Final Narrative Update

0281-EX-ST-2018 Pre Coordination Document

Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems INC


                                 Before the
                            Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                         )
Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems Inc.        )
Application for Authority Operation of   )
Experimental Non-Geostationary           )   File No. 0281-EX-PL-2018
Low Earth Orbit Satellites               )

                           NARRATIVE EXHIBIT

                                         Table of Contents

               Question 4.         Antenna Registration Form. Operation of
                                   Directional Antenna ......................................................... 2
               Question 6A. Description of the nature of the research project
                            being conducted ............................................................... 2
               Question 6B. Showing that the communications facilities
                            requested are necessary for the research project .............. 3
               Question 6C. Showing that existing communications facilities are
                            inadequate ........................................................................ 4
               Question 10. Transmitting equipment to be installed, including
                            manufacturer, model number and whether the
                            equipment is experimental in nature ................................ 4
               Question 11A. Is the equipment listed in Item 10 capable of station
                             identification pursuant to Section 5.115 .......................... 7
      THE COMMISSION’S RULES .......................................................................... 7
               Section 25.114(c)(4)(i) Radio Frequency Plan ........................................ 7
               Section 25.114(c)(5)(i) Orbital Locations ............................................. 11
               Section 25.114(c)(10) Physical Characteristics of Satellites ................. 11
               Section 25.114(c)(12) Schedule............................................................. 12
               Section 25.114(d)(1) General Description of Overall System
                             Facilities, Operations and Services ................................ 13
               Section 25.114(d)(3) Predicted Spacecraft Antenna Gain Contours ..... 14
               Section 25.114(d)(14) Orbital Debris Mitigation .................................. 15
               Section 25.114(d)(14)(i) Limiting the amount of debris released
                             during normal operations and the probability of the
                             satellite becoming a source of debris by collisions
                             with small debris or meteoroids that could cause
                             loss of control and prevent post-mission disposal ......... 15
               Section 25.114(d)(14)(ii) Limiting the probability of accidental
                             explosions during and after completion of the
                             mission operations ......................................................... 17
               Section 25.114(d)(14)(iii) Limiting the probability of the satellite
                             becoming a source of debris by collisions with large
                             debris or other operational space stations ...................... 17

                 Section 25.114(d)(14)(iv) Post-mission disposal plans for the space
                               station at end of life ....................................................... 17
III.   CONCLUSION.................................................................................................. 18


                                    Before the
                               Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                )
Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems Inc.               )
                                                )    File No. 0281-EX-PL-2018
Application for Authority Operation of          )
Experimental Non-Geostationary                  )
Low Earth Orbit Satellites                      )

                                    NARRATIVE EXHIBIT

       Tyvak Nano-Satellite Systems Inc. (“Tyvak”) provides nano-satellite and CubeSat space

vehicle products and services that target advanced state-of-the-art capabilities to support

operationally and scientifically relevant missions. With this Application, Tyvak requests a 6

month Special Temporary Authority (STA) for operation of an experimental non-geostationary

(“NGSO”) low earth orbit (“LEO”) CubeSat satellite, designated as PROPCUBE – FAUNA,

referred to as FAUNA from here on. FAUNA will consist of a single technology demonstration

satellite. The FAUNA mission is owned by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Mission

Integration Division (MID) and operated by the Naval Post-Graduate School (NPS). The RF

communications links for the satellite will be two-way telemetry monitoring, and command

(“T&C”) transmissions in the 914 MHz UHF and 450 MHz UHF1 for space-to-Earth downlink

and Earth-to-space uplink transmissions respectively, and payload data space-to-Earth downlink

at a center frequency of 2370 MHz S-Band and 390 MHz. UHF T&C spectrum allocation has

  Authority for the UHF transmission has been granted from the NTIA per the colonyii-m450-
rfas. This application will transmit to stations listed in that NTIA authorization in addition to
stations listed in this application

been already been granted to this mission from the NTIA, this application requests license for

payload S-Band and UHF transmission.


Question 4:    Antenna Registration Form; Operation of Directional Antenna

       FAUNA is a low earth orbit (“LEO”) satellite in a 450 km circular orbit with an orbital

period of approximately 1.6 hours. The satellite will pass over the Earth station roughly one to

twelve times per day depending on its location with an average access time of five to twelve

minutes for each Earth station location. The UHF / S-Band Earth stations will use a computer-

controlled tracking antenna to point the Earth station’s antenna in the direction of the moving

satellites. The UHF Trivec antenna has a maximum gain of 9 dBi along the bore-sight of the

antenna and a half-power beam-width (i.e., -3dB) of approximately 30 degrees. The S-Band M2

antenna has a maximum gain of 18 dBi along the bore-sight of the antenna and a half-power

beam-width (i.e., -3dB) of approximately 15 degrees. The Arecibo antenna is custom and has

approximately 72 dB of gain and a half-power beam-width of less than 1 degree.

        FAUNA is a NGSO satellite, thus the range of antenna azimuth and elevation will vary

based on the relative position of the satellites with respect to the ground station. It will also

differ for each satellite pass. The antenna station software will be used to predict satellite contact

times and antenna pointing angles to support Earth station planning and operations.

Question 6A. Description of the Nature of the Research Project Being Conducted

       Through its technology demonstration satellites, Tyvak validates the technologies needed

to support spacecraft communication systems, position information and the development of

atmospheric sensors and methods for earth exploration satellite services (“EESS”). The program


leverages the inherent relative low costs of CubeSat vehicle manufacture and launch capabilities

to perform testing and demonstrations in real-world conditions, as well as flight training.

Throughout the course of the FAUNA program, Tyvak developed a single satellite to perform a

demonstration of a beacon technology.

       FAUNA adheres to a design specification co-developed by California State University,

San Luis Obispo and Stanford University referred to as the CubeSat Standard. Additional

information regarding the CubeSat Standard can be found at the CubeSat Community website,

       FAUNA was fabricated, tested, and delivered for launch by Tyvak. T&C for the satellites

is being carried out by the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), and Tyvak, as required, via a two-

way link in the UHF band with uplink at 450 MHz, and downlink at 914 MHz.

Question 6B. Showing that the Communications Facilities Requested are Necessary for the
             Research Project

       FAUNA uses a CubeSat platform to collect critical data for improving communication

systems. Both Earth- and space-based communications systems use the outer electrical field of

the Earth’s atmosphere to transmit, bend or bounce message signals. FAUNA performs high-

resolution measurements on the exact position, density and potential vibration of this field to

transmit signals in a more effective manner. FAUNA performs dual-frequency ionospheric

calibration measurements of ionospheric electron density and irregularities to help reduce errors

and delays introduced into radio signals passing through the ionosphere. On-orbit operation is the

only effective way of collecting functional and performance data in the relevant operational

environment, and cannot be adequately substituted by ground testing or computer simulation.

Since this application is only requesting approval for payload data downlink within the S-Band


(2370 MHz) and UHF (390 MHz) frequency range, no associated ground station application is

necessary due to no uplink via these S-Band or UHF frequencies.

Question 6C. Showing that Existing Communications Facilities are Inadequate

       Not applicable for this submission.

Question 10. Transmitting Equipment to be Installed, Including Manufacturer, Model
             Number and Whether the Equipment is Experimental in Nature

       FAUNA only has capabilities for UHF T&C and payload data downlink via S-Band and

UHF. T&C on FAUNA is carried out in the UHF band with uplink at 450 MHz and downlink at

914 MHz. Payload data downlink is carried out on a center frequency of 2370 MHz S-Band and

390 MHz. UHF. The payload has the ability to tune to anywhere in S-Band in the 2360 MHz –

2380 MHz range and UHF in the 380 MHz – 400 MHz range. Figure 1 provides an overview of

the transmitting and receiving components of each element. Payload beacon receive location

coordinates are shown in Table 1.


Figure 1: CubeSat System Communications Components

Station                       Coordinates
NPS (Monterey, CA)            36.3542° N, 121.5229° W
University of Birmingham      52.4862° N, 1.8904° W
(Birmingham, UK)
University of Kyoto (Kyoto, 35.0262° N, 135.7808° E
Arecibo (Puerto Rico)         18.3464° N, 66.7528° W
        Table 1: Payload Beacon Receive Locations


       The transmitting components aboard FAUNA are controlled by a dedicated on-board

processor, which processes data for transmission, sends and receives data from the modem, and

activates the radio system depending on the state of operations. FAUNA possesses a UHF

system for vehicle T&C and an S-Band and UHF TX for payload data beaconing.

       The T&C communications system uses a Tyvak-developed UHF radio derived from

commercially-available UHF communications systems. The radio operates at 9,600 baud using

GMSK. The UHF system will use a custom designed half-wave dipole antenna. The S-Band

transmitter is a commercially designed S-Band Transmitter (NanoTX) from Quasonix. The UHF

component of the payload transmitter is a Tyvak designed downconverter for the S-Band signal.

The payload radios operate at 1 Mbps baud using BPSK. The S-Band system will utilize a

custom patch antenna from Haigh-Farr.

       The T&C ground segment communicates with FAUNA using a unique message

destination address, authentication counts, and/or encrypted data. The receiving components

located at the Earth stations are controlled by dedicated workstations. The workstations are used

for antenna pointing control, Doppler frequency shift corrections, and data processing for

received transmissions. The antennas used (UHF manufacturer/model: TRIVEC / AV 2040-1

YAGI, S-Band manufacturer/model: M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. / 2.4-18R Yagi) and radio

(manufacturer/model: AOS/AR5000A) are commercially available, off-the-shelf units, which

will be modified with additional hardware to function at the requested frequencies. The

University of Birmingham and University of Kyoto do not utilize the S-Band antenna, only UHF.

The Arecibo Earth Station utilizes the same back end setup as the NPS, but has a custom 300 m

dish for both UHF and S-Band.


Question 11A. Is the Equipment Listed in Item 10 Capable of Station Identification
              Pursuant to Section 5.115

       Each transmitting component of the system is capable of station identification at the end

of each complete transmission. The space component will transmit the call sign in every packet

transmitted as part of its frame header. The frame header is not encoded or encrypted.


Section 25.114(c)(4)(i) Radio Frequency Plan

UHF Communications System

       The FAUNA UHF T&C communications system operates using half-duplex

communications with uplink at 450 MHz, and downlink at 914 MHz. FAUNA has already

received an NTIA RFA for the T&C frequencies (Reference: colonyii-m450-rfas). This

application only requests an STA for the payload UHF and S-Band beacon frequencies. The

payload UHF beaconing system down converts the S-Band transmitter signal to 390 MHz. The

payload UHF system has the ability to tune between 380 MHz – 400 MHz range.

Space-to-Earth and Earth-to-Space UHF Communications

       FAUNA has been designed to include several precautions to prevent harmful interference

to other services from space-to-Earth transmissions. First, space-to-Earth satellite transmissions

will be controlled from the Earth station and the spacecraft will not transmit until it receives a

command from the Earth station.

       The spacecraft transceiver uses a packet-based (non-continuous) communications, which

allows command reception between transmissions of packets to provide the ability to command


the satellite to cease space-to-Earth payload transmission operations in a timely manner, if


       The UHF satellite transmitter outputs two watts of power when communicating with the

Earth station. UHF Transmission power on the Earth station transmitter can be adjusted to

provide up to 75 watts of power output. The UHF Payload transmissions are down converted

from the NanoTX transmitter and can provide up to one watt of power output when beaconing to

the Earth Station. The communications parameters for the UHF communications system for the

space-to-Earth and Earth-to-space links are shown in Table 2 - Table 4.

                 CubeSat Communications   Value
                 Emission Designator      115KG1D
                 Service                  Digital Data
                 Center Frequency         914 MHz
                 Bandwidth                115 kHz
                 (includes Doppler)
                 Modulation               GMSK
                 Data Rate                9,600 bps
                 Polarization             Linear
                 Antenna Type             Dipole
                 Antenna Gain             +2 dBi (Max)
                 RF Power Output          2W
                 Line/Misc Losses         -2dB
                 EIRP                     3 dBW
                  Table 2: FAUNA UHF T&C Space-to-Ground Parameters


   Earth Station                Value
   Communications Parameters
   Emission Designator          12K5G1D
   Service                      Digital Data
   Center Frequency             450 MHz
   Bandwidth                    12.5 kHz
   (includes Doppler)
   Modulation                   GMSK
   Data Rate                    9,600 bps
   Polarization                 Linear (H, V) or Circular
   Antenna Type                 Yagi array
   Antenna Gain                 +9 dBi (Max)
   RF Power Output              75 W
   Line Losses                  -3dB
   EIRP                         24.75 dBW
        Table 3: NPS UHF T&C Earth-to-Space Parameters

    CubeSat Communications     Value
    Emission Designator        1M70G1D
    Service                    Digital Data
    Center Frequency           390 MHz
    Requested Bandwidth        1.7 MHz
    (includes Doppler)
    Modulation                 BPSK
    Data Rate                  1 Mbps
    Polarization               Linear
    Antenna Type               Dipole
    Antenna Gain               +2 dBi (Max)
    RF Power Output            1W
    Line/Misc Losses           -2dB
    EIRP                       3 dBW
Table 4: FAUNA Payload Beacon UHF Space-to-Ground Parameters


S-Band Communications System

       The FAUNA S-Band communications system will operate only downlink operations

within the 2360 – 2380 MHz range designated for Satellite Communications. FAUNA will

utilize approximately 1.7 MHz of bandwidth with a 2370 MHz center frequency. The S-Band

system is capable of transmissions up to 1 Mbps.

Space-to-Earth S-Band Communications

       FAUNA has been designed to include the same precautions used for UHF on S-Band as

well, in order to prevent harmful interference to other services from space-to-Earth transmissions.

First, as noted above, space-to-Earth satellite transmissions will be controlled from the Earth

station and the spacecraft will not transmit until it receives a command from the Earth station.

       The spacecraft transceiver uses a packet-based (non-continuous) communications, which

allows command reception between transmissions of packets to provide the ability to command

via UHF the satellite to cease space-to-Earth transmission operations in a timely manner, if


       The S-Band satellite transmitter outputs one watt of power when communicating with the

Earth station.   S-Band is only for downlink operations and thus there are no S-Band

transmissions from the Earth station. The communications parameters for the S-Band downlink

system for the space-to-Earth link are shown in Table 5.


                 CubeSat Communications    Value
                 Emission Designator       1M70G1D
                 Service                   Digital Data
                 Center Frequency          2370 MHz
                 Requested Bandwidth       1.7 MHz
                 (includes Doppler)
                 Modulation                BPSK
                 Data Rate                 1 Mbps
                 Polarization              RHCP
                 Antenna Type              Patch
                 Antenna Gain              +5 dBi (Max)
                 RF Power Output           1W
                 Line/Misc Losses          -2dB
                 EIRP                      6.0 dBW
           Table 5: FAUNA Payload Beacon S-Band Space-to-Ground Parameters

Section 25.114(c)(5)(i) Orbital Locations

       FAUNA is operating in LEO with the orbit parameters shown in Table 6. Each satellite

will have an orbit period of roughly 1.6 hours with typical ground access times of five to twelve

minutes per pass. The orbit parameters are presented in Table 6.

                Parameter                  Units       Value
                Orbit Period               hrs         1.6 hrs
                Orbit Altitude             km          450 km (circular)
                Inclination                deg         51.6 degrees
                              Table 6: CubeSat Orbit Parameters
Section 25.114(c)(10) Physical Characteristics of Satellites

       FAUNA is a nano-class satellite (< 10 kg), in which each element conforms to the

CubeSat Standard. CubeSats can be designed in different sizes as long as they are multiples of

the basic CubeSat standard unit, which is 10×10×10 centimeters, generally referred to as a 1U

CubeSat, meaning one unit in size. FAUNA is a 1U in size, which means each CubeSat will

have the dimensions of approximately 10 x 10 x 10 centimeters. The CubeSat dispenser limits


the total vehicle mass of a 1U CubeSat to less than 1.33 kg. The mass budget is provided in

Table 7.

                        Component / Subsystem         Mass [g] 1U
                        Payload                           250
                        Spacecraft (Subtotal)             916
                          Structure                       300
                          Electrical Power System         300
                          C&DH                            100
                          Communication                   216
                        TOTAL                            1166
                         Table 7: CubeSat Mass Budget per Element

       For power generation, FAUNA is equipped with body-mounted GaAs solar cells that

generate approximately 4 watts of power. Because of the short operational lifetime of the

satellite (i.e., ~3 years), the difference between the beginning-of-life (“BOL”) and end-of-life

(“EOL”) power generation is negligible. To permit operations during eclipse, energy is stored

on-board using Li-ion batteries, with power being distributed to subsystems and components

through the electrical power subsystem circuitry. For operations, the Payload is only powered for

a portion of the total orbit. The EOL power budget is provided in Table 8.

                    Component / Subsystem        EOL Power [mW]
                                                 Orbit Averaged (1U)
                    Payload                      <1
                    Spacecraft (Subtotal)        4000
                      C&DH                       3400
                      Communication              600
                    TOTAL                        4000
                             Table 8: Power Budget for FAUNA

Section 25.114(c)(12) Schedule

       The project timeline and major milestones for the launch and operation of the FAUNA

are provided in Table 9. FAUNA has already been launched and is currently in operation only

for T&C, due to the prior NTIA authorization and lack of S-Band and UHF spectrum allocation


for the payload. The dates are approximate and contingent upon unforeseen events during on-

orbit operations.

          Milestone                         Date            Notes
          Launch                            November        ToL + 0
                                            12, 2017
          Release from launch adapter       December 6,     ToL + 25 days
          On-orbit check                    January 19,     ToL + 32 days
          (T&C only. Awaiting STA for       2018
          UHF and S-Band Beacon
          De-commissioning and Expected May 2021      ToL + 3.6 years
                        Table 9: FAUNA System Major Milestones
Section 25.114(d)(1) General Description of Overall System Facilities, Operations and

       FAUNA provides a platform for an on-orbit beacon communication system.            The

onboard systems on FAUNA provide electrical power, data storage, and command function for

the communication payload. FAUNA communicates with the Earth stations through a low-rate

(9.6 kbps) half-duplex communications link operating in the UHF band.

       The FAUNA mission T&C will be supported by a UHF Earth station at the NPS

Monterey, CA facility. The S-Band and UHF beacons will be received at the University of

Birmingham, Arecibo, University of Kyoto, and NPS facilities.

       The primary responsibilities of the NPS Monterey, CA Mission Operations Center (MOC)

facility will be to command the space vehicle to initiate the experiments, recover spacecraft

engineering telemetry, and manage the function of the spacecraft. The Earth station equipment

comprises two UHF yagi antenna arrays and UHF transceiver. The MOC will also have vehicle


control workstations and a mission data archive server. 2 The workstations will serve as the

primary interface with the ground controllers and will be used for data processing, antenna/radio

control, and engineering analysis. The mission data archive server will archive command and

telemetry data to support mission operations, status, troubleshooting, and post-mission


Section 25.114(d)(3) Predicted Spacecraft Antenna Gain Contours

       The spacecraft payload UHF antenna is a half wavelength L-dipole antenna, which is

essentially omni-directional when mounted on the corner of a CubeSat structure. A simulation

of the antenna design is shown in Figure 2.

                Figure 2: CubeSat Payload L-Dipole UHF Antenna Gain Plot

        The spacecraft payload S-Band patch antenna used for downlink has the following gain
pattern provided by Haigh-Farr is shown in Figure 3.

 T&C data will be received directly from the spacecraft via UHF link; only payload data will be
downlinked via S-band


                 Figure 3: Haigh-Farr Payload S-Band Antenna Gain Pattern

Section 25.114(d)(14) Orbital Debris Mitigation

       The CubeSat spacecraft will mitigate orbital debris by the following means:

Section 25.114(d)(14)(i) Limiting the amount of debris released during normal operations
                         and the probability of the satellite becoming a source of debris by
                         collisions with small debris or meteoroids that could cause loss of
                         control and prevent post-mission disposal

       In order to limit the amount of debris generated during normal operations, FAUNA has

been designed so that all parts will remain attached to the satellite during launch, ejection, and

normal operations. This requirement is intrinsic to all satellites conforming to the CubeSat

Standard, and compliance is required for launch using NanoRacks deployer system.


       The basic geometry of each FAUNA is a monolithic cubic structure (i.e., 10cm x 10cm x

10cm). Based on an orbital debris model (ref. NASA DAS v2.1), the probability of a single

particle impact with a size of 1 millimeter or larger over the mission lifetime is very low (i.e.,

roughly 1.3 x 10-3). This low probability of impact for the mission is a result of the small

effective area of the space vehicle (i.e., effective area ~ 0.001 m2).

       Catastrophic system failure due to orbital debris or micrometeoroid impact will not affect

the vehicle’s ability to de-orbit within the guidelines for vehicles operating in LEO (i.e., less than

25 years). Based on the mission orbit of 450 km, the space vehicle is anticipated to re-enter the

atmosphere within 3.6 years based on lifetime prediction simulations for the current mission

epoch (i.e., launch in Q4 2017). See Figure 4 for details.

                       Figure 4: FAUNA Orbital Lifetime Prediction Plot


Section 25.114(d)(14)(ii) Limiting the probability of accidental explosions during and after
                          completion of the mission operations

       The vehicle possesses energy storage devices (i.e., Li-ion batteries), which will be left in

as discharged a state as possible as part of the decommissioning procedure.

Section 25.114(d)(14)(iii) Limiting the probability of the satellite becoming a source of
                           debris by collisions with large debris or other operational space

       Based on a simple orbital debris model (ref. NASA DAS v2.1), the probability of the

CubeSats colliding with large debris or other space systems of sizes one centimeter or greater at

the mission orbit altitude and inclination is negligible (i.e., roughly 4x10-6).

       The launch provider has instituted deployment procedures in order to place the co-

manifested satellites in the launch vehicle into slightly different orbits in order to reduce the risk

of collision. One of these procedures is to stagger deployment times.

Section 25.114(d)(14)(iv) Post-mission disposal plans for the space station at end of life

       The post-mission disposal plan for the CubeSats includes the transition of all vehicle

systems to a dormant state, which includes the cessation of all radio operations (i.e., transmit and

receive). Energy storage devices will be held at a minimal charge state at the end of the life of

the vehicles. Anticipated atmospheric re-entry of the satellites is within 3.6 years of orbit

insertion based on its mission orbit, vehicle mass, geometry and mission epoch (i.e., launch in

Q4 2017). No active de-orbit maneuvers are required to meet the 25 year re-entry guidelines.

       Re-entry debris and probability of human casualty will be negligible. The materials used

on the vehicle include aluminum and PCB material, which have a relatively low melting

temperature as compared to other materials such as Titanium or stainless steel, and are not

expected to survive reentry.



       Tyvak requests the Experimental Licensing Branch to grant the application for a 6 month

STA to operate the FAUNA NGSO LEO satellite, which will permit the stakeholders to collect

critical data for improving communication systems. The FAUNA experiment benefits the

satellite community at-large by providing a more detailed understanding of the medium through

which space to ground communications occur. Better constraints on the physical parameters of

this medium can inform the design of next generation downlinking systems and other satellite

technologies. This experiment is not expected to cause harmful interference to any licensed

service. The experiment will be conducted in the 380-400 MHz UHF band and 2360 – 2380

MHz S-Band. Further, this program will meet the Commission’s orbital debris mitigation

requirements.   Therefore, we request that this STA application be granted at the soonest

practicable time.


Document Created: 2018-05-30 17:15:04
Document Modified: 2018-05-30 17:15:04

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