
0194-EX-PL-2014 Text Documents

Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, Inc.


                                 Before the
                            Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                       )
Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems LLC       )
Application for Authority for Ground   )
Testing, Launch, and Operation of      )   File No. ____-EX-PL-2014
Experimental Non-Geostationary         )
Low Earth Orbit Satellites             )

                          NARRATIVE EXHIBIT

                                         Table of Contents

               Question 6A. Description of the nature of the research project
                            being conducted ............................................................... 2
               Question 6B. Showing that the communications facilities
                            requested are necessary for the research project .............. 3
               Question 6C. Showing that existing communications facilities are
                            inadequate ........................................................................ 4
               Question 8.         Justification of the need for a five-year
                                   experimental license term ................................................ 4
               Question 10. Transmitting equipment to be installed, including
                            manufacturer, model number and whether the
                            equipment is experimental in nature ................................ 5
               Question 11A. Is the equipment listed in Item 10 capable of station
                             identification pursuant to Section 5.115 .......................... 8
               Question 4.         Antenna Registration Form. Operation of
                                   Directional Antenna ......................................................... 8
      THE COMMISSION’S RULES .......................................................................... 9
               Section 25.114(c)(4)(1) Radio Frequency Plan ....................................... 9
               Section 25.114(c)(5)(1) Orbital Locations ............................................ 17
               Section 25.114(c)(10) Physical Characteristics of Satellites ................. 18
               Section 25.114(c)(12) Schedule............................................................. 20
               Section 25.114(d)(1) General Description of Overall System
                             Facilities, Operations and Services ................................ 20
               Section 25.114(d)(3) Predicted Spacecraft Antenna Gain Contours ..... 21
               Section 25.114(d)(14) Orbital Debris Mitigation .................................. 23
               Section 25.114(d)(14)(i) Limiting the amount of debris released
                             during normal operations and the probability of the
                             satellite becoming a source of debris by collisions
                             with small debris or meteoroids that could cause
                             loss of control and prevent post-mission disposal ......... 23
               Section 25.114(d)(14)(ii) Limiting the probability of accidental
                             explosions during and after completion of the
                             mission operations ......................................................... 24

                 Section 25.114(d)(14)(iii) Limiting the probability of the satellite
                               becoming a source of debris by collisions with large
                               debris or other operational space stations ...................... 25
                 Section 25.114(d)(14)(iv) Post-mission disposal plans for the space
                               station at end of life ....................................................... 25
III.   CONCLUSION.................................................................................................. 26


                                   Before the
                              Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                              )
Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems LLC              )
                                              )    File No. ____-EX-PL-2014
Application for Authority for Ground          )
Testing, Launch, and Operation of             )
Experimental Non-Geostationary                )
Low Earth Orbit Satellites                    )

                                   NARRATIVE EXHIBIT

       Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems LLC (“Tyvak”) provides nano-satellite and CubeSat space

vehicle products and services that target advanced state-of-the-art capabilities for government

and commercial customers to support operationally and scientifically relevant missions. With

this Application, Tyvak requests five-year authority for ground testing, launch, and operation of

a pair of identical experimental non-geostationary (“NGSO”) low earth orbit (“LEO”) CubeSat

satellites. The RF communications links for these satellites include low-power transmissions in

the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (“ISM”) band for inter-satellite ranging; two-way

telemetry monitoring, tracking, and command (“TT&C”) transmissions and inter-satellite

communications in the 400 MHz UHF range; and space-to-Earth downlink transmissions in the

2.2 GHz S-band. 1

 Tyvak will also file an application for experimental authority to operate an associated UHF
Earth station. Authority for additional associated UHF Earth stations may be sought by Tyvak
affiliates in separate applications, as explained below.


Question 6A. Description of the Nature of the Research Project Being Conducted

       Tyvak has been selected by NASA to execute the Proximity Operations Nano-Satellite

Flight Demonstration (“PONSFD”) project under NASA’s Edison Small Satellite Flight

Demonstration Missions program, government contract number NNA12AC39C. The PONSFD

validates the technologies needed to support rendezvous, proximity operations, docking

(“RPOD”), servicing, and formation flight by utilizing a pair of identical nano-satellites, and

leveraging the inherent relative low costs of their vehicle manufacture and launch capabilities.

       The proposed satellites will adhere to a design specification co-developed by Stanford

University (“Stanford”) and California State University, San Luis Obispo (“Cal Poly”) referred

to as the CubeSat Standard. Additional information regarding the CubeSat Standard can be

found at the CubeSat Community website,

       The spacecraft will be fabricated, tested, launched, and operated by Tyvak using its

Mission Operations Center (“MOC”) in Irvine, California, and using affiliated Earth stations in

other locations, the authorizations for which will be secured under a separate application. 2

TT&C for the satellites will be carried out by Tyvak via a two-way link in the UHF band

between 399.9-400.05 MHz. The UHF link will also be used for communications between the

two satellites at a significantly reduced power level. Additionally, there will be a payload

communications capability that is separate from the TT&C communications system to report

data gathered on experimental operations. The payload communications system will downlink

data from the test instruments to NASA-operated Earth stations using spectrum in the S-band

 References to Earth stations in this application are included to provide a comprehensive system
overview, but are solely advisory.


between 2,200-2,290 MHz. Finally, the satellites will conduct ranging determinations between

the two satellites using low-power commercial-off-the-shelf (“COTS”) ISM transmitters in the

2.4 GHz range. The 2.4 GHz system may also be used for some inter-satellite communications,

as an alternative to the primary UHF inter-satellite link.

       Prior to launch, Tyvak will conduct developmental testing of satellite components,

including its transmitters and receivers, at its Irvine, California facilities. Post launch, the

satellites are intended to be short-lived, with an expected lifespan of 9 to 12 months on-orbit,

which will permit adequate time to demonstrate the inter-satellite link and rendezvous operations

under investigation.

Question 6B. Showing that the Communications Facilities Requested are Necessary for the
             Research Project

       The primary purpose of this mission is to demonstrate proximity operations, such as

relative station-keeping, circumnavigation, and docking. On-orbit operation is the only effective

way of collecting functional and performance data in the relevant operational environment, and

cannot be adequately substituted by ground testing or computer simulation.

       With the proliferation of the CubeSat Standard and the availability of low-cost space

access for those adhering to that standard, the cost to test miniature components on-orbit has

become relatively inexpensive compared to equivalent ground testing and simulation. This is

largely due to the availability of low-cost secondary payload launch options and cost sharing

among multiple CubeSat developers.

       In addition, on-orbit data provides confidence to customers that future systems will

operate successfully on-orbit through maneuvers. The evaluation of hardware and software in an

environment similar to that found in space is not easily replicated on Earth. On-orbit component


failures are often attributed to unforeseen conditions or coupling of effects that cannot be tested

adequately until on-orbit. Consequently, the use of an on-orbit test bed provides significant

direct and indirect financial benefits, as well as risk reduction for future satellite programs.

Question 6C. Showing that Existing Communications Facilities are Inadequate

         Currently, there are no comparable communications facilities to support the operation of

the CubeSat system for any of the three required operations.

         For the inter-satellite ranging operation in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, no existing facilities

can be used for this purpose because a primary mission objective is to test inter-satellite ranging

capabilities during on-orbit proximity operations.

         For the TT&C and inter-satellite communications link in the 399.9-400.05 MHz UHF

band, as discussed in a later section of this Application, Tyvak is unaware of any currently

authorized use of the UHF band between 399.9-400.05 MHz in the United States or other

countries. Thus, there are no suitable existing facilities.

         For the payload downlink in the 2,200-2,290 MHz S-band, the payload data must be

downlinked directly from the satellites to pre-existing NASA Earth stations using these

frequencies and thus no alternative existing facilities will be adequate.

Question 8.     Justification of the Need for a Five-Year Experimental License Term

         Under Section 5.71 of the Commission’s rules, the regular license period for stations in

the Experimental Radio Service is either 2 or 5 years. 3 An applicant desiring to apply for a five-

year license must provide justification for its need for a license of that duration.

    47 CFR § 5.71.


        Grant of a full five year experimental license is well justified by the long timeline and

significant potential for delays and schedule changes inherent in space operations. As illustrated

in Table 10, below, the CubeSat System Major Milestones require that experimental

authorization be secured prior to fabrication and RF testing that begins more than nineteen

months before launch, and experimental authorization must extend through on-orbit

experimental operations and decommission, at least nine months after launch. Indeed, frequency

authorization must be secured before equipment specifications can be finalized and prior to

construction or testing, let alone actually carrying out the experimental mission. Due to the

importance of the PONSFD experiment and the need for continuity of operations at all times

from development through decommissioning, a shorter term with the possibility of renewal mid-

mission would be inappropriate and authorization should be granted for the requested five-year


        As further explained in Section II below, grant of the requested license term will not

adversely impact any other spectrum users, and is critical to provide the long-term assurance

necessary to support the extended development and mission cycle inherent in cutting-edge space


Question 10. Transmitting Equipment to be Installed, Including Manufacturer, Model
             Number and Whether the Equipment is Experimental in Nature

        Each of the two identical CubeSats comprise three transmitting elements for which

authority is being sought from the Commission: a) an inter-satellite ranging component that

transmits and receives in the ISM band at 2.4 GHz; b) a TT&C and inter-satellite

communications component that transmits and receives in the UHF band between 399.9-400.05

MHz; and c) a payload component that transmits in the range of 2,200-2,290 MHz.               The


following graphic provides an overview of the transmitting and receiving components of each

element. The specific model numbers are subject to change based on product availability and

system upgrades.


                                                                                   ISM Band

                                                                                                        CubeSat 1
                                                                            Type: ISM Transceiver
                                                                            Manufacturer: NanoTron

                                                                                                                    CubeSat 2
                                               S-Band                       Model: nanoPan
            Radio                             Transmitte                    Commercially Available

        Type: UHF Radio                                                     Type: ISM Power Amplifier
                                          Type: S-Band                      Manufacturer: Shireen
        Manufacturer: Tyvak               Transmitter
        Model: Endeavour UHF                                                Model: 1W OEM High Gain
                                          Manufacturer: Quasonix            Amplifier Module
                                          Model: NanoTX                     Commercially Available
       Type: UHF Dipole antenna           Type: S-Band Patch
       Manufacturer:                      Manufacturer: Haig-Farr           Type: ISM Patch
       Model: Custom                      Model: Custom Omnislot            Manufacturer: Taoglas
       Custom / Experimental              Commercially Available            Model: WLP.2450.25.4.A.02
                                                                            Commercially Available

        Type: Yagi antenna array (4)
        Manufacturer: M2 Systems                                                   Type: Dish antenna
        Model: 400CP30                                                             Size: 13 meter
        Commercially Available                                                     Band: S-Band
   Type: Power Amp                                                                 Network: NASA Near Earth Network
   Manufacturer: TE Systems
   Model: 4452RAS           Power Amp
   Commercially Available

                                  Radio                                 S-Band

  Mission Operations     Type: UHF Radio
                         Manufacturer: ICOM                     Type: S-Band Receiver
        Center           Model: IC-9100
                                                                                              NASA Data Center
                                                                Manufacturer: Unknown
                         Commercially Available                 Commercially Available

               Mission Operations                                                    NASA

                       Figure 1: CubeSat System Communications Components


       The transmitting components aboard the CubeSats are controlled by a dedicated on-board

processor, which processes data for transmission, sends and receives data from the modem, and

activates the appropriate radio systems depending on the state of operations. Each vehicle

possesses a COTS ISM band system for inter-satellite ranging, a UHF system for vehicle

command, telemetry retrieval, and inter-satellite communications, and an S-band system for

payload data download. The two satellites will use the same spectrum.

       The inter-satellite ISM system uses a ceramic surface mount patch antenna from Taoglas.

This is an off-the-shelf RHCP antenna with a gain of 5dBi, and a -10dB RL bandwidth of

85 MHz.

       The TT&C and inter-satellite communications UHF system uses a Tyvak-developed UHF

radio derived from commercially-available UHF communications systems. The radio operates at

9,600 baud using GMSK. The UHF system will use a custom designed half-wave dipole antenna.

       The TT&C ground segment can address each unit or both units through the use of

different message destination addresses, authentication counts and/or encryption keys using the

same frequency allocation. The transmitting component located at the Irvine Earth station is

controlled by dedicated Microsoft Windows workstations.         The workstations are used for

antenna pointing control, Doppler frequency shift corrections, and data processing for

transmission. The antenna (manufacturer/model: M2 Antenna Systems, Inc./400CP30) and radio

(manufacturer/model: ICOM/IC-9100) are commercially available, off-the-shelf units, which

will be modified with additional hardware to function at the requested frequencies.

       The payload downlink S-Band system uses a patch antenna currently under development

by Haigh-Farr. The antenna will be sold commercially once completed. The antenna is RHCP

with a gain greater than 2dBic at the boresight and a bandwidth of 12 MHz with a VSWR < 2:1.

Question 11A. Is the Equipment Listed in Item 10 Capable of Station Identification
              Pursuant to Section 5.115

       Each transmitting component of the system is capable of station identification at the end

of each complete transmission.      The station identification process is incorporated into the

mission operations procedure. The space component will transmit in Morse code the assigned

call sign at the end of each complete data transmission. The space component also transmits the

call sign in every packet transmitted as part of its frame header. The frame header is not encoded

or encrypted. The ground component will broadcast in clear voice the assigned call sign at the

end of each data transmission by ground station operators.

Question 4:    Antenna Registration Form; Operation of Directional Antenna

       The CubeSats are low earth orbit (“LEO”) satellites in a sun-synchronous orbital with an

orbit period of approximately 1.6 hours. The satellites will pass over the Earth station roughly

one to twelve times per day depending on its location with an average access time of five to

seven minutes for each Earth station location. The UHF Earth station will use a computer-

controlled tracking antenna to point the Earth station’s antenna in the direction of the moving

satellites. The antenna has a maximum gain of +20.2dBi along the bore-sight of the antenna and

a half-power beam-width (i.e., -3dB) of approximately 30 degrees. The antenna array uses four

off-the-shelf, yagi-type antenna developed by M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.

        Because the CubeSats are NGSO satellites, the range of antenna azimuth and elevation

will vary based on the relative motion of the satellites with respect to the ground station. It will

also differ for each satellite pass. The Earth station will only transmit above a 10 degree

elevation angle. Consequently, the range of antenna elevation angles for all satellite passes will

be between 10 and 170 degrees. The azimuth can vary between 0 degrees and 360 degrees.


Earth station software will be used to control the antenna azimuth and elevation rotors for

antenna pointing and limit the range of permissible elevation angles. In addition, the software

will be used to predict satellite contact times and antenna pointing angles to support Earth station

planning and operations.

         In addition to on-orbit operations, the satellite components will undergo developmental

testing at Tyvak’s Irvine, CA facility beginning in April 2014. Testing for the 2.4 GHz ranging

transmitters, the S-band payload link, and the UHF TT&C and inter-satellite communications

link will be conducted in carrier current (i.e., closed-loop) configuration and will produce only

unintentional emissions. Under the Commission’s rules, unintentional radiators operating in the

frequency range between 9 kHz to 30 MHz must comply with the radiated emission limits for

intentional radiators as provided in 47 C.F.R. § 15.209. 4 As Tyvak’s test program may

marginally exceed these limits, Tyvak seeks experimental authority for emissions in the

appropriate ranges at the Tyvak facility. These developmental tests are expected to begin in April



Section 25.114(c)(4)(i) Radio Frequency Plan

UHF Communications System

         The CubeSats’ UHF communications system will operate using half-duplex

communications within the 399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band for telecommand (i.e., earth-to-

space), telemetry (i.e., space-to-earth), and inter-satellite (i.e. space-to-space) communications.

Although the CubeSats require only 50 kHz of spectrum bandwidth, Tyvak requests herein

    47 C.F.R. § 15.109(e).

authority to operate within the entire 399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band for the mission to

facilitate design flexibility.

              The following diagram shows the proposed spectrum use of the CubeSats and ground

stations and also shows authorized spectrum uses in adjacent bands, such as the use by the

Orbcomm Little LEO MSS network of the 400.075-400.125 MHz band as a beacon frequency.

As explained below, the 399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band does not appear to be used by any

authorized government or non-government operator in the United States. Tyvak acknowledges

that the Commission has proposed to authorize operation of a federal Mobile Satellite System in

the 399.99-400.05 MHz portion of this fallow band, however, any Tyvak transmissions related to

this mission will be completed well before any Federal operations in the band commence. 5

Therefore, Tyvak’s proposed operation of its experimental satellites in 50 kHz of the 399.9-

400.05 MHz frequency band will not cause harmful interference to any authorized spectrum user.

                   400.01                                400.05

                                                                        400.075                  400.125
                            Tyvak Cubesats


                                PRIMARY                                      PRIMARY
                   Non-Voice, Non-Geostationary (NVNG)       STANDARD FREQUENCY AND TIME SIGNAL SATELLITE
                      Mobile Satellite Service (MSS)

    399.075         400            400.025          400.05         400.075         400.1     400.125        400.15


                                   Figure 2: CubeSats Spectrum Diagram (UHF)

 See Federal Space Station Use of the 399.0-400.05 MHz Band, ET Docket No. 13-115, Notice
of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 13-65, ¶ 63 (2013).


          The 399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band is allocated internationally on a primary basis to

the Mobile Satellite Service (“MSS”) (earth-to-space). The 399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band

is also allocated internationally on a primary basis to the Radionavigation Satellite Service

(“RNSS”) until January 1, 2015. 6 In the United States, the 399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band is

allocated to the MSS and RNSS services for both government and non-government use.

          During the 1995 World Radiocommunication Conference (“WRC-95”), the International

Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) allocated the 399.9-400.05 MHz band for the Little LEO

MSS service.           The Commission subsequently designated the 399.9-400.05 MHz band as

available for use by Little LEO MSS networks. 7 None of the applicants for Little LEO MSS

licenses in the United States, however, requested authority to operate in the 399.9-400.05 MHz

band. 8 Therefore, the Commission refrained from adopting service rules for Little LEO MSS

networks operating in the 399.9-400.05 MHz band and did not issue any licenses to Little LEO

MSS networks authorizing them to operate in the band. 9 Tyvak is unaware of any Little LEO

    See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 n.5.224B.
  See Amendment of Section 2.106 of the Commission’s Rules to Allocate Spectrum to the Fixed-
Satellite Service and the Mobile-Satellite Service for Low-Earth Orbit Satellites, Report and
Order, 8 FCC Rcd 1812 (1993); 47 C.F.R. §§ 2.106 n.US320 & 25.202(a)(3). Although the
Commission originally included the 399.9-400.05 MHz band in footnote US320, reference to the
399.9-400.05 MHz band was inadvertently deleted from US320 during a Commission effort to
consolidate footnotes. The Commission corrected the error, reincorporating the reference to the
399.9-400.05 MHz band in footnote US320. See Amendment of Parts 2, 25, and 73 of the
Commission’s Rules to Implement Decisions from the World Radiocommunication Conference
(Geneva, 2003) (WRC-03) Concerning Frequency Bands Between 5900 kHz and 27.5 GHz and
to Otherwise Update the Rules in this Frequency Range, Report and Order, 20 FCC Rcd 6570,
6625 (2005).
  See Amendment of Part 25 of the Commission’s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies
Pertaining to the Second Processing Round of the Non-Voice, Non-Geostationary Mobile
Satellite Service, Report and Order, 13 FCC Rcd 9111, 9120-21 (1997).
    See id. at 9121.


MSS network operating anywhere in the world (and particularly not in the United States) that

uses the 399.9-400.05 MHz band.

       The 399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band is also allocated internationally on a primary

basis to RNSS until January 1, 2015. The 399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band was previously

used by the U.S. Department of Defense for its TRANSIT-SAT RNSS system, which was a polar

orbiting satellite network that was primarily used for commercial and government maritime

navigation. The TRANSIT-SAT network, however, was decommissioned in December 1996. 10

       It does not appear that the United States government or commercial operators are using

the 399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band for any other RNSS service. As a consequence, the

399.9-400.05 MHz frequency band appears to be fallow of any authorized use in the United

States. Therefore, the short term operation of Tyvak’s experimental CubeSats will not result in

harmful interference to any authorized spectrum user.

Space-to-Earth and Earth-to-Space UHF Communications

       Despite the absence of any authorized spectrum users in the 399.9-400.05 MHz band, the

CubeSats have been designed to include several precautions to prevent harmful interference to

other services from space-to-Earth transmissions. First, as noted above, space-to-Earth satellite

transmissions will be controlled from the Earth station and the spacecraft will not transmit until it

receives a request from the Earth station.

       Second, the satellite uplink and downlink will use the same 50 kHz bandwidth in half-

duplex mode to send digital data using standard GMSK modulation with maximum data rates up

to 9,600 baud. The spacecraft transceiver uses a packet-based (non-continuous) communications,

  See Federal Long-Range Spectrum Plan, Working Group 7 of the NTIA Spectrum Planning
Subcommittee (Sept. 2000), available at


which allows command reception between transmissions of packets to provide the ability to

command the satellite to cease space-to-Earth transmission operations in a timely manner, if


       The satellite transmitter can be adjusted to provide up to two watts of power output when

communicating with the Earth station. Transmission power on the Earth station transmitter can

be adjusted to provide up to 200 watts of power output. The communications parameters for the

UHF communications system for the space-to-Earth and Earth-to-space links are show in the

following tables.

                    CubeSat Communications         Value
                    Emission Designator            40K9G1D
                    Service                        Digital Data
                    Center Frequency               400.03 MHz
                    Requested Bandwidth            50 kHz
                    (includes Doppler)
                    Modulation                     GMSK
                    Data Rate                      9,600 bps
                    Polarization                   Linear
                    Antenna Type                   Dipole
                    Antenna Gain                   +2 dBi (Max)
                    RF Power Output                2W
                    Line/Misc Losses               -2dB
                    EIRP                           1.0 dBW
                        Table 1: Tyvak CubeSat UHF Communications
                                 Space-to-Ground Parameters


                 Earth Station                      Value
                 Communications Parameters
                 Emission Designator                40K9G1D
                 Service                            Digital Data
                 Center Frequency                   400.03 MHz
                 Requested Bandwidth                50 kHz
                 (includes Doppler)
                 Modulation                         GMSK
                 Data Rate                          9,600 bps
                 Polarization                       Linear (H, V) or Circular
                 Antenna Type                       Yagi array
                 Antenna Gain                       +20.2 dBi (Max)
                 RF Power Output                    200 W
                 Line Losses                        -3dB
                 EIRP                               40.2 dBW
               Table 2: Tyvak Earth Station UHF Communications Parameters

Inter-Satellite Space-to-Space UHF Communications

       The satellites will only initiate space-to-space communications upon a command from the

MOC using UHF TT&C links. However, the space-to-space link can continue intermittent, low

power communications throughout the orbit to pass relative position or vehicle state information

between the spacecraft, including when they are not in contact with an Earth station. Thus, in the

unlikely event that potential interference is reported, the Tyvak MOC would issue the command

to cease transmission during the next contact period, which will occur one to twelve times per

day at intervals of one to twelve hours.

       The UHF transmitter will provide up to 100 mW of power output when communicating

between the satellites. Based on the power levels to be used with the inter-satellite link, the

maximum energy received at the surface of the Earth will not exceed -148 dBW. The table

below shows a link budget for the worst case power flux density at the ground during space-to-

space transmission.


                   Item                     Value        Comments
     From                                   LEO          620km LEO orbit
     To                                     GND
                                                         Transmit power for Inter Satellite Link
     Transmit Power (Watts)                  0.1         over UHF
     Frequency, GHz                          0.4         400 MHz
     Satellite Line Loss to Antenna,
     dB                                       -2         Coax, filtering, balun
     Transmit Antenna Gain, dBic               2         Isotropic Antenna
     Satellite Antenna Pointing Loss         0.0         Peak gain oriented Nadir
     Transmitter EIRP, dBW                  -10.0
                                                         620km altitude, 90 degree angle of
     Slant Range, km                        620          arrival (δ)
     Path Loss, dB                         -140.3
     Atmospheric Loss, dB                   -0.3
                                                         -148dBW/m2 allowed under 5.268 of
     Signal power at the ground            -150.7        NTIA Redbook for an adjacent band
                                                         (410-420 MHz)
                Table 3: Power Flux Density for Space-to-Space Transmissions

       The communications parameters for the UHF communications system for the space-to-

space inter-satellite link are show in the following table.

                     CubeSat                        Value
                     Emission Designator            40K9G1D
                     Service                        Digital Data
                     Center Frequency               400.03 MHz
                     Requested Bandwidth            50 kHz
                     (includes Doppler)
                     Modulation                     GMSK
                     Data Rate                      9,600 bps
                     Polarization                   Linear
                     Antenna Type                   Dipole
                     Antenna Gain                   +2 dBi (Max)
                     RF Power Output                100 mW
                     Line/Misc Losses               -1dB
                     EIRP                           2.0 dBW
                                  Table 4: Tyvak CubeSat UHF
                                  Inter-satellite Link Parameters


S-Band Communications System

       The     CubeSats’   S-band   communications      system   will   operate   using   simplex

communications within the 2,200-2,290 MHz frequency band to downlink recorded payload data

to NASA-operated S-band Earth stations. The Tyvak UHF Earth station at the Irvine MOC or

Tyvak-affiliated UHF stations at other locations will issue commands in the UHF-band to trigger

the satellite to transmit payload data in the S-band when over an S-Band NASA site. The Tyvak

MOC will have no transmission or reception capabilities in the S-band. The NASA Earth

stations will relay received communications frames to the Irvine MOC over a Virtual Private

Network (“VPN”) using the NASA Integrated Network Services (“NISN”). As noted previously,

Tyvak is seeking to operate the S-band transmitter at the direction of the NASA mission


                    CubeSat                     Value
                    Emission Designator         1M00G1DDN
                    Service                     Digital Data
                    Band                        2,200-2,290 MHz
                    Requested Bandwidth         1MHz
                    Modulation                  QPSK
                    Data Rate                   1 Mbps
                    Polarization                RHCP
                    Antenna Type                Patch
                    Antenna Gain                +2 dBic (Max)
                    RF Power Output             2W
                    Line Losses                 -2dB
                    EIRP                        3 dBW
                 Table 5: Tyvak CubeSat S-Band Communications Parameters

       The CubeSats will communicate with the MOC, other UHF ground stations, and NASA

ground stations only when they are within line-of-sight of the Earth stations and have received a

communication from the Earth station directing the spacecraft to initiate transmissions. As a


consequence, the spacecraft will utilize the 399.9-400.05 MHz and 2,200-2,290 MHz spectrum

band only when in contact with specified Earth stations and potentially conflicting uses of the

band in other regions of the world are not relevant to this application.

Inter-Satellite Ranging System

            The CubeSats’ inter-satellite ranging system will operate using COTS-based

transceivers within the 2.4 GHz ISM frequency band. The COTS transceiver, nanoPan 5375, by

Nanotron ( 11 provides ranging and communications functions.

                     CubeSat                      Value
                     Emission Designator          80M0V1D
                     Service                      Digital Data
                     Frequency Band               2.4 GHz ISM band
                     Requested Bandwidth          80 MHz
                     (includes Doppler)
                     Modulation                   Chirp Spread Spectrum
                                                  (CSS) - Proprietary
                     Data Rate                    250 kbps
                     Polarization                 RHCP
                     Antenna Type                 Patch
                     Antenna Gain                 +5 dBic (Max)
                     RF Power Output              1W
                     Line Losses                  -1dB
                     EIRP                         +4 dBW
                   Table 6: Tyvak CubeSat ISM Communications Parameters

Section 25.114(c)(5)(i) Orbital Locations

         The CubeSat system comprises two space vehicles operating in NGSO. The spacecraft

will be connected together when deployed from the launch vehicle. The spacecraft will separate

     FCC ID SIFNANOPAN5375V1, Granted Mar. 26, 2009.


and operate untethered and free-flying, but will operate in controlled proximity/formation flying

throughout mission life and will share the same orbital characteristics. The spacecraft are

intended to operate in LEO with the orbit parameters shown in Table 6. The satellites will have

an orbit period of roughly 1.6 hours with typical ground access times of five to seven minutes per

pass. The orbit parameters are presented in the following table:

                 Parameter                    Units       Value
                 Orbit Period                 [hrs]       1.6 hrs
                 Orbit Altitude               [km]        620 km (circular)
                 Inclination                  [deg]       97.9 degrees
                               Table 7: CubeSat Orbit Parameters

Section 25.114(c)(10) Physical Characteristics of Satellites

       The space vehicles are nano-class satellites (< 10 kg), in which each element conforms to

the CubeSat Standard. CubeSats can be designed in different sizes as long as they are multiples

of the basic CubeSat standard unit, which is 10×10×10 centimeters, generally referred to as a 1U

CubeSat, meaning one unit in size. The space vehicles will consist of two 3U CubeSats, which

means each CubeSat will have the dimensions of approximately 30×10×10 centimeters. The

CubeSat dispenser limits the total vehicle mass of a 3U CubeSat to less than 6 kilograms. The

CubeSat vehicles have been designed primarily as a single-string system using commercial off-

the-shelf parts with a mission lifetime of less than one year on-orbit. The mass budget is

identical for each of the two elements and is provided in the following table:

                    Component / Subsystem             Mass [g]
                    Payload                           1400
                    Spacecraft (Subtotal)             4300
                      Structure                       300
                      Electrical Power System         1500
                      Propulsion System               1400
                      ADCS                            400


                     Component / Subsystem             Mass [g]
                       C&DH                            100
                       Communication                   500
                       Thermal                         100
                     TOTAL                             5700
                           Table 8: CubeSat Mass Budget per Element

       For propulsion, each of the space vehicles is equipped with eight miniature cold gas

thrusters. Each thruster is fed from a common gas storage vessel with propellant capacity of 400

grams and an initial pressurization of 83 psi (at 20degC). The thrusters are not mechanical and

propulsion uses common refrigerant (R143a) involving no combustion. The thrusters are highly

integrated with the sensors to provide for precision maneuvering, and will be used to

demonstrate formation flying and docking.

       For power generation, each space vehicle is equipped with body-mounted and deployed

GaAs solar cells that generate approximately 16 watts of power during a typical orbit. Because

of the short operational lifetime of the satellite (i.e., less than a year), the difference between the

beginning-of-life (“BOL”) and end-of-life (“EOL”) power generation is negligible. To permit

operations during eclipse, energy is stored on-board using Li-ion batteries, with power being

distributed to subsystems and components through the electrical power subsystem circuitry. The

EOL power budget is provided in the following table:

                     Component / Subsystem              EOL Power [mW]
                                                        Orbit Averaged
                     Payload                            3500
                     Spacecraft (Subtotal)              10000
                       Propulsion System                140
                       ADCS                             5000
                       C&DH                             600
                       Communication                    3500
                       Thermal                          400
                     TOTAL                              13500
                            Table 9: Power Budget per Space Vehicle


Section 25.114(c)(12) Schedule

       The project timeline and major milestones for the launch and operation of the CubeSat

system are provided in the following table. The dates are approximate and contingent upon the

exact launch date (“Time of Launch” or “ToL”), orbit parameters, and unforeseen events during

on-orbit operations.

         Milestone                            Date           Notes
         Fabrication and RF closed loop       March 2014-    ToL - 19 months
         testing                              July 2015
         Delivery for Launch Integration      July 2015      ToL - 3 months
         Pre-launch testing of transmitting   Aug 2015       ToL - 2 months
         Launch                               Oct 2015       ToL + 0
         Release from launch adapter          Oct 2015       ToL + 0hr 30min
         On-orbit check                       Oct 2015       ToL + 24 hours
         Start of experiments                 Oct 2015       ToL + 4 weeks
         Decommissioning                      July 2016      ToL + 9 months
         Re-entry                             Oct 2016       ToL + 17 year
                          Table 10: CubeSat System Major Milestones

Section 25.114(d)(1) General Description of Overall System Facilities, Operations and

       The Tyvak CubeSats provide a platform for on-orbit testing of advanced maneuvering

and proximity operations technologies. The onboard systems on each space vehicle provide

nominal attitude, electrical power, data storage, and command function for a set of mission

payloads. The space vehicles communicate with the Earth stations through a low-rate (9.6 kbps)

half-duplex communications link operating in the UHF band.


        The CubeSat mission will be supported by a UHF Earth station at the Irvine MOC and

several additional Earth stations operated by Tyvak affiliates at sites in North Pole, Alaska;

Bozeman, Montana; and Columbia, Maryland. Tyvak affiliates will seek authorization for each

of the UHF Earth stations in separate applications. The S-band Earth stations will be operated by


        The primary responsibilities of the Irvine MOC will be to command the space vehicle to

initiate the experiments, recover spacecraft engineering telemetry, and manage the function of

the spacecraft. The Earth station equipment comprises a UHF yagi antenna array and UHF

transceiver. The MOC will also have vehicle control workstations and a mission data archive

server. 12 The workstations will serve as the primary interface with the ground controllers and

will be used for data processing, antenna/radio control, and engineering analysis. The mission

data archive server will archive command and telemetry data to support mission operations,

status, troubleshooting, and post-mission assessment.

Section 25.114(d)(3) Predicted Spacecraft Antenna Gain Contours

        The spacecraft UHF antenna is a half wavelength L-dipole antenna, which is essentially

omni-directional when mounted on the corner of a CubeSat structure. A simulation of the

antenna design is shown in Figure 3.

  TT&C data will be received directly from the spacecraft via UHF link; payload data will be
downlinked via S-band to NASA and securely transmitted to the MOC via a VPN over the


                        Figure 3: CubeSat L-Dipole UHF Antenna Gain Plot

       The spacecraft S-band antenna is a microstrip patch antenna possessing a maximum gain

perpendicular to the surface normal to the patch. A generalized antenna gain contour plot is

provided below representing the S-band patch .

                            Figure 4: CubeSat S-band Antenna Gain Plot


       The spacecraft 2.4 GHz antenna is a microstrip patch antenna possessing a maximum

gain perpendicular to the surface normal to the patch. An antenna gain contour plot from the

antenna datasheet is provided below representing the ISM-band ceramic patch

                            Figure 5: CubeSat 2.4 GHz Antenna Gain Plot

Section 25.114(d)(14) Orbital Debris Mitigation

       The CubeSat spacecraft will mitigate orbital debris by the following means:

Section 25.114(d)(14)(i) Limiting the amount of debris released during normal operations
                         and the probability of the satellite becoming a source of debris by
                         collisions with small debris or meteoroids that could cause loss of
                         control and prevent post-mission disposal

       In order to limit the amount of debris generated during normal operations, the CubeSats

have been designed so that all parts will remain attached to the satellite during launch, ejection,

and normal operations. This requirement is intrinsic to all satellites conforming to the CubeSat

Standard and compliance is required for launch using the Poly-Picosatellite Orbital Deployer

(“P-POD”) system.


       The basic geometry of each of the two satellites is a monolithic cubic structure (i.e., 30cm

x 10cm x 10cm) with two pairs of 30cm x 10cm deployable panels. Based on an orbital debris

model (ref. NASA DAS v2), the probability of a single particle impact with a size of

1 millimeter or larger over the mission lifetime is very low (i.e., roughly 1.3 x 10-3). This low

probability of impact for the mission is a result of the small effective area of the space vehicle

(i.e., effective area ~ 0.15 m2) and the relatively short mission duration (i.e., mission life less

than one year).

       Catastrophic system failure due to orbital debris or micrometeoroid impact will not affect

the vehicle’s ability to de-orbit within the guidelines for vehicles operating in LEO (i.e., less than

25 years). Based on the mission orbit of 620 km, the space vehicle is anticipated to re-enter the

atmosphere within 17 year based on lifetime prediction simulations for the current mission epoch

(i.e., launch in CY2015).

Section 25.114(d)(14)(ii) Limiting the probability of accidental explosions during and after
                          completion of the mission operations

       The demonstration of technologies for formation flying and proximity operations are

primary mission objectives for the CubeSats. Thus, each satellite is equipped with small cold-

gas propulsion systems employing low specific impulse, low-pressure gas. The pressure vessel

is made from aluminum, has a volume of 400 ml and an initial pressurization of 83 psi (at

20degC). The vessel has been designed to an ultimate safety factor of 2.5 times the operating

pressure at maximum storage temperature. These vessels will be fully depressurized as a part of

the deorbit maneuver process.

       In addition, the vehicles possess energy storage devices (i.e., Li-ion batteries), which will

be left in a nearly discharged state as part of the decommissioning procedure.


Section 25.114(d)(14)(iii) Limiting the probability of the satellite becoming a source of
                           debris by collisions with large debris or other operational space

       Based on a simple orbital debris model (ref. NASA DAS v2), the probability of the

CubeSats colliding with large debris or other space systems of sizes one centimeter or greater at

the mission orbit altitude and inclination is negligible (i.e., roughly 4x10-6). Although the

vehicles do possess propulsive capability for proximity operations demonstration, station

keeping, and deorbit, no maneuvers to avoid in-orbit collisions are planned for or anticipated.

       The launch provider has instituted deployment procedures in order to place the co-

manifested satellites in the launch vehicle into slightly different orbits in order to reduce the risk

of collision. One of these procedures is to stagger deployment times.

Section 25.114(d)(14)(iv) Post-mission disposal plans for the space station at end of life

       The post-mission disposal plan for the CubeSats includes the transition of all vehicle

systems to a dormant state, which includes the cessation of all radio operations (i.e., transmit and

receive). Energy storage devices will be held at a minimal charge state at the end of the life of

the vehicles. All propellant remaining at end of life will be expended to initiate deorbit, resulting

in anticipated atmospheric re-entry of the satellites within 17 years of mission completion based

on its mission orbit, vehicle mass, geometry and mission epoch (i.e., launch in CY2015).

Although no active de-orbit maneuvers are required to meet the 25 year re-entry guidelines,

Tyvak anticipates accelerating de-orbit using the measures described above.

       Re-entry debris and probability of human casualty will be negligible. The materials used

on the vehicle include aluminum and PCB material, which have a relatively low melting

temperature as compared to other materials such as Ti or stainless steel, and are not expected to

survive reentry.



       The Experimental Licensing Branch should grant Tyvak’s application for five-year

experimental authority to launch and operate two NGSO LEO satellites, which will permit Tyvak

to demonstrate and evaluate advanced proximity operations for NASA customers, adding

valuable on-orbit performance data for future CubeSat Standard satellites.   Tyvak’s experiment

will not cause harmful interference to any licensed service. Tyvak will conduct its experiment

using low-power transmissions in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, the vacant 399.9-400.05 MHz UHF

band, and, pursuant to NASA direction and coordination, in the 2.2 GHz S-band. Further, the

Tyvak operation will meet the Commission’s orbital debris mitigation requirements. Therefore,

Tyvak’s application should be granted at the soonest practicable time.


Document Created: 2014-03-04 09:14:28
Document Modified: 2014-03-04 09:14:28

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