Modification to Add S Band Authority

0157-EX-ML-2015 Text Documents

Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems, Inc.


                          Modification to Add S-Band Authorization
                            and Notification of Additional Satellites
                       File No. 0194-EX-PL-2014 (Call Sign WH2XDU)

       Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems Inc. (“Tyvak”) files this application to modify its existing
authorization for authority to operate experimental non-geostationary (“NGSO”) low earth orbit
(“LEO”) CubeSat satellites. 1 Specifically, Tyvak requests authority to conduct payload
communications downlink (space-to-Earth) transmissions in the 2.2 GHz S-band.

       For clarity, the Cubesats authorized by Tyvak’s existing experimental license have
always included an S-band payload for data downlink transmissions. The operation of the S-band
payload, however, was originally going to remain entirely under the control of NASA.
Therefore, the regulatory authority to operate the S-band payload was to be secured by NASA
through NTIA. 2

       Tyvak has now agreed to undertake additional experimental Cubesat missions on behalf
of both U.S. Government and non-U.S.-government entities beyond the NASA sponsored
Proximity Operations Nano-Satellite Flight Demonstration (“PONSFD”) project that was the
subject of Tyvak’s initial application. During these additional missions, Tyvak will control all
operations of the satellites, including the operation of the S-band payload downlink. Therefore,
Tyvak provides herein the supplemental technical information required to add authorization for
S-band operations to Tyvak’s existing license.

        Tyvak also herein notifies the Commission that it plans to launch and operate additional
CubeSat satellites to carry out further experiments beyond those covered by the PONSFD project
that was the subject of Tyvak’s initial application. The additional satellites will be substantially
similar or identical to Tyvak’s existing satellites and will be fully compliant with the terms of
Tyvak’s existing experimental license. The additional satellites will be used to continue Tyvak’s
investigation and demonstration of satellite capabilities including GPS occultation, earth sensing,
Cubesat maneuverability, station keeping, and satellite flight training. The first of these
additional satellites is scheduled for launch in October 2015.


         Tyvak provided a full description of the operation of its CubeSat communications system
in its initial application. For the purpose of this modification, Tyvak supplements the existing

 Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems LLC, Application for Authority for Ground Testing, Launch,
and Operation of Experimental Non-Geostationary Low Earth Orbit Satellites, File No. 0194-
EX-PL-2014, Call Sign WH2XDU (granted March 4, 2014) (“PONSFD Application”).
 Tyvak included a request for S-band authority in its initial application, see id., but, based on
consultation with NASA, amended the application on June 13, 2014 to remove references to S-
band from the application.

information with discussion pertaining specifically to the S-band communications capabilities of
the spacecraft and Earth stations.

Question 6C. Showing that Existing Communications Facilities are Inadequate

         For the PONSFD program that was the subject of Tyvak’s initial application, the 2,200-
2,290 MHz S-band, was chosen at the direction of NASA to enable downlink directly from the
satellites to pre-existing NASA Earth stations using these frequencies and thus no alternative
existing facilities were available adequate. Subsequent satellites in this experimental program
follow the design of the initial PONSFD satellites, including the use of S-band transmitters for
payload downlink. It would be highly inefficient in both time and expense to abandon the
satellite design—and accumulated operational data—after a single mission. Thus, Tyvak seeks
to continue to use the S-band for the remainder of this 5-year experimental program.

Question 10. Transmitting Equipment to be Installed, Including Manufacturer, Model
             Number and Whether the Equipment is Experimental in Nature

S-Band Communications System

       The CubeSats’ S-band communications system will operate using simplex
communications within the 2,200-2,290 MHz frequency band to downlink recorded payload data
to S-band Earth stations operated by third parties pursuant to a contract with Tyvak.

        The Tyvak UHF Earth station at the Irvine Mission Operations Center (“MOC”) or
Tyvak-affiliated UHF stations at other locations will issue commands in the UHF-band to trigger
the satellite to transmit payload data. Although all commands to spacecraft are delivered by the
MOC via UHF, Tyvak uses time-delay instructions to ensure that all downlink transmissions in
the S-band are initiated only when over the appropriate S-band Earth station.

        The Tyvak MOC will have no transmission or reception capabilities in the S-band. The
S-band Earth stations will relay received communications to the Irvine MOC over a Virtual
Private Network (“VPN”).

                    CubeSat                    Value
                    Emission Designator        1M00G1DDN
                    Service                    Digital Data
                    Band                       2,200-2,290 MHz
                    Requested Bandwidth        1MHz
                    Modulation                 QPSK
                    Data Rate                  1 Mbps
                    Polarization               RHCP
                    Antenna Type               Patch


                       CubeSat                  Value
                       Antenna Gain             +2 dBic (Max)
                    Table 1: Tyvak CubeSat S-Band Communications Parameters

        As with the UHF transmission system described in the initial application, the CubeSats
will communicate with the S-band ground stations only when they are within line-of-sight and
have received a communication directing the spacecraft to initiate transmissions. As a
consequence, the spacecraft will utilize the 2,200-2,290 MHz spectrum band only when in
contact with specified Earth stations and potentially conflicting uses of the band in other regions
of the world are not relevant to this application.

The figure below provides the updated system diagram and S-band components.


                                                                                          ISM Band

                                                                                  Type: ISM Transceiver
                                                                                  Manufacturer: NanoTron
            UHF                                     S-Band                        Model: nanoPan
            Radio                                 Transmitter                     Commercially Available

       Type: UHF Radio                                                            Type: ISM Power Amplifier
                                            Type: S-Band Transmitter
       Manufacturer: Tyvak                                                        Manufacturer: Shireen
                                            Manufacturer: Quasonix
       Model: Endeavour UHF                                                       Model: 1W OEM High Gain
                                            Model: NanoTX
       Custom                                                                     Amplifier Module
                                            Commercially Available
                                                                                  Commercially Available
        Type: UHF Dipole antenna
                                            Type: S-Band Patch
        Manufacturer:                                                             Type: ISM Patch
                                            Manufacturer: Haigh-Farr
        Model: Custom                                                             Manufacturer: Taoglas
                                            Model: Custom Omnislot
        Custom / Experimental
                                            Commercially Available                Model: WLP.2450.25.4.A.02
                                                                                  Commercially Available

             Type: Yagi antenna array (4)
             Manufacturer: M2 Systems
             Model: 400CP30                                                           Type: Dish antenna
             Commercially Available                                                   Size: 13 meter
       Type: Power Amp                                                                Band: S-Band
       Manufacturer: TE Systems                                                       Network: 3rd Party S-Band
       Model: 4452RAS                                                                 Network
                                 Power Amp
       Commercially Available

                                         Radio                             S-Band
                                   Type: UHF Radio
       Mission Operations
                                   Manufacturer: ICOM              Type: S-Band Receiver
             Center                Model: IC-9100
                                                                                                    Data Center
                                                                   Manufacturer: Various
                                   Commercially Available          Commercially Available

                     Mission Operations                                    3rd Party S-Band Network
                      Figure 1: CubeSat System Communications Components

S-Band Transmitter

      The payload downlink S-band system uses a microstrip patch antenna developed by
Haigh-Farr. The antenna is RHCP with a gain greater than 2dBic at the boresight and a
bandwidth of 12 MHz with a voltage standing wave ratio (“VSWR”) of less than 2:1.

      The antenna possesses a maximum gain perpendicular to the surface normal to the patch.
A generalized antenna gain contour plot is provided below representing the S-band patch.3

                                Figure 2: CubeSat S-band Antenna Gain Plot

Question 4:      Antenna Registration Form; Operation of Directional Antenna

       Tyvak seeks authority to test the S-band payload link at its Irvine, CA facility beginning
in August 2015. All testing will be in a carrier current (i.e., closed-loop) configuration and will
produce only unintentional emissions. Under the Commission’s rules, unintentional radiators
operating in the frequency range between 9 kHz to 30 MHz must comply with the radiated
emission limits for intentional radiators as provided in 47 C.F.R. § 15.209.4 As Tyvak’s test
program may marginally exceed these limits, Tyvak seeks experimental authority herein for
emissions in the appropriate ranges at the Tyvak facility.

    47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(3).
    47 C.F.R. § 15.109(e).


Document Created: 2015-07-21 17:06:36
Document Modified: 2015-07-21 17:06:36

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