E-Mail generated [Jul 14 2016]

0399-EX-PL-2016 Correspondence

Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, Inc.


To: Austin Williams
E-Mail: Austin@Tyvak.com
From: Leann Nguyen
Date: July 14, 2016

Subject: Request for Info - File # 0399-EX-PL-2016

IB/SD has reviewed the Tyvak Nano-Satellite System Inc. CICERO cubesat and they have a number of
questions below.

- the ODAR on the first page has a “PROPRIETARY DATA RIGHTS NOTICE” that is inaccurate and
should be removed.

- NO propulsion system on this cubesat (page 9); however, Appendix A (page 21) talks about Propulsion
Module Failure. {This may be a cut and paste from the other cubasat NanoAce ODAR; please remove the
pages related to propulsion and resubmit an updated ODAR to the FCC.

Form 442, SpaceCap API filing

- Form 442 does NOT contain any earth station location or parameters; applicant needs to update form
442 and add all earth stations and associated parameters.

- Form 442 has emission designator as 40K9G1D; SpaceCap API file has it as 16K5G1D; applicant
needs to verify which is correct and update one of the files.

- SpaceCap API filing has an E/S parameters of max gain 16.2 dBi, 27 deg; CL; NO min elev angle value
was provided in the SpaceCap API filing; these E/S parameter are in the NanoAce SpaceCap file; Can
the applicant explain why this information is missing from CICERO’s SpaceCap file? Please verify and
update the SpaceCap API file.

- [in NanoAce SpaceCap API file E/S max power is 200 watts]; however, SpaceCap API E/S max power
is 3 watts; Is this a mistake? Please verify and update the file accordingly.

- the SpaceCap API file has identify the station as Amateur (EA) and EESS (EW); however, we suggest
changing it to Space Telecommand (ED) and Space Telemetry (ER) because it seems more appropriate
but it not mandatory since operation is under RR 4.4.

- other discrepancy is the antenna polarization; please check all the antenna polarization and make the
appropriate change;

The items indicated above must be submitted before processing can continue on the above referenced
application. Failure to provide the requested information within 30 days of July 14, 2016 may result in
application dismissal pursuant to Section 5.67 and forfeiture of the filing fee pursuant to Section 1.1108.

DO NOT Reply to this email by using the 'Reply' button. In order for your response to be processed
expeditiously, you must upload your response via the Internet at https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/els/index.cfm
by clicking on the "Reply to Correspondence" hyperlink.

Responses to this correspondence must contain the Reference number : 33131

Document Created: 2016-07-14 16:19:26
Document Modified: 2016-07-14 16:19:26

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