
        1 9K60F2D--                             0                    -20                     -3.7                                  -30                                     21.8
                                                                                  C7b Carrier frequency of the emissions (9K60F2D--)
        399.925        MHz
                C10b1                  C10b2                 C10c1               C10c2       C10d1/C10d2        C10d3      C10d4
        Assoc. earth station id.        Type           Geographical coord.        Ctry        Cls. / Nat.      Max. iso.   Bmwdth
      TYVAK_IRVINE_FAC                    S         117W44 04 33N39 03            USA         1 TA     CR       16.2        27
                                                                                                              C10d5a Co-polar antenna pattern
     C10b1 Assoc. earth station id.           Co-polar ref. pattern           Coef. A                  Coef. B             Coef. C                     Coef. D                  Phi1            Co-polar rad. diag.
    TYVAK_IRVINE_FAC                                                                                                                                                                                                  4
    13C Remarks

                                                                                                                 Page / Página 2

    E_TSUM Requested by: RICKYP                     Date: 18.08.2015 4:25:28 PM              DB: SPACECAP_V7.MDB                                                  Plan Id.:                        Notice type: NONGEO
    A     A1a Sat. Network CICERO                                   A1f1 Notifying adm. USA      A1f3 Inter. sat. org.                       BR1 Date of receipt 10.08.2015                      BR20 BR IFIC no.
      BR6a/BR6b Id. no.         2                                      BR3a Provision reference 9.1/IA                                       BR2 Adm. serial no.                                               UHFDOWN          E

             B1a/BR17 Beam designation UHFDOWN                                   B1b Steerable               B2 Emi-Rcp E                      B3a1 Max. co-polar gain              0
    B2bis.a Transmit only when visible from notified service area                       B2bis.b Min. Elev. Angle
                                                                          B3c1 Co-polar antenna pattern
     Co-polar ref. pattern             Coef. A                  Coef. B                                                                              Co-polar rad. diag.
    List of orbital planes
    B4a3a1 Angle alpha                         B4a3a2 Angle beta
    BR92 Attach. for missing angle alpha/beta

            BR7a/BR7b Group id.                       5                        BR1 Date of receipt 10.08.2015               C2c RR No. 4.4 Y
    BR14 Special Section
    C4a Class of station                EA                                     C3a Assigned freq. band
    C4b Nature of service               CR                                        C6a Polarization type CR                               C6b Polarization angle
    C8d1 Max. tot. peak pwr.                               C8d2 Contiguous bandwidth
    C11a2 Service area                 XAA                                                                                                          C11a3 Service area diagram
    A2b Period of valid.           2    A3a Op. agency 999            A3b Adm. resp. A             BR16 Value of type C8b
    BR60 Regulatory deadline(s)        11.44/11.44.1
                        C1 Frequency Range
            C1a Lower limit             C1b Upper limit
            399.9       MHz            400.5        MHz
                  C7a                    C8a1/C8b1             C8a2/C8b2               C8c1               C8c2               C8c3                C8c4              C8e1            C8e2                        C8f1
           Design. of emission          Max. peak pwr         Max. pwr dens.       Min. peak pwr          Attch.        Min. pwr dens.           Attch.           C/N ratio        Attch.           E.i.r.p. on the beam axis
        1 9K60F2D--                             0                    -20                   -3.7                                -30                                     21.8
                                                                                  C7b Carrier frequency of the emissions (9K60F2D--)
        399.925        MHz
                C10b1                  C10b2                C10c1                C10c2     C10d1/C10d2       C10d3      C10d4     C10d6
        Assoc. earth station id.        Type          Geographical coord.         Ctry      Cls. / Nat.     Max. iso.   Bmwdth    Noise
                                                                                                              gain                temp.
      TYVAK_IRVINE_FAC                    S       117W44 04 33N39 03              USA       1 TA     CR      16.2       27.9         175
                                                                                                            C10d5a Co-polar antenna pattern
     C10b1 Assoc. earth station id.           Co-polar ref. pattern           Coef. A                Coef. B             Coef. C                   Coef. D                  Phi1            Co-polar rad. diag.
    TYVAK_IRVINE_FAC                                                                                                                                                                                              4
    13C Remarks

             B1a/BR17 Beam designation XDOWN                                     B1b Steerable               B2 Emi-Rcp E                      B3a1 Max. co-polar gain             11
    B2bis.a Transmit only when visible from notified service area                       B2bis.b Min. Elev. Angle
                                                                          B3c1 Co-polar antenna pattern
     Co-polar ref. pattern             Coef. A                  Coef. B                                                                              Co-polar rad. diag.

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    E_TSUM Requested by: RICKYP                   Date: 18.08.2015 4:25:28 PM              DB: SPACECAP_V7.MDB                                                 Plan Id.:                      Notice type: NONGEO
    A     A1a Sat. Network CICERO                                 A1f1 Notifying adm. USA      A1f3 Inter. sat. org.                      BR1 Date of receipt 10.08.2015                    BR20 BR IFIC no.
      BR6a/BR6b Id. no.         2                                    BR3a Provision reference 9.1/IA                                      BR2 Adm. serial no.                                              XDOWN           E

    List of orbital planes
    B4a3a1 Angle alpha                        B4a3a2 Angle beta
    BR92 Attach. for missing angle alpha/beta

            BR7a/BR7b Group id.                    4                        BR1 Date of receipt 10.08.2015               C2c RR No. 4.4 Y
    BR14 Special Section
    C4a Class of station                ER                                  C3a Assigned freq. band
    C4b Nature of service               CV                                     C6a Polarization type CR                               C6b Polarization angle
    C8d1 Max. tot. peak pwr.                            C8d2 Contiguous bandwidth
    C11a2 Service area                 USA                                                                                                       C11a3 Service area diagram
    A2b Period of valid.           2    A3a Op. agency 999         A3b Adm. resp. A             BR16 Value of type C8b
    BR60 Regulatory deadline(s)        11.44/11.44.1
                       C1 Frequency Range
           C1a Lower limit            C1b Upper limit
          8025         MHz           8400         MHz
                  C7a                    C8a1/C8b1          C8a2/C8b2               C8c1               C8c2               C8c3                C8c4              C8e1          C8e2                        C8f1
           Design. of emission          Max. peak pwr      Max. pwr dens.       Min. peak pwr          Attch.        Min. pwr dens.           Attch.           C/N ratio      Attch.           E.i.r.p. on the beam axis
        1 10M0F2DXX                             7                 -20                    4                                  -30                                     18.7
                                                                              C7b Carrier frequency of the emissions (10M0F2DXX)
      8200             MHz
                C10b1                  C10b2             C10c1                C10c2    C10d1/C10d2        C10d3      C10d4     C10d6
        Assoc. earth station id.        Type       Geographical coord.         Ctry     Cls. / Nat.      Max. iso.   Bmwdth    Noise
                                                                                                           gain                temp.
      KSAT_XBAND                          T                                            1 TR       CV      54.4        0.27        175
                                                                                                         C10d5a Co-polar antenna pattern
     C10b1 Assoc. earth station id.        Co-polar ref. pattern         Coef. A                  Coef. B             Coef. C                   Coef. D                Phi1            Co-polar rad. diag.
    KSAT_XBAND                            REC-465-5
    13C Remarks

    BR22 Administration remarks
    BR23 Radiocommunication Bureau comments

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Document Created: 2015-08-18 16:26:19
Document Modified: 2015-08-18 16:26:19

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